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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, January 24, 1978






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate.

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    uac000163. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    AGENDA FOR SENATE MEETING 025 Tuesday, January 24, 1978 — 4:00 p.m. Student Union, Room #203 I. Call to order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #24 IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Cheerleader funding B. Student Handbook •'{ ~ £"OGO ^ooitv-axi C. Desert Cleanup D. Student Survey E. Epilogue V. Open discussion VI. Committee Reports AB.. AUcntiiovni tBioeasr d Board 1. Sara Greenly Lecture (vote) C. Athletic fee committee (report) D. Radio Report VII. Old Business VIII. New Business A. Presidential Nominations 1. Union Board a. Dave Bergan (submitted) 2. Appropriations Committee a. Rick Lober 3. University Senate Seat a. Chuck White b. John Dun^n IX. Adjournment SENATE MEETING //25 January 24, 1978 I. Call to Order The twenty-fifth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by Chairman Ken Holt at 4:10 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Student Union Building. II. Roll Call Members in attendance: absent excused: absent unexcused: Dawn DuCharme Lisa Wyman Bob Biale Juhn Dunkin Ingrid Hegadis Lorraine Alderman Leon Leavitt Gretchen Smith Dave Bergen Jerry Gatch Chuck White Richard Simms Bill Botos Peggy Burnham Susana Reyes Gene Russo Don Soderberg Joe Matvay DeAnn Turpen Bruce Bayne Greg McKinley Rob Nielsen Andre' Bell Scott Hoover Cindy Riser John Ensign III. Approval of Minutes Joe Matvay called attention to a correction in the minutes in that he was shown in attendance and also under absent unexcused. The secretary would like to apologize for this error and have it on record that Andre' Bell was absent unexcused and not Joe Matvay. Her name was just above Joe's and his name was typed by mistake. After the above corrections were made, the motion was made and seconded for approval. Passed unanimously. CORRECTION TO THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 10, 1978 — SENATE MEETING NO. 24 The secretary would like to clarify the exact quote made by Chairman Ken Holt on page 4, under New Business, 4th paragraph down, since there seems to be some trouble brewing over my wording in the minutes. After reviewing the tapes for that meeting, it shows that Ken Holt did not say "it may not have been according to the open meeting rules but since it had been defeated, it really didn't matter now.'" Ken's exact words were: "Maybe the motion was out of line, but there was jno_J}arm done.'" The chair did vote against the motion as it shows in those minutes. IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Cheerleader funding At the request of the Senate, Tina and Michele were in attendance at this meeting to answer questions pertaining the the cheerleaders and their funding. A few of the most pertinent questions and answers in part are as follows: 0 — What attempts have you made to raise funds this year? A — Shakers were sold but what money was made, had to be used to purchase things Sentate Meeting No. 25 January 24, 1978 Page 5 for the cheerleaders to wear until their uniforms were ready. They were told they could not sell shakers or license plates at the games. The cheerleaders are now having a raffle to raise money to send them to Hawaii. Q — What is your capacity of involvement now? (This question was put to Tina) A — I think of myself as a director. I direct what the cheerleaders do and am responsible for what they do. Q — Did you believe that UNLV would help fund the cheerleaders? A — Yes. Tina said that transportation is their biggest problem and the cheerleaders have driven to as many places as possible. Micheie said they still don't know how much money had been allotted to them as the Senate doesn't sit down and talk it over with them. Scott reported that he told Tina she had $10,000 at the beginning of the year to buy trambolines.uniforms, etc., and what was left would be used on trips. Ken was asked if he had called other schools to find out how they were run and if they financed the cheerleaders. He replied that there were 24 schools that we talked to and we are the only schools sponsoring the cheer leaders in student government. As a point of information, Ken stated he would like to say that he would find out where funding was made from. There probably are other student bodies that do fund cheer leaders, and just because no other schools do it, doesn't mean it isn't the right way to go, — and I don't want to be misinterpreted. I-just don't want it to go on record that I am against CSUN funding cheer leaders. Q — What do the cheerleaders do at the game? A — The principle job is to go out and generate energy as much/as they can. During time out, they go out and dance. John Hunt reported that last year the cheerleaders went to the games on charter