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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, April 21, 1997






Includes meeting agenda and minutes, senate bills, and information about student organization conventions.

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    uac000893. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President Senate President Joe Laxague STUDENT SENA TE MEETING 27-16 Monday, April 21,1997 Moyer Student Union Room 201 6:30p.m. Veronica Perez Senate President Pro-Tempore Liberal Arts Leia Fleischman Fine Arts Terry Moore Urban Affairs Joaquin Trujillo Business Jeremy Aguero Hotel Administration Heather Anderson Business Robert Solomon Education William Price Urban Affairs Margaret J. Persch, R.N. Health Sciences Kyle Lopez Student Development Frank Lideros Engineering iiven Amend — usiness Ben Campbell Student Development Stephanie Gonzales Liberal Arts Alesia Hayes Education Nicole Lehman Education Joey Song Business Matt Stark Liberal Arts Heather Hunt Health Sciences Stephanie Poole Hotel Administration Ildiko Lutar Student Development Matthew Knutson Hotel Administration David Shapiro Sciences I. II. III. IV. V. VI. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES ANNOUNCEMENTS BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Director Reports 1. Nevada Student Affairs; DIRECTOR VALERA 2. Elections Board, DIRECTOR REED; 3. Organizations Board, DIRECTOR BONGHI; 4. Entertainment and Programming, DIRECTOR CASTILLO; 5. Office of Student Information DIRECTOR HAMILTON; B. Senate Committee Reports C. Faculty Senate Committee Reports D. Residence Hall Liaison Report E. Business Manager Report PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] SJ cr co VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval for Don Fuller, General Manager, KUNV for trip to Reno on March 24, 1997, to attend meeting held at KUNR concerning radio station business affecting KUNV. (See Attachment 1. This item was tabled at Senate Meeting 27-15.) VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill # 05 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT - ELECT MOORE. (See Attachment 2.) B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Psi Chi Funding Request of $500.00. (See Attachment 3.) CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 8 9 1 5 4 - 2 0 0 9 • (702) 8 9 5 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX ( 7 0 2 ) 8 9 5 - 4 6 0 6 C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of University Association of Social Workers Funding Request of $500.00. (See Attachment 4.) D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Psychology Club Funding Request of $500.00. (See Attachment 5.) E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Rebel Ballroom Club Funding Request of $500.00. (See Attachment 6.) F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Kappa Delta Epsilon Funding Request of $500.00. (See Attachment 7.) G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Pi Sigma Alpha Funding Request of $500.00. (See Attachment 8.) H. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to the Ways and Means Committee. I. Action Item: Discussion/Approval for KUNV's Sports Director, Rob Buska, to make a trip to Reno to broadcast the baseball game between UNLV and UNR which takes place on Tuesday, April 15, 1997. The total cost is $141.00. (See Attachment 9.) J. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill written by CHIEF JUSTICE MOSS and ASSOCIATE CHIEF JUSTICE MCCLAIN regarding the "Freedom of Information Act" as submitted by SENATOR AMEND. (See Attachment 10.) K. Action Item: Discussion/Approval for KUNV's Sports Director, Rob Buska, to make a baseball road trip to Houston, Texas. The total cost is $431.00. (See Attachment 11.) L. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate bill to create a Student Athletic Advisory Board Liaison position as submitted by PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL. (See Attachment 12.) IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XI. ADJOI URNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law(N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. |/UNV„fm « ^ ^ . C O H H U N I T Y RADIO t t r n w u i i i * UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA. LAS VEGAS 4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY BOX 452010 ^ LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89154-2010 £ TEL (702) 895-3877 FAX (702) 895-4857 TO J AARON ROSENTHAL, CSUN PRESIDENT JOYCE GARCIA, MANAGEMENT ASSIS. FROM: DON FULLER, GENERAL MANAGER, DATE: , MARCH 3 1 , 1997 RE: REQUEST FOR ITEM TO BE PLACED ON THE CSUN E-BOARD AND SENATE AGENDAS FOR APPROVAL WE WISH TO REQUEST APPFOVAL FOR DON FULLER, GENERAL MANACER, KUNV FOR TRIP TO RENO TO ATTEND MEETING HELD AT KUNR CONCERNING RADIO STATION BUSINESS .AFFECTING KUNV. DUE TO TIME LIMITATIONS, DON FULLER ATTENDED THIS MEETING ON MONDAY, MARCH 2 4 , 1997 — DID NOT RECEIVE NOTIFICATION OF MEETING UNTIL THURSDAY, MARCH 20TE, THEREFORE, HAD NO TIME TO GET CSUN SENATE OK. EXPENSES FOR THIS TRIP WERE AS FOLLOWS: AIRFARE: ROUND TRIP LAS VEGAS TO RENO MONDAY, 3 / 2 4 / 9 7 SOl'^iTWEST AIRLINES $ 7 4 . 