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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 28, 1985






Includes meeting agenda and minutes with additional information about bylaws. CSUN Session 15 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000466. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA Senate Meeting 15-19 March 28, 1985 MSU Lounge 201 4:00 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes 15-18 IV. Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations 1. Tristam Harrington to Assistant Chair for NSA 2. Dr. Bob McConnell to Radio Board 3:. Mike Howard to E&P VI. Board, Committee, and Director Reports VII. Old Business VIII. New Business A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations B. Approval of Senate Bill 15-9 C. Approval of Amendment to Publications Board Operating Policy D. Nominations for Vacant Hotel College Seat 1. Cathy Clay 2. David Penczek 3. Chuck Jensen E. Appointment of Senator Hotel College Seat F. Nominations for Vacant Education College Seat G. Change of Stipend 1. $0.00 for Publications Board Chairman 2. $0.00 for Organizations Board Chairman 3. $0.00 for KUNV News Director H. Approve and Refer Constitutional Amendment I. Waive Bylaw 6 to consider item J. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Senate Agenda 15-19 2 J. Refer Referenda to CSUN Membership. K. Recognition of Organizations 1. Delta Zeta 2 . Delta Zeta Pledge 3. Black Awareness Society L. Waive bylaw 15 to consider items M,N,0,P,V. M. Approval of funding not to exceed $400.00 for the Students for Conservative Government for Candidates Forum. N. Approval of funding, not to exceed $800.00 for TKE for a fundr aiser. 0. Approval of funding not to exceed $1,250.00 for University Chorus to attend UNR Choral Invitational. P. Approval of funding, not to exceed $500.00 for Pre-School for one electric stove. Q. Approval of funding, not to exceed $1,000.00 for Art Club. R. Appointment of James Ohriner to Ad Hoc Constitutional Revision Committee. S. Appointment of Janu Tornell to Radio Board T. Appointment of Sam Lieberman, Chairman of Ad Hoc Bookstore Committee. U. Recind action whereby contract with Best Productions was approved. V. Approval of funding not to exceed $1,000.00 for Debate Club to attend tournament. W. Approval of funding from E&P in an amount not to exceed $300.00 for expenses for Harry Reid Lecture. X. Approval of funding from NSA Account in an amount not to exceed $300.00 for expenses for Harry Reid Lecture. Y. Approval of contract with Romney Smith for DJ on April 12, 1985 for Ladies Night in an amount not to exceed $250.00. --E&P IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT PROPOSED BALLOT QUESTIONS 1. CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION: Shall the CSUN Constitution be amended as recommended by the 15th session of the CSUN Senate? 2. NUCLEAR WASTE PROHIBITION: Should the State of Nevada and its rep-resentatives take actions necessary to prohibit the location of a national nuclear dumpsite in Nevada? 3. EDUCATION BUDGET CUTS: Should the State of Nevada and its represen-tatives take actions necessary to oppose President Reagan's proposed education budget cuts (i.e. limiting federal aid to $4,000 per stu-dent, elimination of aid to students whose family incomes exceed $32,500 annually, etc.)? 4. UNS REGENTS BY APPOINTMENT: Should the Nevada Constitution be amend-ed to have University of Nevada System Regents appointed, either by the Governor or a Special Committee of some type, insead of elected? 5. ADMISSION REQUIREMENT STABALIZATION: Should the University of Nevada, Las Vegas maintain its present GPA requirement of 2.3 for admission of out-of-state students, as opposed to the proposed GPA requirement in-crease to 2.5? 6. PARKING FEES: Should an annual parking fee of $10 be established at UNLV for the purpose of parking enforcement and/or the hiring of more parking enforcement officers? 7. STUDENT OPERATED BOOKSTORE: Do you feel UNLV would be better served by a student owned and operated bookstore, as opposed to the present ownership of the bookstore by a private corporation? 8. PRESIDENTIAL PERSPECTIVE: Do you feel that stricter university con-trols on consumption of alcohol on campus should be formed? (This question proposed for informational purposes by UNLV President Dr. Robert Maxson) Question i-1 is a binding action, calling for an amendment to the CSUN Constitution. If approved, the Board of Regents would need to approve the Amendment for it to become effective. Questioners 2-8 are non-binding referenda, asking for public opinion on issues of university, local, state, and national concern. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/40O5 MARYLAND PARKvVAY/i.AS VEGAS, NEVADA 8?IS4/(/02) /39-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS CSUN ENTERTAINMENT & PROGRAMMING BOARD i SPECIAL AGREEMENT This shall serve as an agreement betv/een CSUN Entertainment f and Programming Board and Romney Smith • (Af f i 1 iat ion : The Rocket ) (SSN: ) for the following special services: V—c-t z * 1, Date of Event: April 12, 1985 - - 2. Description of Services: Play music for Ladies-Night .in the MSI? Snackbar from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. sound provided by Romney Smith. 3. Duration of Event: 4 hours 4. For the Amount of: $250.00 5. Check payable to: Romney Smith Signed this 27 _<3ay of March 4600 Paradiia, Address Las Vegas, NV 89109 City State Zxp , 1 9 85 CSUN Executive Board <UN Entertainment & Programming UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702] 739-3477 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS ART DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR FUNDING PROPOSAL CSUN SENATE MEETING 2 8 MARCH 1985 1. The annual Student Juried Art Show will take place March 25th through April 10th,, 1985. C-uest juror is Suzanne Brown of Scottsdale, Arizona. Ms. Brown is the owner and director of the Suzanne Brown Gallery in Scottsdale. As well as juroring the show, she will conduct a lecture on the ins and outs of marketing one's art work. 2. On April 25th and 26th, 1985 the UNLV Art Club is sponsoring a slide lecture and ceramic demonstration from nationally renown ceramacist Tom Coleman. Mr. Coleman is quite possibly the most influential ceramacist working in this country today. Several monographs have been written about Mr. Coleman —the "Mud Pie Dilemma" by John Nance being the best known. The students, and Las Vegas being a regional craft center, will benefit greatly from the firsthand observation of the impeccable craftsman. 3. Art Club field trip (TBA) this semester will be to two Michael Heizer site • specific "Earth Works." Earth Works are environmental sculpture which are sculpted into the earth's surface. The trip will go to Heizer's Double Negative located east of Overton in Mormon Mason overlooking the Virgin River, and Complex One located in Nye County, Nevada. There will be an overnight campout. The trip will be curated by Jeff Kelley, UNLV Alumnus who Is currently critic for the Los Angeles Times. The trip is a valuable experience for all interested to study two obscure works by internationally known sculptor Michael Heizer. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA. LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 69154/(702] 729-3237 BUDGET OUTLINE March 22, 1985 Expenses: Juried Art Exhibition March 25-April 19 Juror Fee (Room and Board) $200.00 Juror Airfare from Phoenix $150.00 Ceramic Workshop April 25-26, 1985 Tom Coleman(Guest Artist) fee including airfare from Portland, OR $900.00 Field Trip "Site Expedition" Spring 1985 Guest Critic (lecturer-trip guide) Airfare for artist from San Diego Vehicle Rental 2 Surburbans §9.25 day 25 cents per mile for 400 miles Total $500.00 $150.00 $ 37.00 $200.00 $2137.00 Fund Resources Charles Vanda's "Special Funds" UNLV Art UNLV Art Department Club $400.00 $450.00 $187.00 $1037.00 FUNDS REQUEST $1000.00 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS Senate Bill No. 8 of the 15th Session. INTRODUCED BY: Senate President Pro Tempore Varona Summary: AN ACT relating to appointment of candidates to fill vacant Senate seats; defining "unani-mous acclamation," providing for interpretation; and providing for other matters properly relat-ing thereto. WE, THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, REPRESENTED IN THE CSUN SENATE, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: Amend CSUNRS No. 10 0 by creating a new statute therein to be numbered 112, and create subsections thereto to read as follows: 112.00 "Unanimous Acclamation" 112.02 "Unanimous acclamation," as used with reference to the appointment of persons to fill vacant Senate seats, shall be interpreted as an absolute, unanimous acceptance of a single candidate for an opening on the Senate; an instance by which the Senate closes nominations for a position where only one candidate is nominated for a single seat. 112.0 4 In a situation where one candidate is nominated for one seat and the Senate closes nominations for that seat, the candidate shall be seated at the meeting following the meeting in which such nominations were closed barring an objection. If a member of the body objects to the seating of the candidate, the Senate shall either conduct an election for that seat or reopen nominations for that seat. 112.06 In an election where only one candidate is named, member of the Senate shall cast a ballot in one of the following man-ners : A. Yes: approval of the candidate; seating the candidate; or