flights arranged by the athletic department — and if they still had them this year instead of traveling on commercial liners, there would be no problem. He also reported the cheerleaders had spent in excess of $8,000. Chuck White called upon John Hunt to make un an itemized statement as to the expenditures of the Cheerleaders up to the present time, and further stated it was the first time he realized there was trouble with the cheerleaders at the last Senate meeting. Q — Who made the determination that the funds raised would be to go to Hawaii? Kentucky is going to be on nationwide TV. A — (Tina) The girls have worked so hard that we figured they might as well go where then can have some fun. Sentate Meeting No. 25 January 24, 1978 Page 5 John Hunt was asked how much it would cost to send the cheerleaders to Kentucky and he estimated about $3,000 — maybe closer to $4,000. Scott said if the athletic department would charter a plane for the Kentucky game, then CSUN will pay for the cheerleader's room and board. Jerry Gatch made a motion for a vote of confidence that CSUN would pay their room and board if the athletic department chartered a plane. Seconded. Ken reported that if there is an expenditure of this type, it will have to come back before the Senate. He asked all those in favor of a vote of confidence to investigate the possiblity of sending the cheerleaders to Kentucky signify by saying "Aye". Two opposed: Don Soderman and Bob Biale...with no abstentions. Motion passes. For the record: This was a long drawn out question and answer discussion which pertained to travel, funding and the money spent so far for the cheerleaders. Tina and Michele endeavored to answer all questions as well as they could regarding these three subjects. John Hunt feels the athletic department left them high and dry. B. Student Handbook Scott asked for a feedback from the Senate as to whether or not they should go ahead with the printing of the handbook. 5,000 copies would cost $980.00 and 10,000 would cost $12,280.00. Jerry Gatch and Scott both felt that 5,000 would be sufficient. Ingrid Hegadis thought that a list of the organizations should be included in the handbook. Chuck White thought the expenditure for this book at this time is not necessary. John Dunkin defended the publication of this book — especially to aid the freshmen, since they are not familiar with the services of CSUN. Don Soderberg expressed fear that these books would be left under tables in the snack bar and around the campus. A suggestion was made to place these books in the dorms. Scott reported that the Union Board would be helping with the expenditure in amount of around $400.00 to get these handbooks printed. John Dunkin thought we should go ahead and put this book out now and then try and get it in the catalogue for next year. After further discussion for and against publishing this book, and distribution being made in the library, book store, student union, etc., Scott said since the expenditure would be less than $1,000, it was not necessary to get the Senate's approval and he merely wanted a feedback on what they thought about it. C. Desert Cleanup The chair was vacated for a few minutes to Gene Russo. John Dunkin gave a report on the desert cleanup and said they have received a tremendous response. The Board of Regents are all for it and Calendar of Events has been set up, materials lined up, fre food from Cohen & Kelley, beverages, bags, etc. being donated. A followup letter will be sent out giving them the time, areas to be cleaned, etc. Sentate Meeting No. 25 January 24, 1978 Page 5 Scott reports that he hopes to get some financial support from the Board of Regents to pay the organizations — but if they don't, then they will have to get volunteer help Scott also wanted to correct a mistake in the minutes of the 24th senate meeting in that "there will be no CSUN monies spent on the de sert cleanup!" The correction should be noted that there will be some minimal amounts spent for buttons, photos, etc., by CSUN. Tim McRoberts commended everyone for taking on this project and thinks it is a good thing that could be broadcast on the radio station. Tim offered to donate signs to put on the lots that are owned by politicians, companies, etc., in back of the university to read, "Please don't litter." He suggested that this property owned by these other groups be cleared of litter the first time, then get them to donate money the next time. D. Student Survey Scott gave a report on the student survey to get an idea of the needs, interests and opini ons of the UNLV students. Mark Paplowski was given the floor to explain about the survey and said the topics that you can use on a survey of this type are endless. In the proposal, the approximate cost for such a survey will be $1,015. 