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uac000369. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA Seriate Meeting #19 Session #13 4:00 p.m. March 22, 1983 MSU 20 3 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #18 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Elections Board Chairman - Greg Goussak B. Elections Board - Mary Borsellino, Michelle O'Donnell, Grace Galloway C. Organizations Board - John Pasquantino D. Appropriations Board - Frank Regina E. Grievance Committee - Bonnie Darling F. Student Services Committee - Kai Fischer VI. Board, Committee and Department Head Reports A. Elections Board B. Entertainment and Programming Board C. Faculty Committees 1. Academic Standards (3-16-83) 2. Grievance Committee D. Intramurals Director E. Organizations Board F. Publications Board G. Radio Board VII. Unfinished Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement (1) 2. Education (1) 3. Health Sciences (1) UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 AGENDA-SENATE MEETING #19-March 22, 19 8 3 page 2 rIII. New Business A. Discussion of 905 Account Status with Editor Charisse - Pasquantino B. Appointment for Vacant Business and Economics (2) 1. Earl Mitchell 2. Victor Jimenez 3. Grace Galloway 4. Virgil Jackson 5. Sindy Glasgow 6. Jack McClary 7. Egillespie Sinayoko IX. Open Discussion X. Adj ournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES Senate Meeting #19 Session #13 4:00 p.m. March 22, 1983 MSU 203 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m. II. Roll,Call Members in Attendance David ~Mounts Stephanie Pettit John Bostaph John Pasquantino August Corrales Frank Regina Trent Parks Robert Eglet Mike Waller - late Calvin Valvo - excused absent Catherine Clay Marc Miller Jim Eells Eric Emerson Cara Iddings III. Approval of Minutes #18 There being no additions or corrections, the minutes stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements 1. President Oshinski In a couple of weeks, CSUN should be receiving final approval for the Federal Credit Union to come on campus. At the board of regents' meeting the regents decided tentatively to lease the sale plan of the sports pavilion to a private banking firm. The regents passed a resolution in which they would consider raises for the faculty if new revenue is generated. Out of 11 faculty members up for promotion and tenure, only 4 of them received tenure. The critical needs budget of UNLV has been going through the state legislature. One of the items on the critical needs budget is a request for an additional $900,000 for security needs. Senator Horn has informed us that the re-quest will have a difficult time passing through the Senate Finance Committee. He urged that students should put pressure on the committee by sending letters or phoning. 2. Vice President Eckert She attended the High Tech Conference on Thursday and Friday UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 AGENDA-SENATE MEETING #19-March 22, 19 8 3 page 2 of last week. The main thrust of this convention was to education the community and government toward High Tech. They decided that they would put an office in Carson City which they would call the Office of High Tech. Chancellor Bersi and the President and Chief Operating Officer of Bur-rows Paul Stern signed a contract called the nine point pack which includes the donation of computer equipment which is contingent upon us purchasing some computer equipment., 3. Senate President Wild Mary Borsellino has requested that her name be withdrawn from consideration for the Elections Board. Please add New Business, item C Done Good Award. Also add under Board,- Committee and Department Head Reports, item H - Other. 4. Senate President Pro Tempore Clay There will Be a Financial Aid Committee Meeting on the 23rd of March at 2:30 p.m. in Education 399. V,. Executive Board Nominations A. 'Vice President Eckert moved to approve Greg Goussak a? the Chairman of the Elections Board, and Senator Emerson seconded. The motion passed with. 12 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention. B. Senator Clay moved to approve Michelle O'Donnell and Grace Galloway as members of the Elections Board, and Senator Emer-son seconded. The motion passed with 11 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstentions. C. Vice President Eckert moved to approve John Pasquantino as a member of the Organizations Board, and Senator Clay seconded. The motion passed with 11 in favor, 2 opposed and 0 abstentions. D. Senator Clav moved to approve Frank Regina as a member of the Appropriations Board, and Senator Mounts seconded. The motion passed with 12 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention. E. Senator Clay moved to approve Bonnie Darling as a member of the Grievance Committee, and Senator Eells seconded. The motion passed with 12 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention. F. Senator Clay moved to approve Kai Fischer as a member of the Student Services Committee, and Senator Corrales seconded. The motion passed with 12 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention. VI. Board, Committee and Department Head Reports A. Elections Board There was no report. B. Entertainment and Programming Board There was no report. C. Faculty Committees 1. Academic Standards Michael Schumacher reported some of the problems which this committee has been facing regarding the Academic Advising Center and some athletes. 