B. NO: disapproval of the candidate; reopening nominations .for that seat; or C. ABSTAIN: no opinion, refusal to participate in the vote for personal, ethical, or other reasons; does not count in the vote total as "Yes" or "No". UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 (CONT. S.B. - 15-8) 112.08 A candidate seated by unanimous acclamation shall be considered appointed to that seat at such time as the candidate affirms the oath of office. Approved at Senate Meeting 15-19, on 3/28/85. CSUN ORGANIZATIONS BOARD REQUEST FOR HIND INS NAME OF ORGANIZATION Financial Management Association. Natfional Honor Society ^ NAME OF PERSON SIJBMITT.UnG REQUEST Steven W. • Wendt ' '' POSITION Member (representing Janlce Woodford; President) ' '" ___J TELEPHONE NO. No campus phone at- present •' ••••--• • - • • • • • •'• ••• - • ' __ DESCRIPTION CF EVENT FOR WHICH FUNDIKG TOLL BE USED: DATE, TIME, LOCATION, PROPOSED AT1FNDANCE, PROGRAM CONTEST Monthly (2nd or 3rd Tuesv) , '6;'p.m." at M.S .U. 15 to 100 people, guest speaker in a series'of 'J To p i c s in f in'a" n r.'e:' ' '' , WILL THIS EVENT BE OPEN TO ALL UNLV STUDENTS Yes and the general public APPROXIMATE TOTAL COST OF EVENT $2660 _____ l APPROXIMATE TOTAL AMOUNT OF FUNDING TO BE PUT FQR'IH BY YOUR ORGANIZATION $1330 WHAT OTHER AVENUES CF FUNDING HAVE YOJ EXPLORED? FMA membership fees, private donations, income producing FMA projects . HAVE YOJ CONSIDERED COSPONSORSHIP? We would be honored to promote CSUN as co-sponsor EXP1AIN:_ All media advertisement would state: "Sponsored by the Flnaririal Management Association National Honor Society and Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas." " IN WHAT WAYS WILL THIS EVENT BENEFIT YOUR ORGANIZATION AND/OR 25IE UNLV STUDENT BODY? The Financial Management Association shall benefit from the organizational experienc e_ and heightened public profile. More important, the student body will benefit through greater knowledge of practical financial aspects and enhanced career prospects. _Thi s shall occur as the guest speakers, their organizations, and the community as a whole become aware of our programs which make UNLV a prime source of educated and compel out employees. >~:YY OF i ,*[!VADA, LAS VFQAS/^Qo iv"/- VYI/-.ND W-Y.'/-/^ $ VtOAS. KV 7^-3-^77 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES Senate Meeting 15-19 MSU Lounge 201 March 28, 1985 4:00 p.m. I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. The meeting was recessed at 4:10 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 4:15 p.m. II. Roll Call Present Senator Acker Senator Adams Senator Chadwell Senator Davis Senator DiBenedetto Senator Harrington Senator Hendrick Senator Holm Senator Kelleher Senator Kim Senator Kowalczyk Senator Larson Senator Maestas Senator Nellis Senator Nichols Senator Varona There being quorum, the meeting continued. III. Approval of minutes 15-18 The minutes were approved with no corrections. IV. Announcement s Steven Wendt, Financial Management Assoication National Honor Society representative addressed the Senate for a funding request which will appear on the next agenda. A representative from the Art Club, Chris Kutz addressed the Senate and presented a slide show. Senate President Haldeman asked the Senate if there were any objections to suspend with the order of the day and move into New Business item Q. There were no objections. Absent Senator Smith (unexcused) UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 March 28, 1985 Senate Meeting 15-19 -2- VIII. New Business Q. Approval of funding, not to exceed $1,000.00 for Art Club. Senator Holm moved to approve $1,000.00. Senator Davis seconded. Senator DiBenedetto moved to amend the motion to $600.00. Senator Champagne seconded. The motion to amend failed with 6 in favoy 11 opposed (Hendrick,Nichols,Kelleher,Kowalczyk,Davis,Acker,Kim Holm,Chadwell,Nellis) and 0 abstaining. Senator Kelleher offered a friendly amendment to change the amount to $900.00. The maker of the motion, Senator Holm amended his motion to $900.00 pending the rescinssionof the $1,000.00 for the counter from 900 account. The second concurred. The motion passed with 12 in favor, 5 opposed (Nichols,Maestas,DiBene-detto, Larson,Champagne) and 0 abstaining. Senate President Haldeman asked the Senate if there were any objections to suspend with the rules and move to items D and E. There were no objections. VIII. New Business D. Nominations for Vacant Hotel College Seat 1. Cathy Clay 2. David Penczek 3. Chuck Jensen Senator DiBenedetto moved to close nominations, give the candidates a chance to address the Senate, hold an election with a run off between the top two vote getters, send a directive to the Judicial Council to have one of them attend the next meeting to give