20% of this cost will go for the preparation of ballots, colating the data, etc. He said he had talked to Scott about it and Scott thought CSUN could take care of the cost. Paplowski further explained that 95% of the responses fall within two deviations of the media, and he has found that most surveys don't deviate more than 2%. He prefers face-to-face interviews but can bring in statistics on over-the-phone surveys. Paplowski said he would like to be given a vote of confidence to go ahead and ask the University for a printout of the students — and if the university says it is okay, he is not going to ask if it is legal. Tim McRoberts reported on the survey done for the radio station by the students that didn't cost a dime. Paplowski said his cost for 10 open end and 10 close-in questions on a survey would be $1,000 but if it was 25 or more questions, then his cost would be more. This $1,000 fee would include breaking the survey down to classes, checking out addresses, etc. No vote was taken at this meeting so the Chair asked that they move on to the next item on the Agenda. E. Epilogue It was announced that Kevin Flaherty had relinquished his position on the Epilogue and that Bill Botos has been appointed to fill the vacancy. It will be on the agenda of the next Senate meeting for approval. Executive Board Announcements Scott passed out the campus master plan books and wants the Senate to study them so that they will know what the University is planning for this campus. He then told of his olans to have a CSUN test file which has been approved by Regent Karamanos and President Baepler. These files will be located in the CSUN offices. Sentate Meeting No. 25 January 24, 1978 Page 5 Scott reported that on February 5th, John McCaskill of Reno will be meeting in Las Vegas to discuss a lobbying committee and what they think the politicians should be advised of what we want. He also reported that Wayne Pierson of the athletic department is going to try and raise some money for the Rebel statue. CSUN donated the money for the art work, etc. $2,000 was transferred from the radio account to give to Montyne and it was supposed to be replaced back in the radio account. Scott reported the Alumni Associate HOmecoming will either be november 11th or November 18th. Bob Biale said a great time to have it would be at the time of the UNR and UNLV game. The proposed dates will be on the next agenda. Gene Russon made a motion fora 10 minute recess but it was not passed as the Senators wanted to continue with the meeting so they could get home in time to watch a game on TV. There were 9 opposed and 2 abstentions. John Hunt reported on the book resale to say that the response has been great. They have 99 books now and it is very important that everyone bring in any books they wish to sell. John Dunkin asked everyone to support the book resale for the people in the book store are very rude and charge exhorbitant prices. V. Open Discussion Jerry Gatch requested that the attendance records of the Senate be checked. Don Soderberg wanted the ID's validation checks at the voting booths, and Marshall Willett said they can't vote if their ID's are not valid. VI. Committee Reports A. Union Board Gene Russo thanked everyone who applied for the vacancy on the Union Board. B. Activities Board Steve Francis gave a report on the activities scheduled for this next semester. 1. Sam Greenly Lecture vote. There was a motion to approve, seconded and passed unanimously. C. Athletic Fee Committee It was reported that they was no answer as yet to the letter that was sent. Chuck White said he felt the Athletic Fee is not just a Senate matter. There was a slight discussion on President Baepler's comments on the mandatory fee. Ken Holt returned to the chair. Sentate Meeting No. 25 January 24, 1978 Page 5 Scott said that until they see what Ireland has to say about it,they should wait and then work on it. Jerry Gatch made a motion to table this discussion for a later date. Motion seconded and passed unanimously. D. Radio Report Tim McRoberts reported a big turnout last Saturday for the license seminar with a total of 40 people attending. He reported that the station has run into a few problems where the location of the tower was originally planned. The two objections are the cost factor and because the FAA objects to it being on Angels Peak. He reported that the application has been completed and they are looking into security factors because of the expensive equipment. He is beginning to develop such elements as advertising and things are moving along as planned and looking forward to an April or early May operating date. VII. Old Business Ken said since there was no more old business to discuss at this meeting they would move on to the next item on the agends. VIII. New Business A. Presidential Nominations 1. Union Board - Dave Bergan Will be discussed and voted upon at the next meeting. 2. Appropriations Committee — Rick Lober Not present at this time. Will be the student-at-large and would be a good asset to the appropriations committee, it was reported. 