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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, May 01, 1995






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 25 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000823. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President RECEIVED CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS. STUDENT COVERNHENT CFCS. UNlVERSiTY OF XEVAOA LA'j VtOAS APR 25 6 36 PM '95 Patrick T.C. Smith Walt C Vodrazka, Jr. Engineering Jamie J. Fox Education Scott D. Schwartz. Hotel Administration Shawna J. Campbell Liberal Arts Terence Carroll Student Development Keith W. McLain Science & Mathematics Leia Fleischman Fine & Performing Arts Kirstin Anderson Liberal Arts Terry A. Morrow Communications Joe Laxague " isiness & Economics ward A. Rivera Business & Economics Laura Zurek Hotel Administration Julie Wong Education Carl Tolbert Liberal Arts Steven W. Eisen Business & Economics Geoffrey Fayyad Student Development Terry A. Moore Studies Jonathan Schiff Hotel Administration Sandra Shelling Health Sciences iVadia Deluca Student Development / M-A. X AGENDA SENATE MEETING 25-18 MONDAY, MAY 1,1995 MOYER STUDENT UNION 201 6:30P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 25-14,25-15,25-16 & 25-17 ANNOUNCEMENTS BOARD & COMMITTEE REPORTS JC. SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS /C Rules & Ethics, CHAIR SCHWARTZ y . Campus Safety & Awareness,CHAIR FLEISCHMAN af Bylaws, CHAIR MCLAIN / d . Ad hoc Constitutional Revision, CHAIR CAMPBELL Ways & Means, CHAIR F#X J s Student Health Liaison, SENATOR RIVERA * of Ad hoc Student Health Committee, CHAIR SMITH yet VACANT SENATE SEATS y . Architecture (1) / BUSINESS MANAGEMENT REPORTS Consolidated Student Business Manager KUNV91.5FM jzl Residential Hall Liaison FACULTY SENATE SEAT REPORTS VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [In accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)]. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS PAGE 1 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA. 4505 SOTRM M»nvi 4«n P»awu/4V • I i s UU.E kla.»< 001 <U.5nnQ . HM\ o o c i m . rim\ o o c . j e n c SENATE AGENDA 25-18 / MONDAY, MAY 1, 1995 Approval of Shannon Siciliano as Chief Justice (tabled at meeting 25- 17 on 04/24/95); Approval of Zenzee Rios as Associate Chief Justice (tabled at meeting 25- 17 on 04/24/95); VII. NEW BUSINESS Approval of a monthly stipend of $1,000.00 and a 48 credit fee waiver for the 1995-96 Student Body President, John Pida, to be encumbered from the 2702 (Gen)account; B. Approval of a monthly stipend of $750.00 and a 48 credit fee waiver for the 1995-96 Student Body Vice President, Joe Mills, to be encumbered from the 2702 (Gen) account; C. Approval of a monthly stipend of $750.00 and a 48 credit fee waiver f@r the 1995-96 Student Senate President, Patrick T.C. Smith, to be encumbered from the 27®2 (Gen) account; Nomination/Election of a Student Senate President Pr« Tempore for the , remainder of the 25th Senate Session; E. Approval of a monthly stipend of $300.0® and a 24 credit fee waiver for the remainder of the 25th Senate Session for the Student Senate President Pro Tempore to be encumbered from the 2702 (Gen) account; IX. ©PEN DISCUSSION X. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with the Nevada Open Meeting Law (NRS 241.00) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union Frank & Estella Beam Hall Flora Dungan Humanities Bldg. Wright Hall Thomas Beam Engineering Complex PTCS/bag PAGE 2 University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President MINUTES SENATE MEETING 25-18 MONDAY, MAY 1,1995 MOYER STUDENT UNION 201 6:30P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH called the meeting to order at 6:34p.m. H. ROLL CALL PRESENT Kirstin Anderson Shawna Campbell Terence Carroll (late) Steven Eisen Geoffrey Fayyad Leia Fleischman (late) Joe Laxague Keith McLain Terry Moore Terry Morrow Edward Rivera Scott Schwartz Carl Tolbert Walt Vodrazka (late) Julie Wong Laura Zurek Sandra Shelling Nadia Deluca III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to approve minutes 25-14, 25-15, & 25-16 made by SENATOR CAMPBELL, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN enters the meeting at 6:36p.m. Corrections are as follows: S enate Minutes 25-15: SENATOR SCHWARTZ stated that the Faculty Senate meetings were at 3:00p.m.; and that in Open Discussion he stated that President Boixo can say others are ignorant, but if she looked at the numbers she would see she's wrong. PAGE 1 ABSENT Jamie Fox (excused) Jonathan Schiff (excused) CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA. 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • Us VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE MINUTES 25-18 / MAY 01, 1995 SENATOR FLEISCHMAN stated that Bylaw 43 would have to be waived for item D because the breakdowns were not put in the Senate boxes in time. Senate Minutes 25-16: SENATOR MCLAIN stated that he was a proxy for Senators Campbell and Schwartz for the Faculty Senate Admissions meeting. Move into a vote. Motion passes 15-0-0. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS SENATOR VODRAZKA enters the meeting at 6:37p.m. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PIDA stated that the Softball game was good; he had a meeting with Dr. Ackerman to discuss how the $3.00 increase would be used, but nothing is concrete yet; there is a person in the gallery who will be giving her thoughts during Public Comment on the cutbacks that are being proposed. STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT MILLS stated that he's glad to back in CSUN and he's looking forward to working with everyone. SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH stated that he would like the Senators to stand up when they are speaking to the rest of the Senate. V. BOARD & COMMITTEE REPORTS A. SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Rules & Ethics, CHAIR SCHWARTZ - a possible infraction has been brought to his attention, so he would like his committee members to get with him after the Senate Meeting. b. Campus Safety & Awareness, CHAIR FLEISCHMAN - thank you to the Senate for appointing the two new members of her committee; Bylaw 39 will need to be discussed by her committee. c. Bylaws, SENATOR MCLAIN - he is working on a quick referral for the Bylaws for the Senate. d. Ad hoc Constitutional Revision, SENATOR CAMPBELL - needs summer schedules from her committee members. e. Ways & Means, SENATOR FOX - no report. f. Student Health Liaison, SENATOR RIVERA - he is just wondering if the Senate will need to appoint a new Chair for the Ad hoc Student Health Committee. g. Ad hoc Student Health Committee, CHAIR SMITH - he stated that if the Senate didn't have a problem with it he would like to continue as the Chair; the committee will be having a company in to check out the Student Health Center and see what can be done to make them more efficient in the future. B. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT REPORTS a. Consolidated Student Business Manager, report given by ASSISTANT MANAGER WILLIAMS - she is unable to give a report because MANAGER CALLISON wasn't in the office today to give her the paperwork for the meeting. PAGE 2 SENATE MINUTES 25-18 / MAY 01, 1995 b. KUNV 91.5 FM-no report. c. Residential Hall Liaison - no report. C. FACULTY SENATE SEAT REPORTS a. Rebel Yell Advisory Board, SENATOR TOLBERT - he needs a proxy for the next meeting on Wednesday at 12:00noon, it's important because they will be interviewing for the new Editor. b. Scholarship, SENATOR SCHWARTZ - he will need a proxy for the meeting on Wednesday at 3:00p.m. in the Library room 107. c. Curriculum, SENATOR MOORE - he made contact with the Chair and they will not be having another meeting until late May. SENATOR CARROLL enters the meeting at 6:47p.m. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [In accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)]. Michelle Defazio, a representative for Students Against Cutbacks stated that John Ensing has told the public that going to college is a personal choice to incur a debt and to make more money. A vote is being taken in two weeks for cutbacks in scholarships and grants. She is asking for help from students to make calls and spread the word. The majority of parents with high school students have not been made aware that these cutbacks could be approved and will have an affect on their child. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Approval of Shannon Siciliano as Chief Justice (tabled at meeting 25-17 on 04/24/95); Motion to remove form the table made by SENATOR MORROW, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. Motion to allow the candidate to speak for no more than 2 minutes followed by question and answer session made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. Move into vote. Motion passes 18-0-0. Shannon Siciliano stated her qualifications for the position of Chief Justice. SENATOR CARROLL asked if she had any legal experience and if she planned to go into the law field? Ms. Siciliano stated that she has not had any legal experience besides her experience as a Justice, and that she had not decided if she would be going into law. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN asked if she knows the responsibility of the Chief Justice? Ms. Siciliano stated that yes she did know the responsibilities, the main responsibility being to preside over the Judicial Council. Move into a vote. Motion passes 16-0-2. SENATORS CARROLL and FLEISCHMAN abstained. VIII. NEW BUSINESS PAGE 3 SENATE MINUTES 25-18 / MAY 01, 1995 A. Approval of a monthly stipend of $1,000.00 and a 48 credit fee waiver for the 1995-96 Student Body President, John Pida, to be encumbered from the 2702 (Gen) account; Motion to approve made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR MORROW. Motion to table the item per Bylaw 4 made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR SCHWARTZ. Move into a vote. Motion passes 15-0-3. SENATORS MORROW, FAYYAD, and TOLBERT abstained. Motion to combine items B,C & E made by SENATOR CARROLL, seconded by SENATOR EISEN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 15-2-1. SENATORS FLEISCHMAN and ZUREK opposed. SENATOR MORROW abstained. B. Approval of a monthly stipend of $750.00 and a 48 credit fee waiver for the 1995-96 Student Body Vice President, Joe Mills, to be encumbered from the 2702 (Gen) account; C. Approval of a monthly stipend of $750.00 and a 48 credit fee waiver for the 1995-96 Student Senate President, Patrick T.C. Smith, to be encumbered from the 2702 (Gen) account; E. Approval of a monthly stipend of $300.00 and a 24 credit fee waiver for the remainder of the 25th Senate Session for the Student Senate President Pro Tempore to 1 be encumbered from the 2702 (Gen) account; i Motion to approve combined items B,C & E made by SENATOR SCHWARTZ, seconded by SENATOR TOLBERT. Motion to table per Bylaw 4 made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR SCHWARTZ. Move into a vote. Motion passes 18-0-0. D. Nomination/Election of a Student Senate President Pro Tempore for the remainder of the 25th Senate Session; SENATOR ZUREK nominated SENATOR SCHWARTZ, and was seconded by SENATOR EISEN. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN nominated HERSELF, and was seconded by SENATOR ZUREK. SENATOR TOLBERT nominated SENATOR CAMPBELL, and was seconded by SENATOR LAXAGUE. SENATOR FAYYAD nominated SENATOR MOORE, and was seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. SENATOR MCLAIN nominated SENATOR RIVERA, and was seconded by SENATOR CARROLL. Motion made to close nominations and allow each candidate to speak for no more than two minutes followed by limited question and answers and a roll call vote to elect the top two candidates to be voted on at the next Senate meeting by SENATOR CARROLL, ^ seconded by SENATOR MCLAIN. PAGE 4 SENATE MINUTES 25-18 / MAY 01, 1995 Move into a vote. Motion passes 18-0-0. Each candidate spoke and listed their reason for desiring the position of Senate President Pro Tempore (refer to the audio tapes for specifics). Move into a roll call vote. Roll Call vote yielded the following results: SENATOR SCHWARTZ 2 votes, SENATOR FLEISCHMAN 1 vote, SENATOR CAMPBELL 10 votes, SENATOR MOORE 8 votes, SENATOR RIVERA 6 votes, with 9 abstentions. SENATORS CAMPBELL and MOORE being the top two candidates. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION SENATOR FLEISCHMAN - hoped finals go well for everyone, and Stress Busters will be the last event ever for Program Council on Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00a.m.- 2:00p.m. SENATOR LAXAGUE - told the Senate he will be out of town most of the summer, and wished everyone good luck on finals. SENATOR CAMPBELL - only nine people out of the seventeen that signed up went on the trip to Higher Education Day, and President Boixo called her at 11:00a.m. the night before to tell her she couldn't go. The consensus of the group was that they were set up, everyone else was in business attire and there was no open discussion, they had no materials to show what the school had planned for the future. The only positive thing to come out of the trip was the time that they spent together and seeing UNR's Student Government. SENATOR TOLBERT - the Senate needs to help do something about the cutbacks; Higher Education Day was a joke; the best thing that President Boixo has done was to pack up her office and leave; the softball game was good, and thanks to the people who helped out with it. SENATOR SHELLING - no comment. SENATOR DELUCA - no comment. SENATOR FAYYAD - expressed his concern with the financial aid cut backs, he depends on financial aid to go to school; we were completely unprepared for Higher Education Day. SENATOR ANDERSON - this was her last meeting; and she had planned to go to Higher Education Day but she is glad she didn't go. SENATOR RIVERA - no comment. SENATOR EISEN - wished the Senate good luck; Congratulations to Senators Moore and Campbell; the softball game was great; stated that this was also his last Senate meeting and took the opportunity to read his letter of resignation. SENATOR VODRAZKA - this is also his last Senate meeting, he has had fun; at the next meeting be sure to listen to all the arguments carefully; he is still sore from the softball game. SENATOR MCLAIN - welcome to the new Executive Board; good luck on finals. SENATOR CARROLL - the Higher Education Day was good experience; good luck on finals; the softball game was fun. SENATOR MOORE - encouraged everyone to read about the cut backs; congratulations to Senator Campbell and the new administration; goodbye to all the graduating Seniors; the softball game was fun. PAGE 5 SENATE MINUTES 25-18 / MAY 01, 1995 SENATOR MORROW - she had the same feelings that were already expressed about Health Education Day; congratulations on winning the softball game; she felt that the stipends seemed insultingly high; good luck on finals. SENATOR WONG - welcome to the new administration; she doesn't think that she will be here for most of the summer so she may have to resign. SENATOR ZUREK - no comment. SENATOR SCHWARTZ - good luck on finals; congratulations to the new Executive Board; thanks for the votes; his Birthday is on Wednesday, so don't expect to see him in the office. VICE PRESIDENT MILLS - stated that he is looking forward to the great year ahead. PRESIDENT PIDA - responded to Senator Morrow's comment by saying that her comment was insulting; he was against Higher Education Day to begin with, but it helped everyone who went to appreciate what CSUN has; hopes that the Senate will be able to make quorum over the summer; congratulations to Shannon Siciliano. SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH - stated that the next Senate meeting would be on May 15th at 6:30p.m.; under the Kostman's and Held's administrations Senators were sent to the Board of Regents meetings, he would like to see that brought back; he felt like a complete ass up at Health Education Day; the softball game was great, thanks to Senator Tolbert; congratulations to Senators Vodrazka, Eisen, Anderson, and Siciliano; encouraged the Senate to come talk to him about the President Pro Tempore position. X. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn made by SENATOR CARROLL, seconded by SENATOR EISEN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-1-0. SENATOR VODRAZKA opposed. The meeting is adjourned at 7:50p.m. Patrick T.C. Smith SENATE PRESIDENT PAGE 6