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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, December 6, 1983






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 14 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000408. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING #6 SESSION 14 DECEMBER 6, 1983 4:00 P.M. MSU 203 I. Call to Order Senate President Clay called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Sari Bloom Jay Lezcano Steve Dimick Bill Haldeman Tom Hawley James Ohriner Karen Cohen Robert Eglet John Fazi Gus Varona Rian Flourens Hal Friedman Karen Eckert Cara Iddings III. Approval of Minutes #5 Senator Eglet moved to approve senate minutes #5. Senator Haldeman seconded the motion. Senator Eglet asked whether his leaving the meeting was an unexcused or an excused absence and asked that it be noted in the minutes. Senate President Clay replied that his was an excused ab-sence and that it be recorded in the minutes. Senator Cohen announced that she will be leaving all of the senate meetings early, because she has a 7:00 p.m. class. The motion to approve the minutes as corrected passed with all in favor. IV. Executive Board Announcements A. President Lee Lee had no announcements. Members Absent Samuel Garvin - unexcused(4) Patrick Adams - excused Mark Doubrava - excused UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 MINUTES SENATE MEETING #6 DECEMBER 6, 19 8 3 PAGE 2 B. Vice President Shaffer Shaffer had no announcements(he was not present at this time). C. Senate President Clay Today is Sam Garvin's third unexcused absence. He is officially removed from the Senate. There is a possibility that two out of the next three senate meetings may be postponed. There will be a Judicial Council meeting on Wednesday, December 7, 1983. There will also be a Curriculum Committee meeting. Clay will be introducing a resolution in support of the university offering lab classes for evening students. This resolution will be on the agenda for next week's meeting. Senate President Clay appointed Robert Eglet temporary parliamentarian for the meeting. V. Executive Board Nominations A. Approval of Dismissal of Entertainment and Program-ming Board Chairman, Roby Turner, Removal of Stipend and Fee Waiver for Mini-term and Spring of 1984(2/3) Senator Eglet moved to approve item A. Senator Friedman seconded the motion. Senator Cohen stated that this item is out of order according to Senate Bill 010. It would be illegal to consider those items(removal of stipend and fee waiver) at this time. Senate President Clay announced that the Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman, Student Services Chair-man, and Professional Programming Department Director have all been nominated for a D-5 status by the Executive Board. This item has not been considered by the Senate yet. Senator Eglet moved to divide the question. Senator Friedman seconded the motion which passed with 8 in favor, 2 opposed(Iddings, Haldeman), and 4 abstaining (Hawley, Dimick, Ohriner, ?). The motion on the floor is to approve the dismissal of the Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman. Chairman Turner read a statement analyzing his performance as the Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman. Senator Haldeman left the meeting at 4:18 p.m. Senator Eglet left the meeting at 4:18 and returned at 4:19 p.m. Senator Fazi left the meeting and returned at 4:20 p.m. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #6 DECEMBER 6, 19 8 3 PAGE 3 Senator Eglet moved to table this item for one week. Vice President Shaffer seconded the motion which passed with 7 in favor(Friedman, Flourens, Bloom, Lezcano, Varona, Hawley, Eglet), 6 opposed(Dimick, Fazi, Ohriner, Cohen, Iddings, Eckert), and 0 abstaining. Senator Cohen stated that she believed a motion to table took two-thirds majority to pass. Senator Haldeman returned to the meeting at 4:25 p.m. Senate President Clay stated that according to the chart it does take a two-thirds majority to pass. The motion to table failed. Senator Eglet moved to postpone this item for one week. Vice President Shaffer seconded the motion which passed with 8 in favor, 6 opposed(Dimick, Fazi, Ohriner, Cohen, Iddings, Eckert), and 0 abstaining. Senator Cohen stated that an item cannot be postponed if a motion concerning that item has been made. Senate President Clay spoke in favor of the dismissal of Roby Turner. Senator Eglet withdrew his motion. Senator Friedman con-curred. Vice President Shaffer moved to postpone the item for one week. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. Senator Cohen objected to Eglet's withdrawal. There were 7 senators in favor of the objection(Dimick, Fazi, Ohriner, Cohen, Iddings, Eckert, Haldeman), 6 op-posed, and 1 abstaining(Hawley). The objection failed. The chair voted against the objection. The objection died. Senator Ohriner objected and appealed to the decision of the chair.1 There were 6 in favor of the decision of the chair(to cast her vote against the objection), 7 opposed(Dimick, Fazi, Ohriner, Cohen, Iddings, Eckert, Haldeman), and 1 abstain-ing (Hawley). The motion on the floor was to approve the dismissal of the Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman. Vice President Shaffer spoke in favor of the dismissal of the Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman, Roby Turner. President Lee spoke in favor of giving Roby Turner a chance but made comments against Turner's performance. Senator Eckert questioned Turner. Senator Eglet stated that according to Robert's Rules of Order a motion to lay on the table only requires a simply majority to pass, so the motion to table the dismissal of Roby Turner for one week did pass. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #6 DECEMBER 6, 19 8 3 PAGE 4 Senate President Clay stated that the motion to table the dismissal of Roby Turner for one week passed. She ruled the other two items(removal of fee waiver and sti-pend) out of order. B. Approval of Dismissal of Professional Programming Director, David Mounts, Removal of Stipend and Fee Waiver for Mini-term and Spring of 1984(2/3) David Mounts resigned from his position as Director of Professional Programming. Senator Dimick asked whether Kevin Helm's nomination as a Justice of the Judicial Council could be considered today as an emergency item. Senate President Clay stated that it could not be con-sidered since it was not an emergency item. VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Organizations Board(from table - amendment) Senator Ohriner moved to remove Organizations Board minutes #6 from the table. Senator Eglet seconded the motion which passed with 13 in favor, 0 opposed. Senator Haldeman refused to vote. The amendment on the floor is to delete LDSSA's request for funds. Senator Eglet spoke against the amendment. Senator Haldeman spoke in favor of the amendment. Senator Ohriner spoke in favor of the amendment. Senator Dimick moved to amend by substitution to approve the minutes #6 as a whole. Senator Eglet seconded the amendment. Senate President Clay ruled the amendment out of order. Senator Haldeman spoke in favor of the amendment. Senator Cohen stated that the motion to table the amend-ment does not take the whole minutes with it. Senator Cohen moved to table the amendment for one week. Senator Lezcano seconded the motion. The amendment to delete LDSSA's request for funds tied with 5 in favor(Fazi, Ohriner, Iddings, Eckert, Haldeman), 5 opposed, and 4 abstaining(Flourens, Lezcano, Varona, Cohen). The chair voted against the amendment which died. Senator Haldeman appealed to the decision of the chair. Senator Ohriner seconded. There were 7 in favor of the decision of the chair, 7 opposed and 0 abstaining. The motion died. Senator Eglet moved to end debate. Senator Dimick seconded the motion which failed with 8 in favor and 6 opposed (Lezcano, Ohriner, Eckert, Iddings, Cohen, Haldeman). MINUTES SENATE MEETING #6 DECEMBER 6, 19 8 3 PAGE 5 Senator Lezcano spoke in favor of the approval of the minutes. Senator Bloom spoke in favor of the approval of the minutes. Senator Eckert spoke against the approval of the minutes. Senator Ohriner spoke against the approval of the minutes. President Lee added that the Senators who plan on taking the trip should abstain from the vote. Senator Haldeman spoke against the approval of the minutes. Senator Varona spoke in favor of the approval of the minutes. Senator Hawley spoke in favor of the approval of the minutes. Senator Flourens spoke in favor of the approval of the minutes. Senator Friedman spoke in favor of the approval of the minutes. Senator Cohen spoke against the approval of the minutes. Senator Eglet moved to end debate. Senator Bloom seconded the motion which passed with 10 in favor and 4 opposed (Fazi, Cohen, Iddings, Eckert). The motion to approve the Organizations Board Minutes from Meeting #6 passed with 8 in favor, 6 opposed(Cohen, Halde-man, Iddings, Eckert, ?, ?), and 0 abstaining. Senate President Clay recessed the meeting for five minutes at 5:26 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 5:36 p.m. Second Roll Call Members in Attendance Sari Bloom Jay Lezcano Steve Dimick Bill Haldeman Tom Hawley James Ohriner Karen Cohen Robert Eglet John Fazi Gus Varona Rian Flourens Hal Friedman Karen Eckert Cara Iddings Senator Eckert moved to suspend the rules and move to New Business, item D. Vice President Shaffer seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. Members Absent Patrick Adams - excused Mark Doubrava - excused MINUTES SENATE MEETING #6 DECEMBER 6, 19 8 3 PAGE 6 VIII. New Business D. Discussion/Approval of Purchase of Letter Quality- Printer - Shaffer Senator Eckert moved to discuss the purchase of a letter quality printer. Vice President Shaffer seconded the motion. Senator Eckert moved that CSUN purchase a letter quality printer for no more than $1500 to be taken from the 900 account with the difference to be paid-jby the Association of Computing Machinery, Women in Science and Engineering and the UNLV Math Department. