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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 19, 1982






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about the admendments to bylaws. CSUN Session 12 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000352. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA Senate Meeting #46 Session #12 4:00 p.m. October 19, 1982 MSU 201 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #43, 44, 45 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Appropriations Board Members - Senators Barnum & Roberts B. Judicial Council - Daniel Sissick C. Publications Board Faculty Member - Richard Kalian D. Parking and Traffic Members - Senator Eliakis, Newell, Roberts, and Tollefson VI. Board, Committee and Department Head Reports A. Ad Hoc Committees 1. Constitutional Revisions B. Bylaws Committee C. Elections Board D. Entertainment and Programming Board E. Faculty Committees 1. Curriculum 2. Academic Standards 3. Code 4. Financial Aid 5. Grievance 6. Library F. Intramurals G. Organizations Board H. Publications Board UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Senate Meeting #46 Page 2 I. Security Coordinator J. Other K. Appropriations Board VII. Unfinished Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement (2) 2. Arts & Letters (1) 3. Education (1) 4. Business and Economics (1) 5. Hotel (1) - Greg Goussak B. Repeal of S.B. 004 (Security Coordinator) C. Repeal of S.B. 005 (Executive Succession) D. Approval of Bylaw #16 (Security Coordinator) E. Approval of Bylaw #17 (Executive Succession) F. Amendment to Bylaw #1 (Bylaws) G. Approval of Bylaw #18 (Executive Secretary) \/TII. New Business A. Approval of "Hey, Reb" Mascot B. Discussion and/or action concerning CSUN responsibilities (Nitzschke) C. Approval of Jef Wild as chairman and Catherine Clay as member of the Constitutional Revisions Committee IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES Senate Meeting #46 Session #12 4 p.m. 10-19-82 MSU 201 I. Call to Order Senate President Wild called the meeting to order at 4:02. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance David Begor Julie Conway - unexcused absent Charles Bloom Ginger Clayton MaryBeth Nitzschke Terri Tollefson Robert Barnum Steve Bowie - unexcused absent Brenda Roberts Cathy Clay Pam Jacka Paul Berger Tom Newell - excused late III. Approval of Minutes #43,44,45 Senator Clay moved to approve the minutes from meeting #43, 44 and 45. Senator Jacka seconded the motion. Senate Presi-dent Wild added that at Senate Meeting #44 Ginger Clayton was present, and the unexcused absences for Senate Meeting #45 should be changed to excused absences. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements 1. President 0shinski The Committee on Political Education (COPE) will hold its second meeting on October 20 at 1:30. He discussed the fact Governor List had requested another 2.5% cut in the budgets. The regents had refused to make any further cuts until the school district had taken a cut. On Friday, October 15 the school district took a $1.8 million cut, so the regents are now trying to come up with a plan. Because CSUN does not know what the figure for the cut CSUN will take is yet, the Appropriations Board has implemented a freeze on any additional unnecessary spending until CSUN knows for certain what the cut for the department will be. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MEETING #46, October 19, 1982 page 2 When President Oshinski questioned President Goodall as to what he thought the cut for CSUN would be, Goodall said that he didn't want to be put on the spot until the regents made their presentation. CSUN should take measures to prepare for this cut. 2. Vice President Hiu He announced that he hadn't been to the past few Senate meetings because he had begun to take the Student Government too seriously and was taking things too personally. Vice President Hiu apologized for his not attending the previous meetings. He also announced that this year is the election year for the regents and Joan Kinney and Lonnie Hammargren are two candidates for the position of regent. As student leaders it is our responsibility to get to know these people and maybe help them with their campaign. 3. Senate President wild Tonight after the Senate Meeting there will be a Party at Cathy Clay's apartment. He is requiring attendance of the newly-elected Senators at the next Senate Meeting on October 26, 1982 at 4:00 p.m. in order for them to become more informed about Senate issues. He also reminded the department heads about the memo Pam Levins sent in which she requested each department head to submit a list of the members on their committees. This list is necessary and he asked that the department heads please turn it in as soon as possible, The preference sheets for the new Senators due by November 2 , 1982 . Due to Sylvia Elia'kis' change in work schedule, she has regretfully resigned her Health Sciences Senate Seat. The faculty senate has adopted a new policy regarding challenging a course. Previously, a student who was not a senior could pass a test for a class and get credit for it. Now seniors can challenge a course and get credit for it. Faculty/Staff members have the privilege to check out books from the Library for an entire semester at a time. Many members were abusing this privilege so the Library Committee has decided to crack down on them. If this privilege is abused in the future, they will be referred to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and may even have their paychecks held. V. Executive Board Announcements Senator Berger moved to approve Senators Barnum & Roberts to the Appropriations Board, Daniel Sissick as a member of the Judicial Council, Richard Kalian as a faculty member of the Publications Board,and Tom Newell and Senator Roberts and Tollefson as members of the Parking and Traffic Committee and Senator Barnum seconded the motion. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. SENATE MEETING #46, October 19, 1982 page 3 VI <, Board, Committee and Department Head Reports A. Ad Hoc Committees 1. Constitutional Revisions Jef Wild read the minutes from the Constitutional Revisions held on October 13 at 4:30 p.ra, and the meeting held on October 19. Since there was no quorum at these meetings, it was immediately adjourned. Senator Clay moved to approve the minutes from the Constitutional Revisions Committee and Senator Tol-lefson seconded. There being no discussion the minutes stood approved. B. Bylaws Committee Senator Clay read the minutes of the Bylaws Committee meeting held on October 6, 1982. The Committee moved to approve Bylaw #18 with an amendment by deletion of Sec-tion II of Bylaw #18. The meeting was adjourned at 4:50. Senator Clay moved to approve the minutes of the bylaws committee and Senator Jacka seconded the motion. There being no discussion the minutes stood approved. C. Elections Board The meeting held on October 19 was recessed until Thurs-day at 4:00 p.m. in Moyer Student Union Lounge 202. D. Entertainment and Programming Board There was no report. E. Faculty Committees There was no report. F. Intramurals Director Deanna Macaluso announced that the Flag Football play-offs are being held this weekend.on Sundav October 2 4 at 10:30, 11:30 and 12:30. G. Organizations Board Chairman Voelcker read the minutes from the past 4 meetings. On September 15 the organizations board approved half of the Operating policy and tabled the remainder. Robert Eglet was appointed as the vice-chairman of the board. The following organizations were recognized: 1. Eckankar 2. Phi Omega Chi 3. Ski Club 4. Boxing Club 5. Hispanic Association 6. TaiChi Chuan 7. University Choir 8. University Chamber Singers 9. Alpha Tau Omega Senator Roberts moved to approve the minutes from the meeting held on September 15 and Senator Begor seconded the motion. The approval of the minutes excluded the approval of the Operating Policy due to the fact that the Senate had not had a chance to look at the policy. There being no fur-ther discussion the minutes stood approved. SENATE MEETING #46, October 19, 1982 page 4 Chairman Voelcker read the minutes from the meeting held I. on September 8, 1982. The following organizations made appeals for recognition: 1. Hillel 2 . Sigma Gamma Epsilon 3. Society of Mining Engineers 4. Tau Kappa Epsilon 5. International Student Association 6. Preprofessiona1 Club 7. Phi Sigma Alpha 8. Council for Exceptional Children 9. UNLV Student Film Organization 10. Latter Day Saint Student Association 11. TKE Little Sisters The board submitted their operating policy. It was tabled until the next meeting. Senator Clay moved to approve the minutes and Senator Tollefson seconded the motion. There being no further discussion the minutes stood approved. Chairman Voelcker read the minutes from the meeting held on September 29, 1982. The Latter Day Saint Student Assoc-iation and Alpha Kappa Psi made requests for funds which were approved in the amount of $1100.00. The board's Operating Policy was tabled until the next meeting. The following organizations made appeals for recognition: 1. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 2. Resident Student Association 3. Association of Computing Machinery Senator Barnum moved to approve the minutes and Senator Clayton seconded the motion. Senate President wild removed the approval of the board's operating policy,until the Senate has a chance to look at it. The approval of the minutes passed with Senator Jacka's amendment to refer the requests for funds back to the Organizations Board due to the fact that the board approved $1100.00 in matching funds. There being no further discussion the minutes stood approved as amended. Chairman Voelcker read the minutes from the meeting held on October 6, 1982. The board's operating policy was tabled until the next meeting. The following organizations made appeals for recognition: 1. Voluntary Emergency Medical Service, Inc. 2. Student Accounting Association Senator Clay moved to approve the minutes from the meeting held on October 6, and Senator Jacka seconded. Senate President Wild removed the approval of the operating policy and the minutes were approved. Chairman Voelcker read the minutes from the meeting held on October 13, 1982. The operating policy was approved as a whole. The following organizations were approved for SENATE MEETING #46-October 19, 1982 page 5 recognition: 1. Plus One 2. Baptist Student Union The board made nominations for the Planning and Ethics Committees. There being no further discussion on the minutes, they stood approved. H. Publications Board Chairperson Griffith read the minutes of the meeting held on October 18, 1982. Linda Lehman was approved as the Vice-Chairperson. Senator Bloom moved to approve the minutes and Senator Berger seconded the motion. There being no further discussion the minutes stood approved. Chairperson Griffith also read the minutes from the meeting held on October 4, 1982. This meeting did not achieve quorum and was adjourned. Senator Bloom moved to approve and Senator Clay seconded. There being no further disc-ussion the minutes stood approved. Senator .Clay moved to reconsider the minutes of the Organizations Board meeting held on October 15, 1982. Senator Tollefson seonded and the motion passed with 8 in favor, 1 opposed and 0 abstentions. Vice President Hiu yielded the floor to Dave Pearl who spoke in favor of the Boxing Club. Senator Berger moved to approve the minutes of the Organizations Board meeting held on October 15, 1982(which includes the boxing club) and Senator Clayton seconded. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. I. Security Coordinator MaryBeth Nitzschke announced that Guardian Angel Graduation is set for October 26 and 7:30 p.m. in MSU lounges. At the end of this month the Angels will lose the YMCA as a place to work out and they are currently looking for a new place to work out. J. Other Student Services Chairperson Krantz read the minutes from the meeting held on October 18. The board did not achieve quorum but informally discussed the purchase of a two drawer filing cabinet; metal and with a lock. The members approved the idea unanimously. The board also informally approved the use of 2 motor pool vans which hold 15 students each to transport the dorm students to the next game. At least one of the buses must be driven by a CSUN official. Ther would be 2 vans at $20 .00 each for the next three games. This would total $120.00, The board took an informal vote and approved the idea unanimously. The board also took on the responsibility of selling David Anderson's books. Senate President Wild placed all these items on next week's agenda. Senator Bloom moved to approve the minutes and Senator Berger seconded. There being no further discussion the minutes stood approved. K. Appropriations Board Chairman Goussak read the minutes from meeting #13. SENATE MEETING #46, October 19, 1982 page 6 The minutes from Meeting #11, Emergency Meeting of 9/21/82 and Meeting #12. Phil Horn was dismissed from the Appropriations Board. The following were the transfers: 1. from 904-1600 to 906-1600 $2225.00 2. from 904-1100 to 906-1100 $3467.00 3. from 906-1500 to 904-1500 •$1350 . 00 4. from 906-3000 to 904-3000 $4342.00 5. from 906-9002 to 907-9001 $3500.00 Increase 907-3000 by $3500.00 Decrease 906-3000 by $ 3500 .00 (Quicksilver) . 6. from 906-9002 to 902-9001 $1000.00 Increase 902-3000 by $1000.00 Decrease 906-3000 by $1000.00 (Special Projects Funds) President Oshinski moved to approve the minutes of meeting #13 and Senator Bloom seconded the motion. The minutes stood approved as read. Chairman Goussak read the minutes from meeting #14. Charles Bloom moved to transfer $1137.71 from 906-9002 to 903-9001. Increase 903-3000 by $1137.71 Decrease 906-3000 by 1137.71 . This item was tabled. Senator Tollefson moved to approve the minutes and Senator Berger seconded. The minutes stood approved as read. Chairman Goussak read the minutes from Meeting #14. The board approved a transfer of $1137.71 from 906-9002 to 903-9001 Increase 903-3000 by $1137.71 Decrease 906- 3000 by $1137.71 (UNLV 25th Anniversary Picnic). The board approved a freeze on the 1982-83 CSUN Budget for funding of all new projects. Senator Bloom moved to approve the minutes and Senator Jacka seconded. The minutes were approved 8 in favor, 1 opposed and 0 abstentions. VII. Unfinished Business Senate President wild withdrew items A 1-4. Senator Clay moved to close nominations for the vacant Hotel Senate .Seat. fSr which Greg Goussak was nominated. Senator Bloom seconded and the motion to close nominations for the Hotel Seat was approved with 9 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention0 Senator Clay moved to approve Greg Goussak as the new Hotel Senator and Senator Bloom seconded the motion and the motion was approved. Senator Clay moved to repeal items B and C and Senator Jacka seconded the mot ion. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. Senator Bloom moved to approve items D-G and Senator Clay seconded and the motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. VIII. New Business A. Senator Goussak moved to approve the mascot "Hey Reb" and Senator Clayton seconded. The motion passed with 7 in favor, 2 opposed and 1 abstention. B. Senator'Nitzschke placed this item on the agenda to discuss her feelings regarding the performance of various CSUN depart-ment heads. She also discussed Senate attendance and how it could be improved, SENATE MEETING #46, October 19, 1982 page 7 C. Senator Clay moved to approve Jef Wild as the Chairman and Catherine Clay as a member of the Constitutional Revisions Committee and Senator Goussak seconded. The motion passed with 7 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. IX. Open Discussion Board of Regent Candidate Lonnie Hammargren spoke to the Senate. Senator Newell discussed the possibility of the Senate endorsing a candidate. Senator Clayton mentioned . that the meeting before the Senate meeting is a good idea. Senator Bloom discussed the terrible road conditions on University Rd./Harmon and the next informal senate meeting will be held next Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. He will be sure to have an agenda posted in time. President Oshinski announced the party to be held for Brenda Martinez on November 5 at 8:00 p.m. at his apartment. He also announced that he feels enthusiastic about CSDN because CSUN seems to be looking at the purpose of this organization and are trying to deal with it. Senate President Wild reminded Senator Bloom to be careful of the informal meeting and to make certain to post agendas. X. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:20 p.m. Respectfully prepared by Jef Wild Senate President Lynn Best CSUN Secretary Respectfully submitted by,