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uac000798. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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25th Silver A/wuvtrsary Session UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS Consolidated Students-University of Nevada STUDENT SENATE AGENDA SENATE MEETING 25-01 November 7,1994 6:00 p.m. Moyer Student Union 201 I. CALL TO ORDER n. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH TO THE OFFICE OF THE STUDENT SENATE FOR THE TWENTY-FIFTH SILVER ANNIVERSARY BY CHIEF JUSTICE. i ^ . v. v , ,i V" , , in. STATE OF THE SENATE ADDRESS IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. REPORTS Directors (Elections, E & P, NSA, OSI, O-Board, Student Services, Yearbook) Business Management : > '} - KUNV VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS • A. Nomination/election of a Senate President Pro-Tempore for the 25th Silver Anniversary SeSsionr(maj.)-£ r> , __ . B. Nomination/appointment of vacant Senate Seats, (maj.) One (1) Architecture .;fs , One (1) Business and Economics One (1) Education 'v • Two (2) Hotel Administration One (1) Liberal Aits One (1) Student Development One (1) Studies /„ 4505 South Maryland Parkway • Lai Vegas, Nevada 89154-2009 * (702) 895-3477 * Fax (702) 895-4606 Page 2 Senate Meeting 25-01 C. Approval of an amount not to exceed $ 1,700 out of the 2702 (Gen.) for the NACA trip for the Directorship of Entertainment & Program, (maj.) D. Selection of a student representative for the UNLV Search Committee for Vice President of Finance and Administration, (maj.) E. Executive Board Expenditure Authorization as permissible by the CSUN Constitution. (2/3) F. Override of President veto issued October 26, 1994 by the Student Body President Boixo of (per veto notice) "Items G, H, I, J, under item VI of New Business on page 2 of CSUN Senate Agenda 24-36. (2/3) vni. OPEN DISCUSSION IX. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (NRS 241.00) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union Frank & Estella Beam Hall Flora Dungan Humanities Building Wright Hall Thomas Beam Engineering Complex JWR:tbm agnd2501 University of Nevada, Las Vegas Office of the Senate P r e s i d § ^ A T E M E E X I N G 25_0 1 MOYER STUDENT UNION 202 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1994 6:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER SENATE PRESIDENT ROMERO called the meeting to order at 6:03p.m. n. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH TO THE OFFICE OF THE STUDENT SENATE FOR THE TWENTY-FIFTH SILVER ANNIVERSARY SESSION BY CHIEF JUSTICE. The new Senate Session is sworn in by CHIEF JUSTICE TOBIAS MOON: Kirsten Anderson Phoebe Block (late) Shawna Campbell Terrence Carrol (late) Jennifer Fleischman Jamie Fox John Laxague Keith McLain Terry Morrow John Pida Scott Schwartz Patrick Smith Walt Vodrazka Mike Volkert HI. STATE OF THE SENATE ADDRESS SENATE PRESIDENT ROMERO asked the Senate that the bylaw be waived to allow him to speak next week because he is not feeling well, he has the speech prepared if there is a problem with this. By Unanimous Acclimation the State of the Senate Address is postponed until the next Senate Meeting. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT LAGOMARSINO announced that the Directors Evaluations are in the boxes; Welcome to the new Senate. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 Senate Minutes 25-01 page 2 i November 7, 1994 SENATE PRESIDENT ROMERO announced that there are a lot of applications to go through tonight; Welcome to the New Senate. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT BOIXO announced that she has been sick, that is why she hasn't been in the office; she doesn't know how the hats for the Pep Band will be handled by the Executive Board yet; Starstruck Video will be on campus tomorrow; Welcome to the new Senate. V. REPORTS A. DIRECTORS REPORTS a. Elections, DIRECTOR MANGUAL - absent (unexcused) b. Entertainment & Programming, DIRECTOR REEVES - (late) c. Nevada Student Affairs, DIRECTOR JOHANNSSON - Welcome to the new Senate session; will be working with President Boixo on upcoming Legislative Session and putting together a group of students to find out what is on the minds of the Student Body, this position deals with student concerns. d. Office of Student Information, DIRECTOR WALLACE report given by DIRECTOR PHILLIPS - helped Director Phillips with the publicity for the Las Vegas Thunder hockey game; the lack of publicity for Starstruck is not her fault, no one informed her about it; she is working on buttons for Student Government and as always the OSI page for the newspaper. e. Organizations Board, DIRECTOR PHILLIPS - Welcome to the new Senate; tomorrow is the next Organizations Board meeting will be doing lottery for first two basketball games and last football games at this meeting; she is working on getting a new card reader and phone line for the office to swipe I.D.'s for games; she has gotten a lot of positive feedback from the Las Vegas Thunder tickets. f. Student Services, DIRECTOR GREENHALGH - no report g. Yearbook, EDITOR HAGEN - absent B. BUSINESS REPORTS a. Consolidated Student Business Manager, BUSINESS MANGER CALLISON - stated that she has not yet