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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 6, 1978






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 6 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000170. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    AGENDA SENATE MEETING #31 March 6, 1978 Moyer Student Union Building Lounge 201 4:00 p. m. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #30 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Committee Reports a. Treasurer's Report b. Union Board c. Activities Board d. Radio Station e. Sports Complex VI. Old Business a. Activities Board (Vote) Gene Marvin b. Election Rules (Vote) c. Mandatory Physical Requirement d. University College Senate Seat (1 seat) 1. Jean Harkenrider 2. Bob Hevel 3. Shawn Jenkins 4. Lee Barrett 5. Kimm Phillips 6. John Scott 7. Greg Bcwse 8. Joyce Rickwartz 9. Mike Chase e. Information Sheet Ccrmittee (submit) 1. Lorraine Alderman f. By-Law Ccrmittee (Vote) a. Lillie Rancher VII. New Business a. University Senate Seat (sufcmit) 1. Gene Russo 2. Shirley Willstead b. Senate Meeting Proposal VIII. Open Discussion IX. Adjournment MINUTES SENATE MEETING #31 March 7,1978 Lounge 203 Moyer Student Union Building I. Call to Order The thirty-first meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by Chairman Ken Holt at 4:10 p.m. in Lounge 203 of the Moyer Student Union Building. II. Roll Call Members in Attendanc Dawn DuCharme Lise Wyman John Dunkin Ingrid Hegedus Scott Hoover Lorraine Alderman Gretchen Smith Dave Bergen Jerry Gatch Bruce Bayne Chuck White e: Richard Simms Bill Botos Peggy Burnham Greg McKinley Rob Nielsen Susana Reyes Gene Russo Don Soderberg Andre' Bell Joe Matvay Excused Absence: Leon Levitt Cindy Riser Unexcused Absence Bob Biale DeAnn Turpen III. Approval of Minutes //30 Scott corrected a statement that he had made regarding Colleen Newton having seen the CSUN Survey and approving it. Colleen Newton did not see the survey until Monday, March 6th at 8:00 p.m. What she did see and correct was the USUNS survey. After the correction was duly noted, the motion to approve was made, seconded and passed unanimously. IV. Executive Board Announcements Scott Lorenz introduced Attorney Albert G. Marquis who was sitting in for Neil Slocum who was unable to attend the meeting. V. Committee Reports a. Treasurer's Report John Hunt was not present due to another meeting he was attending to give his report on the Host Fund expenditures. b. Union Board Gene Russo reported there was nothing new to report at this time. He will be attending a meeting this Friday, March 10, at 10:00 a.m., with the architect and will report on the meeting later. c. Activities Board Steve Francis submitted two contracts for approval on next week's agenda. 1. Charles Kuralt 2. Don McLeod - "Modern Mime" He announced the Strange Encounter lecture being held on March 8 and the Hoe Down celebration being held on Saturday, March 11th. Minutes - Senate Meeting //31 March 7, 1978 Page 2 d. Radio Station In the absence of Tim McRoberts, Scott Lorenz reported that the FCC Attorney in Washington had agreed to attend one of the Senate meetings in the near future — probably around the 1st or 2nd week in April. e. Sports Complex Greg McKinley reported that Bill #98, which is now in Committee, will be going before the Congress and Senate. This bill will give the State of Nevada a rebate of 15% from the state's excess revenue. This rebate has been set aside by the Nevada Legislature to go back to the University Improvement Fund for a basketball pavilion and center for continuing education. A discussion was held concerning suggestions as to how to let our Senators and Congressman know that Nevada wants this bill passed. Suggestins made included the following: students writing letters to Washington (Cannon, Laxalt and Santini), getting up a petition, a notice in the Yell asking students to write letters and A1 Marquis, attorney present, to get the people in the community to write letters also,as then the senators and congress could tell their colleagues how many letters they had received to support this bill. Scott asked Greg McKinley to draft a letter that could be sent to the congress. f. Matching Funds Ken Holt submitted the following names for Matching Funds. 1. UNLV Ski Club - - $500.00 2. Alpha Tau Omega - $500.00 He also submitted the names of the Bahai and Pre Professional Club that had been approved as recognized organizations. VI. Old Business a. Activities Board (Vote) Gene Marvin The motion was made, seconded and approved for Gene Marvin to lecture on the UFO's Wednesday night, March 8, 1978. b. Election Rules (Vote) Ken Holt entertained the motion to table this item until next week. The motion was made, seconded and passed. At the next meeting, he will have copies of the rules to pass out to the Senate. c. Mandatory Physical Requirement Jerry Gatch reported that the University Senate Physical Ed requirement as a credit had been voted out today; however, the same amount of credits will be required whether they sign up for P.E. or not. John Dunkin reported that when the P.E. mandatory requirement was dropped at other Universities, more people signed up. Jerry Gatch then reported that one good thing about dropping the mandatory P.E. was that it will bring in a better quality of people, since they will be people who want to be there. Minutes - Senate Meeting //31 March 7, 1978 Page 3 Rob Nielsen commented that this had gotten off the track of what he had wanted to hear. His inquiry had to do with the Mandatory Physical Requirement. He told of how much it costs to get a physical ($30.00 approximately) and you have to call all over town to get a doctor who will give you a physical. It was reported that this issue of the Mandatory Physical Requirement was brought up before the Board of Regents and they voted it down. In order to graduate, you have to have a physical unless you have 12 classes or less. Scott Lorenz reported that Dan Russell did some research on this subject and had reported that the nurse wanted them to get a doctor on campus to give the physicals but because of the lack of money, they couldn't go through with it. d. University College Seat 1. Jean Harkenrider 2. Bob Hevel 3. Shawn Jenkins 4. Lee Barrett 5. Kimm Phillips 6. John Scott 7. Gregg Bowse 8. Joyce Reckwartz 9. Mike Chase Chuck White motioned for a secret ballot which was seconded. Ken Holt entertained a motion for a 10 minute recess to give him time to get something pertinent to the meeting from his office. Joe Matvay made the motion to recess for 10 minutes, seconded and passed with one abstention. Recessed at 4:40 p.m. Reconvened at 4:55 p.m. Ken announced that according to the Sturgis Standard Rules of Order, the top two vote getters will have a runoff.. The two top vote getters were: Jean Harkenrider and Mike Chase. The second ballot showed Jean Harkenrider the winner with 14 votes in her favor against 9 for Mike Chase. Jean was then asked to take her place at the Senate table as the newly elected Senator. e. Information Sheet Committee (submit) 1. Lorraine Alderman 2. Ingrid Hegedus (left off agenda in error) f. By-Law Committee (Vote) a. Lillie Rancher The motion was made and seconded to accept Lille Rancher. Motion passed unanimously. Minutes - Senate Meeting //31 March 7, 1978 Page 4 Radio Board Tim McRoberts, who was now present at the meeting, reported that they had a Programming meeting last Friday and seven or eight senators attended. Several ideas were presented and the feedback was very good. He announced that the convention was coming up in a week and that it looks like they have found a power site that will save approximately $25,000. He further reported he had just received a copy of the report from the FCC attorney which he will report on later. VII. New Business a. University Senate Seat (Submit) 1. Gene Russo 2. Shirley Willstead b. Senate Meeting Proposal Ken Holt reported he will have the proposals in the Senate boxes on Wednesday. VIII. Open Discussion Rob Nielsen asked why the Open Discussion was placed last on the Agenda and Ken explained it was to prevent us from violating the Open Meeting Law. Gretchen Smith expressed her feelings about John Hunt not being here at the time the Host Fund was to be discussed. She said she wanted him here at the next meeting to discuss this Host Fund. Rob Nielsen reported on the election last year and how he had sat outside in the rain trying to get people to vote and how relatively few actually came out to vote. He suggested placing the other voting booth some place. (Library, White Hall) Gretchen Smith reported that Joseph Raney has some good ideas on how to get people out to vote and said it is a fantastic program. John Dunkin reported that he wanted the Board of Regents to be informed about that strip being paved in the P.E. Complex, and Marshall Willick said that particular piece of property doesn't belong to the university. The roadway that is badly in need of repair was also discussed and found to belong to someone other than the University. Jerry Gatch called upon Scott Lorenz to report on what is happening with the Desert Cleanup and the Football players-ATO incident. Scott reported that the Desert Cleanup has been scheduled for April 8th after it had to be postponed twice due to inclement weather. This project is going to be entered in the Budweiser's National contest. He further reported that he had received two checks in the amount of $100.00 each from Summa Corporation and Myron Leavitt to help in cleaning up their property. This $200.00 is on top of the $2,000 that the Board of Regents has given for this project. Minutes - Senate Meeting //31 March 7, 1978 Page 5 Scott then reported on the Football incident and a meeting that he had attended last Wednesday with Coach Knap and about five members of the team,as well as others attending the meeting. He said he was told not to do anything about this right now,since there was another incident this last week involving the football players. Rob Nielsen said he would like a proposal on the agenda next week regarding starting classes 1/2 hour earlier. It was reported that three of the IBM typewriters donated by CSUN to the library were not in working order and it was agreed that they should be repaired. John Hunt returned from his previous meeting to give a report on the Host Fund. He reported that there were two discrepancies in that he had received two bills in the amount $8.64 from the Aladdin which were duplicates of the same charge. He had entered them as two separate charges. The other dis-crepancy the Business Office had no record of on their books. Gretchen Smith inquired about the rumor that was going around regarding a Host Fund expenditure of nearly $500.00 which eleven people attended when Leonard Nemoy appeared at UNLV. Scott said that was not so. Gretchen then asked that the secretary put on record the following question that she asked and the answer she received: Gretchen — Are you saying that all of the Expenditures of Leonard Nemoy meals were paid for out of Activities? Ken replied — He wasn't sure right off. Scott replied — I t did come out of activities. A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Florida Edwards CSUN Secretary