0 0 CAB FARE FROM RENO AIRPORT TO UNR $ 1 5 . 0 0 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 8 9 . 0 0 TM1KS FOR YOUR HELP WITH THE ABOVE. DF:kffi CCs JOE LAXAGUE, CSUN SENATE PRESIDENT JIM MOORE, CSUN BUSINESS MANAGER TRICIA L. NIX, CSUN SENATE SECRETARY ui y d Senate Bill No. 5 of the 27th Session INTRODUCED BY: Senator Terry A. Moore Summary: This bill is intended to insure that incoming, as well as returning, Senators are provided with the necessary training and information to be effective informed representatives of their colleges. We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: (Additions are underlined. Deletions are bracketed) SENATE BYLAW 46 MANDATORY SENATOR RETREAT/WORKSHOP I. PURPOSE The purpose of a mandatory Senator retreat/workshop shall be to promote a team building atmosphere for both new and returning Senators as well as providing them with the necessary procedural and informational skills necessary to function effectively as representatives of their constituents. II. PROCEDURE A. The Senate President shall be responsible for planning and coordinating a Senator retreat/workshop that focuses on developing the necessary skills Senators need to effectively serve as voting members of the Senate. B. The Senate President, or his/her designee, shall insure that all Senate candidates upon applying for the position, are aware of the mandatory requirements of being a Senator, including but not limited to, attendance at weekly Senate meetings and a mandatory introductory retreat/workshop; C. The retreat/workshop shall occur no later than two weeks after Senators are sworn into office with the date to be determined by the Senate President; III. CONSEQUENCES A. If a Senator fails to attend a retreat/workshop and has not made a noticeable effort to address the issue with the Senate President then the following disciplinary actions shall occur: 1. A Senator's stipend shall be reduced in half for every Senate meeting that they attend after a retreat/workshop has occurred. i. It shall be up to that Senator to then make an appointment with the Senate President to conduct a follow-up retreat/workshop. 2. If after four (4) consecutive Senate meetings, a Senator has not attended a retreat/workshop, then they shall immediately be referred to the CSUN Senate Rules & Ethics Committee for further action. WHAT IS WPA/RMPA? WPA, Western Psychological Association, and RMPA, Rocky Mountain Psychological Association are annual conventions that approximately 2,000 psychologists attend. There are many activities that occur during these conventions. Activities include: Invited Programs, prominent psychologists are "invited" to present research; Poster Sessions, researchers present their research on a poster in a session with approximately 30 others; Invited Symposia, two or more authorities in an area of interest present a brief paper or short lecture with discussion following; Exhibitors, publishers and equipment vendors display their books and supplies; and Film Festivals, award-winning films and -videos dealing with the topics of interest to psychologists are presented. There are also social hours and a Dance and Party Night which allow everyone to meet other people with similar interests to their own. The 1997 WPA convention is being held in Seattle, Washington, and the 1997 RMPA convention is being held in Reno, Nevada. Psi Chi and Psychology Club are planning a spring trip to the WPA convention. Members are encouraged to attend this convention and present research, or to attend without presenting in order to simply gain experience. Approximately 30 people go to the WPA convention each year from UNLV. Fundraising events will be scheduled throughout the fall and spring semesters in order to raise money for WPA. Any members wishing to attend WPA will need to participate fully in fundraising activities and planning. If you are interested in attending WPA, the convention dates and registration due date will be posted on the Psi Chi board located by the Psychology Department Office (CBC B 426) as soon as they are available. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact any of the Psi Chi or Psychology Club officers. 