gotten the official paperwork for Editor Hagen; financial will be out next Monday; checks from deposits for elections are still available. SENATOR BLOCK arrives late at 6:15p.m. VL NEW BUSINESS Senate Minutes 25-01 page 3 i November 7, 1994 Motion made to move out of the order of the day and switch items A. and B. by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR SCHWARTZ. Move into a vote. Motion passes 7-5-1. SENATORS FOX, MORROW, VOLKERT, LAXAGUE, and CAMPBELL opposed. SENATOR SMITH abstained. B. Nomination/appointment of vacant Senate Seats. One (1) Architecture Two (2) Business & Economics One (1) Education Two (2) Hotel Administration One (1) Liberal Arts One (1) Student Development One (1) Studies Motion to nominate: Kristie Daley, J.B. Rizzo, Steven Eisen, Edward Rivera, Patrick Purcell, and Galit Ventura for the College of Business & Economic seats; Jerry Engelhart and Brian Quails for the College of Architecture seat; Rachel Levine, Jeffery Bradley, Joel Jarelillo-Castillo, Carl Tolbert, Najiah Khan, Carlos Blumberg, and Jon Longoria for the College of Liberal Arts seat; Chris Ray and Laura Zurek for the College of Hotel Administration seats; Toby Cole and Geoffrey Fayyad for the College of Student Development seat; Nathan Hill and Julie Wong for the College of Education seat; and Brain Caban for the College of Studies seat by SENATOR SCHWARTZ. Motion to close nominations by SENATOR SCHWARTZ, seconded by SENATOR CAMPBELL. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-0-0. Motion to allow each of the nominees to speak for up to two (2) minutes followed by a question and answer session followed by a Roll Call vote to be voted on by colleges by SENATOR SMITH, seconded by SENATOR SCHWARTZ. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-0-0. For the College of Architecture Jerry Engelhart listed his qualifications. SENATOR SMITH asked of he has read the CSUN Constitution? Mr. Engelhart stated that he had not. For the College of Architecture Brian Quails listed his qualifications. Senate Minutes 25-01 page 4 i November 7, 1994 SENATOR SMITH asked if he has read the CSUN Constitution? Mr. Quails stated that he has gone through it but has not read it cover to cover. Move into a vote. Jerry Englehart receives 3 votes, Brian Quails receives 9 votes, and 1 abstention. Brian Quails receives the seat for the College of Architecture. For the College of Business & Economics Kristie Daley listed her qualifications. For the College of Business & Economics Steven Eisen listed his qualifications. For the College of Business & Economics J.B. Rizzo listed his qualifications. SENATOR SMITH asked if he has read the CSUN Constitution? Mr. Rizzo stated that he has read it. For the College of Business & Economics Edward Rivera listed his qualifications. Patrick Purcell and Galit Ventura were not in attendance. Move into a vote. Kristie Daley receives 2 votes, Steven Eisen receives 7 votes, Edward Rivera receives 11 votes, J.B. Rizzo receives 6 votes. Edward Rivera and Steven Eisen receive the seats for the College of Business & Economics. SENATOR CARROL arrives late at 6:30p.m. SENATE PRESIDENT ROMERO calls a short recess to allow SENATOR CARROL to be sworn in. SENATE PRESIDENT ROMERO called the meeting back to order at 6:34p.m. For the College of Education Julie Wong listed her qualifications. Nathan Hill was not in attendance. Motion by Unanimous Acclimation that Julie Wong receives the seat for the College of Education. For the College of Hotel Administration Chris Ray listed his qualifications. For the College of Hotel Administration Laura Zurek listed her qualifications. ( Senate Minutes 25-01 page 5 i November 7, 1994 Motion by Unanimous Acclimation tnat Chris Kay and Laura Zurek receive the seats for the College of Hotel Administration. For the College of Liberal Arts Rachel Levine listed her qualifications. SENATOR FLEISHMAN asked if she has read the CSUN Constitution? Ms. Levine stated that she had. For the College of Liberal Arts Jeffrey Bradley listed his qualifications. For the College of Liberal Arts Joel Jarelillo-Castillo listed his qualifications. SENATOR MORROW asked if he would have time for the Senate with all his other time commitments? Mr. Jarelillo-Castillo stated that he would have time. John Longoria was not in attendance. For the College of Liberal Arts Carl Tolbert listed his qualifications. SENATOR SMITH asked if he is involved in any organizations on campus currently? Mr. Tolbert stated that he is involved with the Forensics and Debates Teams and is becoming involved with the Clack Students Association and he has read the Constitution. For the College of Liberal Arts Najiah Khan listed her qualifications. For the College of Liberal Arts Carlos Blumberg listed his qualifications. SENATOR CARROL asked what he hoped to accomplish here at UNLV? Mr. Blumberg stated that his number one goal is to unite the campus. Move into a vote choosing two to allow a majority in the second vote. Rachel Levine receives no votes, Jeffrey Bradley receives 1 vote, Joel Jarelillo-Castillo receives 5 votes, Carl Tolbert receives 10 votes, Najiah Khan receives 4 votes, and Carlos Blumberg receives 6 votes. Carl Tolbert and Carlos Blumberg will be running for the seat. Move