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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 25, 1983






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about the admendments to bylaws. CSUN Session 13 (Part 2) Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000402. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING #49 SESSION 13 OCTOBER 25, 1983 4:00 P.M. MSU 203 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #4 8 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Ad Hoc Committees 1. Constitutional Revision B. Beverage Manager C. Elections Board D. Entertainment and Programming E. Judicial Council F. Nevada Student Affairs G. Organizations Board H. President's Committees 1. Parking and Traffic I. Professional Programming J. Publications Board K. Student Services L. Other M. Appropriations Board VI. Old Business VII. New Business *** A. Vote to Break the Tie of the Senatorial Elections in the Hotel College Race 1. Rian Flourens 2. Michael White B. Appointment of #14 Session Senate President Pro Tempore - 1. Robert Eglet UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 AGENDA SENATE MEETING #4 9 2 5 OCTOBER 198 3 PAGE 02 C. Dismissal of Entertainment and Programming Board Chair-man D. Override of Possible Veto on Senate Bill 018(CSUN Senate Budget and Impoundment Control Act) E. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seat #14 Session 1. Education(1) 2. Health Sciences(1) F. Closed Personnel Session Concerning the Performance of the CSUN President 1. Implication for Change G. Action Concerning the Closed Personnel Session Concerning the Performance of the CSUN President H. Action/Discussion Concerning the CSUN Copy Service Pro-posal I. Approval of Senate Bill 019 Senate Orientation Act J. Discussion/Action/Resolution Concerning Role of Health Sciences College Students and the Student Nursing Associ-ation in the CSUN Government K. Discussion/Action/Resolution/Approval of the Long-McGuire Plan L. Repeal of Bylaw #22 M. Directive to the Publications Board to Investigate the Possible Dismissal of Yellin' Rebel Editor(Frantellizzi) and to Report Back to the Senate by November 1, 1983. N. Approval of Refunds for Senatorial Election Candidates' Security Deposits O. Discussion/Action/Approval of Payment for Furniture from Moyer Student Union VIII. Open Discussion IX. Adjournment ***Both candidates and interested parties are encouraged to attend. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING #4 9 SESSION 13 OCTOBER 25, 1983 4:00 P.M. MSU 2 03 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m. by Acting Senate President, John Pasquantino. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Stephanie Pettit Sari Bloom Giovanna Sardelli August Corrales Louie Schiavone Tom Ware Robert Eglet Sindy Glasgow Nanda Briggs Jim Eells Mark Doubrava Randy Colquitt Acting Senate President Pasquantino stated that as long as there were no objections he will appoint Robert Eglet as Senate President Pro Tempore for the meeting. There were no objections. Senator Eglet moved to suspend the rules and move into New Business, item D then A. Vice President Shaffer seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. Senator Mounts arrived. VII. New Business D. Override of Possible Veto on Senate Bill 018(CSUN Senate Budget and Impoundment Control Act) Senator Eglet moved to approve the override of the President's veto on Senate Bill 018(CSUN Senate Budget and Impoundment Control Act). Senator Schiavone seconded the motion. Acting Senate President Pasquantino stated that the motion passed with 10 in favor, 3 opposed(Pettit, Briggs, Eells) and 0 abstaining. Members Absent Jay Lezcano - unexcused David Mounts - late Murray Long - unexcused Deanna Macaluso - excused UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 J1INUTES SENATE MEETING #4 9 OCTOBER 25, 19 83 PAGE 2 After consulting with his parliamentarian, Pasquantino stated that the motion had failed, because it required a two-thirds majority of the members presently serving. Senator Eglet requested a roll call vote on the motion to override. The following Senators voted in favor of the override of the veto on Senate Bill 018: Sari Bloom Giovanna Sardelli August Corrales Louie Schiavone Tom Ware Robert Eglet Sindy Glasgow David Mounts Mark Doubrava Randy Colquitt There were no votes cast in opposition to the override. The following Senators abstained on the motion to over-ride : Stephanie Pettit Nanda Briggs Jim Eells Acting Senate President Pasquantino stated that two-thirds of the standing body of the Senate is 11. The override of the veto of Senate Bill 018 failed. A. Vote to Break the Tie of the