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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 14, 1978






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 6 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000171. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    AGENDA SENATE MEETING #32 March 14, 1978 Moyer Student Union Bldg. Room 203 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #31 IV. Executive Board Announcements 1. Vacancy in Senate Seat for Allied Health 2. Done Good Award Nominations a. Dean Saville (Retiring) b. Kris Karamanos V. Committee Reports a. Treasurer's Report b. Union Board c. Activities Board d. Radio Board Old Business a. Election Rules (Vote) b. Activities Board (Vote) 1. Charles Ruralt 2. Don McCloud - "Modern Mime" c. Organization Committee (Vote) 1. Recognized Organizations a. Pre Professional Club b. Bahai Club 2. Matching Funds a. ATO - $500.00 b. Ski Club - $500.00 d. Senate Meeting Proposal (Vote) e. University Senate Seat (Vote) 1. Gene Russo 2. Shirley Willstead New Business a. New Class Starting Times Open Discussion VI VII VIII IX. Adj ournmen t MINUTES SENATE MEETING #32 March 14, 1978 Lounge 203 Moyer Student Union Building Call to Order The thirty-second meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by Chairman Ken Holt at 4:05 p.m. in Lounge 203 of the Moyer Student Union Building. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance: Dawn DuCharme Lise Wyman Bob Biale DeAnn Turpen John Dunkin Ingrid Hegedus Scott Hoover Lorraine Alderman Leon Levitt Gretchen Smith Dave Bergen Bruce Bayne Chuck White Cindy Riser Bill Botos Peggy Burnham Greg McKinley Rob Nielsen Susana Reyes Gene Russo Jeanne Harkenrider Don Soderberg Andre' Bell Joe Matvay Excused Absence: Jerry Gatch Richard Simms Unexcused Absence: III. Approval of Minutes #31 There being no corrections to the minutes, the motion was made and seconded for approval. Minutes approved unanimously. IV. Executive Board Announcements 1. Vacancy Seat in Senate for Allied Health It was announced that nominations will be accepted the week after the publication has come out. 2. Done Good Award a. Dean Saville b. Chris Karamanos Joe Matvay made a motion for Saville which was seconded by Chuck White. Motion passed with two (2) abstentions. Gene Russo entertained a motion for Chris Karamanos which was seconded. Following a discussion for and against awarding Chris Karamanos, there was a call to the guestion and Gene Russo asked for a Roll Call vote. Motion passed. The results of the voting were as follows: Dawn DuCharme Yes Lise Wyman Yes Bob Biale No DeAnn Turpen No John Dunkin.., Yes Ingrid Hegedus Abst. Scott Hoover Yes Lorraine Alderman....Abst. Joe Matvay Abst. Leon Levitt yes Gretchen Smith NO Dave Bergen Yes Bruce Bayne NC> Chuck White NC> Cindy Kiser Abst. Bill Botos Yes Peggy Burnham Yes Greg McKinley Yes Rob Nielsen Yes Susana Reyes Yes Gene Russo Yes Jeanne Harkenrider... Yes Don Soderberg No Andre' Bell Abst. Motion Passed. Minutes - Senate Meeting #32 March 14, 1978 Page 2 V. Committee Reports a. Treasurer's Report John Hunt spoke to the Senate regarding the monthly Treasurer's Report that he had passed out prior to the opening of the meeting and reported that the corrected printout has not as yet been received from the Business Office. John then made an Executive Board announcement on the USUNS' meeting in Reno this past weekend. He reported they are re-structuring USUNS, will have a Lobby Committee for next year and if they can get the financial backing, USUNS will really become a State voice for the students. b. Union Board Gene Russo reported they will be fixing the roof of the dome which will cost around$6,000; a lounge for students to rest; refurnishing with something durable that will meet the needs of the Union. They took a survey on campus as to entrances and exits for handicapped students and the snack bar blue-prints should be in Thursday at the Union meeting. He announced anyone wishing to attend, was welcome. c. Activities Report In the absence of Steve Francis, Rob Nielsen reported on the success of the Hoe Down which was held last Saturday. He also announced of the upcoming Mardi Gras and reported there are a number of committees and anyone wishing to help on one of these committees, they should contact the Activities department. He further announced that, due to some difficulties, "Modern Mime" is a dead issue at this time. d. Radio Board Tim McRoberts informed the Senate that they have nov secured a site for the antenna on top of a 40 foot tower owned by KBMI at a cost of $250.00 a month. They had to look for another tower site due to problems involved at the Angel's Peak location originally picked out and submitted in the engineer's plans. He reported that they have an emergency at this time to get new specifications from the engineering firm at the new site for the antenna in order to get the FCC license. He asked the Senate for their approval to grant a $1500.00 deposit to the engineering company for their proposal of the antenna cost which they have already been working on. Tim reported this new site will cost less than $5,000 to set up an antenna against an estimated cost first submitted that was around $30,000. He further reported he hopes to get a refund of the $250.00 monthly cost from KBMI for tax purposes. An effort was made to submit a motion to grant the $1500.00 but was ruled out of order by the Chairman. He informed the Senate it could be submitted at this meeting and be on the agenda at the next meeting and voted upon. Susanna Reyes announced coming events that are being sponsored by the La Raza organization. All of the details will be published in the Yell on Wednesday, March 15, 1978. Minutes - Senate Meeting #32 March 14, 1978 Page 3 VI. Old Business a. Election Rules (Vote) This vote was set aside until later in the agenda due to the fact that copies were being Xeroxed for the Senate and had not been brought up in time to submit them. b. Activities