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. Senator Eckert withdrew her first motion to discuss the item. Senator Eckert spoke in favor of the motion. Pam Levins, CSUN Business Manager, suggested that the selection process for the printer be stipulated in the motion. Senator Eckert stated that the Math Department will be selecting the printer. Senator Eglet moved to amend the motion to stated that the Math Department of UNLV will select the printer to be purchased. Senator Haldeman seconded the amendment which passed with all in favor. The motion as amended that CSUN allocate fundk not to exceed the amount of $15 00 from the 90 0 account for the purchase of a letter quality printer which would be selec-ted by the UNLV Math Department the difference in price would be paid by the Association for Computing Machinery, Women in Science and Engineering, and the Math Department passed with all in favor. Senator Hawley moved to suspend the rules and move into New Business, item E. Senator Friedman seconded the motion. Senator Ohriner asked that a friendly amendment be added to consider New Business, item I then item L after consider-ation of Item E. Senator Hawley concurred, but Senator Friedman did not accept it as a friendly amendment. The motion to suspend the rules and move into New Business, item E passed with all in favor. VIII. New Business E. Request for On-call use of a Four-wheel Drive Vehicle from the Motorpool, availabel to KUNV 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for installation/maintenance/ emergency repair of the KUNV transmitter and antenna located on Black Mountain - Hawley Senator Hawley moved to approve item E. Vice President MINUTES SENATE MEETING #6 DECEMBER 6, 19 8 3 PAGE 7 Shaffer seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports B. Other Chairman Corrales stated that the Student Services Committee has held two meetings which did not achieve quorum. Student Services meeting #7 held on November 22 at 5:30 was called to order at 5:35 p.m. in MSU. August Corrales, Nate Foulkes, Sindy Glasgow and Denyce Tuller were present. The meeting did not achieve quorum and was adjourned at 6:06 p.m. Student Services meeting #8 held on December 1 at 5:30 was called to order at 5:30 and recessed until 6:00 p.m. At 6:00 p.m., roll was taken. August Corrales, Sindy Glasgow, Richard Phillips, Thomas Ware and Sari Bloom(late) were present. Members absent(excused) were Blair Sonthreelle (a.k.a.), Giovanna Sardelli, Denyce Tuller, Gus Varona, Shawna Baker(unexcused). Jennifer Westin resigned from the committee effective November 28, 1983. Quorum was not achieved. The meeting was adjourned at 6:38 p.m. Senator Haldeman moved to approve Student Services Com-mittee minutes #6, #7, and #8. Senator Ohriner seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. Senator Eglet moved to suspend the rules and move into New Business, items B, H, I, L, M, N, and G. Senator Ohriner stated that item H was not necessary. Senator Eglet deleted item H from his motion. Senator Haldeman seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. VIII. New Business B. Transfer all Fund and Budget Authority from Student Services Committee(904) to Contingency(906) effective 12/31/83. Senator Eglet moved to approve the transfer of all fund and budget authority from Student Services Committee(904) to Contingency(906) effective 12/31/83. Senator Friedman seconded the motion. Senator Ohriner spoke in favor of the transfer. The motion passed with all in favor. I. Referral of Amendment of Bylaw #9 to Bylaws Commit-tee - Ohriner Senator Ohriner moved to refer the amendment of Bylaw #9 to the Bylaws Committee. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. Senator Cohen stated that she cannot hold a Bylaws Commit-tee meeting until four Senators have been appointed to the Committee. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #6 DECEMBER 6, 19 8 3 PAGE 8 The motion to refer the amendments to Bylaw #9 to the Bylaws Committee passed with all in favor. L. Approval of Senate Bill #20, "Public Information Act" - Ohriner(to publish major votes of the Senate) President Lee moved to approve Senate Bill #20, "Public Information Act." Senator Haldeman seconded the motion. Senator Ohriner moved to amend the bill to insert the words "a responsible newspaper" everywhere it states "Yellin' Rebel." Senator Cohen seconded the amendment. Senator Eglet moved to table this item until a new pro-posal has been drawn up and signed by Franco Frantellizzi and James Ohriner and is placed in the Senators' boxes three working days before the senate meeting at which it is to be considered. Senator Dimick seconded the motion. Senator Eglet amended his motion to replace Ohriner's signature with Steve Dimick's signature. Senator Lezcano seconded the amendment. The motion with amendment passed with 8 in favor, 6 opposed(Dimick, Ohriner, Cohen, Iddings, Eckert, Haldeman) and 0 abstaining. M. Kinko's Proposal - Lee President Lee moved to discuss Kinko's proposal. Senator Haldeman seconded the motion which passed with 10 in favor, 3 opposed and 1 abstaining. President Lee spoke in favor of the proposal. Senator Ohriner moved that the next time the Senate con-siders a proposal for an on campus copier service it must be accompanied by the appropriate contracts. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. Senator Ohriner withdrew his motion. Senator Eglet concurred. Senator Friedman moved to close discussion. Senator Ohriner seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. N. Nominations for Academic Advisement College Senate Seat Senator Fazi nominated Mona Borsellino. Senator Bloom nominated Giovanna Sardelli. Senator Ohriner nominated Doug Arone. Senator Bloom moved to close nominations. Senator Dimick objected to the consideration of that motion. Senator Eckert nominated Tom Verma. Senator Bloom nominated Vykky Cave. Senator Bloom withdrew her motion to close nominations. Senator Eglet moved to close nominations. There was an objection. The motion to close nominations passed with 11 in favor and 3 opposed. G. Presentation/Discussion on Proposed CSUN/SMI/NCI Con- MINUTES SENATE MEETING #6 DECEMBER 6, 19 8 3 PAGE 9 cert Video Projects. Guest Speaker - Russell Ger-stein, Executive Vice President of Network Communi-cations Incorporated - Turner Chairman Turner stated that a pamphlet regarding the NCI proposal is now available. There will be a presen-tation at the next senate meeting. Senator Eglet moved to adjourn the meeting. Senator Flourens seconded the motion. Senator Ohriner objected to the consideration of that motion. There were 7 in favor of the adjournment and 7 against. The chair voted against the motion to adjourn and it failed. VII. Old Business A. Approval of Senate Resolution, Cost of College Text-books - Dimick(attached to agenda #5) , Senator Haldeman moved to approve the resolution regard-ing the cost of college textbooks. President Lee seconded the motion. Vice President Shaffer stated that parts of the resolution are incorrect and should be changed. Senator Dimick withdrew this item. Senator Haldeman and President Lee agreed to withdraw their motion to approve. B. Nominations for Education College Senate Seats(2) Senator Ohriner moved to close nominations. Senator Dimick seconded the motion. Senate President Clay announced that two of the three nominations for this position have not submitted appli-cations and the third nomination has not submitted a grade verification sheet. Senator Bloom withdrew the nomination of Lisa Herman. Senator Hawley asked -whether Rian Flourens' nomination for Radio Board may be taken from the table. Senator Eglet stated that the nomination was postponed indefinitely. Senator Ohriner stated that an item which has been post-poned indefinitely cannot be acted upon until the next session. VIII. New Business A. Approval of Consolidation Bill Senator Eglet moved to disapprove the Consolidation Bill. Senator Friedman seconded the motion. President Lee spoke against the motion. Bruce Dyer spoke in favor of the bill. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #6 DECEMBER 6, 19 8 3 PAGE 10 President Lee spoke in favor of the bill. Senator Cohen spoke against the approval of the iConsoli-dation Bill at this time. Senator Cohen moved to refer the Consolidation Bill to the Bylaws Committee. Senator Lezcano seconded the motion. Senator Eckert asked that the committee clarify the meaning of section three. The motion to refer the Consolidation Bill to the Bylaws Committee passed with 13 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstain-ing (Hawley). C. Discussion/Action/Submission of Dismissal of the Elec-tions Board Chairman, Randy Crum - Eckert Senate President Clay announced that she has received a written resignation from Randy Crum. Senator Ohriner withdrew this item. Senator Bloom moved to adjourn the meeting. Senator Lez-cano seconded the motion which passed with 8 in favor, 6 opposed and 0 abstaining. X. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:42 p.m. Respectfully prepared by, Lynn Best CSUN Secretary Respectfully submitted by, Catherine Clay CSUN Senate President