the oath of office and have the person elected seated at the next Senate meeting. Senator Nellis seconded. The motion passed with 17 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. Cathy Clay addressed the Senate and answered questions. David Penczek " ". Chuck Jensen " " . A roll call vote was taken. Cathy Clay 7 Sen. Acker Sen. Champagne Sen. Davis Sen. DiBenedetto Sen. Nellis Sen. Nichols Sen. Varona David Penczek 6 Sen. Adams Sen. Harrington Sen. Hendrick Sen. Kelleher Sen. Kowalczyk Sen. Maestas Chuck Jensen 4 Sen. Chadwell Sen. Holm Sen. Kim Sen. Larson A run off election was held between Cathy Clay and David Penczek. Cathy Clay 9 Sen. Acker Sen. Chadwell Sen. Champagne Sen. Davis Sen. DiBenedetto Sen. Kim Sen. Nellis Sen. Nichols Sen. Varona David Penczek 8 Sen. Adams Sen. Harrington Sen. Hendrick Sen. Holm Sen. Kelleher Sen. Kowalczyk Sen. Larson Sen. Maestas Cathy Clay will be seated at the next meeting of the Senate. 3/28/85 S.M. 15-19 -3- IV. Announcement s Senator Nellis announced that the Health Fair was a great success. Senator Nellis the Health Sciences Senator resigned from the Senate due to the fact that he will not have the time needed to sit on the Senate. Nellis announced that joe Gray was interested in taking his place. Senator Varona moved to award Scott Nellis with a Done Good Award for his work on the Health Fair. There were a multitude of seconds. The senate concurred with everyone clapping. Scott Nellis then left the meeting. Chris Cox from the UNLV Chorus then addressed the Senate and explained what the funding would be for, which is agenda item 0. Senate President Haldeman asked the Senate if there were any objections to suspend with the rules and move directly to New Business item L and 0. There were no objections. IIII. New Business L. Waive bylaw 15 to consider itmes M,N,0,P,V. Senator Holm moved to approve the motion. Senator Acker seconded. The motion passed with 15 in favor, 1 opposed (Harrington) and 0 abstaining. 0. Approval of funding, not to exceed $1,250.00 for University Chorus to attend UNR Choral Invitational. Senator Holm moved to approve $800.00,($100.00 pending the rescinssion of the $1,000.00 for the counter, and $700.00 pending the rescinssion of the $900.00 for the desks) Senator Harrington seconded.The motion Passed with 16 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. Senate President Haldeman asked if there were any objections to suspend with the rules and move into item P. There were no objections. P. Approval of funding, not to exceed $500.00 for Pre-School for one electric stove. Senator Varona moved to approve the $500.00. Senator Hendrick seconded. Senator DiBenedetto objected to the consideration of the question. The objection was not sustained with 9 in favor, 6 opposed (Varona, Hendrick,Davis,Larson,Chadwell) and 0 abstaining. Denise Roch and Ramona Mondy addressed the Senate for the Pre-school and expressed the need for the stove. There was much discussion on the question of safety. Nancy Russell also addressed the Senate in favor of the stove. The motion passed with 14 in favor, 1 opposed (Kowalczyk) and 1 abstaining (Champagne). III. Announcements (cont). Brian Taver addressed the Senate for TKE, he explained what the funding was for and how they wanted to raise it. It was discussed and that the Big-O-Fan club was going to set up the same event, a week before TKE's. 3/28/85 S.M. 15-19 -4 V. Executive Board Nominations 1. Tristam Harrington to Assistant Chair to NSA (endorsed) 2. Dr. Bob McConnell to Radio Board 3. Mike Howard to E&P VI. Board. Committee and Director Reports James Ohriner, OPI Director discussed the section in the paper and that the .vacant Senate Seats will be advertised. Senate President Haldeman passed the gavel to Sen.President Protem Varona at 5:50 p.m. James Ohriner also discussed the ballot questions. Speaking for the Chairman of the Radio Board, he announced that the Board sent Ken Jordon's name to Neyeswah Abiku to appoint him acting Program Director until May 1, 1985. John Fazi, Intramurals Director addressed the Senate and discussed the Constitutional amendments and he was opposed to Section P. concerning the Intramurals Department. Senate President Haldeman, being the orginial writer of this section stiked it from the amendments. Senator Davis left the meeting at 6:10 p.m. The meeting was recessed at 6:15 p.m. by the call of the Chair. The meeting was called back to order by Senate President Haldeman at 6:30 p.m. Senators Kim, and Adams were late. Senator DiBenedetto reported on the Parking and Traffic Committee meeting and announced that fines were going to be increased, and that the Parking and Traffic were not particulary in favor of the resolution approved by the Senate. Senator Hendrick, NSA Director