1996-97 Senate Bill No. of the 27th Session Written by Jason Moss and Keith W. McLain Introduced by Senator Steven Amend Summary: This bill will enter the "Freedom of Information Act" into the CSUN statutes We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CST Senate, do enact as follows: 1 g 2 330.00 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT en ;; 330.02 Any CSUN officer or official may request information from any CSUN entity, officer, official or member pertaining to official CSUN business 0 0 2 - S r . 330-04 The request must specifically state what type of information is needed and the format in which it should be received. 330.06 Any request received must be responded back to. in writing, no later than four (4) working days from the receipt of that request. Clfcti\cJfan M-rdt I a Senate Bill of the 27th session Submitted by: CSUN President Aaron Rosenthal This bill will enact into the bylaws the position of: STUDENT ATHLETIC ADVISORY BOARD LIAISON I. PURPOSE A. To create a liaison position that will act as representative of the Student Athletic Advisory Board (SAAB) to Student Government. n. REQUIREMENTS A. The Executive Board shall designate a representative who is a member of the SAAB. B. As a CSUN member, the representative will be required to maintain: 1. 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) per semester and cumulative G.P. A; 2. Completion of six credits per semester; 3. Adherence to the CSUN Conduct Code HI. DUTIES, POWERS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. The representative shall be entitled to speak and participate in Senate, Executive Board, Judicial Council, and all other meetings of CSUN entities as allowed by the respective presiding officers. B. The representative will be allowed to submit proposals, through the Executive Board, to the Senate for consideration. LB. HJ1121\ SI University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President 2=3 MINUTES rc-r -j ..-Vv SENATE MEETING 27-16 CD ' < - Monday, April 21,1997 CHO Moyer Student Union ic* *« r ' j Room 201 6:30p.m. cx" o o "J o ; I. CALL TO ORDER: SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE called Senate Meeting 27-16 to order at 6:30 p.m. II. ROLL CALL: PRESENT ABSENT Jeremy Aguero Kyle Lopez(unexcused) Steven Amend Heather Anderson Ben Campbell Leia Fleischman Stephanie Gonzales Alesia Hayes Ildiko Lutar Heather Hunt Matthew Knutson Nicole Lehman Frank Lideros Terry Moore Veronica Perez Stephanie Poole William Price David Shapiro Joey Song Matt Stark Joaquin Trujillo SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE stated that the Senate Secretary is sick; therefore, Joyce will be taping the meeting. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve Minutes for Senate Meeting 27-15 made by SENATOR ANDERSON, onded by SENATOR POOLE. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 8 9 1 5 4 - 2 0 0 9 • (702) 8 9 5 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX ( 7 0 2 ) 8 9 5 4 6 0 6 SENATE MINUTES 27-16/ APRIL 21, 1997 SENATOR ANDERSON corrected page 2, III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, the bottom of ragraph four (SENATOR FLEISHMAN'S correction) that it should read "DC" instead of "CDC". She also corrected page 6, Item C to state that "discussion ensued about the requirement that 2 members must be from the Bylaws Committee" instead of "3'. In addition, she corrected her statements in the XI. GOOD OF THE SENATE on page 12 to read "Valeca" instead of "Alicia" and "SOL" instead of "Soul". Move into a vote. Motion passes 20:0:1. (SENATOR SOLOMON abstained.) IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS: V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Director Reports: 1. NSA DIRECTOR VALERA announced that the Voter Registration Forum is Wednesday and asked for a few more volunteers. He added that the law school is still going through legislature. 2. ORGANIZATIONS BOARD DIRECTOR BONGHI announced a final meeting on April 29 and stated that there will be no new business that night and they will complete some old business from last week. In response to a question, he stated that there are honor scores coming from - office and they're trying to figure out what happens with a //unintelligible// situation. He stated —the box was signed in by the Student Union on Thursday night or Friday morning and it was brought to our office. When I came in that weekend to do some work, it was on my desk opened and there were some honors filled in everywhere //unintelligible// and then we kept it at my desk and they didn't //unintelligible// at the Organization's Board meeting Tuesday night last week. I went to class Tuesday morning and came back from class and they were at my desk and I went to class again and came back later that afternoon and they were mysteriously gone...the box was removed from the office and we have no idea where they