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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 27, 1988






Includes meeting agenda and minutes with additional information about senate bills. CSUN Session 18 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000606. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 18-35 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1988 4:00PM MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 18-34 IV. ANNOUCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Approval of Philip DaQuino as a member to the Student Health Advisory Council. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Approval of reducing Election Board chair's stipend for the month of November. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. B. Approval of terminating Rober Lane as Elections Board Chair. C. Approval of refund on Senate Filing fees for all Senate candidates. D. Approval of refund on Homecoming Filing fees for all Homecoming candidates. E. Approval of Override of CSUN President Steve Evenson's veto of items A and B of unfinished business at Senate Meeting 18-34 on October 20, 1988. F. Approval of contract for Robert Jeni for $1200. G. Approval of $100 for German Dancers. H. Approval of contract for German Dancers. I. Approval/Action of a joke and a magic trick XI. OPEN DISCUSSION UNIVERSITY 0f^$KBCT$FvEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA SENATE MEETING 18-3 5 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 19 8 8 4:00PM MSU 201 VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS B. Approval of Miguel Palmieri as CSUN Vice President Pro Tempore. VIII. NEW BUSINESS J. Approval of $400 for the Jewish Student Union. K. Approval of Sigma Gamma Epsilon for $400. L. Approval of $189 for Political Science Department to send Stacey Hanlon to West Point to attend U.S. Foreign Policy Conference. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 18-35 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1988 4:00PM MSU 201 I. Call to Order CSUN Senate President Jack E. Spicer Jr., called Senate Meeting 18-35 to order at 4:02pm in MSU 201. II. Roll Call Present Absent Senator Clay Senator Vigano (Excused) Senator Dreibelbis Senator Frankulin Senator Reiss (Late) Senator Varela Senator Walker Senator Cozine Senator DaQuino Senator Kroth Senator Hoffman Senator Gottschalk Senator Elliott Senator Young Senator Phillips Senator Charoenbanpachon Senator Polovina Senator Geihs Senator Kurzer Senator Saunders Senator Robertson CSUN President Steve Evenson introduced Regent Joan Kenney who is running for re-election for the Board of Regents. Regent Joan Kenney addressed the Senate. III. Approval of Senate Minutes 18-34 Motion to approve by Senator Charoenbanpachon. Seconded by Senator Dreibelbis. There were corrections. Call for a vote. UNIVERSITY OWE W ) A ° T O D PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Senate Minutes 18-35 Page 3 10/27/88 Joe DeMarco, Food and Beverage Manager mentioned that he was in need of helpers to serve food. Yellin' Rebel had a representative but did not have a report. Miguel Palmieri, Appropriations Board Chair announced $6050.00 is the amount of funding that has been given out to organizations, this does not include the $400 that was given to the Ad Club. Each of the departments in CSUN will be handling their own account. He mentioned that the Yellin' Rebel is requesting money for a computer. UNLV Tennis Club's A1 Phillips showed $1400.00 in receipts to the CSUN Business, but some of then were bad receipts. One of the receipts was for a tennis racket that he purchased for himself. He mentioned that Shelley Berkley the CSUN attorney will be sending him a letter and will wait for a response. He thanked his board for all their work and hoped that since the session was starting that his board members would stay on. He thanked the Senate for approving him as CSUN Vice President Pro Tempore. Senator Cozine, Radio Board Chair announced that there wouldn't be a meeting tomorrow. VII. Unfinished Business A. Approval of reducing Election Board chair's stipend for the month of November. Motion to approve by Senator Kurzer. Seconded by Senator Frankulin. Robert Lane, CSUN Elections Board Chair addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Motion by CSUN Steve Evenson to limit debate for five more minutes. Seconded by Senator Kurzer. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. There was discussion. Senate Minutes 10-35 Page 2 11/27/88 IV. Announcements CSUN President Steve Evenson mentioned that there have been complaints that Senators have a lack involvement with CSUN events. He has gotten complaints from OPI and Entertainment and Programming, and NSA Directors. He mentioned that Karen Hirschfield resigned as Entertainment and Programming Director. He mentioned that Lillian Franky will be looking for an assistant again. He mentioned that student ID's may be eliminated. The Student Discount Card will be distributed during the Tulsa Game at the Silver Bowl. CSUN Vice President Jennifer McGinty announced that she Spoke to Dr. Mayo and there is a definite problem with professors using students research materials. She mentioned that she was mad that the Senate voted to take out the money for the Ad Club, since they were not a recognized organization. She introduced a new group CARP. A CARP representative addressed the Senate. CSUN Senate President Pro Tempore Todd Gottschalk announced that he was sorry that the Senate took the money for the Ad Club out of the Organizations Board account, but that if there is a need in the future for money in that account that money could be transfered from one account to the other. CSUN Senate President Jack E. Spicer Jr., thanked everyone for showing up at the last Senate Meeting. V. Board and Committee Reports Senator Hoffman announced that there will be a SHAC meeting next Friday. She also introduced the new nurse for the Health Services building. Robert Lane, Elections Board Chair announced that the elections were certified. KUNV - There was a representative present but there wasn't a report. Senate Minutes 18-35 Page 4 10/27/88 Call for a roll call vote on the main motion. In favor Gottschalk Kurz er Opposed Clay Dreibelbis Frankulin Reiss Varela Walker Coz ine DaQuino Kroth Hoffman Elliott Young Phillips Charoenbanpachon Polovina Geihs Saunders Robertson Abstentions VIII. New Business Motion by Senator Gottschalk to move out of the order of the day and approve item 3 of New Business. B. Approval of terminating Robert Lane as Elections Board Chair. Seconded by Senator Hoffman. There was discussion. CSUN Senate PresidentJack Spicer issued a warning to Senators Kroth, Charoenbanpachon, and DaQuino. There was discussion. Call for a vote on the main motion with a roll call vote. In Favor Hoffman Gottschalk Kurzer Opposed Clay Dreibelbis Frankulin Reiss Varela Walker Coz ine DaQuino Kroth Abstentions Senate Minutes 18-35 Page 5 10/27/88 In Favor Opposed Abstention Elliott ' Young Phillips Charoeribanpachon Polovina Geihs Saunders Robertson Motion failed. Motion by Senator Kurzer to move out of the order of the day and approve items F., G. , H. , J. i K., L.. Seconded by Senator Walker. There were multitudes of objections. Call for a vote on the objection to considered the motion as a whole. Motion failed with twelve in favor eight, eight opposed, and no abstentions. Motion by Senator Gottschalk to approve items F. , G., G., J • , K., as a whole. F. Approval of contract for Robert Jeni for $1200. G. Approval of $100 for German Dancers. H. Approval of contract for German Dancers. J. Approval of $400 for the Jewish Student Union. K. Approval of Sigma Gamma Epsilon for $400. Seconded by Senator Charoenbanpachon. Call for a vote. Motion carried with thirteen in favor, three opposed, and four abstentions. Motion by Senator Cozine to move out of the order of the day and approve item L. of new business. L. Approval of $189 for Political Science Department to send Stacey Hanlon to West Point to attend U.S. Foreign Policy Conference. Seconded by Senator Polovina. Senate Minutes 18-35 Page 6 10/27/88 There was discussion. Senator Kurzer motion to limite debate for five minutes. Seconded by Senator DaQuino. There were no objections to limiting debate for five minutes. There was discussion. Call for a vote on the main motion. Motion failed, with nine in favor, ten opposed and one abstention. VIII. New Business A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. A. Approval of Philip DaQuino as a member to the Student Health Advisory Council. B. Approval of Miguel Palmieri as CSUN Vice President Pro Tempore. Motion to approve by Senator Gottschalk. Seconded by Senator Kurzer. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with seventeen in favor, no opposed, three abstentions (DaQuino, Clay, Saunders). C. Approval of refund on Senate Filing Fees for all Senate candidates. Motion to approve by Senator Gottschalk. Seconded by Senator Kurzer. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with nineteen in favor, one opposed (Young), and no abstentions. D. Approval of refund for Homecoming Filing Fees for all Homecoming candidates. Motion to approve by Senator Gottschalk. Senate Minutes 18-35 Page 7 10/27/88 Seconded by Senator Kurzer. There was discussion. Motion by Senator Walker to amend that Patrick Murphy receive $30.CO for filing fee refund. Seconded by Senator Dreibelbis. There was an objection from Senator Charoenbanpachon There was discussion. Call for a vote on the amendment. Motion failed. Call for a vote on the main motion. The main motion passes, with eightteen in favor, one opposed (Young) and one abstention (Walker). E. Approval of Override of CSUN President Steve Evenson veto of items A and B of Unfinished Business at Senate Meeting 18-34 on October 20, 1988. Motion to approve by Senator Kurzer. Seconded by Senator Cozine. There was discussion. Senator Varela left the Senate Meeting. Call for a roll call vote. In Favor Opposed Abstentions Clay DaQuino Young Dreibelbis Hoffman Frankulin Reiss Walker Cozine Elliott Phillips Charoenbanp achon Polovina Geihs Saunders Robertson Motion passed. Senate Minutes 18-35 Page 8 10/27/88 Motion to move out cf the order of the day by CSUN President Steve Evenson, with no objections. XI. Open Discussion CSUN President Steve Evenson announced that the astronauts will be coming. If Senators would like primary seating they should see him afterwards. They will be coming on Nov. 4th. He thanked Regent Joan Kenney for staying for most of the meeting. He announced that the Senate did a good job this session. I. Approval/Action of a joke and a magic trick. Motion to approve by Senator Dreibelbis, Senator Frankulin, Senator Reiss, Senator Cozine, Senator DaQuino, Senator Kroth, Senator Hoffman, Senator Gottschalk, Senator Elliott, Senator Young, Senator Phillips, Senator Charoenbanpachon, Senator Polovina, Senator Geihs, Senator Kurzer, Senator Saunders, Senator Robertson. Seconded by Senator Dreibelbis, Senator Frankulin, Senator Reiss, Senator Cozine, Senator DaQuino, Senator Kroth, Senator Hoffman, Senator Gottschalk, Senator Elliott, Senator Young, Senator Phillips, Senator Charoenbanpachon, Senator Polovina, Senator Geihs, Senator Kurzer, Senator Saunders, Senator Robertson. There were many jokes. CSUN President Steve Evenson returned to the Senate Meeting announcing that Senator Charles Walker had assaulted him in the Student Union. He mentioned that Mim Clay and Elections Board Chair were witnesses to the incident. lie mentioned that he wanted an impeachment Committee started to impeach Senator Walker. CSUN Senate President Jack Spicer recessed the meeting for five minutes. CSUN Senate President Jack Spicer reconvened the the Senate Meeting five minutes later. The CSUN Senate President a roll call vote. Present Senator Dreiblebis Senator Frankulin Senator Reiss Senator Walker Jack Spicer requested Absent Senator Clay (Excused) Senator Varela (Excused) Senator Vigano (Excused) Senator Young (Excused) Senate Minutes 18-35 Page 9 10/27/88 Present Senator Cozine Senator DaQuino Senator Kroth Senator Hoffman Senator Gottschalk Senator Elliott Senator Phillips Senator Charoenbanpachon Senator Polovina Senator Geihs Senator Kurzer Senator Saunders Senator Robertson Absent XI. Open Discussion CSUN Senate President Jack Spicer announced that he would be passing out plaques to all the senators. He mentioned that on Tuesday there will be Radio 9iowon KUNV with himself as a guest. Airing time will be about 10am. He also mentioned not to forget about the astronauts- The Senate Meeting will be next week for the new Senate at 7:00pm in MSU 201. CSUN Senate President Pro Tempore Gottschalk noted Senator Chuck Walker's initials are C.O.W.. He mentioned that it is unusal that he had also been apart of the MOO Pledge Class for TKE. Senator Saunders announced that the wedding has been postponed until J vine of next year. Senator Elliott thanked CSUN Senate President Jack Spicer for the plague. Senator Cozine wished CSUN Senate President Pro Tempore Todd Gottschalk luck for next