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uac000386. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING #36 26 JULY 1983 SESSION 13 4;10 P.M. MSU 203 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Consent Agenda IV. Approval of Minutes #35 A. Amendment to Minutes #33; VIII,E - Pasquantino B. Amendment to Minutes #34; VII, B - Pasquantino C. Amendment to Minutes #35; VIII, D - Pasquantino V. Executive Board Announcements VI. Executive Board Nominations A. Judicial Council Members - Matt Hiu, Rick Oshinski(2/3 vote)? B. Bylaws Committee - John Pascruantino (SAL) , Deanna Macaluso(SAL) C. Appropriations Board Member - Robert Eqlet(SEN) D. Professional Programming Member - Gus Varona(SAL) E. Elections Board Members - Tracy Beaton(SAL), Mojgan Sobhani(SAL) F. Entertainment and Programming - Murray Long(SEN) G. Intramural Director - Deanna Macaluso H. Publications Board - Linda Lehman(ADVISOR) I. Student Services Committee - Rusty Smith(SAL) J. Removal of Senator Eells, Suzanne Nounna from the Appropri-ations Board VII. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Bylaws Committee B. Entertainment and Programming Board C. Judicial Council D. Nevada Student Affairs E. Professional Programming F. Radio Board UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 MINUTES SENATE MEETING #36 26 JULY 19 8 3 PAGE. 10 G. Student Services H. Other I. Appropriations Board VIII. Old Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Education College(1) B. Appointment of Senator 1. Academic Advisement(11 a. Sari Bloom IX. New Business A. Appointment of Senators 1. Academic Advisement(2) a. Jay Lescano b. Viannev Marino c. Karen Musselman B. Introduction of Senate Bill 014 - Pasquantino C. Repeal of By lav/ 18 - Shaffer/Best D. Approval of Senate Bill 015 - Shaffer/Best E. Approval of Travel - Shaffer F. Senate Directive to the Executive Board - Eglet G. Formation of Ad Hoc Constitution Revision Committee - Eglet H. Formation of Ad Hoc Committee on Establishing the Student Government under A.B. 411 - Eglet I. Repeal of Senate Bill 007 - Corrales J. Approval of 904 Accounts; line by line - Corrales (Budgetary Authority) K. Review/Action of Lawyer Contract - Eglet L. Closed Personnel Session (I) to discuss Internal Signature Policy - Eckert, Chairman, Appropriations Board M. Action Concerning Closed Personnel Session I - Eckert N. Closed Personnel Session II to Discuss Officers' Performances- Corrales 0. Action Concerning Closed Personnel Session II - Corrales P. Resolution 072683-01 - Corrales O. Closed Personnel Session Ill/Committee of the whole to discuss CSUN Policies, Personalities - Clay R. Action Concerning Closed Personnel Session III - Clay X. Open Discussion XI. Adj ournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING #36. 26 JULY 1983 SESSION 13 4:10 P.M. MSU 20.3 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Senate President Clay at 4:01 p.m. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Stephanie Pettit August Corrales John Pasquantino Robert Eglet Sindy Glasgow Virgil Jackson David Mounts Matt McGuire Murray Long Jeff Chadwell Mark Doubrava III. Approval of Consent Agenda This item was withdrawn. IV. Approval of Minutes #35 Senator Pasquantino moved to amend the minutes of meeting #35 to delete the nomination of Deanna Macaluso for the Hotel College Senate Seat, to delete the approval of Deanna Macaluso as a Hotel College Senator and to delete all of the votes cast by Deanna Macaluso. Senator Chadwell seconded the amendment which passed with all in favor. The motion to approve Minutes #35 as amended passed with all in favor. A. Amendment to Minutes #33; VIII, E - Pasquantino B. Amendment to Minutes #34; VII, B - Pasquantino C. Amendment to Minutes #35; VIII, D - Pasquantino Items A, B and C were withdrawn. Senator Eglet moved to suspend the rules and move into New Business, item A, Appointment of Senators. Senator Jackson seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. Members Absent Jef Wild - excused Barbara Zimmer - unexcused Nanda Briggs - excused late Jim Eells - excused UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 MINUTES SENATE MEETING #36 26 JULY 19 8 3 PAGE. 10 IX. New Business A. Appointment of Senators 1. Academic Advisement(2) a. Jay Lescano b. Vianney Marino c. Karen Musselman Vianney Marino had not submitted an application, and Karen Musselman does not qualify. Senator Eglet moved to approve the nomination of Jay tescano for Academic Advisement Senator. Senator Mounts seconded the motion. Senator Long questioned Jay Lescano. The motion to approve Lescano for Academic Advisement Senator passed with 9 in