Board (Vote) 1. Charles Kuralt 2. Don McCloud - "Modern Mime" "Modern Mime" cancelled until later date, so the motion was made for approvel of Charles Kuralt and seconded. Motion passed unanimously. c. Organization Committee (Vote) 1. Recognized Organizations a. Pre Professional Club b. Bahai' Club Ken entertained a motion for approval. Motion was made and seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Matching Funds a. ATO - $500.00 b. Ski Club - $500.00 Ken entertained a motion for approval which was made and seconded. He then opened the meeting for discussion. A representative from ATO gave a short report on the Spring Break Bash and Senior Citizen Benefit to be held at the Aladdin Hotel on March 24th, and a representative from the Ski Club, also present, gave a report on the next Ski Club to be held at Sun Valley. Motion passed unanimously. d. Senate Meeting Proposal (Vote) Ken entertained a motion to table this topic and vote until after next Friday. Motion made, seconded and passed unanimously. e. University Senate Seat (Vote) 1. Gene Russo 2. Shirley Willstead A motion was made and seconded for a secret ballot. Results of ballot proved Gene Russo the winner with 15 votes against Shirley Willstead's 8. There was one (1) abstention. f. Senate Information Sheet Committee left off Agenda in error. 1. Lorraine Alderman 2. Ingrid Hegedus Motion made, seconded and passed unanimously for the two candidates. Minutes - Senate Meeting #32 March 14, 1978 Page 4 VII. New Business a. New Class Starting Times There was a short discussion regarding the new class starting times but the discussion reverted to the Physical Education requirement. Scott Lorenz reported he had spoken to Lilly Fong and he is going to work on a resolution and will present it to the Senate in a couple of weeks. Due to the delay in receiving the xeroxed copies of the Election Rules, the Chair moved to the next item on the agenda. VIII. Open Discussion Intramural Program Rob Nielsen requested that he would like an investigation of CCOA on the agenda for the next Senate Meeting. Bruce Bayne retaliated by saying that the officiating had been very good and he has done everything he can to please everyone and keep control of the games. Mandatory Attendance - Senate meetings Chuck White reported that he heard the University Senate had voted upon mandatory attendance at the February 14th meeting and wanted to know why they had not been informed of such. John Dunkin said he would see to it that the Senate was advised of any action taken at the University Senate that would affect the student Senate in the future. Host Fund Expenditures - Leonard Nemoy night Gretchen Smith reported that she had heard that $212.42 was paid for by Steve Francis and the other was paid for by CSUN. The total bill coming to $416.00. She wanted to know if this came out of the Host Fund of CSUN or the Activities Board. She also said she questioned the validity of this amount of expenditure and would like to know where the revenue went for the October Fest. John Hunt reported that the dinner was given to members of the Activities Board as a small payment for all the work they had done. Scott said that he had paid $100.00 out of his own pocket toward that dinner bill as well as Steve Francis. A few others chipped in toward the tip. Scott said he would like this Host Fund Expenditure to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. There was further discussion as to why the same people always seem to be hosted while others on the Activities Board are not included. Bill Botos commented that he didn't see what all the fuss was about with regard to the same people going to dinners, since these were the people who did all the work. Gene Russo reported he had been asked to attend this particular dinner, but was told he would have to pay for it. Bob Biale suggested we present Steve with a guideline to go by in order to answer the "whys" and "wheres". Ken entertained a motion to move back into New Business for the Election Rules vote. The motion was made and seconded. There was a discussion as to the subject of two booths and Chuck White reported that Maria DeLuca had told him she had enough people to man three booths. Minutes - Senate Meeting #32 March 14, 1978 Page 5 After further discussion as to what would be involved if there were three booths, Chuck White said he would like to make an amendment to the Election Rules to include three (3) booths. The Chair said this amendment could not be accepted. Ingrid Hegedus called for the guestion which was seconded by Bruce Bayne. The vote proved only seven (7) for accepting the Election Rules as presented. Motion failed. Back into discussion. Bob Biale said he thought it should be left up to the Election Board and Chuck White suggested they have Maria DeLuca attend the next meeting to see if she can man three booths. Bruce Bayne said he would like to make a motion to table this until Maria could be here next week. The Chair ruled it out of order. The guestion then arose regarding the amount of funds that could be spent campaigning and Chuck White questioned the amount not to exceed $250.00 in the election rules. Scott reported how Bill Hernstadt had taken the campaign fund expenditures to court and won, and that no one can be dis-qualified if he spends more than $250.00. After further discussion regarding the limit on campaign spending, Don Soderberg said he didn't see how, under the circumstances,the Senate could approve the Election Rules. The Chair entertained a motion to table this item and call an EMERGENCY MEETING this Friday, March 17th, at 4:00 p.m. to amend the election rules. The motion was made, seconded and passed with two (2) abstentions and two (2) nays. Motion passed. Chuck White moved for adjournment, seconded and passed. Meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m., until the Emergency Meeting Friday, March 17, at 4:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Florida Edwards CSUN Secretary