Senatorial Elections in the Hotel College Race 1. Rian Flourens 2. Michael White Senator Eglet moved that each candidate speak for no more than two minutes followed by a question and answer period with the simple majority declared the winner and a roll call vote taken. Senator Bloom seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. Rian Flourens and Michael White addressed the Senate. The following Senators voted for Rian Flourens: Sari Bloom Giovanna Sardelli August Corrales Louie Schiavone Tom Ware Robert Eglet Sindy Glasgow David Mounts Mark Doubrava Randy Colquitt J1INUTES SENATE MEETING #4 9 OCTOBER 25, 19 83 PAGE 3 The following Senators voted for Michael White: Stephanie Pettit Nanda Briggs Jim EelIs Rian Flourens was appointed Hotel College Senator with 10 votes for Flourens and 3 votes for White. III. Approval of Minutes #48 Senator Corrales moved to approve senate minutes #4 8. Senator Schiavone seconded the motion. Senator Colquitt moved to correct the minutes on page 15, item O should read "Nominations for Session #14 Senator of the Year." Senator Eglet moved to correct the minutes on page 15, item 0 should read item P. Senator Eglet moved to amend the minutes to correct page 15, item 0, Nominations for Session #13 Senate President Pro Tempore should read item P, Nominations for Session 14 Senator of the Year. Senator Colquitt seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. Senator Eglet moved to approve the minutes from senate meeting #48 as amended. Senator Ware seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. IV. Executive Board Announcements President Lee was not present at the meeting. 1. Vice President Shaffer Senate President Clay placed items L and M under New Business for discussion. Dean Daniels has requested an investigation of both recent CSUN elections due to allegations of unethical conditions. The Dean has requested that an investi-gation report be submitted on November 2, 1983. Dean Daniels has requested that department heads of CSUN attend an interpersonal relations workshop from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on a Saturday(date to be announced later). Shaffer also announced that he has processed and signed paperwork for a bus which he ordered for the football game held Saturday, October 22. Since Clarence Lee was not available to sign the paperwork at the time, Vice President Shaffer signed the paperwork as acting Presi-dent. The total cost for chartering one bus was $200.10. If anyone has questions regarding this matter, speak with him after the meeting. Shaffer also announced that he has removed item C, Dis-missal of Entertainment and Programming Board Chair- Man from the agenda pending the outcome of Dean Daniels' workshop with the department heads. J1INUTES SENATE MEETING #4 9 OCTOBER 25, 19 83 PAGE 4 Acting Senate President Pasquantino asked from what account will the expenditure for the bus be taken. Vice President Shaffer stated that the paperwork which was processed charged the general account(900). An item can be placed on next week's agenda to specify (;the account to be charged. 2. Acting Senate President Pasquantino Acting Senate President Pasquantino had no announcements. V. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Ad Hoc Committees 1. Constitutional Revision There was no report. B. Beverage Manager Beverage Manager, Deron Shields reported on the results of the Homecoming events. Shields reported a gross profit of $216.35, total expenses of $609.50 leaving a net loss of $393.15 for the bar. This loss may be attributed to a lack of advertising for the Homecoming events. The loss for Homecoming bar for last year was $472.41 so one could say the bar was better off this year. Shields also announced the possi-bility of a George Killian Event for the last football game at which one could buy a Killian mug and drink all the beer that he wanted. A copy of the breakdown of bar costs is available in the office. C. Elections Board There was no report. D. Entertainment and Programming Chairman Turner thanked all who were involved with the Pie Toss for Homecoming, especially Robert Eglet, Clarence Lee and Cathy Clay. Turner reported that the total expenses for the Homecoming events were $4311.25, total receipts were $1123 leaving a loss of $3188.25. Turner announced that Vice Chairman Bob Compan did not receive a stipend for his first month due to an error in the E & P minutes. Acting Senate President Pasquantino stated that this item cannot be considered today and must be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. Vice President Shaffer asked whether E & P was charter-ing a bus for the football game