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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, September 06, 1983






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about the contract.

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    uac000395. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING #4 2 SESSION 13 0 6 SEPTEMBER 19 8 3 5:00 P.M. M.SU 20 3 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #41 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations VI. Board, Co-mittee and Director Reports VII. Old Business A. Appointment of Members for Ad Hoc Constitutional Revisions Committee B. Approval of Senate Bill 017 C. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement 2. Education 3. Arts and Letters D. Approval of $4 50.0 0 per month stipend for the President VIII. New Business A. Override of Unforeseen Veto B. Approval of Concert Contracts for Entertainment and Program-ming C. Approval of use of motorpool vehicle for every Monday and Tuesday for the entire semester(Mondays a car is needed and Tuesdays a truck is needed) - Frantellizzi D. Approval of Workload Waiver - Louie Schiavone IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING #4 2 SESSION 13 06 SEPTEMBER 19 83 5:00 P.M. MSU 203 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #41 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports VII. Old Business A. Appointment of members for Ad Hoc Constitutional Revisions Committee B. Approval of Senate Bill 017 C. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement s 2. Education 3. Arts and Letters D. Approval of $450..0.0, per -roontlL stipend tRe President VIII. New Business A. Override of Unforeseen Veto B. Approval of Concert Contracts for Entertainment and Pro-gramming IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING #42 SESSION 13 06 SEPTEMBER 19 8 3 5:00 P.M. MSU 203 I. Call to Order Senate President Clay called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. II. Roll Call David Mounts Nanda Briggs Deanna Macaluso Jim Eells Mark Doubrava Quorum was not achieved. However, Senate President Clay announced that because meeting #41 had been adjourned be-fore President Lee had been able to present the State of the Campus Address, she would continue meeting #42 with-out quorum for that purpose. IV. Executive Board Announcements A. State of the Campus Address As the student populace has continued to expand in the previous years, so too must the student government. As the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas is a commuter campus the government must also be here to accommodate commuter-style students. The university recently celebrated its twenty-five year anniversary and the record has shown continuous growth and expansion. The groundwork has been laid to correlate the growth of the institution with the government. Several new departments, such as Nevada Student Affairs, Professional Programming and Student Services should be geared to cater to the commuter student. Nevada Student Affairs, created during the Oshinski administration to heighten student political awareness, was long Members in Attendance Members Absent Stephanie Pettit Jay Lezcano Sari Bloom Louie Schiavone Robert Eglet Sindy Glasgow August Corrales - excused John Pasquantino - excused Virgil Jackson - unexcused Matthew McGuire - unexcused Murray Long - unexcused Jeff Chadwell - unexcused UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Senate Meeting #42 0 6 SEPTEMBER 19 8 3 MINUTES PAGE 2 overdue. While the commuter student is on the campus, the government should make every available attempt to espouse the pertinent political issues which will affect the students' scholastic careers. This department should aggressively plug into the legislative apparatus of the state to ensure legis-lation enacted will be in the best interest of the student populace. Because the commuting istudent has little time to pursue and dissect the legislation, the government must do it for them. The services which the government renders must accommodate the commuter student. During their short stay on campus services which are highly accessible and available to every undergraduate student. While the services this department (Student Services) presently offers, it must be continued. The services must be expanded to encompass a wider variety. Services such as a copy service, a job bank, the typing pool and a book exchange are but a few areas for which the groundwork should be laid during this administration. As it is the job of the government to inform and provide services to students it is also the job of the government to a certain extent, to provide entertainment, a wide variety of entertainment, which a large majority of the student populace will enjoy. And thus we see the genesis of the Professional Programming Department, a department which should sponsor lectures of interest to students who may not necessarily partake in the pep rallies or TGIFs and by doing so this department in particular and CSUN in general offer a wider variety of entertainment. As previously stated, the institution has experienced enormous growth. Thus, it will behoove the body to reappor-tion the seats to actively reflect the populace of" the various colleges within this body. This is an area for the Elections Board/ This should be considered as soon as the FTE is in from the