3. University Senate Seat a. Chuck White b. John Dunkin These two candidates will be submitted at the next meeting and voted upon. There was a motion to adjourn, seconded and passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned until next Tuesday, January 31, Adjourned at 6:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Florida Edwards CSUN Secretary SENATE MEETING II25 January 24, 1978 I. Call to Order The twenty-fifth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by Chairman Ken Holt at 4:10 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Student Union Building. II. Roll Call Members in attendance: absent excused: absent unexcused: Dawn DuCharme Lisa Wyman Bob Biale Juhn Dunkin Ingrid Hegadis Lorraine Alderman Leon Leavitt Gretchen Smith Dave Bergen Jerry Gatch Chuck White Richard Simms Bill Botos Peggy Burnham Susana Reyes Gene Russo Don Soderberg Joe Matvay DeAnn Turpen Bruce Bayne Greg McKinley Rob Nielsen Andre* Bell Scott Hoover Cindy Kiser John Ensign III. Approval of Minutes Joe Matvay called attention to a correction in the minutes in that he was shown in attendance and also under absent unexcused. The secretary would like to apologize for this error and have it on record that Andre' Bell was absent unexcused and not Joe Matvay. Her name was just above Joe's and his name was typed by mistake. After the above corrections were made, the motion was made and seconded for approval. Passed unanimously. CORRECTION TO THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 10, 1973 — SENATE MEETING NO. 24 The secretary would like to clarify the exact quote made by Chairman Ken Holt on page 4, under New Business, 4th paragraph down, since there seems to be some trouble brewing over my wording in the minutes. After reviewing the tapes for that meeting, it shows that Ken Holt did not say "it may not have been according to the open meeting rules but since it had been defeated, it really didn't matter now!" Ken's exact words were: "Maybe the motion was out of line, but there was no h a r m done!" The chair did vote against the motion as it shows in those minutes. IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Cheerleader funding At the request of the Senate, Tina and Michele were in attendance at this meeting to answer questions pertaining the the cheerleaders and their funding. A few of the most pertinent questions and answers in part are as follows: 0 — What attempts have you made to raise funds this year? A — Shakers were sold but what money was made, had to be used to purchase things Sentate Meeting No. 25 January 24, 1978 Page 5 for the cheerleaders to wear until their uniforms were ready. They were told they could not sell shakers or license plates at the games. The cheerleaders are now having a raffle to raise money to send them to Hawaii. Q — What is your capacity of involvement now? (This question was put to Tina) A — I think of myself as a director. I direct what the cheerleaders do and am responsible for what they do. Q — Did you believe that UNLV would help fund the cheerleaders? A — Yes. Tina said that transportation is their biggest problem and the cheerleaders have driven to as many places as possible. Michei.e said they still don't know how much money had been allotted to them as the Senate doesn't sit down and talk it over with them. Scott reported that he told Tina she had $10,000 at the beginning of the year to buy trambolines.uniforms, etc., and what was left would be used on trips. Ken was asked if he had called other schools to find out how they were run and if they financed the cheerleaders. He replied that there were 24 schools that we talked to and we are the only schools sponsoring the cheer leaders in student government. As a point of information, Ken stated he would like to say that he would find out where funding was made from. There probably are other student bodies that do fund cheer leaders, and just because no other schools do it, doesn't mean it isn't the right way to go, — and I don't want to be misinterpreted. I just don't want it to go on record that I am against CSUN funding cheer leaders. Q — What do the cheerleaders do at the game? A — The principle job is to go out and generate energy as much;as they can. During time out, they go out and dance. John Hunt reported that last year the cheerleaders went to the games on charter flights arranged by the athletic department — and if they still had them this year instead of traveling on commercial liners, there would be no problem. He also reported the cheerleaders had spent in excess of $8,000. Chuck White called upon John Hunt to make un an itemized statement as to the expenditures of the Cheerleaders up to the present time, and further stated it was the first time he realized there was trouble with the cheerleaders at the last Senate meeting. Q — Who made the determination that the funds raised would be to go to Hawaii? Kentucky is going to be on nationwide TV. A — (Tina) The girls have worked so hard that we figured they might as well go where then can have some fun. Sentate Meeting No. 25 January 24, 1978 Page 5 John Hunt was asked how much it