on Thursday night. Chairman Turner replied that he had not ordered one. He stated that originally E & P had budgeted $750 for buses to the games but has not seen a demand for transportation to football games. Shaffer stated that he has been approached by several J1INUTES SENATE MEETING #4 9 OCTOBER 25, 19 83 PAGE 5 students as to the availability of transportation to the games. Turner replied that he had never been asked about buses to the games. If there is a demand he believes there should be a bus, especially since the game this Thurs-day is being televised. He stated that there would be a bus for this week's game. F. Nevada Student Affairs There was no report. G. Organizations Board Chairman Lieberman read the Organizations Board Report which was submitted in memorandum form for the meeting held on October 13, 1983. The report included: A. Recognition of Organizations Sigma Chi Little Sisters B. Old Business A motion to give $10 0.00 to the Freedom Loving Students for membership drive was taken from table and failed. C. New Business The board granted $756.00 to Women in Science & Engineering for lecture series. The board granted $211.00 to the University Chorus for a concert series. The next meeting will be held 10-27-83 at 3:30 p.m. in MSU Oasis Room. It will be short due to the game, but please attend. Senator Eglet questioned Lieberman as to why he had not submitted formal minutes for his meeting. He also asked whether approval of this report would approve the granting of the funds to the organiza-tions listed. The chair replied that the funds would not be approved if the report is approved since there are no formal minutes of the meeting. Senator Eglet moved to amend the report to delete the first sentence from section C, New Business in which the board granted $756.00 to Women in Science and Engineering for a lecture series. Senator Doubrava seconded the amendment to the report. When Senator Eells asked why the Women in Science and Engineering's request was being deleted, Sena-tor Eglet replied that he did not receive the infor-mation on the breakdown of costs for the lecture series. Until he receives the breakdown, he will J1INUTES SENATE MEETING #4 9 OCTOBER 25, 19 83 PAGE 6 not approve the funds. Lieberman stated that the Women in Science and Engineering have a right to receive funds. Acting Senate President Pasquantino stated that whether the Women in Science and Engineering have a right to receive funds is not being disputed. The issue being addressed concerns the cost break-down for the lecture series. Lieberman stated that the Women in Science and Engineering made a complete report on the lecture series at the Organizations Board meeting which was approved unanimously by the board. The chair asked why there were no minutes submitted for the Organizations Board meeting. Lieberman stated that this was not the issue being discussed at this time. Senator Pettit asked why the other items granting weren't deleted also for the same reason of lack of breakdown of costs. Senator Colquitt stated that he attended the Organizations Board meeting. There are 14 members of the Women of Science and Engineering. Colquitt feels the grant of $750 for funding may be too much for an organization of that size. Senator Corrales stated that the memo reads that the organizations received "grants" for money instead of the usual approval of funds. Lieberman stated that the meaning was the same, he chose to use the word "granted" instead of "approved." Corrales asked whether Lieberman had the breakdown of cost for the Women in Science and Engineering's request. Lieberman stated that he did not have it with him but he could go downstairs for a copy. Corrales asked whether the vote was unanimous on the approve of $750 for WSE. Lieberman stated that to the best of his knowledge the motion to approve WSE's $750 fund request passed unanimously. Senator Doubrava stated that he also attended the Organizations Board meeting and received no breakdown of costs for the lecture series. He stated that the $750 was for the full series of lectures, but the major expense for the series is for the plane ticket for a lecturer from Texas. Doubrava feels that the major expenses for the lecture series are unwarranted. J1INUTES SENATE MEETING #4 9 OCTOBER 25, 19 83 PAGE 7 Senator Eells raised a point of information and stated that the Senate has granted greater amounts of money to individual parties. Acting Senate President Pasquantino stated that Eells1 statement was not a point of information. Senator Mounts agreed that the Senate should not approve a request for funding without a breakdown in cost. He added that the Senate used