Registrar's Office. Another area that this government has to take into consider-ation is the Constitution. The government has grown bigger than the Constitution. The Constitution must be revamped completely and I think this body should make an active effort to draft a Constitution that is balanced, three branches of government, no one branch being stronger than the other. Senator Chadwell had arrived at 5:08. Quorum was thereby achieved. President Lee announced he had attended a meeting of the Intercollegiate Athletic Council that afternoon. It had been discovered that the designation of student seats in the Thomas Mack had been approved by the Council at an earlier meeting and the members were researching the valid-ity of that assignment. Senate Meeting #42 0 6 SEPTEMBER 19 8 3 MINUTES PAGE 3 Acting Vice President Eglet read a memorandum about the conflict concerning calling Executive Board meetings. President Lee responded briefly to Acting Vice President Eglet1s comments. Senate President Clay announced Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino would not be able to attend the meeting and asked for a volunteer to act as temporary Parliamentarian. Senator Eells volunteered. There were no objections. V. Executive Board Nominations No action was taken on this item. VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Ad Hoc Constitutional Revision Committee Senate President Clay announced there would be a meeting of the Ad Hoc Constitutional Revision Committee Friday, 09 September 1983 at 1 p.m. B. Beverage Manager Beverage Manager Deron Shields presented sales reports as follows: 29 August 19 83 Voter Registration Drive Net Bar Profit = $22.20 02 September 1983 Pep Rally Net Bar Profit = $173.36 0 3 September 19 8 3 Coors Crusher Net Bar Profit = $273.14 Senator Bloom moved to approve the report. Senator Mounts seconded the motion. The motion passed with all those present in favor. Beverage Manager Shields asked what the result would be should the Senate decide to disapprove a bar report. The Senate President stated she didn't think the Senate would ever take such action. The Beverage Manager pointed out that sales figures cannot be changed. C. Entertainment and Programming Board Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman Turner presented contract proposals for concerts by Translator, Burning Sensations and Tony Flynn. The contract with Translator would require the band to perform Friday, 30 September 19 8 3 in the Moyer Student Union Ballroom for one 45 minute set plus an encore, at a rate of $1150. The contract with Burning Sensations would require the band to perform Friday, September 19 8 3 in the Moyer Student Union Ballroom for one 45 minute set plus an encore, at a rate of $1150. SENATE MEETING #42 06 SEPTEMBER 19 8 3 MINUTES PAGE 4 The contract with Tony Flynn would require him to perform Friday, 16 September 19 8 3 in the MSU Snack Bar, for three 50 minute sets between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. CSUN would provide the sound system. Chairman Turner explained the concert he had planned for 30 September. Admission price would be $5 for students and $6 for general admission. The Ballroom capacity is 1,500. The assembly discussed the concert proposal. There was a question concerning the length of the set the bands had agreed to pay. Chairman Turner told them assembly both were standard contracts. There was concern over whether the event would be attended by students or by members of the general public. Senator Eells moved to suspend the rules and move to New Business, items B and C. Senator MacaluSo seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed with all those present in favor. VIII. New Business B. Approval of Concert Contracts for Entertainment and Programming President Lee moved to approve the contracts with Translator, Burning Sensations and Tony Flynn. Senator Eells seconded the motion. The motion passed with 11 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstaining. C. Approval of use of a motor pool vehicle for every Monday and Tuesday for the entire semester (Mondays a car is needed and Tuesdays a truck is needed) - Frantellizzi Senator Bloom moved to approve the Yellin' Rebel's motor pool request as stated above. President Lee seconded the motion. There was no discussion VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports D. Organizations Board Organizations Board Chairman Lieberman read the action item- of the 01 September 19 8 3 meeting of the Organi-zations Board, held in room 203 of the Moyer Student Union at 3:30 p.m. Senator Mounts, who was at that time the only member of the board, moved to grant CSUN recog-nition to every organization represented at that meeting. Chairman Lieberman pointed out there was no other member to second the motion but that the Senate would grant CSUN recognition to those organizations by approving the board's minutes. The organizations represented at the meeting were: Hillel Gay Academic Union Freedom Loving Students Sigma Nu University Chorus Delta Zeta Tau Kappa Epsilon Senate Meeting #42 0 6 SEPTEMBER 19 8 3 MINUTES PAGE 5 UNLV T'ai Chi Chuan Club UNLV Ski Club Student Council for Exceptional Children Student Philosophical Round Table Association (SPRTA) Society of Physics Students Hotel Association Alpha Kappa Psi UNLV Songleaders Sigma Alpha Epsilon L.D.S. Student Association