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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, December 8, 1988






Includes meeting agenda and minutes with additional information about senate bills. CSUN Session 19 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000611. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 19-5 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 88 4:00PM I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Senate Minutes 19-5 IV. Announcements V. Board and Committees VI. Executive Board Nominations A. Approval of Becky Hoferer as a member to the Student Services Leader Scholarship Committee. B. Approval of Roderick Colebrook as a member to the Publications Board. C. Approval of Jeffery Geihs as a member to the Radio Board. VII. Unfinished Business A. Approval of Senate President Pro Tempore. A. Greg Bailey B. Appointment of vacant Education seat. A. Jessie Young B. Stephanie Corcoran C. Approval of Senate Bill #1. D. Approval of Senate Bill #2. VIII. New Business A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. B. Approval of waiving the Publications Board Operating Policy and approving printing for Quicksilver Publishing of $2379.00 C. Approval of 3219.00 for computer for the Yellin' Rebel from the 911 account. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Agenda 19-5 Page 2 D. Approval of $200 for Senate Retreat. E. Approval of Student President Assoication Constitution. XI. Open Discussion X. Adjournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA SENATE MEETING 19-5 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1988 MSU 201 4:00PM VIII. New Business F. Approval for Pi Sigma Alpha for $70.00 from NSA contest. G. Approval of $1600 for The National College Newspaper. H. Approval of 25C raise for CSUN Senate Secretary Palma Wesely. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 19-5 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 198 8 4:00PM MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER CSUN Senate President Jack E. Spicer Jr., called Senate Meeting 19-5 to order at 4:00pm in MSU 201. III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 19-4 Motion to approve Senate Minutes 19-4 by Senator Dreibelbis. Seconded by Senator Bailey. There were no corrections. Call to order. Motion carried, unanimously. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT Senator Elliott Senator Cozine Senator Geihs Senator Polovina Senator Frankulin (late) Senator DeMars Senator Bauhs Senator Hoffman Senator DaQuino Senator Walker Senator Dreibelbis Senator Bailey Senator Valenti Senator Wilcox Senator Colebrook Senator Rosenberg Senator Hoferer Senator Saunders Senator Kurzer IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS CSUN President Steve Evenson announced that he has scheduled a debate for April 4th. ABSENT Senator Gottschalk (unexcused)) UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Senate Meeting 19-5 Page 2 CSUN Vice President Jennifer McGinty announced that she would be on the radio at 10am on KUNV on Tuesday. CSUN Vice President Pro Tempore Miguel Palmieri announced that he had checks to distribute from Senate Election refunds. He also mentioned that he was asked to resign from his position by the Executive Board. He announced that he would think about it; he has not made his decision if he will or not just yet. CSUN Senate President Jack Spicer mentioned that there would be a Senate Meeting at 4pm. He also mentioned that there would be a time limit of a half an hour due to it being finals week. He also mentioned that he tried to get a hold of Stephanie Corcoran for the Education Seat vacancy but was unable to reach her. Entertainment and Programming Director Lillian Franky mentioned that on Friday there would be a comedian in MSU from 12:15 - 12:45pm. CSUN Business Manager Barbara MacFarland introduced her daughters Katie and Jennifer. She also mentioned that due to some complications for Quicksilver, $150.00 will have to be added to the $2379.00 on the agenda for approval. CSUN OPI Director Dick Hubbel announced that he spoke at University Days here on campus. He also mentioned that January 8th he and CSUN President Steve Evenson will be going to Reno to attend University Days up there. KUNV Director Rob Rosenthal announced that CSUN Vice President Jennifer McGinty will probably be on the radio at about 10:2 0am on Tuesday. Yellin1 Rebel Editor Mike Keller announced that he wanted a computer. Senator Hoffman mentioned that the Vice Chair for the SHAC committee will be Philip DaQuino. She also mentioned that he would make a good director for SHAC when she is gone. Senator DaQuino handout information on the Publications Board schedule for next semester. He also mentioned that there is a possibility of getting a donor for a parking lot. He