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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 16, 1986






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 16 (Part 2) Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000531. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 16-40 THURSDAY OCTOBER 16, 1986 MSU 201 4:00 PM I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes for Senate Meetings 16-37, 16-38, 16-39. IV. Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Sam Lieberman to Radio Board B. Jack Spicer to Entertainment and Programming C. Joseph Windolph to Radio Board D. Joseph Windolph to Faculty Grievence Connittee(s) E. Joseph Windolph to Bylaws Committee VI. Old Business A. Approval of Gus Varona to Judicial Council (2/3) B. Approval of $500 for Rob Rosenthal for travel expenses C. Approval of $300 per month stipend and Full Fee Waiver for Program Director D. Approval of $200 per month stipend and Full Fee Waiver for Assistant Program Director. VII. New Business A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations B. Approval of $842.5 0 from 904 account to send Lanny Leroy to National Conference on Student Services. C. Approval of $842.50 from 900 account to send Nancy Clark to National Conference on Student Services. D. Introduction of $150 month stipend for Ray Parker Co-Editor of Yearbook. E. Introduction of $150 month stipend for Cristy Anderson Co-Editor of Yearbook. F. Introduction of Jack Spicer to Radio Board Chairman. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE AGENDA 10/16/86 PAGE 2 G. Approval of Co-Sponsorship contract with Tau Kappa Epsilon for event on October 18. H. Approval of Co-Sponsorship contract with Tau Kappa Epsilon for event on November, 6,* I. Approval of Division of Bar profits: 30% to Tau. Kappa Epsilon and 70% to CSUN Bevefage Department (2/3). J. Approval of contract with Elections workers for Home-coming elections not to exceed $300. K. Approval of float competition prize money, class A first place $300, second place $200. L. Approval of float competition prize money, class B first place $200, second place $100. M. Approval of Lip sync contest prize money, 1st place of $75, second place, $50, thrid place $25.00. N. Approval of Entertainment and Programming, entertainment contract on Saturday October 18, 1986, evening event. 0. Approval of $400 for Debate Team to attend Debate Tournament. P. Approval of $400 for Sigma Gamma Epsilon for Lecture Series. Q. Approval of $150 for UNLV ROTC Assoc. for repelling insurance. R. Approval of $400 for American Hotel & Motel Assoc, for travel to National Conference. S. Approval of $400 for Ranger Team. VIII. Open Discussion IX. Adj ournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 16-40 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1986 MSU 201 4PM I. Call to Order Senate president Pro Tempore Spicer called the meeting to order at 4:15pm. 11. Roll Call Present - Absent Senator Anderson - Senator Lieberman (unexcused) Senator Brown Senator Burke Senator Davis Senator Gottschalk Senator Harrington Senator Leroy Senator Loxton v Senator Miller Senator Novak Senator Parker Senator Popadak Senator Retke Senator Sarnelli Senator Spicer (Senate President Pro Tern) Senator Susman Senator Tangredi Senator Windolph Senator Zayas III. Approval of Minutes from Senate Meetings 16-37, 16-38, 16-39 There were none. IV. Announcements CSUN President Hendrick announced Homecoming was on and everyone's help would be needed. He also announced the Faculty Senate was having an ad hoc committee on Student Services, and they were also deciding if classes should start on the hour for next semester. V. Board, Committee, Director Reports Tristam Harrington, NSA Director, said the candidates forum would be next UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702] 739-3477 Senate Meeting 16-40 page 2 Oct. 16, 1986 Thursday, from 12 to 2pm. Lanny Leroy, Student Services director, said there would be a meting on Friday at 1:30pm. Denise Sarnelli, E&P, reported what had happened yesterday with Homecoming and why it was moved. Mike Klimek, Appropriations Board chair, said he needed the weekly budget reports from everyone. Rob Rosenthal, KUNV's General Manager, said 30 new people are on staff, and the station had to fire two people for misconduct. VI. Executive Board Nominations A. Sam Lieberman to Radio Board B. Joseph Windolph to Radio Board C. Joseph Windolph to Faculty Grievence Committee D. Joseph Windolph to Bylaws Committee VII. Old Business A. Approval of Gus Varona to Judicial Council (2/3) Postponed for several minutes until Mr. Varona could arrive B. Approval of $500 for Rob Rosenthal for travel expenses Senator Miller moved to approve; Senator Loxton seconded. The motion passed unanimously. C. Approval of $300 per month stipend and Full Fee Waiver for Program Director Senator Zayas moved to approve; Senator Miller seconded. The motion passed unanimously. D. Approval of $200 per month stipend and Full Fee Waiver for Assistant Program Director beginning September 1, 1986. Senator Miller moved to approve; Senator Loxton seconded. Senator Zayas proposed a friendly amendment for no fee waiver and to make the stipend for 12 months. Senator Loxton withdrew his second. The meeting recessed for two minutes at 4:37 and reconvened at 4:39. The motion was postponed for a few mintues while several organizations intro-duced themselves. Sharon Robinson from the GAU introduced herself and her organization. The meeting then continued with the motion on the floor: Approval of $200 per month stipend and Full Fee Waiver for Assistant Program Director beginning September 1, 1986. This motion failed with 10 in favor, eight against (Parker, Brown, Popadak, Susman, Harrington, Zayas, Miller, Leroy) and one abstention (Davis). Senate Meeting 16-40 page 3 Oct. 16, 1986 A new motion was brought to the floor. Senator Zayas moved to approve $200 stipend for 12 months for Assistant Program Director. Senator Miller seconded. This motion failed with six in favor, 11 opposed (Loxton, Windolph, Tangredi, Retke, Novak, Brown, Anderson, Sarnelli, Popadak, Burke) and two abstentions (Gottschalk and Davis). Senator Zayas reconsidered his vote, changing it from yes to no making the final tabulations five in favor, 12 against and two abstentions. A new motion was brought to the floor. Senator Harrington moved to approve $100 per month stipend and Full Fee Waiver for Assistant Program Direcotr. Senator Retke seconded. This motion passed with 15 in favor, two opposed (Sarnelli, Popadak) and two abstentions (Brown and Novak). The meeting then went back into Item A. of Old Business A. Approval of Gus Varona to Judicial Council Senator Leroy moved to approve; Senator Tangredi seconded. Gus Varona spoke and introduced himself. The motion passed with 14 in favor, four opposed (Miller, Zayas, Harrington, Susman) and one abstention (Davis). VIII. New Business A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations Senator Miller moved to approve as a whole; Senator Zayas seconded. The motion passed unanimously. B. Senator Harrington moved to approve B and C as a whole; Senator Miller seconded. B. Approval of $842.50 from 904 account to send Lanny Leroy to National Con-ference on Student Services. C. Approval of $842.50 from 900 account to send Nancy Clark to National Con-ference on Student Services. Senator Leroy spoke and explained the conference and what would be taking place. This motion passed with 16 in favor, two opposed (Novak, Sarnelli) and one abstention (popadak). D. Introduction of $150 month stipend for Ray Parker Co-Editor of Yearbook. This was introduced. E. Introduction of $150 month stipend for Cristy Anderson Co-Editor of Yearbook. This was introduced. F. Introduction of Jack Spicer to Radio Board Chair. This was introduced. Vice-President Muir moved to approve Items G through S as a whole. There was no second. G. Approval of Co-Sponsorship contract with Tau kappa Epsilon for event on October 18. Senator Gottschalk moved to approve; Senator Loxton seconded. Senator Zayas left themeeting. Senate Meeting 16-40 page 4 Oct. 16, 1986 This motion passed unanimously. H. Approval of Co-Sponsorship contract with Tau Kappa Epsilon for event on November 6. Senator Harrington moved to approve; Senator Loxton seconded. This item was approved unanimously. With no objections, the Senate moved out of the order of the day into Item R. R. Approvel of $400 for American Hotel and Motel Association for travel to National Conference. Senator Harrington moved to approve; Senator Sarnelli seconded. A representative from the AHMA spoke and presented a budget. Thismotion passed unanimously. P. Approval of $400 for Sigma Gamma Epsilon for Lecture Series. Senator Harrington moved to approve; Senator Susman seconded. A representative from Sigma Gamma spoke and explained the lecture series. Thismotion passed unanimously. The meeting then moved back into the order of the day. I. Approval of Division of Bar profits; 30 percent to Tau Kappa Epsilon and 70 percent to CSUN Beverage Department (2/3). Senator Harrington moved to approve; Senator Tangredi seconded. This motion passed unanimously. J. Approval of contract with Elections workers for Homecoming election for $300. Senator Harrington moved to approve; Senator Gottschalk seconded. This motion passed with 15 in favor, none opposed, three abstentions (Novak, Sarnelli, Popadak). K. Senator Gottschalk moved to approve Items K and L as a whole Senator Tangredi seconded. K. Approval of float competition prize money, class A, first place $300, second place $200. L. Approval of float competition prize money, class B first place $200, secpnd place $100. Senator Retke made a friendly amendment to change the prize money amounts to $500, $400 and $300, $ 200. This was not recognized. The motions passed with 17 in favor, one abstention (Miller). M. Approval of Lip Sync contest prize money, first place of $75, secondplace $50, third place $25. Senator Harrington moved to approve; Senator Parker seconded. This pased with 17 in favor, one opposed (Miller). N. Approval of Entertainment and Programming, entertainment contract on Sat., October 18, 1986, evening event. (Emergency Item) Approval of Chris Cox at $150. Senator Daivs moved to approve; Senator Loxton aeconded. This motion passed unanimously. Senate Meeting 16-40 page 5 Oct. 16, 1986 0. Approval of $400 for Debate Team to attend Debate Tournament. Senator Harrington moved to approve; Senator Susman seconded. This motion was tabled until next week. Q. Approval of $150 for UNLV R0TC Association for repelling insurance. Tabled until next week. S. Approval of $400 for Ranger Team Tabled until next week. Emergency Item T. Approval of $150 for winner of the Egg-eating contest, Thursday, Oct. 16. Senator Sarnelli moved to approve; Senator Susman seconded. Senator Leroy offered a friendly amendment for $25; this was not accepted. The motion pased with 13 in favor, six opposed (Retke, Novak, Burke, Leroy, Miller, Tangredi). IX. Open Discussion Senator Harrington thanked the following people for their help on Homecoming '86. The Yellin' Rebel for the programs— Lori Susman and Jerry Johnstone for the banners— Ron and Mark for the t-shirts— Kim and Jim at Saga— He recommended Gary Longfellow for the Done Good Award for all the work Gary did—ordering the food, the crown, the flowers, cooking food, setting up, doing the paper work, etc. President Hendrick announced a new rumor going around that Octoberfest was cancelled because he did not sign the paper work. This is one of the many rumors in a series... He wished everyone (float competitors, queen candidates, Rebel football team) Good Luck! Senator Retke expressed his displeasure at the small amount of the money the float competition offers. Senator Susman said if proper planning was done for next year, more money could be offered. Senator Anderson asked for tickets to the game. Senator Sarnelli thanked everyone who help with Homecoming, especially Gary Longfellow. Senator Novak made the motion for $400 for the Pre Professional Club. X. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5:58pm Is