Protestant Student Association Senator Macaluso moved to approve the minutes of the Organizations Board meeting of 01 September 1983. Senator Bloom seconded the motion. Chairman Lieberman pointed out that the organization would only be recognized until 20 September and continuing recognition would be contin-gent upon each organization submitting the proper docu-ments by that date. The motion passed with all those present in favor. E. Radio Board Senate President Clay announced that this had been Radio Station General Manager's last day in the position and that he had asked her to tell the Senators goodbye. F. Professional Programming Department Senator Mounts announced there would be a meeting of the Professional Programming Department at 3:30 Thurs-day, 0 8 September in MSU 120. Organizations Board Chairman Lieberman announced there would also be a meeting of the Organizations Board at the same time that day in MSU 20 3. VII. Old Business A. Appointment of Members to the Ad Hoc Consitutional Re-vision Committee President Lee moved to appoint Bill Haldeman to the Ad Hoc Constitutional Revision Committee. Senator Mounts seconded the motion. The motion passed with all those present in favor. B. Approval of Senate Bill 017 Senator Mounts moved to approve Senate Bill 017 as sub-mitted by Vice President Shaffer and Vice President Pro Tempore Best. Senator Glasgow seconded the motion. The motion passed with 11 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstain-ing (Eells). The bill reads as follows: S.B. 017 IN THE SENATE OF THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA VICE PRESIDENT MARK A. SHAFFER SENATE MEETING #42 06 SEPTEMBER 19 8 3 MINUTES PAGE 6 AND VICE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE LUDY LYNN BEST INTRODUCED THE FOLLOWING BILL A BILL TO ESTABLISH A CABINET WHICH SHALL PLAN AND COORDINATE DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES AND EVENTS I. Be it enacted by the Senate assembled that this bill be designated as the "CSUN Cabinet Bill." II. Upon passage of this bill, the Senate shall establish a Cabinet. III. Upon passage of this bill, the Cabinet shall be chaired by the Vice President. IV. Upon passage of this bill, the Cabinet shall report to the Executive Board. V. Upon passage of this bill, the Cabinet shall consist of the following: Appropriations Board Chairman, E&P Chairman, Bar Manager, NSA Director, Organizations Board Chairman, Professional Programming Department Director, Student Services Chair-man and the Yell Editor. C. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement Senator Eells nominated Norm Johnson. Senator Mounts moved to adjourn the meeting. Senator Bloom seconded the motion. Senate President Clay commented on the conflict concerning calling Executive Board meetings and then asked if there were any senators opposed to adjournment at that time. There were no objections to adjournment. X. Adjournment Senate President Clay adjourned the meeting at 5:59 p.m. Catherine Clay Senate President ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS The parties hereto acknowledge that the following additional terms and conditions are incorporated in and made a part of the Agreement between the parties hereto: 1. PURCHASER agrees to furnish at its own expense all that is necessary for the proper presentation of the entertainment presentation at performances, and if required by ARTIST, at rehearsals therefor, including a suitable theatre, hall or auditorium, well-heated, lighted, clean and in good order, stage curtains, properly tuned grand piano(s) and public address system in perfect working condition including micro-phone( s) in number and quality required by ARTIST and comfortable, lighted dressing rooms; all stagehands, stage carpenters, electricians, electrical operators a n d any other labor as shall be necessary and/or required by any national or local union(s) to take in, hang, work and take out the entertainment presentation (including scenery, properties ond b a g g a g e ) ; all lights, tickets, house programs, all licenses (including mu-sical performing rights licenses); special police, ushers, ticket sellers for advance or single tales (wherever sales take place), ticket takers; appropriate and sufficient advertising and publicity including but not limited to bill-posting, mailing and distributing of circulars, display newspaper advertising in the principal newspapers and PURCHASER shall pay all other necessary expense in connection therewith. PUR-CHASER agrees to pay all amusement taxes. PURCHASER agrees to comply with all regulations and requirements of any national or local union(s) that may have jurisdiction over any of the moterials, facilities, services a n d personnel to be furnished by PURCHASER and by ARTIST. PURCHASER agrees to furnish all necessary material and to promptly comply with ARTIST'S directions to arrange the stage decor and settings for the performances hereunder. In addition to those musicians, if any, to be furnished by either ARTIST or PURCHASER pursuant to any other provision hereof, PURCHASER agrees to furnish at its sole expense such musicians, including musical contractor, as may be required by any national or local union(s) for and in connection with this engagement and rehearsals therefor; ARTIST shall have the right to name the local music contractor ond to approve the choice