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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, July 30, 1987






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 17 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000559. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    AGENDA EMERGENCY SENATE MEETING 17-2 6 THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1987 4:00 PM BEH 542 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes from meeting 17-25 IV. Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Kathy Anderson to Admissions Committee B. Kathleen Riley to E&P Board VI. Board, Committee, Director Reports VII. Unfinished Business A. Approval of Robert Ashley as Elections Board Chairman B. Approval of $75/month stipend for Assistant to E&P Directors VIII. New Business A. Transfer of 198 6-87 cash balances of CSUN Accounts: 7-2-457-4120-900 7-2-457-4120-902 7-2-457-4120-903 7-2-457-4120-904 7-2-457-4120-907 7-2-457-4120-908 into the CSUN Contingency account 7-2-457-4120-906. B. Introduction of Contract with BWI in the amount of $2,500 for Greenpeace Lecture on Oct 15, 1987. C. Approval of CSUN Preschool contract for $16,000. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA EMERGENCY SENATE MEETING 17-26 THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1987 4:00 PM BEH 542 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 17-25 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Kathy Anderson to E&P Board member B. Kathleen Riley to E&P Board member VI. BOARD, COMMITTEE, DIRECTOR REPORT VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Approval of Robert Ashley as Elections Board Chairman. B. Approval of $75 month for Assistant to E&P Directors. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Transfer of 1986-87 cash balances of CSUN Accounts: 7-2-457-4120-900 7-2-457-4120-902 7-2-457-4120-903 7-2-457-4120-904 7-2-457-4120-907 7-2-457-4120-908 into the CSUN Contingency account 7-2-457-4120-906. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3881 SENATE AGENDA 17-26 PAGE 2 B. Transfer of 1986-87 cash balance of 7-2-457-4120-901 of $12,084.41 into the following accounts: 7-2-457-4120-909 $7,250.65 (60%) 7-2-457-4120-906 $4,833.76 (40%) C. Transfer of 1986-87 cash balance of 7-2-457-4120-905 of $2,700.49 into the following accounts; 7-2-457-4120-911 $1,620.29 (60%) 7-2-457-4120-906 $1,080.20 (40%) D. Approval of 8-2-457-4120-909 and 8-2-457-4120-911 budgets for 1987-1988. E. Approval of Executive Board nominations IX. OPEN DISCUSSION X. ADJOURNMENT gl MINUTES SENATE MEETING 17-26 THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1987 4:00PM BEH 542 I. CALL TO ORDER Senate President Pro Tempore at 4:06pm. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT SENATOR CHASTAIN SENATOR CUNNINGHAM SENATOR GOLDSTEIN SENATOR McGINTY SENATOR MILLER SENATOR ROMER Smith called the meeting to order ABSENT SENATOR BOSMA ~ (EXCUSED) SENATOR HARRINGTON (EXCUSED LATE) SENATOR SPICER (EXCUSED LATE) SENATOR MARTIN ' (EXCUSED) III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES Senate Meeting 17-25 Minutes were approved. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS CSUN VICE-PRESIDENT GENTILE - Announced that the Executive put Entertainment and Programming co-director John Fazi on probation. She also stressed the importance of approving John Ashley as Elections Board Chair. Moticpn-CSUN President Hendrick to move out of the order of the day to approve Item F of New Business (Approval of CSUN Preschool contract for $16,000.) r .j. There were no objections to moving out of the order of the day. VIII. NEW BUSINESS F. Approval of CSUN Preschool contract for $16,000. Motion to approve by Senator Miller. Seconded by Senator Harrington. There was discussion. Dean Dale Andersen addressed the Senate. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3881 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SENATE MINUTES 17-26 07/30/87 PAGE 2 MS. EVELYN LUDEMAN addressed the Senate. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE SMITH - Announced that since the agendas were a little mixed up, that the Senate would be using the agenda with the time stamped 4:18 Monday. YELLIN' REBEL - Announced that the Frontiers issue will be come out August 4, instead of August 6. INTRAMURALS - Announced that a fall agenda has been set up. He also mentioned that Mary Carllise will be the graduate assistant for Intramurals. ENTERTAINMENT AND PROGRAMMING - There will be a Back To School party. V. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Kathy Anderson to Admissions. B. Kathleen Riley to E&P Board Member. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS < • A. Approval of Robert Ashley as Elections Board Chairman Motion by Senator Harrington to remove from being tabled Seconded by Senator Romer. Call for a vote. Motion carries to remove item from being tabled, unanim' There was 'd i-s cussion.