2. Grievance Committee There was no report. D. Intramurals Director There was no report. E. Organizations Board Chairman Eckert read the minutes from the March 16 meeting AGENDA-SENATE MEETING #19-March 22, 19 8 3 page 2 held at 3:30 p.m. The organizations present were the Associa-tion of Computing Machinery, Aloha Delta Pi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Black Student Union, Freedom-loving Students, Hispanic Associa-tion, Hotel Association, Kappa Alpha Psi, LDS Student Association, Panhellenic Council, Plus One, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Society of Mining Engineers, Society of Physics Students, Student Media Institute, Student Philosophical Round Table Association, T'ai Chi Chuan, Tau Kappa Epsilon, University Chamber Singers, University Choir, Sigma Nu Little Sisters, Gay Academic Union and Sigma Chi Little ,Si;s:ters, The members absent were Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha Tau Omega, Amnesty^ International, Boxing Club, Council for Exceptional Children, Delta Zeta, -Eckankar Club, Financial Management Association, Hil-lel, I.A.B.C., International Student Association, Inter-fraternity Council, Kappa Sigma, Phi Omega Chi, Pi Sigma Alpha, Preprofesr-- sional Club, Resident Student Association, Sigma Nu, Sk.i- Club, Student Accounting Association, Student Film Organization, TKE Little Sisters-, Voluntary Emergency Medical. Service, AEPi Little Sisters and the UNLV Aikido Club. The board approved appeals for Recognition from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astro-nautics and the Student Law Association. The board discussed the purchase of an Organizations Board Bulletin Board. Senator Miller moved to approve the minutes from the meeting held on March 16, and Senator Emerson seconded, There being no additions or corrections, the minutes stood approvede F. Publications- Board Chairperson Griffith read the minutes from the meeting held on March 21, 19 83, The members- present were Richard Kalianf Joseph McCullough, Randy Hockfeld, Mario Guerrina, and iffith. Mario asked that the chair investigate the Publications Board by-law which grants the board the power to hire all editors of CSUN publications and recruested that the board begin reviewing appli-cations for the position of YELL editor. The board approved a motion to write the YELL editor and ask him to appear before the Publications Board to explain the poor taste in judgment with the issue of the YELL exposing the cheerleaders' back side. The board also approved a motion to allow the communications depart-ment use of the YELL equipment next year for the Rebel Intelli-gencer with the stipulations that the communications pays the YELL account $360 for supplies and chemicals. Senator Waller was present at 4:24 p.m. Senator Emerson moved to approve the minutes from the Publica-tions Board meeting held on March 21, and Senator Clay seconded. There being no additions or corrections, the minutes stood approved. G. Radio Board Chairman Petrizzo read the minutes from the meeting held on March 22 at 11:00 a.m. The members present were Ed Malik, Trent Parks and Joe Petrizzo. Others present were John Wenn- Strom and Phil Harrington. KUNV General Staff Meetings will be held Wednesday 3/23 at 3 p.m. and Friday 3/25 at 4 p.m. All Radio Board members and CSUN Senators are welcome to attend. Recent donations inclnde $500 from Budweiser (Nevada Beverage); for KUNV Sports plus a $500 promotional budget for KUNV Anniver-sary Benefit Concert on 4/22, a $500 donation from Miller (Bonanza Beverage) for Jazz Progressions and $250 from Nevada Snorts Schedule for Sports. The board approved a motion to approve the AGENDA-SENATE MEETING #19-March 22, 19 8 3 page 2 Black Mountain/Henderson Site and to approve the lease presented by Broadcast Sites. Lease specifies $1,100 electrical set up charge and monthly rent of $275.00. The board increased Gordon Alsum Chief Engineer's salary by $1,500 for preparation of FCC Construction Permit. Under New Business part B, the board approved a motion for $3,00 0 budget for KUNV's 2nd Anniversary Benefit on April 22 in the MSU which will be broken down as $1,500 for Rock Band Surburban Lawns, $1,000 for Security, Publicity and other expenses and $50 0 for light and sound system. The board approved a motion to uphold the administration suspension of former KUNV staff member Raul Martinez as described in John Wennstrom's letter dated February 15, 1983. The board approved the following documents which will be incorporated into the KUNV's Operating Policy: 1. KUNV Station Policy (Feb. 10, 1983) 2. Rules and Regulations Concerning Use of KUNV's Produc-tion Studios. I 3. Purpose and Objectives of Radio Station KUNV 4. Funcitons and responsibilities of the Radio Board 5. General Operating Policies 6. Reporting Procedures and Lines of Authority 7. Public Service Announcement Policy 8. Policy regarding coverage of Campaigns of Individual Candidates for Public Office 9. Contractual Arrangements Involving KUNV 10. Responsibilities of Radio Board The board approved Peggy Grover as KUNV's recipient of a Done Good Award. Senator Miller moved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on March 22, and Senator Parks seconded. Presi-dent made a motion to amend the minutes to refer the section about the lease agreement to the Executive Board, and Senator Mounts seconded. The amendment passed with 13 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention. Senator Pasquantino made a motion to amend the minutes to table New Business- section D, Review of Station