would cost to send the cheerleaders to Kentucky and he estimated about $3,000 — maybe closer to $4,000. Scott said if the athletic department would charter a plane for the Kentucky game, then CSUN will pay for the cheerleader's room and board. Jerry Gatch made a motion for a vote of confidence that CSUN would pay their room and board if the athletic department chartered a plane. Seconded. Ken reported that if there is an expenditure of this type, it will have to come back before the Senate. He asked all those in favor of a vote of confidence to investigate the possiblity of sending the cheerleaders to Kentucky signify by saying "Aye". Two opposed: Don Soderman and Bob Biale...with no abstentions. Motion passes. For the record: This was a long drawn out question and answer discussion which pertained to travel, funding and the money spent so far for the cheerleaders. Tina and Michele endeavored to answer all questions as well as they could regarding these three subjects. John Hunt feels the athletic department left them high and dry. B. Student Handbook Scott asked for a feedback from the Senate as to whether or not they should go ahead with the printing of the handbook. 5,000 copies would cost $980.00 and 10,000 would cost $12,280.00. Jerry Gatch and Scott both felt that 5,000 would be sufficient. Ingrid Hegadis thought that a list of the organizations should be included in the handbook. Chuck White thought the expenditure for this book at this time is not necessary. John Dunkin defended the publication of this book — especially to aid the freshmen, since they are not familiar with the services of CSUN. Don Soderberg expressed fear that these books would be left under tables in the snack bar and around the campus. A suggestion was made to place these books in the dorms. Scott reported that the Union Board would be helping with the expenditure in amount of around $400.00 to get these handbooks printed. John Dunkin thought we should go ahead and put this book out now and then try and get it in the catalogue for next year. After further discussion for and against publishing this book, and distribution being made in the library, book store, student union, etc., Scott said since the expenditure would be less than $1,000, it was not necessary to get the Senate's approval and he merely wanted a feedback on what they thought about it. C. Desert Cleanup The chair was vacated for a few minutes to Gene Russo. John Dunkin gave a report on the desert cleanup and said they have received a tremendous response. The Board of Regents are all for it and Calendar of Events has been set up, materials lined up, fre food from Cohen & Kelley, beverages, bags, etc. being donated. A followup letter will be sent out giving them the time, areas to be cleaned, etc. Sentate Meeting No. 25 January 24, 1978 Page 5 Scott reports that he hopes to get some financial support from the Board of Regents to pay the organizations — but if they don't, then they will have to get volunteer help Scott also wanted to correct a mistake in the minutes of the 24th senate meeting in that "there will be no CSUN monies spent on the desert cleanup!" The correction should be noted that there will be some minimal amounts spent for buttons, photos, etc., by CSUN. Tim McRoberts commended everyone for taking on this project and thinks it is a good thing that could be broadcast on the radio station. Tim offered to donate signs to put on the lots that are owned by politicians, companies, etc., in back of the university to read, "Please don't litter." He suggested that this property owned by these other groups be cleared of litter the first time, then get them to donate money the next time. D. Student Survey Scott gave a report on the student survey to get an idea of the needs, interests and opinions of the UNLV students. Mark Paplowski was given the floor to explain about the survey and said the topic s that you can use on a survey of this type are endless. In the proposal, the approximate cost for such a survey will be $1,015. 20% of this cost will go for the preparation of ballots, colating the data, etc. He said he had 'talked to Scott about it and Scott thought CSUN could take care of the cost. Paplowski further explained that 95% of the responses fall within two deviations of the media, and he has found that most surveys don't deviate more than 2%. He prefers face-to-face interviews but can bring in statistics on over-the-phone surveys. Paplowski said he would like to be given a vote of confidence to go ahead and ask the University for a printout of the students — and if the university says it is okay, he is not going to ask if it is legal. Tim McRoberts reported on the survey done for the radio station by the students that didn't cost a dime. Paplowski said his cost for 10 open end and 10 close-in questions on a survey would be $1,000 but if it was 25 or more questions, then his cost would be more. This $1,000 fee would include breaking the survey down to classes, checking out addresses, etc. No