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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 07, 1980






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 10 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000261. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 SENATE PRESIDENT MARTIN J. BURZINSKI I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #19 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Election Board Dave Guedry VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board B. Election Board C. Entertainment and Programming Board D. Organizations Board E. Radio Board F. By-Laws Committee G. Ad Hoc Committee Reports VII. Old Business A. Senate President Pro Tempore (vote) 1. Jeff Wild 2. Derrek Yelton VIII. New Business A. Vacant Senate Seats (nominations) 1. University College (3) 2. Allied Health (1) B. Establishment of Ad Hoc Impeachment Investigation Committee, Dale Hulen IX. Open Discussion AGENDA SENATE MEETING #20 October 7, 1980 Moyer Student Union Building 4 p.m. Room 203 X. Adjournment M I N U T E S S e n a t e M e e t i n g if 2 0 O c t o b e r 7, 1980 M o y e r Student Union Building Room 203 4 p.m. I . Call to Order The twentieth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order at p.m. by Senate P r e s i d e n t B u r z i n s k i. I I . Roll Call M e m b e rs in A Tom Foskaris Dorothy Halpin Mack Jackson Dale Hulen Tim McGarrv David Martinez Lori Kanton Howard Reign Claire Dowell Sandy Williams Ray Corbett Martha Boos Derrek Yelton Joe Petrizzo Robert Scavetta Jeff Wild III. Approval of Minutes //19 There being no additions or corrections the minutes of Senate Meeting /'19 stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Temporary Senate President Pro Tempore Senate President Burzinski asked Senator Haloin to be his temporary Senate President Pro Tempore if there were no objections from the Senate. The Senate had no objections, therefore, Dorothy Halpin would serve as temporary Senate President Pro Tempore. B. Resignations Senate President Burzinski announced the three resignations or the University College Senators. Because of one of the Senators resignations there would be an opening on the Parking and Traffic Committee, he asked that the Senate under New Business approve a new member to this committee to represent CSUN. C. Business Manager Senate ^resident Burzinski announced that this search committee would have its first interview on Thursday at 8:30 in his office and asked everyone on this search committee to be present. t e n d a n c e Guest Present Dr. Nitzschke Fred Tredup Dr. Cassesse Burt Teh Senate Meeting //20 Page 2 October 7, 1980 C. Typewriters Senate President Burzinksi asked one of the Senators to check into the use of the typewrti ers that were located in the library and are now in storage at the Education Building. Derrek Yelton volunteered to check into the situation. D. CSUN Office Senate President Burzinski asked everyone to be patient in the CSUN offices,there is only one full time secretary so there is going to have to be a little patience and courtesy. E. Senate Sign Senate President Burzinski announced that Dorothy Halpin's grandfather had made a sign for the Senate meetings. President Chanos moved to give him a CSUN appreciation award. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. F. Parliamentary Workshop Senate President Burzinski announced that he would like to start a parliamentary workshop study group. If anyone is interested please contact Senate President Burzinski. F. Dedication Ceremony Senate President Burzinski announced that the Society of the Blind, will be having a dedication ceremony for Debbie Anderson on October 11, at 1:30 p.m. G. Ad Hoc Constitutional Revision Committee Senate President Burzinski asked the members of this committee to re-evaluate their schedules. He asked that the Senate nominate new members to the committee under New Business. H. Bike Racks Vice-President Reyes announced that she had SDoke with Don Johnson concerning additional bike racks. He informed her that three additional bike racks have already been placed on the campus^ two in the P.E. area and one north of the Student Union. I. Jazz Ensemble Vice-President Reyes announced that the Executive Board would be meeting with Dr. Gagliardi on Wednesday at 3:30 in the CSUN offices concerning the request of $5000 for the University Jazz Ensemble. Anyone is welcomed to; attend. V. Executive Board Nominations A. Election Board, Dave Guedry Senate President introduced Dave Guedry to the Senate. Senator Boos moved to approve Dave Guedry as an Election Board member. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board Chairman, Senator Martinez, read the minutes of the Appropriations Board. He announced that the board is encouraging the Senate to be cautious on approving any expenditure from contingency. Senator Martinez moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as read. B. Election Board Chairman, Senator Boos, read the minutes of the Election Board. The board decided to send the recall petitions back to the originators. Also the Election board moved to use the reapporitionment of Senate Seats a c c o r d i n o t o t h e F a l 1 o f 1 9 8 0 enrollment. Senator Boos moved to approve. The motion was seconaed. Discussion took place. Senate Meeting #20 October 7, 1980 Page 3 Senator Corbett moved to amend the minutes to reapDortion the Senate seats to the Spring of 1980 enrollment. The motion was seconded. Much discussion took place. The motion failed with four in favor, ten opposed, and one abstention. There being no further additions or correction the minutes of the Election Board meeting passed with ten in favor, four opposed, and one abstention. C. Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman, Radford Smith, read the minutes of the Entertainment and Programming Board. He announced that Octoberfest would begin October 9-11. The Ambrosia concert will be held October 12 a 2 p.m. there will be extensive security at this concert. Mr. Schivo will reimburse CSUN for the security on October 12, 1980. Senator Foskaris moved to approve. The motion was seconded. Discussion took place. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as read. D. Organizations Board Senator Mack Jackson read the minutes of the Organizations Board. He announced that Society of Physic Student, UNLV Rebel Athletes, Alpha Tau Omega, and Delta Zeta were absent. Universtiy Folk Dance Co-op, and Plus One were given CSUN recognition. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as read. E. By-Laws Committee Chai rman Senator Wild, reported that the By-Laws Committee is no longer in existence. He asked that the Executive Board fill the requirements so that this board can operate. F. Radio Board There was no report. VII. Old Business Senator Boos moved that each candidate speak no longer than 3 minutes followed by a question and answer period and that voting be done by secret ballot. The motion was seconded. Senator Wild announced that he had served as Senate President Pro Tempore and considered it an honor. He further announced that he would be voting for Senator Yelton. Senator Foskaris suggested that the Senate vote by a show of hands. Senator Boos withdrew her motion. The Senate approved Senator Derrek Yelton to serve as Senate President Pro Tempore with fifteen in favor and one abstention. VIII. New Business A. Ad Hoc Impeachment Committee, Senator Hulen Senator Hulen submitted two affidavits and additional memos concerning the impeach-ment of Senator Corbett. Senator Williams moved for a five minutes recess to allow the Senators ample time to examine the documents. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. The Senate President called the meeting back to order. Senator Hulen read the affidavits and elaborated on the charges. (affidavits are with original copy of minutes) President Chanos read two memos addressed to him from John Purvis (memos entered in records) and presented a purchase order from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Senator Hulen moved that the charges as presented in the affidavits merit investigation. The motion was seconded. Senate President Burzinski announced that according to By-Law it9 if the Senate approved the main motion an Impeachment Investigation Committee would be established consisting of two Senators and a UNLV administrator to be nominated by the Executive Board and approved by the Senate. Much discussion took place. Senator Boos moved to amend the main motion to vote by secret ballot Senate Meeting //20 October 7, 1980 Page 4 and was seconded. Senator Hulen accepted this as a friendly amendment to the main motion. The second concurred. Further discussion took place. Senator Martinez called for the question. The call for the question was seconded. The call for the question passed with eleven in favor, three opposed. Senator Halpin requested a roll call vote be taken. Senator Boos objected. Senator Halpin moved that the vote be done by secret ballot. The motion was seconded. The motion failed. Voting was done by secret ballot. The main motion to establish and Ad Hoc Impeachment Investigation Committee passed with eight in favor and six opposed. C. Parking and Traffic Committee Senate President Burzinski asked the Senate if someone would represent CSUN at the Parking and Traffic Committee at 2:00 on Wednesday, October 8. Senator Reign volunteered to attend the meeting. D. Ad Hoc Constitutional Revision Committee Robert Scavetta, Joe Petrizzo, Bill Haldeman, Martha Boos, Jeff Wild, and one student from the Radio Station were nominated. Senator Halpin moved to approve these nominations. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. IX. Open Discussion Senator Hulen publicly commented Jeff Wild on what he did concerning the new Senate President Pro Tempore. Senator Hulen asked that the Executive Board pursue the attainment of the trailer for CSUN. Radford Smith announced that Octoberfest will start October 9. Senator Yelton commented that he was disappointed in the senate distribution for the upcoming Senate. Senator Wild moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with eleven in favor and five opposed. X. Adjournment Senate President Burzinksi adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by, Respectfully Prepared by, Robin Starlin CSUN Senate Secretary Martin J. Burzinski CSUN Senate President