week's meeting. Senator Geihs thanked everyone who got him on the Senate. Senator Frankulin announced that he is looking forward to the next Senate, and that he would try to donate more of his time. Senator Hoffman announced that there will be a SHAC Committee Meeting of Friday. She mentioned that they would be talking about boxer shorts at the next meeting. Senate Minutes 18-35 Page 10 10/27/88 Senator Reiss thanked CSUN Senate President Jack Spicer for the plaque. He mentioned that he felt that being on the Senate was a learning experience. Senator Dreibelbis announced that he enjoyed working on the Senate. Senator Walker announced that he felt that this group of Senators were entertaining. He felt that this Senate stood their ground on a lot of issues. Senator Robertson thought that the plaques were neat. He felt that with the next Senate a lot of good will be done, ft Senator Phillips announced that he had fun on the Senate. The reason for himself not running again in the Senate Election was because he was in the process of changing his major to a different college, and that he was interested in starting a new organization on campus. Senator Polovina liked the plaques. She mentioned that she would be missing the Senators that would not be returning. Senator Kroth was glad that she had the opportunity to be on the Senate. She was glad for all the Senators that would be serving on the next Senate Session. Senator Charoenbanpachon loved being on Senate. She thought that Parlimentary Procedure was very interesting. She said, "Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars." Senator DaQuino he mentioned that he would miss that Senators that would not be returning. He would especially miss Senator Kroth, since he helped to get her on the Senate. He also did a quick review on what the Senate year was all about. CSUN Vice President Jennifer McGinty wondered if the orange shirt that CSUN Senate President Jack Spicer was wearing was in honor of Halloween. She also warned Senator Walker to watch what he says about the CSUN President because some of what he says could go against him. CSUN Senate President Jack Spicer mentioned that he would be ordering copies of Robert's Rules of Order. He also mentioned that next week he will take nominations for CSUN Senate President Pro Tempore. Senate Minutes 18-35 Page 11 10/27/88 X. Adjournment CSUN Senate President Jack Spicer adjourned the Senate Meeting at 8:00PM. Respectfully Submitted and Prepared By: PALMA T. WESELY CSUN SENATE SECRETARY 205.00 [Board, Committee and Service Reports] Board Director, Committee Chair and Department Head Reports and Attendance. 205.02 [The director or chairman of each of the boards, services and committees, or their representative, shall make a report of the activities, accomplishments and plans of that service to the Senate at least once per month.] Each director, chair or department head shall make a report of the activities, accomplishments, and plans of their board, committee or department at all Senate meetings. 205.04 [Any director or chairman who fails to abide by 2 05.02 shall be fined one half of one month's stipend.] Attendance of directors, committee chairs and department heads will be taken at each Senate roll call. 2 05.06 [Any director or chairman who fails to abide by 2 05.02 three times in twelve months shall be removed from office.] A director, chair or department head may be excused by the Senate President only if notification is given prior to the Senate meeting that will be missed, and if arrangements have been made for a report to be given to the Senate in their absence. Notification may be made to any member of the Executive Board that will be present at the meeting to be missed. 205.08 Any director, chair or department head that is unexcused absent from three Senate Meetings in one semester shall be subject to disciplinary action by the CSUN Executive Board. Such disciplinary action must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the CSUN Executive Board. Semester is defined in CSUNRS 151.00 and 151.02. 