of musicians hired locally. The following Special Props and Lighting required by ARTIST shall be furnished by PURCHASER at PURCHASER'S sole expense: 2. ARTIST shall have the sole and exclusive control over the production, presentation and performance of the engagement here-under, including, but not limited to, the details, means and methods of the performances of the performing artists hereunder, and ARTIST sholl have the sole right, as ARTIST may see fit, to designate and change at any time the performing personnel. ARTIST'S obligations hereunder are subject to detention or prevention by sickness, inability to perform, accident, means of transportation, Acts of God, riots, strikes, labor diffi-culties, epidemics, any act or order of any1 public authority or a n y other cause, similar or dissimilar, beyond ARTIST'S control. 3. PURCHASER shall not have the right to broadcast or televise, photograph or otherwise reproduce the performances hereunder, or any part thereof. PURCHASER shall not have the right to assign this agreement, or any provision hereof. Nothing herein contained shall ever be con-strued as to constitute the parties hereto as a partnership, or joint venture, or that ARTIST shall be liable to whole or in part for any obligation that may be incurred by PURCHASER in PURCHASER'S carrying out any of the provisions hereof, or otherwise. The person executing this agree-ment on PURCHASER'S behalf warrants his authority to do so, and such person hereby personally assumes liability for the payment of said price in full. 4. PURCHASER agrees that the ARTIST shall receive top billing in 100% type in all advertising and publicity issued by or under the con-" trol of the PURCHASER in regard to the engagement hereunder , (Unless otherwise instructed). 5. PURCHASER agrees that the entertainment presentation will not be included in a subscription or other type of series without the written consent of ARTIST. Free admissions, if any, (except to local press) shall be subject to ARTIST'S prior written approval. In the event that payment to ARTIST shall be based in whole or in part on receipts of the performance(s) hereunder: ( a ) the scale of ticket prices must be sub-mitted to a n d approved by ARTIST in writing before tickets are ordered or placed on sale; ( b ) PURCHASER agrees to deliver to ARTIST a certi-fied statement of the gross receipts of each such performance within two hours following such performance; and ( c ) ARTIST shall have the right to hove a representative present in the box office at all times end such representative shall have the right to examine and make extracts from box office records of PURCHASER relating to gross receipts of this engagement-only. 6. If before the date of any scheduled is found that PURCHASER has not performed fully its obligations under any other agreement with any party for another engagement or that the financial credit of the PURCHASER has been impaired, ARTIST may cancel this agreement. In the event that PURCHASER does not perform fully all of its obligations herein, ARTIST shall h a v e the option to perform or* refuse to perform hereunder and in either event PURCHASER shall be liable to ARTIST for damages in addition to the compensation provided herein. 7. This constitutes the sole, complete and binding agreement between the parties hereto. I N T E R N A T I O N A L T A L E N T G R O U P acts only as age/it and manager for ARTIST and assumes no liability hereunder. 8. ARTIST shall have the sole and exclusive right, but not the obligation, to sell souvenir programs and other souvenir items including phonograph records in connection with, and at, the performance(s) hereunder and the receipts thereof shall belong exclusively to ARTIST. 9. This agreement may not be changed, modified or altered except by an instrument in writing signed by the parties. This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of N e w York. Nothing in this Agreement shall require the commission of any act con-trary to l aw or to any rule or regulation of any union, guild or similar body having jurisdiction over the performances hereunder or any ele-ment thereof and wherever or whenever there is any conflict between any provision of this Agreement and any such law, rule or regulation, such law, rule or regulation shall prevail and this Agreement shall be curtailed, modified, or limited only to the extent necessary to eliminate such conflict. 10. Any claim or dispute arising out of or relating to this agreement or the breach thereof shall be settled by arbitration in New York, New York in accordance with the rules and regulations then obtaining of the American Arbitration Association governing three-member panels. The parties hereto agree to be bound by the a w a r d in such arbitration and judgment upon the a w a r d rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. TKANtaLA'i'OR XT IS ACCEFTED AND AGREED TO THE ATTACHED RIDER IS HEREBY MADE PART OF THIS CONTRACT DATED: , BY AND BETWEEN_ (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS "PROMOTER") AND THE ARTIST, FOR THE ENGAGEMENT AT /JlQi/A Stu^t*/-&M071 ON S/p/SO. /ft^ ARTIST RIDER: - 1. Any Contract returned unattached, unsigned or altered in any way without prior negotiation and written consent frrcm THE ARTIST and INTERNATIONAL TALENT GROUP, shall make the contract null arid void and shall be deemed reason for iirrrediate cnaoellation of the engagement hereunder. 