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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, June 19, 1984






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about the admendments to bylaws and appointments. CSUN Session 14 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000431. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING #14-30 of 19 June 84 I. CALL TO ORDER Senate President Haldeman called the meeting to order at 4:50 pm. II. ROLL CALL Senate President Haldeman called the roll of the Senate. Present Ab s en t Senator Ashley Senator Hughes - excused Senator Bellon Senator Cohen - excused late Senator Colquitt Senator Doubrava Senator Hawley - unexcused late Senator Nellis Senator Nichols Ex-Oficio Members Present Senator Ohriner President Anderson Senator Souris Vice President Fischer Senator Verona Senate President Haldeman There being a quorum present, the meeting continued. III. APPROVAL CLE MINUTES Senate President Haldeman, without objection, declared the minutes for meeting #14-29 approved, as corrected. IV. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS Vice President Fischer spoke concerning a memo from Dean Daniels requesting that CSUN contribute $700, to be matched by $800 from President Goodall's office, for the purpose of providing free course catalogs for incoming students attending orientation. The Vice President said that he would place such an item on the next Senate Agenda. Senate President Haldeman spoke concerning the letter quality printer purchased by CSUN for use by students. He said that it has been on campus for some time, however no one was available to install it. He said that it will soon be installed. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MEETING it 14-30 19 June 84 page 2 President Anderson said that the Executive Board members were in the process of hiring two professional secretaries and two typist/receptionists. Further information will be provided at a later time, he said. Senate President Haldeman notified those Senators who have been appointed to Faculty Committees to notify such committees of their membership in the event that CSUN does not. V. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS - Senate President Haldeman informed the Senate that the Executive Board made the following nominations: Senators Nichols and Nellis to Appropriations, Nellis to Entertainment and Programming, Nellis to Publications, Varona to Academic Standards, Doubrava and Colquitt to Admissions, Bellon to grievance, and Ohriner to Public Relations Committees. Vice President Fischer requested that notices of nominated stipends be made later in the meeting so as to organize the list of nominations made from the meeting held earlier in the day. Without objection, the Senate President concurred. VI. BOARD, COMMITTEE, AND DIRECTOR REPORTS Publications Board Chairman John Fazi reported on the progress with the nominating process for Yell Editor. He stated that the Board is conducting interviews for the position. The Board is further considering the publication of the Quicks ilver. Student Services Chairman Senator Gus Varona reported on the policies concerning the Lecture Note service. Senator Hawley entered the meeting at 5:07 p.m. VII. OLD BUSINESS sr- . • A. Nominations for Vac an t Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement (_3) : Frehner « No further nominations were made at this time. 2. Bus ines s an d Economics (_3) : Co rrales, Fazi, Garcia, Geary, and McDermo11 No further nominations were made at this time. 3. Hotel Administration (JO No nominations were made at this time. 4. Arts and Letters (_1) Senator Ohriner nominated Tyrone Smith. Senator Hawley nominated Jim Briare. Senator Doubrava nominated John Martin. - Senator Varona nominated Tom Ware. SENATE MEETING #14-30 19 June 84 page 3 B. A mo t ion to suspend the rules (Item I, Bylaw 15) to cons ider 11 em (3. This item was withdrawn by maker. C. Discussion/Action, a. grant not to exceed $350.00 , from 9 00, to the Water Skiing Club. This item was withdrawn by maker. . <2. D. Appo in tment o f In t ramurals Director - John Faz i (t abled) Senator Ohriner moved to take the item from the table. The motion was seconded by Senator Nellis. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining. The motion on the floor is App roval o f John Faz i a s In t r a-murals Director. Senator Varona retained the floor as the maker of the original motion. He passed comment. Vice President Fischer inquired as to Parliamentary rules concerning who should be allowed to speak on this item. Senate President Pro Tempore explained alternatives that the rules allow. Senate President Haldeman ruled that, since the purpose of tabling this item for one week was to afford Mr. Fazi an opportunity to speak and respond to questions, and that Ms. Willcox spoke to some extent at the previous meeting, that Mr. Fazi should be allowed to speak and answer questions in a similar fashion. John Fazi addressed the Senate. Questions were posed by Senator Bellon, Senator Nichols, Vice President Fischer, Senato-r Souris; Senator Colquitt, Senator Nellis, and Senate President Pro Tempore Ohriner. Senator Cohen entered the meeting