to receive these breakdowns but has not recently. Mounts also stated if an organi-zation wants to sponsor lectures, it can go through the Professional Programming Department. Senator Lezcano arrived at the meeting. Senator Bloom moved to table the Organizations Board report for one week. The chair: consulted his parliamentarian as to whether it is proper to table an item from one session of the Senate to be considered by the next session. Acting Senate President Pasquantino ruled the motion to table out of order, because it is not proper to table an item from the end of one session to the next. Senator Eglet moved the previous question. Senator Mounts seconded the motion which passed with 11 in favor and 2 opposed(Pettit, Lezcano). The amendment to delete from the Organizations Report, item C, approval of $756 to Women in Science and Engineering for a lecture series passed with 9 in favor, 2 opposed(Eells, Pet-tit) and 2 abstaining(Corrales, Bloom). Senator Lezcano raised a point of information that the second sentence under item C, "The board granted $211 to the Univer-sity Chorus for a concert series" on the Organizations Board Report was not approved but tabled by the board. Senator Lezcano moved to amend the report to delete the second sentence under item C, New Business, approval of $211 to the University Chorus. Senator Mounts seconded the amendment. Senator Mounts asked why the approval of funds for the Univer-sity Chorus was placed on the report when the item was tabled by the board. Chairman Lieberman stated that he did not believe that the item was tabled at the Organizations Board meeting. Senator Corrales moved to refer the Organizations Board report back to committee. Senator Glasgow seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. H. President's Committees 1. Parking and Traffic There was no report. J1INUTES SENATE MEETING #4 9 OCTOBER 25, 19 83 PAGE 8 I. Professional Programming Senator Mounts reported that his department sponsored its first lecture yesterday, and it was a "bomb." He attributed the "bomb" to lack of publicity. The Pro-fessional Programming Department will be holding a meet-ing on Friday, October 28 at 1:45 p.m. in MSU 121 to discuss the upcoming lecture on Wednesday, November 2. J. Publications Board There were no minutes to approve. Senator Eglet asked whether David Mann had resigned as Publications Board Chairman. Senator Pettit stated that Mann had resigned, and she is the acting chairman of the Publications Board. Senator Bloom asked whether Pettit will remain the chairman of the board. Senator Pettit stated that she would be the chairman of the board if she is nominated. Pettit added that she hoped to receive the nomination for Publications Board Chairman. Senator Bloom asked what the procedure was for appoint-ing a new chairman. Pasquantino explained that the Executive Board must nominate the chairman. The nomination can be approved or disapproved by the Senate. Pettit stated that there are three positions available on the board for members at large and one senate position will be available on October 31. The next meeting of the Publications Board will be held on Tuesday, November 1 at 2:30 p.m. The board will report to the Senate the same day. K. Student Services There was no report. L. Other Senator Corrales asked whether it would be proper to consider the Elections Board memo regarding the return of filing fees to the candidates for the recent Senate Election. Senator Eglet stated that the item is listed under New Business. M. Appropriations Board Vice President Shaffer stated that Pam Levins, CSUN Business Manager, has updated that budget reports since last week's meeting and copies are available. VI. Old Business There was no old business. J1INUTES SENATE MEETING #4 9 OCTOBER 25, 19 83 PAGE 9 VII. New Business A. Vote to Break the Tie of the Senatorial Elections in the Hotel College Race This item was considered previously. B. Appointment of #14 Session Senate President Pro Tempore 1. Robert Eglet Vice President Shaffer moved to approve Robert Eglet as the Senate President Pro Tempore for the 14th Ses-sion of the Senate. Senator Bloom seconded the motion which passed with 12 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstain-ing (Eglet). C. Dismissal of Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman This item was withdrawn. D. Override of Possible Veto on Senate Bill 018(CSUN Senate Budget and Impoundment Control Act) This item was considered previously. E. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats #14 Session 1. Education(1) Senator Bloom nominated David Abramson. Senator Eglet moved to close nominations. Senator Bloom seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. 