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uac000505. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA Senate Meeting 16-14 MSU Fireside March 13, 1986 4:00 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes 16-13 IV. Announcement s V. Board, Committee and Director Reports VI. Executive Board Nominations VII. Old Business VIII. New Business A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations B. Introduction of Rachelle Fischer to Judicial Council. C. Introduction of Mike Mixer to Judicial Council. D. Introduction of increasing Intramurals Director's stipend from $200.00 to $225.00. E. Approval of CNN Contract. F. Approval of contract with Face First for 3/14/86 for $250.00. G. Discussion/Action on sending a representative to the National Student Services Conference in Orlando, Florida, April 17-20, 1986. H. Nominations for vacant Health Sciences Senate Seat. 1. Robert Kuchar I. Appointment of Health Sciences Senate Seat. J. Discussion/Approval of Constitutional Amendments. -Chadwell. IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment sjd UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS EMERGENCY ITEM Please add to agenda 16-14. New Business K. Approval of clean up with Alpha Kappa Psi pledge class in the amount of $75.00 on 3/17/86. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 TO: All Senators FROM: John Novak, Arts and Letters Senator DATE: March 13,1986 RE: Newspapers and politics A growing number of students have voiced concern about the Yellin' Rebel's election coverage and a conflict of interest. I offer the following excerpts of professional journalism policies for your consideration: 1) Scripps-Howard Newspapers Principles and Practices for All Personnel (revised September, 1976) 1) Prohibited: d. participation by an employee in a prominent or leading role in party politics, in a way which could raise questions as to the paper's objectivity. 2) Associated Press Managing Editors Association Code of Ethics (adopted by the APME Board of Directors, ; April 15,1975) Conflicts of Interest, 3rd paragraph: Involvement in such things as politics, community affairs, demonstrations and social causes that could cause a conflict of interest, or the appearance of such conflict, should be avoided. 3) Louisville Courier-Journal and Times Policy on Outside Work of News, Editorial and Photo Department Staff Members (issued May 25,1971 by the publisher and executive editor; last revised June 27,1977) V. Work for a politician or political organization, either paid or voluntary, is forbidden. The policies of many other newspapers are similar. Staff members or editors can be suspended or terminated if these policies are not followed. In order to insure fairness and impartiality during the CSUN Executive Board general election and in the future, I strongly urge the Senate to take the necessary steps to establish a Code of Ethics for all CSUN print media. cc: CSUN Executive Board The Connection The Yellin' Rebel Dr. Cloud, Communication Studies Dean Dakin, Student Services Dean Wright, College of Arts and Letters March 12,1986 To Whom it may cocern: I apologized for not being able to attend the senate meeting this afternoon. I have already committed myself to take my grandmother to see her doctor. Her appointment is scheduled for 3:45 p.m. Thank you so much in advance for being so understanding about this matter. As for my nomination to the J. C. , I think I would be an excellent selection. I would like very much to be a member of the J. C. I hope that all persons involve consider me with positive regard. Again, thanks so much for time and understanding. Sincerely Yours Rachelle' Collett Fisher CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT MINUTES Senate Meeting 16-14 MSU Fireside March 13, 1986 4:00 p.m. I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Senate President Pro Tempore Spicer at 4:00p.m. Absent Senator Delia Rosa (excused) II. Roll Call Present Senator Adams (late) Senator Anton Senator Chadwell Senator Larsen Senator Leroy Senator Lieberman Senator Loxton Senator Menke (late) Senator Miller Senator Muir (late) Senator Novak Senator Sarnelli (late) Senator Spicer Senator Susman Senator Swanson (late) Senator Zayas Senators' Harrison and Dixon resigned from their Senate seats. There being quorum, the