favor, 1 opposed(Long), and 1 abstaining(Jackson). Senator Eglet moved reopen nominations for the Academic Advisement Senate Seat which was closed at last week's Senate Meeting. Senator Jackson seconded. The motion passed with all in favor. Senator Eglet moved to suspend the rules and move into Old Business, and Senator Jackson seconded. The motion passed with all in favor. Senator Eglet moved that the nominations for the Hotel College Senate Seat which is no longer filled by Deanna Macaluso be reopened. Senator Mounts seconded the motion. Senator Long suggested that instead of reopening nomina-tions for the Hotel Seat, the Senate should appoint Paul Grande since he received the next highest votes for the seat. Senator Pasquantino emphasized that the Senate violated the spirit of the law in appointing the Hotel Senator at last Tuesday's Senate Meeting, not the letter of the law. The Senate does not owe Grande a seat under these circumstances. The motion to reopen nominations for the Hotel College Senate Seat which was filled last week(July 19) passed with 11 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstaining(Long). Senator Eglet nominated Deanna Macaluso for the Hotel Seat. Senator Pasquantino nominated all candidates previously nominated(Grande, Fischer, Jennings, Weather). Senator Long made the nomination of Mike but could not remember Mike's last name. The chair suggested that the senate vote on whether to accept the nomination of Mike pending notification of his last name. The motion to accept the nomination of Mike pending notification of his last name passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstaining(Pasquantino, Corrales). Senate President Clay announced that the nominees' appli- MINUTES SENATE MEETING #36 26 JULY 19 83 PAGE 3 cations must be submitted no later than Thursday, July 2 8 by 5:00 p.m. Senator Eglet moved to close nominations for the Hotel College Senate Seat, and Senator Jackson seconded. The motion passed with all in favor. V. Executive Board Announcements President Lee, Vice President Shaffer and Vide President Pro Tempore Best had no announcements. 1. Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino Pasquantino referred to the memos he had written regarding the correct procedures to amend minutes. The Senate may amend the minutes by rescinding or amending something pre-viously adopted. Please take this information into consi-deration when amending minutes in the future. Under New Business, item B should be Senate Bill 016 in-stead of Senate Bill 014. Senate Bill 016 should be consi-dered before Senate Bill 0,15. 2. Senate President Clay Clay welcomed Jay Lescano to the Senate and reminded him to submit a preference sheet. There is an opening for a student on the Faculty Senate Bylaws Committee. Eric Emerson and Catherine Clay have been asked to serve on this committee. The first meeting will be held on August 1 at 1:00 p.m. in the Library Confer-ence Room. If the senate has not chosen a regular member for this committee, CSUN must send a proxy vote or unoffi-cial member to attend the first meeting. VI. Executive Board Nominations A. Judicial Council Members - Matt Hiu, Rick Oshinski(2/3 vote) Senator Eglet moved to approve the nominations of Matt Hiu and Rick Oshinski as members of the Judicial Council and Senator Jackson seconded. Senator Briggs was present at 4:23 p.m. The motion to approve Hiu and Oshinski to the Judicial Council passed with all in favor. B. Bylaws Committee - John Pasquantino(SAL), Deanna Maca-luso( SAL) The nomination of Deanna Macaluso was withdrawn. Senator Eglet moved to approve the nomination of John Pasquantino as a member of the Bylaws Committee CsAL) Senator Jackson seconded. The motion passed with all in favor, C. Appropriations Board Member - Robert Eglet (SEN) Senator Mounts moved to approve the nomination of Robert Eglet as a Senate member of the Appropriations Board, and Senator Jackson seconded. The motion passed with 12 in MINUTES SENATE MEETING #36 26 JULY 19 8 3 PAGE. 10 favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstaining(Eglet). D. Professional Programming Member - Gus Varona(SAL) Senator Mounts moved to approve the nomination of Gus Varona as a student at large member of the Professional Programming Department, and Senator Doubrava seconded. The motion passed with all in favor. E. Elections Board Members - Tracy Beaton(SAL), Mojgan Sobhani(SAL) Senator Corrales moved to approve the nominations of Tracy Beaton and Mojgan Sobhani as student at large members of the Elections Board. Senator Mounts seconded and the motion passed with all in favor. Senator Mounts moved to approve