2. Purchaser warrents that ticket prices, capacity, and gross potential as noted on face of contract are bona fide and in the event, any tickets are sold above the agreed capacity as noted, then the ARTIST shall receive "one hundred percent (100%) of this excess. 3. Purchaser agrees that he will not sell any products identified with the ARTIST, at the place of performance or any adjacent place urder his control, nor will he license third parties to do so or permit such sale by any third parties without the express agreement of the ARTIST. 4. Purchaser shall guarantee property security at all tines, to ensure the safety of the ARTIST, auxiliary personnel, instruments and all equipment ard personal property during and after all the performances. Particular security must be proviede in the areas of the dressing rocm, stage, remote mixing console, and all exits ard entrances to the auditorium. Security protection to commence upon the arrival of ARITST ard ARTIST'S equipment on the premises. 5. ND portion of the performance rendered hereunder may be recorded, filmed, taped or enbodied in any form for the purpose of reproduction of such performance. A vio-lations of this clause shall furnish absolute grounds for the ARTIST'S refusal to perform thereafter and in this event all costs, including the ARITST's guaranteed fee ard any percentages over-ride due to the ARTIST based on box office sales, shall be born by the Purchaser. 6. In the event of a support act being employed, the ARTIST shall have the first right to set up all instruments ard equipment to be used in the show ard these shall not be moved or tampered with in any way by anyone other than the ARTIST'S road crew. The ARTIST shall have first call on any time available for sound chekcs and shall be allowed to oontinue said sound check up to 15 minutes before the doors open time. The support act does not have any automatic right to a sound check however, every effort shall be made to accomodate a sound check for this act. The decision on the support acts sound check shall rest solely on the ARTIST'S Tour Manager. Doors are to be opened only when approved by the Tour Manager. 7. The ARTIST reserves the right of approval of any other person to appear in conjunc-tion with this performance and the right to determine the length and nature of their performance. A violation of this clause shall entitle the ARTIST to refuse to furnish the performance described herein but Purchaser shall remain obliged to make payments. 8. With respect to performances where the ARTIST'S fee is based on a percentage: the following provisions shall be in effect: a) Purchaser shall furnish to the ARTIST or their appointed agents no later than -2- ten (10) days before the scheduled date, a ticket manifest setting forth the number of tickets to be sold in each price category, and all tickets shall be sold accordingly with the prices as stated. b) Purchaser shall pay the ARTIST its percentage for- every seat occupied within the place of performance except for the Twenty (20) ocmplimentary tickets for the ARTIST. c) A representative of the ARTIST shall have the right to be present in the box "Office prior to, during and following the performance. T d) Percentage payments provided for hereunder shall be acccmpanied by a written statement frcsn the Purchaser. e) If tickets are on sale prior to date of performance then a representative of the ARTIST shall have the right to check and agree those sales before the box office opens on the night of the performance. All unsold tickets and ticket stubs must be presented to said representative before the doors open. If there are any discrepancies, then Purchaser is liable for payment to the ARTIST in "full. 9. Purchaser agrees to furnish ARTIST, at Purchaser's sole-cost and expense the following: a) The ARTIST requires the stage size to be a minimum of 25 ft. x 15 ft., a minimum of 3 ft. frcm the ground with rocm to take a P.A. on either side, of the following dimensions, 6 ft. wide x 6 ft. high x 4 ft. deep. Should it not be possible to meet the above requirements, Purchaser must provide the information of the avail-able sizes to INTERNATIONAL TALENT GROUP, for their prior written approval, prior to any advertising or promotion of a concert or show featuring the name of the ARTIST. It is to be understood that the ARTIST has the right to cancel the en-gagement if this procedure is not carried out. Also, should the ARTIST arrive and find the stage dimensions not as per this agreement and no written approval for the alternative size, the ARTIST has the right to cancel the engagement. In addition, a proper secure drum riser for the ARTIST'S sole use must be provided with the dimensions of no less than 6 ft. x 8 ft." b) Times for the load-in and sound check shall be determined by ARTIST'S Tour Manager arid/or the Production Manager. Sound check will normally be one hour between 5 PM and 6 PM. c) The Purchaser agrees to provide a properly maintained, ccmfortable and secure dressing rocm, with hot and cold running water, mirrors and seating for Ten (10) people, for the sole use of the ARTIST. If there is no sink in the dressing rocm, then washing facilities are to be in close proximity to said dressing room. d) NO one except working personnel, performers, and authorized guests are permitted backstage