- " -~*t"A Robert Ashley addressed the Senate. Call for a vote. •ft Motion carried, unanimously. B. Approval of $75 a month for Assistant to Entertain and Programming Director. Motion to approve by Senator Spicer. SENATE MINUTES 17-26 37/30/87 PAGE 3 Seconded by Senator Romer. There was discussion. Ric Jimenez addressed the Senate. Call for a vote. Motion failed with six in favor and two opposed (Smith, Goldstein), and one abstention (McGinty). VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Transfer of 1986-87 cash balances of CSUN Accounts: -i 7-2-457-4120-900 1 7-2-457-4120-902 7-2-457-4120-903 7-2-457-4120-904 7-2-457-4120-907 7-2-457-4120-908 into the CSUN Contingency account 7-2-457-4120-906. Motion to approve by Senator McGinty. 2 0a» aij ai :f iz ? jz- tJnoo 1o 1 ^suboT.^ Seconded by Senator Goldstein. 0 . ..There was discussion. Nancy Clark addressed the Senate. Call for a vote. Motion carries, unanimously. Transfer of 1986-87 cash balance of 7-2-457-4120-901 of 12,084.41 into the following accounts: 7-2-457-4120-909 $7,250.65 (60%) 7-2-457-4120-906 $4,833.76 (40%) - - ^.br??- - - :oM Motion to approve by Senator Romer. , C V0 Seconded by Senator Goldstein. fit ~mt fins k r? / a&v airi rf aivW o3 q??5 arfs Motion to approve Items B and C as a whole by Senator Miller, Seconded by Senator McGinty. C. Transfer of 1986-87 cash balance of 7-2-457-4120-905 of $2,700.49 into the following accounts: 7-2-457-4120-911 $1,620.29 (60%) 7-2-457-4120-906 $1,080.20 (40%) There was discussion. SENATE MINUTES 17-26 07/30/87 PAGE 4 Nancy Clark addressed the Senate. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. D. Approval of 8-2-457-4120-909 and 8-2-457-4120-911 budget for 1897-88. Motion to approve by Senator Goldstein. Seconded by Senator McGinty. There was discussion. Nancy Clark addressed the Senate. Call for a vote. Motion carries, with one abstention (Spicer). E. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. Motion to table by Senator Romer, with no objections. . El. Introduction/Approval of contract with BWI in the amount / of $2500 for Greenpeace lecture on Oct. 15, 1987. G. Motion by Senator Harrington to approve $74.50 a month for Assistant Entertainment and Programming Director. Seconded by Senator Spicer. There was discussion. „. ....-„ . ... John Miller addressed the Senate. - - . : > . „ Call for a vote. (J 0 « - ' •-.}. G .*'; ', C i.' - 0 ^ & - - c A " - Motion carried, unanimously. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION ^ : • : : . .".;•: > v- CSUN VICE-PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE HARRINGTON - Mentioned that the trip to Washington, D.C. was very interesting, and he felt .isl that UNLV had 10 times more to offer then they received. CSUN PRESIDENT HENDRICK - Announced that we should start having more student and faculty involvement, and more retreats SENATOR GOLDSTEIN - Asked why John Fazi was put on probation. JOHN FAZI - He gave an explanation, and there was some discussion. •SENATE MINUTES 17-26 07/30/87 '<v GE 5 SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE SMITH - Announced that there will be a meeting to approve the Constitution on Wednesday 5, 1987 at 5:00PM. He also mentioned that he would like the Senators who were not able to attend the meeting today to tell him why, before Monday, in order not to receive an unexcused absence. X. ADJOURNMENT Senate President Pro Tempore Smith adjourned the meeting at 5:25. SENATE SECRETARY PALMA T. WESELY SENATE/PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE GREG SMITH CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS TO: ALL CSUN SENATORS FROM: GARY LONGFELLOW, CSUN SECRETARY DATE: JULY 21, 1987 RE: SENATE AGENDA 17-26 There is a correction to the Senate Agenda for July 30th's meeting. Under article V (Executive Board Nominations) item A, it should read : Approval of Kathy Anderson to Admissions Committee, and not E&P Board Member. Thank you. FILE. /gl UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3881 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS BUSINESS OFFICE For August Senate Meeting: 1) Transfer 1986 - 1987 cash balances of CSUN Accounts: 7-2-457-4120-900 7-2-457-4120-902 7-2-457-4120-903 7-2-457-4120-904 7-2-457-4120-907 7-2-457-4120-908 into the CSUN Contingency account 7-2-457-4120-906. 2) Transfer 1986 - 1987 cash balance of 7-2-457-4120-901 of $12,084.41 into the following accounts: 7-2-457-4120-909 $7,250.65 (60%) 7-2-457-4120-906 $4,833.76 (40f) 3) Transfer 1986 - 1987 cash balance of 7-2-457-4120-905 of $2,700.49 into the following accounts: 7-2-457-4120-911 $1,620.29 (60%) 7-2-457-4120-906 $1,080.20 (40%) 4) Approval of 8-2-457-4120-909 and 8-2-457-4120-911 budgets for 1987 - 1988. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3881 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SUPPLEMENT AGENDA EMERGENCY SENATE MEETING 17-26 THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1987 4:00 PM BEH 542 VIII. NEW BUSINESS E. INTRODUCTION/APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH BWI IN THE AMOUNT OF $2500 FOR GREENPEACE LECTURE ON OCT 15, 1987. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3881