items F through J under Executive Board Nominations as a whole. Senator Chadwell seconded. Appropriations Board Chairman Eckert suggested that the maker of the motion not include item J in his motion. She no longer asks that Suzanne Nounna be dismissed from the Appropriations Board. Senator Mounts withdrew item J from his motion, and the second concurred. The motion to approve the following nominations as a whole passed with all in favor. F. Entertainment and Programming - Murray Long(SEN) G. Intramural Director - Deanna Macaluso H. Publications Board - Linda Lehman(ADVISOR) I. Student Services Committee - Rusty Smith(SAL) Jo Removal of Senator Eells, Suzanne Nounna from the Appropriations Board Chairman Eckert stated that she did not want Nounna dismissed from the board. Senator Mounts moved to approve the dismissal of Senator Eells from the Appropriations Board, and Senator Eglet seconded. The motion passed with 12 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstaining(McGuire). Senator Corrales moved to reconsider the approval of item I under Executive Board Nominations, and Senator Eglet seconded. The chair informed him that according to Parliamentary Procedure he must move to reconsider the approval of items F through Is since that iras the motion which was passed previously. Senator Corrales moved to reconsider the approval of items F through I under Executive Board Nominations, and Senator Eglet seconded. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #36 26 JULY 19 8 3 PAGE. 10 Senate President Clay announced that the motion requires a two-thirds majority vote according to Bylaw 20 which would be 10 senators. Jim Ohriner suggested that the maker of the motion move to rescind the approval of items F through I under Execu-tive Board Nominations instead of moving to reconsider. Senator Corrales withdrew his motion to reconsider and the second concurred. Senator Corrales moved to rescind the action taken to approve item F through I under Executive Board Nominations. Senator Mounts seconded. Senate President Clay made a correction by stating that 11 senators would be two-thirds of the Senate. The motion to rescind the action taken to approve items F through I under Executive Board Nominations passed with 12 in favor and 1 opposed(McGuire). Senator Corrales moved to approve items F through H as a whole, and Senator Eglet seconded. The motion passed with all in favor. Senator Corrales moved to table item I for two weeks, and Senator Jackson seconded. The motion passed with all in favor. Senate President Clay suggested that the Senate suspend the rules and move into New Business, item K, Review/Action of Lawyer contract. There being no objections the chair moved into item K. IX. New Business K. Review/Action of Lawyer Contract - Eglet Senator Eglet withdrew this item. Chris Beecroft, CSUN's legal counsel, addressed the senate. Beecroft stated that he has reason to believe that his actions as CSUN's legal counsel have been questioned. He has merely responded to the legitimate questions which have been put to him by the Executive Board members. There have been no "smoke-filled" or "clandestine" meetings with the Executive Board. He simply responded to the questions asked with the best possible answers. As far as he knows he is CSUN's legal counsel and has been contracted to do a job. He will continue to do his job unless he is notified of a change. VII. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Bylaws Committee Chairman Corrales read the minutes from the Bylaws Committee Meeting held on July 25, 19 83 at 2:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. The chair announced the resignations of Michelle Hon and Holly Reed effective noon of July 25, 1983. The members present were Corrales, Riedy, Eglet and Chadwell. Glasgow was absent, excused, and Zimmer was absent, unexcused. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with all in favor. The board removed S.B. 00 7 from the table and moved to repeal the bill with the recommendation that it be sub- MINUTES SENATE MEETING #36 26 JULY 19 8 3 PAGE. 10 mitted to the Senate. The submission of the repeal of Senate Bill 007 to the Senate passed with all in favor. The committee approved the deletion of section II from Bylaw #6 and its submission with the minutes. The committee approve the repeal of Bylaw #18. The meeting was recessed and called back to order at the library The members present were Richard Riedy, Robert Eglet and Jeff Chadwell. Sindv Glasgow was absent, excused and Barbara Zimmer was absent, unexcused. The committee approved an amendment to Bylaw #9 to include all germane Nevada Revised