are. So, I called over to mail services and they said, 'No one came to pick them back up.' So, I'm assuming that there is somebody from the organization that took them or they have been stolen and we have not heard anything since." SENATOR HAYES stated that if they show up later they'll be used next year. If not, that will be something that she'll have to //unintelligible//. DIRECTOR BONGHI stated, "We've discussed this already...the options. We don't know what we're going to do yet. We're hoping that they turn up...I personally think someone took them because the box was open..." SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE stated that there is a possibility that the EXECUTIVE BOARD might reimburse the organization and LTO, but they haven't made that decision yet. 3. ENTERTAINMENT & PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR CASTILLO stated that Friday was the last day of the Spring Fling, the last event of the semester. He thanked everyone for participating. He stated that about 3000 students attended by the end of the night, so it was a good ~y to end the semester. He stated that he'll be leaving a list as far as events following for the Fall ^ r E&P to help them run the beginning of office. In response to a question, he stated that there were 2 SENATE MINUTES 27-16/ APRIL 21, 1997 no problems at the event and everything ran smoothly; and he couldn't answer why there might have ;en high school students at the event. 4. OFFICE OF STUDENT INFORMATION DIRECTOR HAMILTON announced that Wednesday, April 30, at 1:00 p.m. they're going to have an operations ceremony and lunch for the new Executive Board. She also announced that on Thursday, May 1, will be the official inauguration. B. Senate Committee Reports: 1. SENATOR AGUERO stated that they didn't have a meeting today, but have a meeting next week at 5:30 p.m. in the Senate Chambers. 2. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN announced that Campus Safety and Awareness met and made quorum, except one Senator. She stated that each of the committee members will bringing a goal for the committee and asked for input from everyone. 3. SENATOR PRICE stated that Ways and Means did not meet last Wednesday, but they will meet this Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.. 4. SENATOR MOORE announced that every computer in the office, except Heather's, has a CSUN folder underneath Microsoft Word which has the format for committee agendas (comagen.doc); the CSUN file also has all the other information needed to submit an agenda item or write a resolution, etc.. He encouraged everyone to use it. C. Faculty Senate Committee Reports: 1. SENATOR MOORE announced that the incoming Executive Board will be meeting with the Faculty Senate tomorrow. 2. SENATOR PRICE announced the Urban Affairs Dean Search is down to 3 candidates and they're meeting this Wednesday. He also stated that there is a committee that's looking into reservations concerning the //unintelligible//; they're meeting tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. and he needs a proxy. SENATOR MOORE volunteered. 3. SENATOR SOLOMON stated that the College of Education Dean Search has finally ended and they're meeting with their attorney, getting everything ready. 4. SENATOR PERSCH stated that the Dean Search for Health Sciences will have final meetings today and tomorrow. 5. SENATOR AMEND stated that there will be a Faculty Senate Admissions Committee meeting this Friday at 2:30 p.m. to discuss their agenda. C. Residence Hall Liaison Report: 3 SENATE MINUTES 27-16/ APRIL 21, 1997 LEAH GRIFFITH announced that on Friday there will be an Coffee House in the Dining ommons and Sunday will be the //unintelligible// at the Residence Hall. E. Business Manager Report: BUSINESS MANAGER JIM MOORE read the expenditures for the week: $50.00 for a recognition plaque, $72.58 for banquet items, $48.80 for an appreciation plaque for the Retreat, $175.00 for plaques and nameplates for the new E-Board, $15.80 for the water bill, and $131.80 for ink cartridges for the fax machine. He also stated that they have a total of 16 applications for the CSUN Leadership Scholarships and there is going to be approximately $6500.00 to be distributed. In response to a question, SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE PEREZ stated that they ordered the appreciation plaque for Joel Kostman a month before the Retreat took place and they are forwarding one to Valeca. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] Former SENATOR SCHIFF apologized for his actions during the Senate lobbying trip in January; he stated, "Senate actions are not addictive of my personality and brought shame to not only myself, but this body. To do this I am truly sorry. I would also like to express my personal pride for using this experience as a turning point in my life..." He also thanked everyone that supported him. //Applause//. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN thanked former SENATOR SCHIFF for coming to the Senate. SENATOR SOLOMON reminded everyone that registration starts April 28 for the Fall Semester in CED-117 for returning students from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.. and then on April 29 in the same place at the same time. CHIEF JUSTICE MOSS announced that they had their first meeting for the Mediation program. He stated that he's in the process of contacting other schools with similar programs and they'll have another meeting in about two weeks. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval for Don Fuller, General Manager, KUNV for trip to Reno on March 24, 1997, to attend meeting held at KUNR concerning radio station business affecting KUNV. (This item was tabled at Senate Meeting 27-15.) SENATOR SOLOMON asked if Don Fuller was present. Motion to Remove from the Table made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. Move into a vote. Motion to Remove from the Table passes 19:0:2. (SENATORS uOLOMON and POOLE abstained.) 4 SENATE MINUTES 27-16/ APRIL 21, 1997 SENATOR FLEISCHMAN stated that she'd like to vote on the item now; it has been tabled twice already and Don Fuller still hasn't responded. In response to a question, BUSINESS MANAGER JIM MOORE stated that he had talked to Don Fuller on the phone and he had said that he (Don Fuller) would be at the meeting. SENATOR PRICE stated that Don Fuller is the General Manager and we ask him to do things to benefit the station; he doesn't think this is rubber stamping; Don Fuller cares about the station and wouldn't do anything to hurt the station. SENATOR SOLOMON stated that he has faith in Don Fuller's decision, but he is required to ask for approval and he did not do that. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN stated that the reason she feels that this is rubber stamping is because it was obviously not important enough to take 2 minutes to type a little note to explain why he must go to the meeting, why it couldn't be done over the phone, here's why I had to do it late. SENATOR AMEND stated he doesn't see why this can't be approved because Don Fuller is the General Manager. SENATOR HAYES stated that she's sure that Don Fuller cares about the station, but it's not 'lecting the students and wants to know how SENATOR AMEND is sure about his opinion. JIM MOORE stated, "The Executive Board is currently working on a program to separate radio station KUNV from the Student Government. This meeting was to go up to UNR to see how they went through the same process. The time span that was called for was relatively short. I'll let you make the determinations on that." SENATOR FLEISCHMAN asked to confirm that we're paying for a meeting just to have KUNV separate from Student Government. In response, JIM MOORE stated that this was just the purpose of that meeting. Move into a vote. Motion passes 11:7:3. (SENATORS ANDERSON, HAYES, PERSCH, SONG, CAMPBELL, SOLOMON, and FLEISCHMAN opposed, SENATORS POOLE, LUTAR, and GONZALES abstained.) VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill # 05 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT - ELECT MOORE. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR LUTAR, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. Motion to Commit to Bylaws made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR PRICE. 5 SENATE MINUTES 27-16/ APRIL 21, 1997 Move into a vote. Motion to commit to Bylaws Committee passes 20:1:0. (SENATOR AMEND opposed.) B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Psi Chi Funding Request of $500.00. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR POOLE, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN stated that "this is one of the best funding requests we've ever gotten." CHIEF JUSTICE MOSS stated that they're having psychology classes //unintelligible// effort to raise money. He stated that they've already had bake sales for this and item D. Move into a vote. Motion passes 21:0:0. C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of University Association of Social Workers Funding Request of $500.00. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. In response to a question, Ms. RAUSSELLN stated that the reception is not open to all ldents, but anyone that pays the cost can come; they've already raised $300.00. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19:0:2. (SENATORS FLEISCHMAN and ANDERSON abstained.) D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Psychology Club Funding Request of $500.00. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. In response to a question, CHIEF JUSTICE MOSS stated everything they did all year . Move into a vote. Motion passes 19:0:2. (SENATORS AMEND, SOLOMON, and LUTAR abstained.) E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Rebel Ballroom Club Funding request of $500.00. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR SOLOMON, seconded by SENATOR PERSCH. In response to a question, SHANE MAGER stated that the location will be the MSU Ballroom; and they hired an orchestra. Move into a vote. Motion passes 21:0:0. 6 SENATE MINUTES 27-16/APRIL 21, 1997 F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Kappa Delta Epsilon Funding Request of $500.00. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR HUNT. In response to a question, SCOTT BOLSHADY stated why they didn't chose to use a specific elementary school. Move into a vote. Motion passes 21:0:0. G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Pi Sigma Alpha Funding Request of $500.00. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN stated that this funding request was difficult to read and there wasn't a representative present to explain it. SENATOR SOLOMON suggested having funding requests typed. SENATOR PRICE stated that they also had a hard time reading it. An unanimous member stated that they had a booth set up at the Unity Fest and Spring Fling; He explained the funding request in more detail by stating that a past event did not take place, they bought T-shirts, popcorn, etc. to sale. : m k ;; u.'.,,-- Move into a vote. Motion passes 21:0:0. H. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to the Ways and Means Committee. Motion to nominate SENATOR ANDERSON made by SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. SENATOR TRUJILLO arrives at approximately 6:50 p.m.. Motion to close nominations made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. Move into a vote. Motion passes 22:0:0. Move into a vote. Motion to approve SENATOR ANDERSON to the Ways and Means Committee passes 22:0:0. SENATE MINUTES 27-16/ APRIL 21, 1997 I. Action Item: Discussion/Approval for KUNV's Sports Director, Rob Buska, to make a trip to Reno to broadcast the baseball game between UNLV and UNR which takes place on Tuesday, April 15, 1997. The total cost is $141.00. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR HUNT. BUSINESS MANAGER JIM MOORE reminded everyone that this item was already approved in Senate Meeting 27-14. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE remarked that he meant to note that this item is out of order. J. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill written by CHIEF JUSTICE MOSS and ASSOCIATE CHIEF JUSTICE MCCLAIN regarding the "Freedom of Information Act" as submitted by SENATOR AMEND. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR AMEND, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. Motion to Commit to Bylaws made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. Move into a vote. Motion to commit to Bylaws Committee passes 22:0:0. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN inquired about putting a bill number on this item, and SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE responded that they'll let Bylaws put a number on it. K. Action Item: Discussion/Approval for KUNV's Sports Director, Rob Buska, to make a baseball road trip to Houston, Texas. The total cost is $431.00. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. In response to questions, ROB BUSKA stated that this item "is an important support device for the Rebel Baseball team who dropped the past five years to go back and check the records of the sports teams with respect to women's sofitball and the golf team; the baseball team has been the most successful team here; it hasn't been the basketball team or the football team; KUNV is the only broadcaster of Rebel Baseball...back in June at the end of the fiscal year I was told, basically a verbal agreement by Don Fuller, that there is no money in the KUNV budget for road trips regardless whether it's football, basketball, or baseball. If you are to take any (road trips), you have to go out and you have to, in layman's terms, sell advertising in order to bring in money, which I did...well, a couple of weeks ago we were apparently...there's no more money for trips. So, I was a little perturbed by what I did...the most recent contract on Friday, I wanted to try and raise some money for this trip, so I went out and...I got then as much as $300.00. I made sure that the contracts specifically said...that he'll make the donation in the amount of $300.00 to be used for sports travel...The only \son it's on the agenda is because I did bypass him (Don Fuller) last week and Don mentioned to me