Poli-cies until next week's Senate Meeting, and Senator Mounts seconded. The amendment passed with 12 in favor, 1 opposed and 1 abstention. There being no further additions or corrections, the minutes stood approved as amended. H. Other Senator Iddings read the minutes from the Appropriations Board Meeting held on March 21. The members present were Sindy Glas-gow, Cara Iddings , Greg Goussak, and Pam Jacka. The excused absences were David Mounts and Cathy Powell. There were no action items and the meeting was adjourned. President Oshinski moved to approve the minutes from the meeting held on the 21st, and Senator Emerson seconded. There being no objections, the minutes, stood approved, VJT t Unfinished Business A,, Nominations- for Vacant Senate Seats- 1, Academic Advisement (1) Vice President Eckert nominated Ze.llie Dow, 2, Education (1) There were no nominations-. 3, Health Sciences (1) There were no nominations. 'III. New Business- A, Discussion of 905 Account Status with Editor Charisse - Pasquantino AGENDA-SENATE MEETING #19-March 22, 19 8 3 page 2 The Senate asked Editor Charisse questions concerning the YELL budget and collecting money for ad revenues. Suggested that the old editor of the newspaper should help to plan the new budget for the YELL with the new editor. Senator Regina left the meeting at 4:47 p.m. and returned at 4:51 p.m B. Appointment for Vacant Business and Economics (2) 1. Earl Mitchell 2. Victor Jimenez 3. Grace Galloway 4. Virgil Jackson 5. Sindy Glasgow 6. Jack McClary 7. Egillespie Sinayoko Senator Eglet made a motion to allow each candidate to speak for no more than 2 minutes, each Senator is allowed to vote for 2 candidates each by roll call. If someone receives 50% + 1 then he/she will be declared the winner. If not, then drop the 3 lowest vote getters, and vote on the remaining four, After each candidate is; through speaking, there will be time for a short question and answer period. This motion was seconded by Senator Mounts and passed with 13 in favor, 1 opposed and 0 abstentions. David Mounts voted for Glasgow and Jackson. Stephanie Pettit voted for Glasgow and Jackson. John Bostaph voted for Glasgow and Jackson. John Pasquantino voted for Gallaway and Jackson. August Corrales voted for Glasgow and McClary. Frank Regina voted for Jackson and Glasgow, Trent Parks- voted for Jackson and Glasgow, Robert Eglet voted for Jackson and Glasgow. Mike Waller voted for Gallaway and Glasgow. Catherine Clay voted for Gallaway and Glasgow, Marc Miller voted for Jackson and Gallaway, Jim Eells•voted for McClary and Jackson, Eric Emerson voted for Gallaway and Jackson, Cara Iddings voted for Gallaway and Glasgow. Sindy Glasgow and Virgil Jackson are the new Business: and Economics Senators, Senate President Wild passed the gavel to Pro Tempore Clay, C. Done Good Award Senate President Wild nominated Lynn Best for a Done Good Award. There being no objections, the nomination stood approved. IX, Open Discussion Senator Regina commented that the next time CSUN gives money to I.F.C and Panhellenic for a picnic, there should be a stipulation that the picnic must be held on a neutral site. Chairman Goussak urged everyone to announce that elections are this Wednesday and Thursday. Drag everyone out to vote. Vice President Eckert announced that she refuses to sign the Dane re-work for the I.F,C./Panhellenic money granted to them nntil she receives an explanation on why the picnic was- held at the ATO House, X, Adjournment The meeting was- adjourned at 5:22 p.m. JMV thereinafter called Lessee). WHEREAS, Lessor by contract with the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (here-inafter called BLM), has the right to construct a building and locate equipment to transmit radio signals on the BLM's premises located on Black Mountain, near Las Vegas, Nevada; and" . WHEREAS, Lessor desires to lease a portion of the building and space on its antenna tower to Lessee; and WHEREAS, Lessee desires to lease a portion of the space and tower from Lessor, NOW, THEREFORE, Lessor grants to Lessee the right to locate radio signal transmitting equipment on the leased premises in the area, consistent with its contract with BLM, under the following terms and conditions: 1. The equipment to be located on the subject prem-ises by and for Lessee consists of one (1) FM broadcast trans-mitter with antenna and feed line to be installed by Lessee on an existing 120-foot tower which shall be supplied by Lessor. 2. The rental paid by Lessee does not include the use of available commercial power. Cost of power will be borne by Lessee, including the cost of meter installation and connection fees by Nevada Power Company. Lessor will be re-sponsible for providing the power drop to the Black Mountain facilities and will see to it that adequate three-phase power is available at Lessee's meter. federal, state, or local taxes based on or measured by sales or rental, or any personal property tax or any assessment by any government agency. Any such taxes as are applicable shall be borne by Lessee. Commencing on - ' , and on each five (5) years thereafter while this Agreement is in effect, the rent payable by Lessee shall be increased to reflect the; following: (1) An increase in real property taxes pay-able by Lessor over those assessed for 1981-82 'by the Clark County Assessor, but only in proportion to the space occupied by Lessee; and (2) An increase in the cost of operating the leased premises pursuant to this Agreement over those sustained by Lessor during 4. Lessor acknowledges that Lessee will deposit with Lessor the sum of Two Hundred Sixty ' ($260.00) Dollars concurrent with the execution hereof, which represents rental for the first one (l) months of Lessee's term. If the datq of commencement of the term of the lease occurs on a day other than the first of a calendar month, the fixed minimum rental at the monthly rate shall be prorated to reflect the number, of days in such month, and, as so prorated, shall be paid forthwith on the commencement date. Rent shall be paid at such address as will be designated by Lessor. 