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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 18, 1988






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 18 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000581. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 18-10 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 198 8 4:00PM MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER Senate President Evenson called the Senate Meeting 18-10 to order at 4:00pm. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT Senator Ax Senator Bailey Senator Bennett Senator Bosma Senator Carlson Senator Clay Senator Cozine Senator Donovan Senator Mangual Senator McGinty Senator Sanchez Senator C. Smith Senator Spicer (Late) Senator Varela ABSENT Senator Lowe (Excused) Senator Hoffman (Excused) III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES Motion to approve Senate Meeting minutes 18-9 by Senator Bosma. Seconded by Senator Donovan. There was discussion with corrections to the minutes. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. IV. ANNOUNCEMENT S Senate President Steve Evenson announced that at the Academic Standards meeting they reviewed student petitions. For the Executive Board Elections there will be a coupon for 2 slices of pizza and get a free drink. Everyone that votes will get the deal for showing Union Station there voter stub. The 25 of February will be the Organizations Board meeting. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Marriott will have samples of every type of food they provide, so that the organizations can make up a menu of what they would like when they have events at the Student Union. After the food sampling will will be the Organizations Board meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend. CSUN President Kirk Hendrick congradulated Jack Spicer for Senate President and wished him luck. He also announced that on the supplemental agenda item G. did not need to be approved by the Senate, it was there to just inform the Senate of what was going on, but it was already approved by the Executive Board. Someone will be going up Reno on April 6th to recruit people for UNLV; anyone interested should see himself. There a position open to be on the Classified Employee Committee. If anyone is interested in CSUN watches they will be $8, and they should be distributed sometime in May. Friday, February 19 at 12:00 noon will be President Maxson's advisory meeting. He also mentioned that for an idea CSUN could have an award of $200 for writing an essay with an idea on how to put UNLV in national exposure. CSUN Vice President Denise Gentile announced that the Organization Board meeting will be February 25. February 19th is the last day for funding. Senate President Pro Tempore Jack Spicer reported on the Skyline Display. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Senator Marco Varela announced that the Academic Budget committee that he is on would like to get some fedback from the students in the different colleges on what they feel is needed at UNLV. He mentioned that each senator should talk to the different students in their college. Senator David Donovan announced that he was working on the Book Reserve. He mentioned that about half of the books are being used and the other half is not. Next week he will have a list for everyone on which book are used and not used. August Corrales, Director of Appropriations Board announced that he will have a meeting February 24, in MSU at 1:00pm. He also mentioned that Nancy Clark will be meeting with Felica Young to discuss the budget tomorrow. Mike Chastain, Chairman of Elections Board announced that nine people filed and one had to withdraw because he had lacked some of the requirements. Tomorrow there will be a meeting at 1:00pm in the fireside lounge for all candidates. Rob Rosethal, Director of KUNV announced that they had their orientation last Tuesday. senate meeting 18-10 02/18/88 Page 3 The people which attended the meeting are in training now, and 5-7 people will be chosen for positions. Toby Romer, Editor of Video Yearbook announced that he will be putting together a twenty minute video to use in recruiting students to UNLV. Board and Committee Director who did not attend the Senate Meeting: Mike Frank, Student Services Mike Popp, Intramurals Corrine Goldstein, NSA John Fazi/Ric Jimenez, Entertainment and Programming Mike Mixer, Bar Manager VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS There were none. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Approval of $900 for Skyline Display to come out of the 904 account (Student Services). Motion to approve by Senator Spicer. Seconded by Senator Donovan. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Introduction of Senate Bill #13. (Kurt Hildebrand) B. Introduction of Senate Bill #14. (Senator Bailey) C. Introduction of Senate Bill #15. (Senator Bailey) D. Approval of Senate Resolution 18-3. Motion to approve by Senator Mangual. Seconded by Senator Carlson. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. E. Approval of Senate Resolution 18-4. Senate Meeting 18-10 02/18/88 Page 4 Motion to approve by Senator McGinty. Seconded by Senator Mangual. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. F. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. There were none. G. Approval of two tanks of soda ($28 per tank) and chips ($25 for 200 packs). There item was out of order. H. Introduction of CSUN lectures not to exceed $10,000 for either Carl Sagan, Issac Asimov, Jean Michael Cousteau, Michael Collins. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION Senate President Jack Spicer mentioned that the unanimously voted on Senate Resolutions should be mentioned in the minutes. Senator Donovan nominated Tony Bustillos to the Academic Advising Seat. Senator Bailey nominated Todd Gottschalk to the Science, Math and Engineering Seat. Senate President Evenson nominated Kristin Sakahara to the Education Seat. Senate President Pro Tempore Jack Spicer mentioned that it was a good item for people to attend Senate Meetings even if you are not a Senator. He mentioned that having no one against him to run in the elections was shocking to him, but he would still be campaigning. CSUN President Kirk Hendrick announced that the attitude that Senator Spicer had was a good one. He also asked for opinions from the Senate concerning the watches with the CSUN emblem and about the Senators having their photos in a case in MSU so students would know who they were. He would also be distributing basketball tickets after the meeting. Senator Marco Varela mentioned that it might be a good idea to get suggestion boxes for the different colleges. Senator C. Smith mentioned that in one of his classes many students were not informed about the Student Government. SENATE MEETING 18-10 02/18/88 Page 5 Senate President Steve Evenson announced that every senator still must fulfill their requirements of speaking to classes as soon as possible. X. ADJOURNMENT Senate President Evenson adjourned the Senate Meeting at 5:00pm. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 18-10 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1988 4:00PM MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 18-9 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Approval of $1015.20 from 900 account for Skyline Display. (CSUN Senate President Evenson) [Majority Vote] VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Senate Bill #12. (Kurt Hildebrand, Yellin' Rebel) [Majority Vote] B. Approval of Senate Bill #13. (Senator Bailey) [Majority vote] C. Approval of Senate Bill #14. (Senator Bailey) [Majority vote] D. Approval of Senate Resolution 18-3. (CSUN Senate President Evenson) [Majority Vote] E. Appproval of Senate Resolution 18-4. (CSUN Senate President Evenson) [Majority vote] F. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. [Majority vote] IX. OPEN DISCUSSION X. ADJOURNMENT SEE/pw UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA 18-10 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1988 MSU 201 VIII. NEW BUSINESS G. Approval of two tanks of soda ($28.00 per tank) and chips ($25.00 for 200 packs). H. Introduction of CSUN lecture not to exceed $10,000 for either Carl Sagan, Issac Asimov, Jean Michael Cousteau, Michael Collins. (Tristam Harrington, CSUN Vice President Pro Tempore). UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SENATE BILL NO. 12_ of the 18th SESSION INTRODUCED BY: Kurt Hildebrand SUMMARY: A bill defining the Publications Board. WE, THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OP THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, REPRESENTED IN THE CSUN SENATE, AMEND THE BYLAWS TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: I. Purpose The purpose of the Publications Board shall be to oversee the operations of all CSUN publications. II. Structure The Publications Board shall consist of the following: A. Director B. At least two, but no more than four CSUN members, at least one of which must be a communications studies major and at least one of which must be a CSUN Senator. C. A faculty member from the Communications Studies Department, a representative from University Informations Services, and a representative from the professional print media. D. The editors of the publications sanctioned by the board as ex officio, non-voting members. III. Duties, Powers and Responsibilities A. The Director 1. The duties of the Director shall be as those of the CSUN Service Director as described in Article IX, section D of the CSUN Constitution. 2. The director shall vote only to break a tie. B. The duties of the assistant director shall be as those of CSUN Service Directors as described in Article IX, section D of the CSUN Constitution. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 The Board 1. The board shall prepare and submit a budget from all CSUN publications to the Appropriations Board. 2. The Board shall nominate and recommend for dismissal all publications editors to the Senate for approval. 3. The Board shall establish the operating policies for all CSUN publications. 4. The Board shall establish any necessary subcimmittees, the chairmen of which must be Board members. INSERT: under II, E. No employee of CSUN publications may serve as a member of the Publications Board in any but an ex officio, non-voting member. pw CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS Senate Bill No. 13 of the iSth Session INTRODUCED BY; Senator Greg Bailey Summary; A Bill to amend the election of officers. WE, THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, REPRESENTED IN THE CSUN SENATE, AMEND THE ARTICLES TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING; ARTICLE IV OFFICERS AND ELECTION D„ Elections of Officers; 1. Em ecut i ve Of f i c er s; a. Filing dates for Executive Office shall he the first ten days of instruction in February. The Senate may extend t.h filing dates for up to 5 days. 2, L e g i s 1 a t i v e 0 f f i c e r s; Filing dates for Legislative Office shall be the first ten days of instruction in September. The Senate may extend the filing dates for up to 5 days. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS Senate Bill No. I1* of the 18th Session INTRODUCED BY; Senator Greg Bailey Summary; A Bill to amend Directors responsibilities, WE, THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, REPRESENTED IF THE CSUN SENATE, AMEND THE ARTICLES TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING5 ARTICLE I* CSUN SERVICES D „ Directors; r { AY** 4. All directors are? requires to make at least one class appearance,, a„ This appearance shall be scheduled by the Senate Rresident» b. The appearance shall be defined as an appearance be-fore a class by a director with the purpose of informing the the students,, cH The Senate President shall schedule an appearance for each director during the first month of classes of each of the Fall and Spring Semesters. d„ An absence of a director from a scheduled appearance will constitute grounds for a stipend reduction, unless otherwise designated by the Senate President„