2. Health Sciences(1) There were no nominations. F. Closed Personnel Session Concerning the Performance of the CSUN President 1. Implication for Change There was no action taken on this item. G. Action Concerning the Closed Personnel Session Con-cerning the Performance of the CSUN President There was no action taken on this item. H. Action/Discussion Concerning the CSUN Copy Service Proposal This item was withdrawn. I. Approval of Senate Bill 019 Senate Orientation Act This item was withdrawn. J. Discussion/Action/Resolution Concerning Role of Health Sciences College Students and the Student Nursing Association in the CSUN Government There was no action taken on this item. J1INUTES SENATE MEETING #4 9 OCTOBER 25, 19 83 PAGE 10 K. Discussion/Action/Resolution/Approval of the Long-McGuire Plan There was no action taken on this item. L. Repeal of Bylaw #22 Senator Eglet moved to disapprove the repeal of Bylaw #22. Senator Briggs seconded the motion which passed with 12 in favor, 1 opposed(Lezcano) and 0 abstaining. M. Directive to the Publications Board to Investigate the Possible Dismissal of Yellin' Rebel Editor(Frantellizz and to Report Back to the Senate by November 1, 19 83. Senator Eglet moved to approve the directive to the Publications Board to investigate the possible dismissal of Yellin' Rebel Editor(Frantellizzi) and to amend the directive to report back to the Senate by November 8, 1983. Senator Pettit seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. N. Approval of Refunds for Senatorial Election Candidates Security Deposits Senator Eglet moved to approve the refunding of senatorial election candidates' security deposits as per Crum's memo which states: "The following receive full refund: Sari Bloom Lorin Altman Jay Lezcano Rian Flourens Samuel Garvin Hal Friedman Bill Haldeman Michael White Gary Samuelson Randal Colquitt Karen Cohen Mark Doubrava John Fazi Karen Eckert Patrick Adams Cara Iddings David Mounts Kristine Viau Gus Varona Robert Eglet The following receive $15.00 refund: Steve Dimick Thomas Hawley Thomas Ware Gary Mawby The following receive no refund: James Ohriner Senator Eglet asked why there were differences in the refunds. Randy Crum replied that the candidates receiving the $15 refunds had posting violations. The candidate receiving no refund had posting violations and received written notice of his violation. J1INUTES SENATE MEETING #4 9 OCTOBER 25, 19 83 PAGE 11 The motion to approve the return of senatorial elec-tion candidates' security deposits as per Crum's memo passed with all in: favor. O. Discussion/Action/Approval of Payment for Furniture from Moyer Student Union Senator Pasquantino pointed out that the Senate should have received a copy of the memo from Moyer Student Union Director, Burt Teh, regarding the billing for the MSU furniture presently being used by CSUN. Senator Eglet moved to go into discussion regarding the payment for furniture from Moyer Student Union. Vice President Shaffer seconded the motion which passed with 12 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstaining(Corrales). Senator Eglet asked what the total cost for the furniture was. Vice President Shaffer stated that he believed the total cost to be $1214.80. He added that he discussed the mat-ter regarding the MSU furniture with MSU Director, Burt Teh who was anxious for a decision. Shaffer explained that permission to use the furniture was originally granted by MSU on a loan basis with the option to buy. Senator Eglet asked Vice President Shaffer his opinion as Acting Appropriatons Board Chairman regarding the possible purchase of the furniture. Vice President Shaffer stated that as Appropriations Board Chairman, he did not believe it was wise for CSUN to spend $1000 for the purchase of furniture at this time. Shaffer added there are other possibly less expensive couches which CSUN could purchase elsewhere. Senator Eglet moved to move out of discussion with the recommendation for disapprove of the purchase. Senator Corrales seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. Senator Eglet moved to disapprove the purchase of furni-ture from the Moyer Student Union. Senator Mounts seconded the motion. Senator Pettit asked whether the furniture for CSUN must be purchased from MSU. Shaffer stated that it did not have to be purchased from MSU. If CSUN decides not to purchase the couches from MSU, then they must be returned. Pettit asked how many couches were currently being used by CSUN. Shaffer stated that CSUN is using three couches(one in the reception area and two in Clarence Lee's office). The motion to