5. The lease shall be for a term of ten CIO) years with a ten CIO) year renewal option. The term shall commence - 2 - t^c^uuc a wixcuen acKnowieagment specifying the date of com-mencement. Should Lessee fail to perform the terms of this paragraph, this lease will be deemed terminated. 6. The minimum floor space to be provided by Lessor is twenty-five (2 5) square feet in a weather-proof building supplied with a minimum 10-foot ceiling, 3-phase commercial power adequate for operating the proposed FM transmitting facility. Lessor is absolved from responsibility for all outages resulting from lightning storms, acts of God, third parties, or Nevada Power Company. Lessee will be responsible for maintenance of its facilities except that of tower and ex-terior building and will keep the building in a neat, clean, and orderly fashion at all times. Lessee shall provide Lessor with adequate drawings and diagrams indicating equipment - loca-tion and installation and shall notify Lessor at least 30 days in advance before any changes are made to equipment and instal-lation; and such notification shall be accompanied by adequate drawings. Lessor shall not have the right to veto or refuse to carry out such changes, modifications, or additions unless Lessor shall prove that such changes, modifications, or addi-tions would result in a frequency incompatibility with Lessor's existing equipment. Lessee shall notify Lessor in writing of all repairs or replacement of tower, air conditioning, build-ing, or other such facilities that are the responsibility of Lessor. Lessor agrees that Lessee shall have free access to the tower and equipment room for the purpose of installing - 3 - pose of ingress and egress to the equipment shelter and tower. It is agreed, however, that only authorized engineers, employ-ees, or properly authorized contractors or sub-contractors and agents of Lessee, FCC inspectors, or persons under their direct supervision will be permitted to enter the premises. Such access rights shall be exercised at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner by Lessee. 7. It is further understood and agreed that Lessee's equipment, transmission lines, and appurtenances thereto and the installation, maintenance, and operation thereof will in no way damage the building roof thereof or interfere with the use of the building and roof by Lessor or by other tenants of Lessor. Lessee agrees to install the radio transmitting equip-ment of type ^nd frequency which will not cause interference to Lessor or cither lessees of the premises. In the event that Lessee's equipment causes such interference, Lessee will take all steps necessary to correct and eliminate the inter-ference. Lessee agrees to maintain its antenna, transmission lines, and equipment, etc., in a proper operating condition and maintain same in satisfactory condition as to save cost of painting and repairs to Lessor's tower which shall be borne by Lessor unless.-.damage thereto is caused by Lessee. In such case Lessor shall repair such damage and Lessee shall reimburse Lessor for its costs and expenses incurred in such repair. All installation and operation in connection with this lease by Lessee shall meet with all applicable rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, Federal Aviation - 4 - — ucasea sucm. De responsible lor obtain-ing land use permits from the BLM. Lessee shall not assign this lease or any interest therein and shall not sublet the premises or any part thereof without written consent of Lessor first had and obtained which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Subject to the foregoing, the lease agreement shall insure to the benefit and be binding upon the respective suc-cessor and assignment of the parties hereto as well as to the parties themselves. In the event Lessee's default in the pay-ment of rentals or Lessee's failure to comply with any of the material provisions of this lease, Lessor may, at its option, terminate this lease without affecting its right to sue for all past due rentals and for any other damages to which it may be lawfully entitled. Should Lessor be forced to collect the rentals or' damages through its attorney or by other legal procedures, Lessor shall be entitled to its costs and attor-neys' fees thereof and incurred upon said collection. 8. The effectiveness of this Agreement is condi-tioned on approval of the transmitter site and this lease by the governmental authorities which regulate Lessee and its . operations. 9. This Agreement expresses the entire understand-ing of the parties with reference to the subject matter here-of, and no other understanding, agreement, representation, or warranty, expressed or implied, statutory or otherwise, in any way limiting, extending, modifying, or extending the terms of this agreement shall be valid unless in writing duly signed by - 5 - Its UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS By Its - 6 -