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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, December 14, 1982






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 13 (Part 1) Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000356. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA Session #13 Senate Meeting #6 4:00 p.m. December 14, 1982 MSU 201 I. Ca 11 to Order II. Ro 11 Call Ill. Approval of Minutes #5 IV. Ex ecutive Board Announcements V. Bo ard, Committee and Department Head Report A. Ad Hoc Committees H. Intramurals Director 1. I. Organizations Board 2 . J. President's Committees 3 . 1. B . Beverage Manager 2 . C. Bylaws Committee K. Publications Board D. Day Care Center L. Radio Board E . Elections Board M. Security Coordinator F . Entertainment and Programming Board N. Student Services Commi G. Faculty Committee 0 . Other 1. 2 . P . Appropriations Board VI . Un finished Business A. Approval of Bylaw #19 (Senate Bills Bylaw) - DiBennedetto VII . A. Amendment to Elec tion Board Rules - Clay B . Review/Amendment of Senate Bill 006 - DiBennedetto VIII . Op en Discussion IX. Adj ournment UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES Senate Meeting #6 4:00 p.m. 12-14-82 MSU 201 I . Call to Order Senate President Wild called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance David Begor Bill DiBenedetto David Mounts - late Stephanie Pettit Ginger Clayton August Corrales MaryBeth Nitzschke - left the meeting at 5:00 p.m. Trent Parks Robert Barnum - late Robert Eglet Cathy Powell - excused absent Mike Waller Brenda Roberts - late Calvin Valvo Sharlet McGregor - unexcused absent Catherine Clay Marc Miller - late Karen Eckert Jim Eel Is- Eric Emerson III. Approval of Minutes #5 Since Senator McGregor was present at the last meeting, Senate President Wild deleted her "excused absent." At 4 : 04 P . m. Senator Roberts was present. At 4 : 05 P , m „ Senator Barnum was present. At 4 : 05 P ,'Hl ,S enator Mounts was present, There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements 1. President Oshinski He announced that he had just accepted Organizations Board Chairman Kirk Voelcker's- resignation effective Senate Meeting #7 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MEETING 16-December 14, 1982 page 2 2. Senate President Wild The information concerning campaign spending limits which our lawyer sent us was not xeroxed because the machine was broken. It will be distributed as soon as possible. Senate President Wild introduced Mr. Zwieg who talked about the Student Discount Cards. At 4:10 p.m. Senator Miller was present. IV. Board, Committee and Department Head Reports A. Ad Hoc Committees There was no report. B. Beverage Manager There was no report. C. Bylaws Committee Chairman DiBenedetto read the minutes from the meeting held on December 14. The unexcused absences were Senators Clay and Parks. Review of Senate Bill 009 which is now called Bylaw #21(Nevada Student Lobby). Senator Clay moved to approve the minutes from the bylaws meeting and Senator Emerson seconded the motion. There being no additions or corrections the minutes stood approved. D. Day Care Center There was no report. E. Elections Board There was no report. F. Entertainment and Programming There will be a meeting on. Friday at 2:00 p.m. in the Nerve Center. G. Faculty Committees 1. Code Senator Emerson announced that there will be a meeting on January 3 at 2:00 p.m. in the Library Conference Room to discuss the revisions in the Code. H. Intramurals Director There was no report. I. Organizations Board Chairman Voelcker read the minutes from the meeting held on December 8. The Organizations Board approved the minutes from the Planning Committee meeting which was held on December 1, 1982. The following were the action items; 1. A matching grant of $450 was awarded to the Latter-Day Saint Student Association to be encumbered to the Fall "82 Special Projects Funds account budget. 2. A meritorious grant of $31.34 with an incentive sum of 10% was awarded to the Student Philosophical Round Table Association. There was a motion to further award a meritorious grant of no more than $1278, with an in-centive sura of 10% to be encumbered to the Spring '83 Special Projects account budget. 3. A meritorious grant of no more than $381, with an in-centive sum of 10%, was awarded to the Society of Mining Engineers, to be encumbered to the Spring '83 Special Projects accounts budget. 4. A meritorious grant of $275 with an incentive sum of 10% was awarded to the Hotel Association to be encum-bered to the Fall '82 Special Projects account budget. SENATE MEETING 16-December 14, 1982 page 3 5. A meritorious grant of $1680 with an incentive sum of 10% to Sigma Gamma Epsilon to be encumbered to the Spring '83 account budget. Senator Eglet moved to refer the minutes except for the grant awarded to the Latter-Day Saint Student Association back to the Board. Senator Roberts seconded the motion. Senator Clay moved to divide the question to consider each grant individually,.. Senator Miller seconded and the motion passed with 13 in favor, 5 opposed and 0 abstentions. The motion to refer the grant to the Latter-Day Saint Student Associ-ation back to the Board failed with 0 in favor, 17 opposed and 1 absten-tion. The motion to refer the grant to the Student Philosophical Round Table Association back to committee failed with 1 in favor, 14 opposed and 3 abstentions, The motion to refer the additional grant to the Student Philosophical Round Table Association back to committee failed with 7 in favor, 10 opposed and 1 abstention. The motion to refer the grant to the Society of Mining Engineers back to committee failed with 1 in favor, 16 opposed and 1, abstention,. The motion to refer the grant to the Hotel Association back to commit-tee failed with. 2 in favor, 12 opposed and 4 abstentions. The motion to refer the grant to Sigma Gamma Epsilon back to commit-tee failed with 7 in favor, 8 opposed and 2 abstentious. The motion to refer the rest of the minutes back to the Board, It re-ceived 8 votes in favor, 7 opposed and 2 abstentions. The chair cast its vote in opposition to the motion. J. President's Committees There was no report. K. Publications Board There was no report. L. Radio Board There was no report. Senator Eglet left the meeting at 5:19 and returned at 5:21. M. Security Coordinator There was no report. N. Student Services Senator Eglet announced that according to the reponses he received from his surveys (1800 students were surveyed) 73.5% of those students said they would purchase lecture notes. Other There will be a Nevada Student Lobby meeting tomorrow at 2:30, P. Appropriations Board There was no report. SENATE MEETING 16-December 14, 1982 page 4 At 5:27 Senator Emerson moved to recess for ten minutes. At 5:37 Senate President Wild called the meeting back to order. The Secretary called roll. Roll Call Members in Attendance David Begor - late Bill DiBenedetto - late David Mounts Stephanie Ginger Clayton - late August Corrales MaryBeth Nitzschke - unexcused absent Trent Parks - unexcused absent Robert Barnum - unexcused absent Robert Eglet Cathy Powell - excused absent Mike Waller - unexcused absent Brenda Roberts Calvin Valvo Sharlet McGregor - unexcused absent Catherine Clay Marc Miller Karen Eckert Jim Eells Eric Emerson Due to lack of quorum, Senate President Wild adjourned the meeting at 5:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted Respectfully_-grepared by, Senate President Lynn Best CSUN Secretary