Statutes and United States Code Annotated concerning impeachment charges and proceedings. Also to include in Bylaw #39 the definition of Impeachment charge i.e., the definition of an impeachable offense. The formal submission of the amendments' to Bylaw #9 to be announced, but not limited to consideration of approval in the Bylaws minutes from the meeting of July 25, 1983. The meeting was adjourned 2:58 p.m. Senator Corrales moved to approve the minutes from Bylaws Committee Meeting held on July 25, 1983 at 2:00 p.m. Senator Mounts seconded the motion. Senate President Clay stated that the amendments to Bylaw #9 must be in written form and submitted by Thursday at 3:00 p.m. in order to be placed on the senate agenda. Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino read Senate Bill 007: Senate Bill 007 IN THE SENATE OF THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS November 16, 1982 Senator Eglet introduced the following Bill: A BILL To grant authority, to dismiss appointed CSUN Board, Committee Chairmen and Department Heads, to the Executive Board. I. Be it enacted by the Senate assembled that this Bill shall be designated the "Executive Board Right To Dismiss Bill." IT, On all CSUN Boards, Committees, and Department Heads, whose chairmen are nominated by the Executive Board, and approved by the Senate. May be dismissed by the Executive Board at any time during their term of office. ITT. Dismissal of an appointed CSUN Board, Committee Chairman or Department Head, by the Executive Board, may be overridden by a two-thirds vote of the Senate at the Senate meeting immediately following that official's dismissal. Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino read section II of Bylaw #6: II. In the events that a vacancy exists in a Senate Seat and an MINUTES SENATE MEETING #36 26 JULY 19 8 3 PAGE. 10 election has been held for that office, then the candidate who has received the plurality of the popular vote, if not an incumbant, shall be appointed immediately, by the Senate President, to fill the aforementioned vacancy. Pasquantino read Bylaw #18: BYLAW #18 Executive Secretary Bylaw I. The President will supervise an Executive Secretary. II. The Executive Secretary shall be a classified employee of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. III. The Executive Secretary will supervise other secretarial personnel as determined by the Executive Board. Pasquantino read Bylaw #9: SENATE BYLAW #9 Impeachment Committee I. A. Upon presentation of impeachment charges, the Senate shall establush an Impeachment Committee by nominating and appoint-ing its members. B. The committee shall be composed of one UNLV administrator and two CSUN Senators. II. A. The Impeachment Committee shall investigate the charges presented, B. The committee shall make recommendations to the Senate based upon the findings of the investigation. The Bylaws Committee minutes of the meeting held on July 25 at 2:00 p.m. were approved with 12 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstaining (Pettit). B. Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman Eckert asked whether E & P had passed their budget. The chair stated that no one had received minutes. C. Judicial Council There was no report. D. Nevada Student Affairs There was no report. E. Professional Programming David Mounts: announced that there will be a meeting on Monday, August 1 at 4:00 in MSU 203. The department will be discussing their lectures, approving their budget and MINUTES SENATE MEETING #36 26 JULY 19 8 3 PAGE. 10 operating policy. The board will meet every Monday at 4:00 in lounge 20 3. F. Radio Board Chairman Jimenez read the action items from the minutes of Radio Board Meeting #01 held on July 21, 1983 at 11:00 a.m. The chair called the meeting to order at 11:09 a.m. The members present were Murray Long, Charles Martin, Rafael Villanueva and Tony West. The board approved the FY8 4 budget as submitted by General Manager Wennstrom. The board approve the adoption of the fundraising procedures as attached. The board approved the proposal for the FY8 4 fundraising strategy as attached. The board also approved KUNV's proposal for twenty percent commissions for those responsible for underwriting, general operating grants and paid commercials. The board approved the proposal by KUNV requiring all prospective KUNV staff members to read the explanation of KUNV Transmitter Operator Responsi-bilities and sign an affidavit attesting to the fact that they have read the memo and that they meet the requirements and to approve the affidavit sample submitted(attached). Chairman Jimenez adjourned the meeting at 12:39 