that 'leave it with me. I'll take it down to E-COM and we'll see if its even worthwhile to put on 8 SENATE MINUTES 27-16/ APRIL 21, 1997 the agenda.' Well, he ended up going home sick that day. If I wouldn't have taken the initiative to go own wouldn't be on the agenda today. The trip is Thursday and my original request was submitted by March 25." SENATOR FLEISCHMAN thanked Rob for going through and doing all this work. She also suggested that Rob go and check with the new Senate President, Terry Moore, and make sure that it's on the agenda. She stated that our agendas are also published and posted downstairs. In response to a question, SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE stated that this would be coming out of the KUNV account, which is ultimately our account at the end of the year. Move into a vote. Motion passes 22:0:0. L. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate bill to create a Student Athletic Advisory board Liaison position as submitted by PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL. Motion to Commit to Bylaws made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. Move into a vote. Motion to commit to Bylaws Committee passes 22:0:0. IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - ELECT MILLS thanked everyone for coming to the banquet this past Friday; he's looking forward to the new school year; and wished everyone good luck on Bylaws. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL commented on articles in the Rebel Yell and that he's not going to write a response. He also mentioned a social gathering for the inauguration for the new Executive Board on Wednesday, May 1; then the next day, Thursday at noon, there will be a formal inaugural ceremony. He stated that next week's Regents meeting is Thursday and Friday and encouraged everyone to rearrange their schedules to go there and get involved. He stated that he supports President Harter a 100%, always has, and will continue to support her. Lastly, pertaining to the whole RA/Student Senate issue, he stated that they rewrote the policy to allow the RA's to work more than 5-10 hours outside the RA, but an advisor and supervisor will monitor the situation and he mentioned that it will probably go through the Student Senate as a resolution. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE thanked the Rebel Yell for printing the full text of his and PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL'S letter and guessed that it showed some shred of decency and honesty. He also thanked them for proving many of his and Aaron's points. He stated, "if we wanted to 'shift the blame elsewhere', we would have shut up about 3 weeks ago and nobody would ever have talked about it again. We brought attention and negative light on ourselves just to prove a point and just to make you aware of what we thought was going on. The fact is that 'the Dining Commons has only en used 2 times as far as this election.' We never said that it has been used more than once before; ~~r»e only mentioned last year. 'It's illegal to put it in the dining commons;' that's nice that...on our 9 SENATE MINUTES 27-16/ APRIL 21, 1997 behalf he's consulting attorneys around town in the elections department, but we were never informed ' any of that. We really can't consult with UNLV legal council about our problems either. 'The constitution clearly states that the polling location shall be determined by the Elections Board.' The Elections Board and the Elections Director are not even mentioned in the constitution...basically a boldface lie. I went through and read every line. It's not in there. 'A gray area of the constitution,' again, there's is no gray area in the constitution. It states so specifically that the Senate has power over anything not mentioned...we didn't make a personal attack on Wavie Reed. We attacked the decision that he made and the way in which he made it. I think that he ran, overall, a very clean election with no bias toward the candidates, and that's something that we haven't had in a couple years in my opinion. 'Dislike for Joe Mills' we covered that last time. It's ridiculous. 'The '95 election, Rosenthal's probably still bitter that he couldn't disqualify his opponent;' I was the one that wrote that into the letter. Aaron didn't even bring it up...wasn't even at the meeting...'Asserting him as the Advisor of Student Government,' Aaron and I based that assertion mostly on circumstantial evidence, and then the Rebel Yell was kind enough to supply direct evidence, writing their...editorial. They say that they've never advocated him as the advisor and then they turn around on the next line and tell us how great he would be to be the advisor; so, that's interesting. The fact that 'we