meeting continued. III. Approval of minutes 16-13 The minutes were declared approved. IV. Announcements There were no announcements V. Board, Committee and Director Reports Tim Muir, Intramurals Director gave a report on Basketball and upcoming softball. Kirk Hendrick, NSA Director reported that after contacting Senator Laxalt's Aid, the Senator will not be able to come to the campus. Carmen Zayas reported for the Yellin' Rebel, there will be a paper before and after Spring Break. Senator Menke reported for the Elections Board, and announced that they reviewed the protest and tentatively set another date for a meeting, as the elections were not certified. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 Senate Meeting 16-14 March 13, 1986 Page 2 Jack Spicer, Chairman of Ad Hoc Memorial Committee discussed his quorum at his last meeting, which consisted of himself. Senator Chadwell pointed out a problem with last weeks minutes, to add a Senate Directive to the Executive Board to fill the Judicial Council within two weeks. VI. Executive Board Nominations There were no nominations VII. Old Business There was no old business VIII. New Business A. Approval of Exeuctive Board Nominations There were no nominations. Senator Lieberman moved to waive Bylaw #1 to approve items B and C. There were multiple seconds. The motion passed with 14 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. B. Approval of Rachelle Fischer to Judicial Council Senator Novak moved to approve. Senator Lieberman seconded. The motion passed with 13 in favor, 1 opposed (Larsen) and 0 abstaining. C. Approval of Mike Mixer to Judicial Council. Senator Lieberman moved to approve. Senator Zayas seconded. The motion passed unanimously. D. Introduction of increasing Intramurals Director's stipend from $200.00 to $225.00. This item was introduced, and should state retroactive to March. E. Approval of CNN Contract. No action was taken. F. Approval of contract with Face First for 3/14/86 for $250.00 Senators' Muir and Sarnelli arrived at the meeting. Senator Sarnelli reported for Entertainment and Programming and discussed the contracts and upcoming events. Senator Novak moved to approve the contract. Senator Loxton seconded. The motion passed with 11 in favor, 4 opposed (Zayas, Susman, Miller, Chadwell) and 1 abstaining (Lieberman). Senate President Pro Tempore Spicer asked the Senate if there were any objections to suspend with the rules and move into items H, I and K before G. There were no objections. H. Nominations for vacant Health Sciences Senate Seat. 1. Robert Kuchar - Withdrawn Lynne Popadak was nominated. Popadak addressed the Senate. K. Approval of Clean up with Alpha Kappa Psi pledge class in the amount of $75.00 on3/17/86. Senator Novak moved to approve. Senator Loxton seconded. The motion passed with 16 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. Seriate Meeting 16-14 March 13, 1986 -3- G. Discussion/Action on sending a representative to the National Student Services Conference in Orlando, Florida, April 17-20, 1986. Senator Novak moved to discuss. Senator Anton seconded. Nancy Clark addressed the Senate and explained the conference and monies. Senator Novak moved to refer this item to the Executive Board to make a nomination. Senator Leroy seconded. The motion passed with 15 in favor, 1 opposed (Adams) and 0 abstaining. J. Discussion/Approval of Constitutional Amendments. -Chadwell Senator Chadwell moved that the Senate enter a Committee of the Whole with Senator Sp icer as chair and set the time of adjournment at 6;31 p.m. Senator Lieberman seconded. Senator Muir stepped out of the meeting. The motion passed with 14 in favor, 1 opposed (Adams) and 0 abstaining. Senator Muir returned to the meeting. Chairman Spicer moved to rise and report with no report. Tjiere were no objections. Senator Susman moved to approve the Constitution Amendments up to Article II with the correction of stating'All registered students of UNLV, shall be. members of CSL'X. . ." Senator Zayas moved to approve. "The motion failed with 11 opposed and 5 in favor. A roll call was taken. In Favor Opposed Senator Chadwell Senator Adams Senator Miller Senator Anton Senator Spicer Senator Larsen Senator Susman Senator Leroy Senator Zayas Senator Lieberman Senator Loxton Senator Menke Senator Muir Senator