205.10 Disciplinary action includes any of the following: A. Verbal or written warnings B. Probation C. Suspension with or without pay D. Dismissal 205.12 Dismissal of a director, chair or department head shall be carried out in accordance with Senate Bylaw number 22. Date approved by CSUN Senate: Meeting approved by CSUN Senate: Signature of CSUN Senate President Signature of CSUN President: CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS Senate Bill #23 of the 18th Session Introduced By: Jack E. Spicer Jr. CSUN Senate President Summary: This bill amends Chapter 200 of the Senate Statutes to include as standing committees the Office of Public Information, Nevada Student Affairs and Food and Beverage. In addition, section 205 is amended to stipulate proper procedures and attendance of directors and chairs of standing CSUN Committees and Boards. WE, THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA IN THE CSUN SENATE DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: Chapter 2 00 [Boards, Committees, Agencies and Offices] Boards, Committees and Departments 2 01.00 CSUN standing boards, committees and departments. 201.02 The standing boards, committees and departments of CSUN shall be as follows: A. Entertainment and Programming Board B. Student Services Board C. Publications Board D. Radio Board E. Appropriations Board F. Elections Board G. Organizations Board H. Nevada Student Affairs I. Office of Public Information J. Food and Beveracre Department UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS Senate Bill #22 of the 18th Session Introduced By: Jack E. Spicer Jr. CSUN Senate President Summary: A bill that repeals sections 350.02, 350.04, 350.06, 350.12 of the statutes that consolidated OPI and NSA as divisions of Students Services and eliminated separate budget authority. This bill also repeals sections 351.02, 351.04, 351.06 which deal with the Budget and Finance Board, a nonexistent entity within CSUN. WE, THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: REPEAL OF SENATE STATUTES SECTIONS: 350.02, 350.04, 350.06, 350.12, 351.02, 351.04, 351.06. Date approved by CSUN Senate: Meeting approved by CSUN Senate: Signature of CSUN Senate President: Signature of CSUN President: UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS Senate Bill #21 of the 18th Session Introduced By: Jack E. Spicer Jr. CSUN Senate President Summary: A bill that amends Chapter 900 of the Senate Statutes to provide budget accounts for the Office of Public Information and Nevada Student Affairs. It also changes the name of the Bar account to Food and Beverage, and Special Projects Budget to Organizations Board Budget. WE, THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, REPRESENTED IN THE CSUN SENATE, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: CHAPTER 900 Appropriations, Expenditures, Revenues and Budgets 900. 00 General Budget 901. 00 KUNV Budget 902 . 00 rSpecial Projects] Organizations Board Budaet 903 . 00 Entertainment and Programming Budget 904. 00 Student Services Budget 905. 00 Newspaper, Yellin' Rebel Budget 906. 00 Contingency Budget 907. 00 Publications Budget 908. 00 Tlntramurals] Office of Public Information Budaet 910. 00 TBar Account1 Food and Beverage Budaet 912 . 00 Nevada Student Affairs Budaet Date approved by CSUN Senate: Meeting approved by CSUN Senate: Signature of CSUN Senate President: Signature of CSUN President: UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS Senate Bill #20 of the 18th Session Written and Introduced By: President Steve E. Evenson Summary: An act amending chapter 900 of the CSUN Revised Statutes to include the establishment of the CSUN-UNLV Nevada Student Leadership Seminar and earmarking 1.5 percent of the CSUN fiscal budget to fund the scholarship. WE, THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, REPRESENTED IN THE CSUN SENATE, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: To amend chapter 900 of the CSUNRS to include: The CSUN-UNLV Nevada Student Leadership Seminar. At the time of formulating the CSUN fiscal budget, 1.5 percent of the budget received from student fees be held in the 900 account for the CSUN-UNLV Nevada Student Leadership Seminar. The account will be used to provide transportation, room, board and other expenses necessary to running the CSUN-UNLV Nevada Student Leadership Seminar. The UNLV-CSUN Nevada Student Leadership Seminar shall be run by a committee as described in CSUN Bylaw 25. To override or repeal this statute, the following votes are required: A. A 2/3 vote of the CSUN Executive Board and; B. A 2/3 vote of the CSUN Senate. Date approved by CSUN Senate: Meeting approved by CSUN Senate: Signature of