also mentioned that 3,600 tickets were given out last year. Bylaws Chair, Chris Robertson announced that there is an amendment to Senate Bill #27. He also mentioned that Senate Bill #27 will be changed to Senate Bill #2. Senate Meeting 19-5 Page 3 CSUN President Steve Evenson announced that Senate Bill #2 7 from the 17th session is about the dismissal of a director. He mentioned that this is the bylaw that the Executive Board is going by for the Dismissal of Miguel Palmieri, as Appropriations Board Chair. The effective date on this action will be December 14th at 5:00pm. Senator Frankulin arrived at the Senate Meeting. CSUN Judicial Council Chief Justice Joe Bunin spoke with no objections from the Senate. He made note to the Senate that the dismissal of Miguel Palmieri would only effect his position as Appropriations Board Chair, not CSUN Vice President Pro Tempore. VI. Executive Board Nominations A. Approval of Becky Hoferer as a member to the Student Services Leader Scholarship Committee. B. Approval of Roderick Colebrook as a member to the Publications Board. C. Approval of Jeffery Geihs as a member to the Radio Board. VII. Unfinished Business A. Approval of Senate President Pro Tempore. A. Greg Bailey Motion to appoint Greg Bailey as Senate President Pro Tempore by Senator Walker. Seconded by Senator DReibelbis. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with fourteen in favor, two opposed, and three, abstentions. Chief Justice Joe Bunin swore in Greg Bailey as Senate President Pro Tempore. B. Appointment of Education Seat vacancy. A. Jessie Young B. Stephanie Corcoran Motion by Senator Walker to close nominations and approve Jessie Young as the Education seat Senator. Seconded by Senator Cozine. Senate Meeting 19-5 Page 4 There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. C. Approval of Senate Bill #1. Motion by Senator Cozine to approve Senate Bill #1. Seconded by Senator Elliott. Chris Robertson the Bylaws Chair addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Motion by Senator Kurzer to table approving Senate Bill #1 and refer to the Bylaws Committee. Seconded by Senator Hoffman. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with twelve in favor, seven opposed, and no abstentions. D. Approval of Senate Bill #2. Motion by Senator Walker to Senate Bill #2 with the corrections (See Attached page with corrections). Seconded by Senator Kurzer. Chris Robertson, Bylaws Chair addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. Motion by Senator Kurzer to approve. Seconded by Senator Saunders. A. Approval of Becky Hoferer as a member to the Student Services Leader Scholarship Committee. Senate Meeting 19-5 Page 5 B. Approval of Roderick Colebrook as a member to the Publications Board. C. Approval of Jeffery Geihs as a member to the Radio Board. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. B. Approval of waiving the Publications Board Operating Policy and approving printing for Quicksilver Publishing of $2529.00. Motion to approve by Senator DaQuino. Seconded by Senator Walker. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with eighteen in favor, and one abstention (DeMars) and no opposed. Chief Justice Joe Bunin swore in Jessie Young as an Education Senator. C. Approval of $3219.00 for computer for the Yellin1 Rebel from the 911 account. Motion by Senator Frankulin to approve. Seconded by Senator DaQuino. Mike Keller, Editor of the Yellin' Rebel addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with twenty in favor, one opposed (Walker) and no abstentions. D. Approval of $200 for Senate come-'out of 911 account. Motion to approve by Senator Kurzer. Seconded by Senator Saunders. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Senate Meeting 19-5 Page 6 Motion carried, unanimously. E. Approval of Student President Association Constitution. Motion to approve by CSUN President Steve Evenson with correction on atteched page. Seconded by CSUN Vice President Jennifer McGinty. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with seventeen in favor, no opposed, and three abstentions (Kurzer, Young, Elliott). F. Approval of Pi Sigma Alpha for $70.00 from NSA contest. Motion to approve by Senator Polovina. Seconded by Senator Walker. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. G. Approval of $1600 for The U. National College Newspaper. Motion to approve and to have funds come out of the 900 account by Senator Kurzer. Seconded by CSUN President Steve Evenson. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with nineteen in favor, one opposed (DaQuino) and no abstentions). H. Approval of 2 5C per hour raise for CSUN Senate Secretary Palma Wesely. Motion to approve by Senator Rosenberg. Seconded by Senator Hoffman. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with nineteen in favor, one opposed (Colebrook) and no abstentions. Senate Meeting 19-5 Page 7 XI. OPEN DISCUSSION Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Bailey thanked everyone for their approving him as Pro Tempore. For those that didn't approve him he felt that they must feel that he has to prove himself. He did announce that he would be chairing the Senate Retreat. Senator Dreibelbis congratulated CSUN Senate President Jack Spicer on his 100% on his report. He also mentioned that he would not to graduating this semester, but in the Spring. Senator Kurzer announced that he would be going to the Gr^Jhgful Dead concert this weekend. Senator Hoferer wished everyone luck in their finals. Senator Colebrook mentioned that the reason why he decided to vote against the 2 5C raise for the Senate Secretary was because he felt that it should have been 50C. iHe also asked CSUN Senate President Jack Spicer if his suit was from C&R, because he looked real nice today. Senator Bauhs thanked CSUN President Steve Evenson for helping with the removal of the "E". Senator DeMars announced that the "Steppin' Out Party" for the Hotel Association was a success. Senator Wilcox congratulated Jessie Young and Greg Bailey. Senator Young thanked everyone for voting her in. Chris Robertson bylaws Chair announced that the reasoning for putting CSUN members on the Senate Bill was because it is their money being spent. Senator Walker congratualed Senator Young and Senate / President Pro Tempore on there new positions. Senator Hoffman congratulated Jessie Young on being elected to the Education Seat. Senator DaQuino wished everyone a Merry Christmas. He also mentioned that he would be resigning from the Senate next week, due to his class schedule. Senator Valenti congratulated CSUN Vice President Jennifer McGinty for being the first to graduate from the honors program. She announced that her not voting for Greg Bailey as Senate President Pro Tempore had nothing to do with personal feelings. She congratulated Senator Young on being the Education Senator. Senator Valenti - Continued - She also mentioned that she was jealous that Senator Kurzer was going to the Grateful Dead Concert. She also mentioned she would be sad to see Senator Hoffman leave. Senator Polovina mentioned that she would be going to the Arizona Basketball Game. Senator Geihs congratulated Senator Young and Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Bailey for being elected to their new positions. Senator Cozine congratulated Senator Young and Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Bailey for being elected to their new positions. She said good-bye to CSUN Vice President Jennifer McGinty and mentioned that Miguel Palmieri does a good job on the Appropriations Board. She hoped that he would still be able to advise Scott Lowden. Senator Elliott congratulated Senator Young and Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Bailey on their new positions. Senator Frankulin congratulated Senator Young and Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Bailey on their new positions. He also mentioned that he put stickers on the pencil sharpeners in the Business Building. CSUN Vice President Pro Tempore Miguel Palmieri thanked Kari Cozine for her comments. He mentioned that he has done a lot of work in CSUN. He announced that Wednesday, December 14th he will resign at 5pm. CSUN President Steve Evenson announced that the situation with Miguel Palmieri was a hard thing to do. He wished that what had happen do not happen. Miguel has been the best Appropriations Board Chair that CSUN has ever had. He mentioned that due to the situation, he had to make some decisions for Miguel. He thanked everyone for bringius^, toys for tots. He congratulated Jessie Young for being elected to the Education Seat. He also mentioned that after the meetin he had basketball tickets to distribute. CSUN Senate Secretary Palma Wesely thanked everyone for voting her raise in. Senator Walker nominated Mim Clay for the Science and Math Seat. Senator Valenti mentioned that, she was sad to see Miguel Palmieri leave. Senate Meeting 19-5 Page 8 Senate Meeting 19-5 Page 9 Senator Hoffman announced that she will wait to resign from her Senate Seat until next week's meeting. Senator DaQuino announced that the reason for leaving was because he would only be carrying four credits next semester. Senate President Jack Spicer mentioned that if Senator Kurzer had an extra ticket he would like to go to the Grateful Dead Concert. He mentioned that their is a Senate Meeting at 4pm next Senate Meeting. He also mentioned that sometimes one is placed in a bad position. He felt that the right decision was made regarding Miguel Palmieri. Adjournment CSUN Senate President Jack E. Spicer Jr. adjourned the Senate Meeting at 5:35pm. Respectfully Prepared and Submitted By: X.