or in the dressing roans before or after the performance. During the performance, ND ONE shall be permitted in the dressing rocm except by approval of the Tour Manager. e) During the performance on stage, only persons actually employed by the ARTIST are allowed on stage. NO unauthorized persons, including spectators, are allowed on the stage and/or the stage area. The stage and its general area will be cleared no less than Twenty (20) minutes prior to the beginning of the ARTIST'S performance and irmediately after the show to allcw the ARTIST and their personnel to exit and clear the stage area of their equipment. f) Lighting requirements for hall under 1000 capacity: One 12 channel board w/24 instruments. Over 1000 capacity halls One 24 channel board w/48 instrurents. -3- 11. a) Purchaser shall supply and pay for two (2) stagehands frcm the time requested by the Tour Manager on the day of the performance, to work in all phases of truck unloading, uncasing, setting up, moving of equipment, tearing down, casing up, and loading of trucks. Should the stagehands be union members, the Purchaser needs to be sure that local union rules do not prohibit then frcm assisting in all phases of equipment handling inside and outside the truck. Should the union rules present a problem in this area, the Purchaser agrees to provide two (2) non-union stagehands to assist in all phases of equipment handling frcm which union stage-hands are prohibited. b) Purchaser will ensure that access to the venue for the Road Crew will be frcm the time required by the Tour Manager, approximately 4 PM, together with availability of one (1) house electrician and ore (1) stage manager who must stay until the completion of the performance or as otherwise advised by the Tour Manager. c) The above mentioned personnel shall be under the sole and exclusive direction of the Artist's Tour Manager and Artist's Stage Manager, who will advise said personnel of the time of the termination of their labor, which in any event shall not be until all equipment is loaded into the truck. d) The Purchaser shall provide ample parking space in close proximity and with direct access to the stage door, for a period corrnencing seven (7) hours prior to the performance and continuing two (2) hours following the performance. 12. Purchaser is to supply and pay for Artist's sole usage of a'Twenty-four (24) channel mixer. Mixer shall have two (2) effect sends per input and no less than four (4) sulmasters. In addition, ore (1) Graphic equalizer for house and one (1) for monitors (1 per each mix). Mixer sahll include at least one (1) limiter. Monitor mixer shall have the capability of four (4) seperate mixes. Venue to supply stage sound person. Microphones to include Six. (6) 421's, one (1) RE20, five (5) SM57's, arri two (2) SM58's. Purchaser also to provide a Lexicon PCM-41, DDL or equivalent. One (1) AKG D-l 13. Purchaser agrees to supply and pay for refreshments to be placed in the dressing rocm at soundcheck time: h Case of Beer, {Heineken or Molson preferred) One six pack of carbonated Mineral water. One quart of Orange juice. Goffee, tea and whole milk. After soundcheck: Purchaser shall supply Eight (8) Hot meals to include either fish or chicken, salad & hot vegetables or Eight (8) vegetarian meals. In addition an assortment of yogurts. Prior to performance: (one (1) hour) Purchaser shall place in the dressing rocm a Deli tray for eight (8) people to include good, wholescme food, packaged meats & cheeses are NOT acceptable. This should include bread, (not white) , mayonnaise, and grey Poupon mustard. In addition a selection of fresh fruits or vegetables to be provided. One Case of Beer (Heineken or Molson preferred) . h Case of carbonated Mineral water. One quart of Orange juice. One quart of Camberry juice. toffee, tea & whole milk Ice Ten (10) Clean tcwels -4- 14. a) In the event of illness, incapacity, appropriate labor union restrictions or strikes, or any other event beyond the control of the Artist shall not be required to perform the scheduled engagement (s) and in that event the Artist shall not be liable in any way for any loss of whatsoever kind or nature suffered by the Purchaser. - • b) Purchaser understands and agrees that the failure to fulfill any of the provisions of this rider may result in the cancellation of one or more performances hereunder at any time without penalty whatsoever to the Artist, and without prejudice to all other rights which the Artist may have by virtue of such failure. c) In the event that the Purchaser claims that the Artist has breached this Agreement (excluding cases of "force majeure") , the limit of any liability for damages chargeable to the Artist, individually and collectively, shall be the minimum guaranteed payment, if any, provided for in respect of the performance concerned. 15. No alteration of any of the clauses or terms contained herein has any legal standing and serves no constructive purpose unless first agreed by the Artist's representatives. Any such alteration then made must be initialled by both the Purchaser and Artist. ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO: (PURCHASER) ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO: (ARTIST) 'J I V H I V J : V'U i 1,'l'ir. r i.'.' ± TOUR MANAGER s CHRISTINE AT'!TH.( NY STAGE MANAGER: PAUL MATESKI SO"ND PERSON: FLOYD SOLDERS I.D.: CKRT Sn'Tv