at 5:40 p.m. Senator Hawley submitted his resignation from the Senate to Senate President Haldeman at 5:43 p.m. effective immediately. A Roll Call Vote was requested by Senate President Pro Tempore Ohriner and Vice President Fischer. Those voting in favor of the appointment were: Senators Ohriner, Cohen, Ashley, Nellis, Souris, Bellon and Verona. Tho s e voting against the appo intment were: Senators Nichols, Colquitt, and Doubrava. Senate President Haldeman declared the nomination approved with 7 in favor, 3 opposed, and 0 abstaining. SENATE MEETING #14-30 19 June 84 page 4 VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Appointments 1. Appointment o f Senators No- action was taken at this time. 2. Appo intment o f Randy Colquitt to Academic S tandards • «a- Senator Colquitt declined the nomination. 3 . Appo in tment o f Randy Co lqiiitt to Curriculum Commit t ee Senator Varona moved to approve the appointment. Senator Souris seconded the motion. The motion passed with 8 in favor, 1 opposed (Doubrava), and 1 abstaining (Colquitt) B . Work Waivers 1. App ro val o f a. Work Waiver for President Anderson Senator Varona moved to approve the work waiver. Senator Cohen asked that the motion read with an amendment for expiration of the work waiver on July 21, 1984. Senator Verona concurred. Senator Nellis seconded the main motion. Remarks were made by Vice President Fischer, Senator Bellon, Senate President Pro Tempore Ohriner, Senator Cohen, and Senator Bellon for a second time. Senate President Haldeman recessed the meeting subject to the call of the Chair at 6:39 p.m. Senate President Haldeman reconvened the meeting at 6:46 p.m. Vice President Fischer called for the vote. Senator Bellon requested a Roll Call Vote. 4 Tho s e vo t ing in f avor o f the work waiver were: Senators Ohriner, Ashley, Nichols, and Varona. Those voting opposed to the work waiver were: Senators Bellon, Cohen, Colquitt, Doubrava, and Nellis. Those abstaining from the vote were : Senator Souris. Senate President Haldeman declared the motion lost with 4 in favor, 5 opposed, and 1 abstaining. SENATE MEETING #14-30 page 5 19 June 84 2. Approval of a_ Work Waiver for Vice President Fischer Senator Varona moved to approve the work waiver. Senator Souris seconded the motion. Senator Varona remarked on the motion. Senator Cohen asked the Vice President about the work he would be involved with. 4. Vice President Fischer said th%t it was work within the Athletic Department on campus. Senator Cohen asked that the motion be conditoned for "positions related to employment with the Athletic Department." Senator Varona accepted Senator Cohen's suggestion as a friendly Amendment. Senator Souris concurred. Senate President Haldeman passed the gavel to Senate President Pro Tempore Ohriner to speak in favor of the motion. When his remarks were completed, Senate President Pro Tempore Ohriner returned the gavel. The motion passed with 6 voting in favor, 1 opposed (Cohen), and 2 abstaining (Doubrava and Bellon): Senator Souris was excused prior to this vote. C. Approval o f Bylaw #2 3 (Legislation) No action was taken at this time. D. Amendments to Bylaw #2 2 - Fischer, Varona Senator Ohriner moved to refer the suggested Amendment by Senator Varona to the Bylaws Committee. Senator Varona seconded the motion. Senator Bellon was excused prior to., the vote on this motion. The motion passed with 8 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining Senator Ohriner moved to refer the suggested Amendment by Vice President Fischer to the Bylaws Committee. Senator Cohen seconded the motion. The motion passed with 8 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining E. Ajd Hoc Con-Rev Committee Report Pate - Last Senate Meeting in July % Senator Ohriner moved to accept the recommendation from the Ad Hoc Con-Rev Committee that they will report to the Senate with their revision package by the last Senate meeting in July. Senator Colquitt seconded the motion. The motion passed with 8 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining SENATE MEETING #14-30 19 June 8 4 page 6 Senate President Haldeman moved back into Item V, without objection. V. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS Vice President Fischer submitted the following as stipends nominated at the Executive Board meeting of June 19, 1984: $200 per month for the Directors of Entertainment and Pro-gramming, Intramurals, Yell (Editor), Nevada Student Affairs, and Student Services, July 1, 1984 through April 30, 1985, with January 1985 contingent on Senate approval. $150 per month for the Yell Mariaging Editor, effective Aug-ust 1, 1984 through December 31, 1984 and February 1, 1985 through April 30, 1985. $150 per month for the KUNV News Director. $100 per month for the KUNV Grant Coordinator and the Senate President Pro Tempore. $75 per month for the Vice Chairmen of Intramurals and Enter-tainment and Programming, from August 1, 1984 through April 30, 1985, with January contingent on Senate approval. The Senate, upon completion of the report, returned to the next regualar Item on the Agenda. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION Senator Varona voiced his regrets on the vote on President Anderson's work waiver request. Senator Nellis served notice of reconsideration on Item VIII, B., 1. Approval of a Work Waiver for President Anderson, on the vote whereby the Senate refused to approve such a motion, and that it be entered on the minutes for the next meeting. Senate President Haldeman passed the gavel to Senate President Pro Tempore Ohriner to issue remarks concerning his displeasure with the debate on the appointment of the Intramurals Director. The gavel was returned upon completion of his remarks. Senators Nellis and Cohen made remarks. There being no further business, Senate President Haldeman adj our X. ADJOURNMENT Attested by: CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SENATE AGENDA 26 June 84 Meeting #14-31 MSU 201 4 : 0 0 p . m . I. Call to Order II. Roll Call II (NOTICE OF RECONSIDERATION: Approval of Work Waiver for President Anderson) III. Approval of Minutes #14-30 IV. Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations VI. Board, Committee, and Director Reports VII Old Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement (3): Frehner 2. Business and Economics (3): Corrales, Fazi, Garcia, * Geary, and McDermott ... LIT c 3. Hotel Administration (1) 4. Arts and Letters (2): Smith, Briare, Martin, and Ware VIII. New Business A. Approval of Appointments 1. Senators to Senate Seats 2. Nichols and Nellis to Appropriations 3. Nellis to Entertainment and Programming 4. Nellis to Purblications 5. Varona to Academic Standards UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 AGENDA 14-31 (continued) page 2 6. Doubrava and Colquitt to Admissions 7. Bellon to Grievance 8. Ohriner to Public Relations B. Motion to suspend the rules (Bylaw 1, Item II,A,3) to permit consideration of Item C. C. Approval of Bylaw #23 (Legislation) D. Amendment to Bylaw #22 - Varona E. Amendment to Bylaw #22 - Fischer F. Approval of Stipends nominated by the Executive Board 1. $200 per month for the Directors of Entertainment and Programming, Intramurals, Yell (Editor), Nevada Student Affairs, and Student Services for July 1, 1984 through April 30, 1985, with January of 1985 contingent on Senate approval. 2. $150 per month for the Yell Managing Editor, effective August 1, 1984 through December 31, 1984 and February 1, 1985 through April 30, 1985. 3- $150 per month for KUNV News Director 4. $100 per month for KUNV Grant Coordinator and the Senate President Pro Tempore 5. $75 per month for the Vice Chairmen of Intramurals and Entertainment and Programming, from August 1, 1984 through April 30, 1985, with January 1985 contingent on Senate approval. G. Senate Agenda Requested by Senator Cohen - Submission of Compensation levels for approval 1. Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman: $17-5- per m°nth plus a fee waiver. 2. Entertainment and Programming Board Vice Chairman: $100 per month , " \\p 3. Nevada Student Affairs Director: $275 per month plus v a fee waiver. ^^O 4. Nevada Student Affairs Director: $250 per month plus a fee waiver. 5. Yell Editor: $275 per month plus a fee waiver 6. Yell Editor: $250 per month plus a fee waiver AGENDA 14-31 (continued) page 3 7* Yell Managing Editor: $200 per month for August, September, October, November; and % of December 1984; and ig 0 f January; February, March, April, and % of May 1985 8* Yell Managing Editor: $175 per month for August, •September, October, November, and % of December 1984; and ^ of January; February, March, April, and ^ of May 1985. H. Appr o v a ^ 0 f a f e e w a i v e r for Intramurals Director X. Transfer 'of' $7 00..from 900 account to Public Information Office to subsidize purchase of Undergraduate catalogs. J. Approval of payment T.o MSU from 900 account, I.D. Booth expenses CSUN portion for 1982 through 1983 not to exceed $891.32 and 1983 through 1984 not to exceed $737.99. K. Approval of purchase of 10 pencil sharpeners at a cost not to exceed $210.00, 6 for BEH, and 4 to be distributed by the Executive Board. L. Approval of UNS Regents Proposed Budget 1984-1985 M. Approval of CSUN Budget 1984-1985 IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SENATE BYLAW #22 AMENDMENTS BY VICE PRESIDENT FISCHER • to. Authority to CSUN Publications Board. I. The publications board has the sole responsibility to nominate editors-in-chief and advertising managers. II. The dismissal of an editor-in-chief or advertising manager rests with the publications board and the Senate following due process set out in operating policy of the board. III. Applications for editors and advertising managers of the Yell and any other CSUN publications are accepted beginning the first week of March. Interviews begin the first week of April, and the board shall nominate an editor and an advertising manager for the Rebel Yell and for any other CSUN publications by April 30. IV. The editors and advertising managers of CSUN publications shall serve from June 1st or after Senate approval until May 31st of the following year. V. No voting member of the Publications Board may be nominated or appointed as a CSUN Publication editor-in chief or advertising manager. * Note: (Underlined material is new) 2.50 1 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477