p.m. Senator Eglet moved to approve the minutes from Radio Board Meeting #01 held on July 21 at 11:00 a.m. Senator Mounts seconded the motion. The motion passed with all in favor. The motion passed with all in favor. G. Student Services Chairman Corrales read the minutes from the meeting held on July 22, 1983 at 2:00 p.m. The chair called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. There were no members present. The meeting was recessed until July 24, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. at 2617 Lourdes Avenue, the home of Senator Glasgow. The meeting was called back to order at 7:15 p.m. on July 24. The members present were August Corrales, Sari Bloom, Sindy Glasgow, Karen Musselman and Gus Varona. The members excused absent were Virgil Jackson, Kai Fischer and Richard Phillips. There was discussion. Gus Varona left the meeting at 9:08 p.m., breaking quorum. The meeting was adjourned at 9:09 p.m. Senator Corrales moved to approve the minutes from Student Services Committee Meeting #01, and Senator Eglet seconded. The motion passed with all in favor. H. Other There was no report. I. Appropriations Board Chairman Eckert stated the minutes of the Appropriations Board Meeting which was held today at 1:00 p.m. in Vice President Shaffer's office. The meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m. and no one but the chairman was present. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #36 26 JULY 19 8 3 PAGE. 10 Those who were not present were given excused absences. The meeting was adjourned at 1:11 p.m. Senator Pasquantino moved to approve the minutes from the Appropriations Board Meeting held on July 26, 19183 at 1:00 p.m. Senator Eglet seconded the motion which passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 3 abstaining(Mcguire, Lescano, Pettit). Senator Pasquantino moved that the Senate move into a committee of the whole to discuss the CSUN's budget with Robert Eglet as the committee's chairman and allowing only for discussion, with no action to be taken on the budget. Senator Jackson seconded the motion. Jim Ohriner suggested that the Senate move into Informal Consideration of the Question. Senator Pasquantino agreed. There being no objections, the Senate moved into a Committee for Informal Consideration of the Question. Vice President Shaffer requested that Appropriations Board Chairman Eckert make a presentation to the Senate concern-ing the funds which are available to distribute to depart-ment heads. Karen Eckert stated that CSUN's overall budget includes $305,000 in student fees and $107,000 in generated revenue. Initially, CSUN had $305,000 of which $122,000 was put into the general account, $51,000 was put into KUNV Operations and $29,000 was put into Yell Operations. This leaves CSUN $103,000 to distribute to the other accounts which are Organizations Board, Entertainment and Programming, Student Services, Publications Board, Contingency, Intra-murals, Nevada Student Affairs and Professional Programming Department. The senate has already approved $27,438 of that $10.3,000 for Nevada Student Affairs. That leaves approximately $77,000 for all of the other accounts. We have $107,000 in generated revenue $30,0.00 of which was given to KUNV, $26,000 which was given to the Yell which leaves $51,000 in generated revenue. Chairman Eckert drew a chart of the budget as- it stands now: 900 - $ 4,000 90.1 - $55,000 902 - $ 300 903 - $11,000, 904 - $ 8,0.00 905 - $ 4,000 906 - $ 5,000 907 - $ 3,000 908 - $ 4,00 0 911 - $ 700 9.12 - 0 Most of the money lies in the KUNV account for the moving of the transmitter. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #36 26 JULY 19 8 3 PAGE. 10 Senator Glasgow left the meeting at 5:20 p.m. Jim Fitchet stated that $42,000 of KUNV's budget is earmarked to move the transmitter. Senator Mounts suggested that money be taken from KUNV's account to fund other departments which may need trans-fers . Senator Eglet suggested that the Senate get the overall picture of the budget before taking money out of individual accounts. Karen Eckert stated that CSUN has $30:5,0,00.. in student fees and $10 7,000. in generated revenue. The Senate has already approved $275,000 for NSA leaving $77,500 in student fees. Entertainment and Programming has requested $79,350 for one semester. Larry Hamilton, last year's E & P Chair-man stated that he received $35,000 in student fees. Senate President Clay stated that the E & P budget pro-posal is not considered all student fees. In speaking with the E & P Chairman, she has found that he is pro-jecting at least $20,000 in revenue from each $10,000 concert. Eckert stated