disapprove the purchase of furniture from MSU passed with all in favor. J1INUTES SENATE MEETING #4 9 OCTOBER 25, 19 83 PAGE 12 VIII. Open Discussion Senator Pettit stated that she noticed an error in the senate minutes from meeting #48. There was no vote recorded for approval of the Publications Board minutes. Acting Senate President Pasquantino stated that the item would be corrected when the secretary checks her records. Senator Mounts stated that this is his last meeting as a senator, and he can't say that he will miss it. He wished the new senators the extra energy necessary to serve CSUN and wished the returning senators luck. Mounts added that he will continue to serve as Direc-tor of Professional Programming so feel free to stop by to see the "has been" senator. Senator Corrales stated that it was nice representing students and was certainly an experience. He commended the senators for their work in CSUN. Corrales stated that his advice to the new senators is to become involved in the faculty committees and boards. It is best to start at the bottom of the ladder and move up. Senator Sardelli stated that her month's term as a senator has been an interesting one. She may consider serving again and has learned from this experience. Senator Colquitt stated: "I would first like to say it has been a pleasure to serve on the Senate. This body has the potential to do some very good things for the school, but it needs bright and innovative people who are willing to work together toward common goals for the good of the Univer-sity . Secondly, I would like to commend the Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity for the active involvement they are taking in all aspects of their school. For far too long all of the Greek organizations have been singled out and criti-cized for the commitment that they, and few others, have made; it is an undeserved criticism I hope they will continue to accept gladly. Finally, I would like to congratulate the new Senators from Science, Math and Engineering. I hope they can find time between fighting windmills to get some real work accomplished." Senator Bloom stated that it has been fun serving on the Senate. She has enjoyed working with the members of this Senate. Senator Eglet stated that this session of the Senate was the most over publicized Senate ever. He feels that the reason is that it was a very active Senate. Of the total 18 Senate Bills on record, 12 of them were intro-duced during the 13th Session. From one-third to one J1INUTES SENATE MEETING #4 9 OCTOBER 25, 19 83 PAGE 13 half of the senate resolutions were introduced by this Senate. Session 13 saw the expansion of the Student Services committee to include a lecture note service, security shuttle service and the beginning of a campus copier service. The 13th Session approved the establishment of Nevada Stu- Affairs which is the first student lobby group in Nevada and has been active in introducing legislation in Carson City, including the approval of Assembly Bill 411. This Senate has established the Profes-sional Programming Department which is responsible for campus lectures. Eglet stated that Senate has received criticism from the students, the press and each other, because of its' members active roles. Because this senate had the initiative to be active and enact legislation, Eglet feels that the 13th Session is the best Senate CSUN has ever had, and he is proud to have served CSUN as a Senator. Senator Pettit thanked the Senate. She has made many good friends and learned a lot through her experience as a Senator. She stated that she has grown intellectually as well as emotionally. She has learned that everything has something to do with politics and thanked all for the experience. Dean Daniels expressed his appreciation for keeping the notion of Student Government alive on campus. This body has confronted many issues. It is the commitment to student rights that gives reasons for the existence of this assemblage. The students' involvement has been an inspiration for the Dean to continue with the dreams he had when he began at UNLV. Involvement in CSUN is not just a privilege, but an opportunity to achieve. The Dean stated that there are still many things one can do in student government as a part of the University's "living and learning environment." Dean Daniels wished all involved in CSUN good luck in their endeavors. Acting Senate President, John Pasquantino said, "Thank you. " IX. Adjournment The 49th meeting of the 13th session of the CSUN Senate was adjourned at 5:22 p.m. TD/-\ fn 1 1 w c i t Wn -1 4- 4- 7 fill nronararl V-i\7 John PasquantiRb Lynn Best /Acting Senate President Secretary