CSUN Senate President: Signature of CSUN President: 970.00 970.02 970.04 907.06 907.08 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS Senate Bill #19 of the 18th Session Introduce and Written By: President Steve E. Evenson Summary: A bill to create a permanent fund to help support the Nevada Student Leadership Seminar and annually earmark 1.5% of the CSUN fiscal budget. WE, THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, REPRESENTED IN THE CSUN SENATE CREATE A BYLAW TO ESTABLISH THE FOLLOWING: SENATE BYLAW The CSUN-UNLV Nevada Student Leadership Seminar. I. At the time of formulating of each CSUN fiscal budget, 1.5 percent of the total CSUN budget received from student fees shall be held in account number 900 to be used only to fund the CSUN-UNLV Nevada Student Leadership Seminar. II. The monies contained therein will be distributed to the CSUN-UNLV Nevada Student Leadership Seminar. III. The CSUN Vice-President will form and chair a committee to set up and run the seminar. A. The committee membership will consist of three (3) students, three (3) faculty or professional staff members and the Dean of Student Services or his/her designee. IV. The Seminar, which should be held in August, will be open to two nominees from each high school in the state of Nevada. Each student should be beginning their senior year, have a minimum 3.0 grade point average and have demonstrated leadership skills or potential. The students must be nominated by their high school principals or guidance counselors. V. The purpose of the seminar is to provide Nevada high school students with seminars that can help them improve their leadership skills. Seminars provided include, but are not limited to, time-management, communication, management styles, college-preparation, etc. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 VI. To override or repeal this bylaw, the following is required A. A 2/3 vote of the CSUN Executive Board. B. A 2/3 vote of the CSUN Senate. Date Approved by CSUN Senate Meeting Approved by CSUN Senate Signature of CSUN Senate President Signature of CSUN President pw 5. To employ, supervise, and dismiss any employee of the Student Services Department in accordance with the policies and procedures of CSUN. B. Vice Chairman 1. The Vice Chairman shall be nominated by the Chairman and approved by the Senate. 2. The duties of the Assistant Director shall be as those of the Board Vice Chairmen as described in Article IX, Section E of the CSUN Constitution. 3. The Student Services Vice Chairman shall serve as Chairman in the absence or incapacity of the Chairman. C. Central Committee 1. To direct or submit proposals to be enforced by the Director of Student Services. 2. Proxy or absentee voting will not be permitted. 3. Quorum for all meetings shall be considered greater than 50%. 4. Appeals may be made to overrule a directoral edict by a majority. 5. To establish policies and procedures necessary to execute the duties. 6. Three unexcused absences shall cause removal from the committee. Date Approved by CSUN Senate: Meeting Approved by CSUN Senate: Signature of CSUN Senate President: Signature of CSUN President: CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS Senate Bill #18 of the 18th Session Introduced by: Jack E. Spicer Jr. CSUN Senate President Summary: A bill amending Senate Bylaw 12, CSUN Student Services Board to read: WE, THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, REPRESENTED IN THE CSUN SENATE, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: I. Purpose The purpose of the Student Services Board shall be to administer CSUN services as determined by the CSUN Senate, its bills and bylaws. II. Structure The Board shall consist of the following: 1. The Central Committee shall consist of: The chairman, the Vice Chairman, and four to seven CSUN members, at least two of whom must be senators. III. Duties A. Chairman 1. The duties of the Chairman shall be as those of the Board Chairmen as described in Article IX, Section D of the CSUN Constitution. 2. To manage Student Services, and administer the policies and programs as directed by the Student Services Central Committee. 3. To coordinate the various functions of Student Services as described in Article I. 4. To act for the Student Services when so directed by the Central Committee. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477