that Student Services needs $75,000 to operate for the whole year(until June 31). The Professional Programming Department has requested $41,500 for the entire year. Intramurals is requesting $16,000 in student fees and $4,000 in carryover. Organizations Board received $8,800 last year. The board passed a formal request in their minutes request-ing $15,000 for this year. According to Karen Eckert, CSUN has about $10,000 to consider for Organizations Board. Senate President Clay stated that the Senate did approve the minutes of the Organizations Board meeting in which they requested $15,000. The Yell has been funded $55,00 0 this year when the news-paper spent over $60,000 last year. The Yell usually has cash flow problems. There are approximately $30,000 in stipends for next year, $16,000 of which must be taken from the general account. Chairman Eckert stated that approximately $12,096 in fee waivers will be necessary. She has budgeted the general account for a good deal of money, but the account may need more funding. Chairman Eckert strongly suggested that the Senate con^ sider funding contingency generously so CSUN may have money to fall back on for emergency purposes-. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #36 26 JULY 19 83 PAGE li According to Fitchet, CSUN is only restricted by budgetary authority. The organization can spend any cash in the budget. Chairman Eckert feels that Student Services and Entertain-ment and Programming are CSUN's largest revenue generators. If these accounts are not funded as much as possible, then this organization will not have the funds necessary to continue programs. She requests input on the budget and must know where CSUN's priorities are. Senator Pasquantino stated that Senate Bill 010 should give rough priorities for the salaries, but Chairman Eckert should meet with individual Senators about the budget. VIII. Old Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Education College (1) There were no nominations. B. Appointment of Senator c 1. Academic Advisement (_1) a. Sari Bloom Senator Eglet moved to table the appointment of the Academic Advisement Senator for one week, and Senator Corrales seconded. Senator Glasgow returned at 5:49 p.m. The motion to table passed with 11 in favor and 2 opposed (McGuire, Long). IX. New Business A. Appointment of Senators 1. Academic Advisement(2) This item was considered earlier in the meeting. B. Introduction of Senate Bill 016 - Pasquantino This bill must be considered after Senate Bill 015. C. Repeal of Bylaw 18 - Shaffer/Best According to Senate President Clay, this item must be reviewed by the Bylaws Committee before the Senate;may consider the item. There was no action taken on this item. It will appear on next week's agenda. D. Approval of Senate Bill 015 - Shaffer/Best Vice President Shaffer read Senate Bill 015: Senate Bill 015 IN THE SENATE OF THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNVIERSITY OF NEVADA July 26, 1983 Vice President Shaffer and Vice President Pro Tempore Best introduced the following Senate Bill: MINUTES SENATE MEETING #36 26 JULY 19 8 3 PAGE. 10 A BILL CSUN Receptionist/Secretary/Executive Secretary Bill The hiring, dismissal, and directing of CSUN receptionists, secretaries, and executive secretaries will be at the dis-cretion of the majority vote of the Executive Board. Senator Pasquantino moved to approve the submission of Senate Bill 015, and Senator Jackson seconded. The motion passed with all in favor. B. Introduction of Senate Bill 016 - Pasquantino Senator Pasquantino read Senate Bill. 016: Senate Bill 016 IN THE SENATE OF THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA July 26, 198 3 Senate President Pro Tempore John Pasquantino introduced the following Senate Bill: A BILL To establish a system for creating and maintaining academic requirements for CSUN officers. I. Be it enacted by the Senate assembled that this bill be designated as the "Maintenance of Qualifications Bill." II. Upon passage of this bill, the Senate shall establish a minimum semester grade point average for Senators, for appointees to the Senate, and for the Executive Officers. III. Upon passage of this bill, the Senate shall establish a minimum cumulative grade point average for Senators, for appointees to the Senate, and for the Executive Officers." : 1 - - ' -> IV. Upon passage of this bill, the Senate shall establish the minimum semester grade point average for Senators, for appointees to the Senate, and for the Executive Officers as 2.2 on a 4.0 scale. V, Upon passage of this bill, the Senate shall establish the minimum cumulative grade point average for