discussed the plans for the Harry Reid Lecture and the Spring Break Party. He was also opposed to section N of the constitutional amendments.. Senator Nichols, Appropriations Board Member discussed the transfer of $20,000 from 906 to 901 and that due to low spring enrollment $17,000.00 will be removed from CSUN's budget. VII. Old Business There was no old business. ,'j VIII. New Business Senate President Haldeman asked the Senate if there were any objections to suspend with the rules and move into item V. There were no objections. V. Approval of funding not to exceed $1,000.00 for Debate Club to attend tournament. Senator Nichols moved to approve $300.00 and refer to Appropriations Board. Senator Harrington seconded. Bob Glenn addressed the Senate and answered questions. Senator Kim arrived at 6:35 p.m. The m0tion passed with 14 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. 5/28/85 S.M. 15-19 -3- A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations Senator Nichols approved the nominations of Tristam Harrington to Assistant NSA Director, Dr. Bob McConnell to Radio Board and Mike Howard to E&P. Senator DiBenedetto seconded. The motion passed with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. Senator Adams arrived at the meeting during the vote at 6:36 p.m. B. Approval of Senate Bill 15-9 Senator Varona moved to approve. Senator DiBenedetto seconded Senator Holm moved to refer the bill to the Bylaws Committee. Senator Kelleher seconded. Senator DiBenedetto objected to the consideration of the question. Senator Varona seconded. The objection was not sustained with 7 in favor, 7 opposed (Varona, Nichols,Maestas,DiBenedetto, Harrington, Larson,Chadwell) and 1 abstaining. There was some discussion on the abuse of the bill. James Ohriner addressed the Senate and explained that the use of Robert's Rules or any type of parliamentary procedure can be abused. Senator Varona moved the previous question to refer the bill to Bylaws. There were a multitude of seconds. The motion to move the question passed with 13 in favor, 2 opposed (Kowalczyk,Kelleher) and 0 abstaining. The motion to refer the bill to the Bylaws Committee failed with 5 in favor (Nichols,Champagne,Acker,Holm,Kelleher) and 0 abstaining. The original motion to approve the bill passed with 13 in. favor, 1 opposed (Holm) and 1 abstaining (Kelleher). C. Approval of Amendment to Publications Board Operating Policy. No action was taken . F. Nominations for Vacant EducationCollege Seat Michelle Wong was nominated. G. Change of Stipend 1. $0.00 for Publications Board Chairman 2. $0.00 for Orgnaizations Board Chairman 3. $0.00 for KUNV News Director Senator Harrington moved to approve 1-3 as a whole. Senator Acker seconded. The motion passed unanimously. H. Approve and Refer Constitutional Amendment Senator Hendrick moved that the Senate enter a Committee of the Whole with Senator DiBenedetto presiding as Chairman. Senator Harrington seconded. Senate President Haldeman asked the Senate to suspend with the rules and move to item I. There were no objections. I. Waive Bylaw 6 to consider item J. Senator Harrington moved to approve. Senator Hendrick seconded. The motion passed with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. 3/28/85 S.M. 15-19 -6- J. Refer Referenda to CSUN Membership Senator Harrington moved to approve the ballot questions. Senator Chadwell seconded. The motion passed with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. Senator Harrington moved to amend his motion to state on item number 8 (pending approval of President Maxson). Senator Holm seconded. The motion passed with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. H. Approve and Refer Constitutional Amendment Senator Hendrick moved that the Senate enter the Committee of the whole, with Senator DiBendetto presiding as Chairman. Senator Harrington seconded. The motion passed with 13 in favor, 2 opposed (Acker, Kim) and 0 abstaining. Discussion took place on the amendments concerning boards and grade verifications. During the discussion NSA,Intramurals, OPI and Student Services boards were stiked off. Senator Nichols moved to rise and report with the following: Delete Article IV, C subsection 4 subsection a. Delete Article IX subsection M Delete Article IX subsection N Delete Article IX subsection 0 Delete Article IX subsection P Senator Harrington seconded. The motion passed with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. Senator Harrington moved to approve and refer the Constitutional Amendment. Senator Nichols seconded. Requires 2/3 vote. The motion passed with 14 in favor, 1 opposed (Holm) and 0 abstaining. IX. Adj ournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:20, due to the loss of quorum. Susan Dute', Senate Secretary