Novak Senator Sarnelli Senator Swanson Senator Novak moved to approve the Consitution Amendments up to Article II with a new amendment of stating "All registered undergraduate students of UNLV, shall be members of CSUN..." Senator Swanson seconded. The motion failed with 11 in favor, and 5 opposed. A roll call was taken. In Favor Opposed Senator Adams Senator Anton Senator Chadwell Senator Menke Senator Larsen Senator Miller Senator Leroy Senator Muir Senator Lieberman Senator Susman Senator Loxton Senator Novak Senator Sarnelli Senator Spicer Senator Swanson Senator Zayas Senator Susman called for a recall vote. Senator Zayas seconded. The motion to have a recall passed with 15 in favor, 1 opposed (Menke) and 0 abstaining. Seriate Meeting 16-14 March 13, 1986 -4- The vote was recalled and passed with 13 in favor, and 3 opposed. A roll call vote was taken. In Favor Oppposed Senator Adams Senator Menke Senator Anton Senator Miller Senator Chadwell Senator Muir Senator Larsen Senator Leroy Senator Lieberamn Senator Loxton Senator Novak Senator Sarnelli Senator Spicer Senator Susman Senator Swanson Senator Zayas Senator Spicer moved that the Senate move back into the Committee of the whole Senator Leroy seconded, with Spicer presiding as chair. Senator Chadwell moved that the Senate move out of the committee of the whole. There were no objections. Senator Chadwell moved to approve the Constitutional amendments from Article III to Art, IX,sec.G, except for Article VI, section C, subsection 7. To also delete Article IV, section C, subsection 4, subsection d. and to correct Article IV, section D, subsection 2, subsection a, to change [Executive] to legislative Senator Anton seconded. The motion passed with 16 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. Acting Senate President Spicer asked the Senate if there were any objections to moving back into the committee of the whole. There were no objections. Senator Zayas moved that the Senate move out of the committee of the whole Senator Lieberman seconded. There were no objections. Senator larsen moved to approve Article IX. section H except for section 3 subsection d to approve the originial constitution, also section 3 subsection f is eliminated. Senator Swanson seconded. The motion passed with 16 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. Senator Zayas moved to amend the time of adjournment. Senator Menke seconded. Senator Swanson objected. This was withdrawn. The motion to amend the time of adjournment passed with 9 in favor and 7 opposed (Swanson, Lieberman, Muir, Loxton, Novak, Adams and Larsen), and 0 abstaining. IX. Open Discussion Senator Novak addressed the Senate. Senators' Zayas and Susman left the meeting. Acting Senate President Spicer passed the gavel to Senate President Varona at 6:30 p.m. Senator Spicer left the meeting. Senator Novak requested that the minutes reflect the following: Senators' Adams, Anton, Delia Rosa, Larsen, Loxton, Menke, Muir, Sarnelli, Swanson and Novak are dissappointed with the quality of the latest issues of the paper and if it does not improve, we will seriously consider reducing stipends and or replacing personnel. Several professors and professionals have been contacted to review the paper also. Seriate Meeting 16-14 March 13, 1986 -5- Senator Novak asked the Senate to vote, or give some kind of approval so that he could continue his investigation on their behalf. This item will be placed on the next agenda. An item for the Senate to look into the Yellin' Rebel's stipends for Editor and Managing Editor was requested for the next Senate agenda. Senator Novak introduced another item of business to increase the Intramurals Director's Stipend from $200 to $250. retroactive to March, and to increase the Entertainment & Programming Assistant Director's stipend from $75.00 to $125.00. These items will be placed on the next agenda. Senator Chadwell expressed his annoyance with individuals making the committee of the whole a "Circus". Nomination to vacant Senate Seats. Ray Parker was nominated to Academic Advisement. Stephanie Harman was nominated to Academic Advisement. Todd Gottscall was nominated to Science, Math and Engineering. X. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. by Senate President Varona. /Attested to-'by: busan uute' Senate Secretary sjd