into a final vote. Carl Tolbert receives 12 votes and Carlos Blumberg receives 2 votes. Carl Tolbert receives the College of Liberal Arts seat. For the College of Student Development Toby Cole lists his qualifications. ( SENATOR FLEISCHMAN asked why he didn't re-file? Senate Minutes 25-01 November 7, 1994 w 3 5 37 Fff page 6 Mr. Cole stated that he had trouble getting to school before the deadline. For the College of Student Development Geoffrey Fayyad listed his qualifications. Move into a vote. Toby Cole receives 6 votes and Geoffrey Fayyad receives 7 votes. Geoffrey Fayyad receives the Student Development seat. For the College of Studies Brian Caban listed his qualifications. SENATOR SMITH asked if he was aware that he would also be representing the other studies that fall under this college. Motion by Unanimous Acclimation that Brian Caban receive the College of Studies seat. SENATE PRESIDENT ROMERO called a recess to allow the new Senate members to be sworn in. SENATE PRESIDENT ROMERO called the meeting back to order. A. Nomination/election of a Senate President Pro-Tempore for the 25th Silver Anniversary Session. Motion made by SENATOR ZUREK to nominate SENATOR SCHWARTZ, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. Motion made by SENATOR CAMPBELL to nominate SENATOR SMITH, seconded by SENATOR MORROW. Motion to allow each nominee to speak for no more than 2 minutes followed by question and answer session and a Roll Call vote. SENATOR SCHWARTZ listed his qualifications. SENATOR SMITH listed his qualifications. Move into a vote. SENATOR SCHWARTZ received 5 votes, SENATOR SMITH received 15 votes, and 3 abstentions. SENATOR SMITH receives the Pro Tempore position. SENATE PRESIDENT ROMERO called a recess to allow SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE SMITH to be sworn in. Senate Minutes 25-01 November 7, 1994 page 7 SENATE PRESIDENT ROMERO called the meeting back to order. C. Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,700.00 out of the 2702 (Gen) for the NACA trip for the Directorship of Entertainment & Program. Motion to approve by SENATOR FOX, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. Motion to amend the item to $1,750.00 by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR FOX. Move into a vote on amendment. Motion passes 23-0-0. SENATOR FOX asked why it was coming out of the General account? BUSINESS MANAGER CALLISON stated that expenditures for trips always come out of the General account. SENATOR SCHWARTZ stated that from past experience this is a waist of money. DIRECTOR REEVES stated that it is in San Diego. SENATOR PIDA asked who would be going on the trip? DIRECTOR REEVES stated that it would be herself, SENATOR SMITH, and two other members of her committee. SENATOR BLOCK yielded the floor to Robert Williams who stated that this trip is well worth the money, the Program Council gets man of their ideas from these conventions. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. D. Selection of a student representative for the UNLV Search Committee for Vice President of Finance and Administration. SENATOR SMITH nominated SENATOR RIVERA. SENATOR LAXAGUE nominated SENATOR VOLKERT. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN nominated SENATOR EISEN. Motion to close nominations by SENATOR SMITH, seconded by SENATOR RAY. SENATOR BLOCK asked where it is being held? Senate Minutes 25-01 page 8 November 7, 1994 pQy g 5" 37 Pit Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. Move into a roll call vote. SENATOR RIVERA receives 11 votes, SENATOR VOLKERT receives 3 votes, and SENATOR EISEN receives 4 votes. SENATOR RIVERA receives the position. E. Executive Board Expenditure Authorization as permissible by the CSUN Constitution. Motion to approve by SENATOR BLOCK, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. SENATOR FOX stated that this gives the Executive Board the right to spend up to $500.00 without Senate authorization. The accounts seem to be low and there are questions as to where the money has gone. BUSINESS MANAGER CALLISON stated that they have gone over this at other meetings and she has gone to giving a detailed report once a month, but she will go back to weekly reports if it is needed. SENATOR BLOCK yielded the floor to DIRECTOR PHILLIPS who stated that the day to day activities of the office would be hindered if this was taken away. Move into a vote. Motion passes 20-0-3. SENATORS FLEISCHMAN, FOX, and SMITH abstained. F. Override of Presidential veto issued October 26, 1994 by the Student Body President Boixo of (per veto notice) "Items G, H, I, J, under item VI of New Business on page 2 of CSUN Senate Agenda 24-36". Motion to approve by SENATOR SMITH, seconded by SENATOR BLOCK. Motion to table by SENATOR PIDA, seconded by SENATOR VODRAZKA. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. Motion to move out of the order of the day to Adjournment by SENATOR VODRAZKA, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. Motion to adjourn by SENATOR VODRAZKA, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. Senate Minutes 25-01 November 7, 1994 page 9 Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. Meeting is adjourned at 8:07p.m. J. William Romero, Jr. SENATE PRESIDENT SENAT