Senators, for appointees to the Senate, and for the Executive Officers as 2.4 on a 4.0 scale. VI. Upon passage of this bill, verification of these require-ments shall be in accordance with Senate Bill 012. VII. Upon passage of this bill, failure to maintain either the minimum semester grade point average and the minimum cumu-lative grade point average as prescribed in this bill by any Senator, or by any appointee to the Senate, or by any Executive Officer shall result in the immediate dismissal fo that officer from his or her office. VIII. For the purpose of interpretation of this bill, the fall semester shall be defined as summer session II and the regular fall semester and the spring semester shall be MINUTES SENATE MEETING #36 26 JULY 19 8 3 PAGE. 10 defined as mini term, the regular spring semester and summer session I. Senator Pasquantino moved to approve the submission of Senate Bill 016, and Senator Jackson seconded. Senator Mounts suggested that the item be placed on the agenda with the intention that amendments may be added. This suggestion was accepted as a friendly amendment. Senate President Clay pointed out that legally this bill would not effect the Senate Session 13 or the Executive Board present-ly serving. Senator Pettit left the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Senator Eglet added a friendly amendment to delete the word "both" in section VII and insert the word "either." The motion to approve the submission of Senate Bill 016 with possible amendments passed with all in favor. E. Approval of Travel - Shaffer This item was withdrawn. F. Senate Directive to the Executive Board - Eglet Eglet moved that the Senate direct the Executive Board to require all full time clerical staff that CSUN hires to maintain office hours from Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. allowing for a one hour lunch break to be taken between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. each day. The clerical staff must clock out for lunch breaks and will be allowed to clock out for classes. Senator Mounts seconded the motion. President Lee asked why the Senate was directing the Executive Board to set policy for clerical staff. Accord-to the Constitution, the President is the chief administrator for CSUN. The administration should know better as to when secretaries can leave the office. Senator Mounts stated that as long as the staff was not being paid to attend the Senate Meetings then it would be okay. Senator Mounts withdrew his second to the directive. Senator Corrales seconded the motion to direct the Executive Board. Senator Briggs left the meeting at 6:11 p.m. Senator Eglet objected to the withdrawal of Mounts' second. The motion to consider the directive passed with 10 in favor, and 1 opposed(Long). Senator Eglet stated that in other offices there was not much leeway for secretaries. If an employee works full-time then they should take their lunches during those times. Senator Glasgow stated that when she left during discussion there was no one downstairs in the office and the door was unlocked. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #36 26 JULY 19 8 3 PAGE. 10 Vice President Shaffer questioned her as to when she went downstairs and stated that the office is closed at 5:00 p.m. and the Student Union assumes responsi-bility for locking all doors in the Moyer Student Union. Vice President Shaffer disagreed with the restriction placed on when the secretaries can take their lunch hours, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. are the office's busiest hours and if the secretaries do not take their lunch break during those hours, they should be allowed to go at another time. If the secretaries can better serve the students by being in the office during those hours theree then there is no reason to require them to leave the office for lunch. President Lee added that the reason why two receptionists were hired was to allow for coverage in the office. There is a receptionist working the front desk from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Senator Lescano moved the previous question, and Senator Eglet seconded. The motion passed with all in favor. The motion to direct the Executive Board to require all full time clerical staff that CSUN hires to maintain office hours from Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. allow-ing for a one hour lunch break to be taken between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. each day arid clerical staff must clock out for lunch breaks and will be allowed to clock out for classes passed with 9 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstaining(Long,