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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, January 17, 1984






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 14 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000413. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING #11 SESSION 14 JANUARY 17, 1984 4:00 P.M. MSU 201 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call(Iddings, Eckert, Friedman, Flourens - excused) III. Approval of Minutes #7, #8, #9 and #10 IV. Executive Board Nominations A. Approval of Student Services Committee Chairman - Robert Eglet B. Approval of Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman - Bob Compan C. Admissions Committee - Mark Doubrava, Randy Colquitt D. Chairman of Elections Board - Bill DiBenedetto E. Judicial Council - Joe Buczyet(2/3) V. Old Business A. Appointment of Senate President Pro Tempore 1. James Ohriner 2. Robert Eglet B. Approval of Resolution #121383-01(to be renumbered 011784-1) Reorganization of Nevada Student Affairs and Student Services - Shaffer C. Approval of Senate Bill #22 - Reorganization of Nevada Stu-dent Affairs and Student Services - Shaffer D. Transfer Budget Authority and Fund Balance of Student Ser-vices Account(904) to Contingency(906) effective upon approval - Shaffer E. Approval of Kwik-Kopy On-Campus Copier Service Contract - Shaffer and Eglet F. Discussion/Action/Approval of New CSUN Election Policy and Procedure - Friedman G. Nominations for Senate Seats 1. Education College(2) a. Liz Cory(application not turned in) UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702] 739-3477 AGENDA SENATE MEETING #11 JANUARY 17, 1984 PAGE 2 b. Nanda Briggs(grade sheet not turned in) 2. Health Sciences College a. Sunny Shelley(okay) b. Renee Bielby(okay) 3. Academic Advisement College a. Mona Borsellino(okay) b. Doug Arone(okay)-Business and Economics College c. Tom Verma(application not turned in) d. Vykky Cave(application not turned in) H. Approval of Senate Bill #19, Interpretation of "Closed Personnel Session" - Ohriner I. Approval of Senate Bill #20, "Public Information Act" - Ohriner(table) J. Request for Monthly Stipend Increase from $200.00 to $285.00 for the(D-l) Position of KUNV Program Director- Hawley VI. New Business A. Appointment of Senators 1. Education College a. Liz Cory b. Nanda Briggs 2. Health Sciences College a. Sunny Shelley b. Renee Bielby 3. Academic Advisement College a. Mona Borsellino b. Doug Arone c. Tom Verma d. Vykky Cave B. Approval of Resolution #011784-02(originally numbered 14-1) Laboratory Science for Night Students - Eglet C. Amendment of Item C, Old Business, Senate Bill #22, Amend by Substitution, That: N.S.A. Become a Subcommittee of the Student Services Committee - This Amendment is Contin-gent upon Approval of Senator Eglet as Chairman of Student Services D. Submission of Stipend Increase from $285.00 to $325.00 for the D-l Position of Yellin' Rebel Editor - Dimick E. Appointment of Academic Advisement Senator - Doug Arone - Lee F. Appointment of Allied Health Senator - Sunny Shelley - Lee AGENDA SENATE MEETING #11 JANUARY 17, 1984 PAGE 3 G. Appointment of Education Senator - Nanda Briggs - Lee*** H. Discussion/Action Concerning Dismissal of Nevada Student Affairs Director and Removal of Stipend and Fee Waiver for Mini Term 1984 and Spring 1984 - Eckert I. Approval of Executive Board Election Dates 1. Primary Election - March 28 and 29, 1984 2. General Election - April 11 and 12, 1984 J. Approval of Executive Board Election Filing Dates 1. OPEN FILING 8:00 a.m. March 5, 1984 2. CLOSE FILING 5:00 p.m. March 16, 1984 K. Nominations of Qualification Verification Committee Members Cohen L. Donation $2000.00 to UNLV Student Chapter ACM for the purpo of Attending 198 4 ACM National Programming Contest - Eckert M. Amendment to Senate Bill 016 - Eckert N. Directive to the CSUN Senate President to Adhere to Senate Absentee Policy Dated 10/26/83 - Eckert VII. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Public Relation Committee(Faculty Senate) B. Entertainment and Programming Board C. General Education Committee(Faculty Senate) D. Academic Budget Committee(Faculty Senate) E. Elections Board VIII. Open Discussion IX. Adjournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING #11 SESSION 14 JANUARY 17, 19 8 4 4:00 P.M. MSU 201 I. Call to Order Senate President Clay called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in MSU 203. II. Roll Call Karen Eckert Cara Iddings Senate President Clay stated that the meeting was adjourned due to lack of quorum. Senator Ohriner asked that Senate President Clay state the Senators who were excused from the meeting. Senate President Clay stated that Senators Friedman, Varona, Bloom, Flourens and Lezcano are excused. Senate President Clay stated that the meeting was adjourned at 4:04 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Respectfully prepared by, Members in Attendance Steve Dimick Bill Haldeman Tom Hawley James Ohriner Karen Cohen Robert Eglet John Fazi Members Absent Sari Bloom - excused Jay Lezcano - unexcused Patrick Adams - unexcused Gus Varona - excused Rian Flourens - excused Hal Friedman - excused Mark Doubrava - unexcused CSUN Senate President CSUN Secretary UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS TRANSCRIPTS SENATE MEETING #11 SESSION 14 JANUARY 17, 1984 4:00 P.M. MSU 201 Catherine Clay, "The eleventh meeting of the fourteenth session is now called to order. The next item is roll call." Lynn Best, "Sari Bloom." (no answer) Best, "Jay Lezcano." (no answer) Best, "Steve Dimick." John Fazi, "He's out there." Best, "Steve." Clay, "Steve, please yell 'here.'" Cohen, "Yell 'here.'" "Say 'here.'" (unknown) Steve Dimick, "Here." Best, "Bill Haldeman." Haldeman, "Here." Best, "Tom Hawley." Hawley, "Here." Best, "James Ohriner." Ohriner, "Here." Best, "Patrick Adams." (no answer) Best, "Karen Cohen." Cohen, "Here." Best, "Robert Eglet." Eglet, "Here." Best, "John Fazi." Fazi, "Yo." Best, "Gus Varona." (no answer) Best, "Rian Flourens." (no answer) Best, "Hal Friedman." (no answer) Best, "Mark Doubrava." (no answer) Best, "Karen Eckert." Eckert, "Here." Best, "Cara Iddings." Iddings, "Here." Clay, "Nine is present. Eleven is quorum. This meeting is now adjourned since we don't have quorum." James Ohriner, "Would you please inform the (assembly?) as to the excused and unexcused . . . " Clay, "Friedman, Varona, Bloom, Flourens, Lezcano have called . . . " UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 TRANSCRIPTS SENATE MEETING #11 JANUARY 17, 19 8 4 PAGE 2 Fazi, "They're excused?" Clay, "They're excused, yes." Fazi, "Shit." Cohen, "Jesus." Mark Shaffer, "We can talk about this, remember what you said last week?" Clay, "I received a message that he was sick. I have not seen him today." "He's downstairs."(unknown) Fazi, "You better get these excused absences down. . . This is getting ridiculous. We never fucking have a fucking meeting be-cause you don't have the people here to do it. So let's just get your shit together or get out." Clay, "Why don't you tell the senators. I received a telephone call saying he was sick." Shaffer, "Catherine, Catherine." Clay, "I, personally, have not seen the man. I don't know whether he's downstairs or not. If he is, then it'll be changed. For right now he's, I was given a message that he was sick. Period." (A few people were talking at once.) Karen Cohen, "Who gave you the message?(pause) Maybe it was one of the other senators? the one that told him not to come?" Tom Hawley, "We've got to have meetings." "Really, Catherine."(unknown) Respectfully submitted by, Respectfully prepared by, Latnerme Clay /-t Lynnt/Best CSUN Senate President CSUN Secretary