vote was taken at this meeting so the Chair asked that they move on to the next item on the Agenda. E. Epilogue It was announced that Kevin Flaherty had relinquished his position on the Epilogue and that Bill Botos has been appointed to fill the vacancy. It will be on the agenda of the next Senate meeting for approval. Executive Board Announcements Scott passed out the campus master plan books and wants the Senate to study them so that they will know what the University is planning for this campus. He then told of his olans to have a CSUN test file which has been approved by Regent Karamanos and President Baepler. These files will be located in the CSUN offices. Sentate Meeting No. 25 January 24, 1978 Page 5 Scott reported that on February 5th, Johi. McCaskill of Reno will bo meeting in Las Vegas to discuss a lobbying committee and what they think the politicians should be advised of what we want. He also reported that Wayne PLerson of the athl.tic department is going to try and raise some money for the Rebel statue. CSUN donated the money for the art work, etc. $2,000 was transferred from the radio account to give to Montyne and it was supposed to be replaced back in the radio account. Scott reported the Alumni Associate HOmecoming will either be novercher llth or November 18th. Bob Biale said a great time to have it would be at the time of the UNR and UNLV game. The proposed dates will be on the next agenda. Gene Russon made a motion fora 10 minute recess but it was not passed as the Senators wanted to continue with the meeting so they could get home in time to watch a game on TV. There were 9 opposed and 2 abstentions. John Hunt reported on the book resale to say that the response has been great. They have 99 books now and it is very important that everyone bring in any books they wish to sell. John Dunkin asked everyone to support the book resale for the people in the book store are very rude and charge exhorbitant prices. V. Open Discussion Jerry Gatch requested that the attendance records of the Senate be checked. Don Soderberg wanted the ID's validation checks at the voting booths, and Marshall Willett said they can't vote if their ID's are not valid. VI. Committee Reports A. Union Board Gene Russo thanked everyone who applied for the vacancy on the Union Board. B. Activities Board Steve Francis gave a report on the activities scheduled for this next semester. 1. Sam Greenly Lecture vote. There was a motion to approve, seconded and passed unanimously. C. Athletic Fee Committee It was reported that they was no answer as yet to the letter that was sent. Chuck White said he felt the Athletic Fee is not just a Senate matter. There was a slight discussion on President Baepler's comments on the mandatory fee. Ken Holt returned to the chair. Senate Meeting NO. 25 January 24, 1978 Page 6 Scott said that until they see what Ireland has to say about it,they should wait and then work on it. Jerry Gatch made a motion to table this discussion for a later date. Motion seconded and passed unanimously. D. Radio Report Tim McRoberts reported a big turnout last Saturday for the license seminar with a total of 40 people attending. He reported that the station has run into a few problems where the location of the tower was originally planned. The two objections are the cost factor and because the FAA objects to it being on Angels Peak. He reported that the application has been completed and they are looking into security factors because of the expensive equipment. He is beginning to develop such elements as advertising and things are moving along as planned and looking forward to an April or early May operating date. VII. Old Business Ken said since there was no more old business to discuss at this meeting they would move on to the next item on the agends. VIII. New Business A. Presidential Nominations 1. Union Board - Dave Bergan Will be discussed and voted upon at the next meeting. 2. Appropriations Committee — Rick Lober Not present at this time. Will be the student-at-large and would be a good asset to the appropriations committee, it was reported. 3. University Senate Seat a. Chuck White b. John Dunkin These two candidates will be submitted at the next meeting and voted upon. There was a motion to adjourn, seconded and passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned until next Tuesday, January 31. Adjourned at 6:10 p.m. Resnectfully submitted by: A /' • Florida Edwards CSUN Secretary Continued on page 18 FootIb all / Players Involved In Plight by Dennis Berry A complaint has been Hied against UNLV football player Randy Rizzo after he alledgely struck fellow partygocr Daniel Newman. An unidentified observer said the incident occured last Friday night, Feb. 3 at the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity house when Rizo "grabbed" at an ATO "little sister." She and Rizo exchanged insults, with an angry Kizo eventually leaving the house. On exit, he bumped into New-amvaani l. wRhizoo satpruoclokg hizimed thbruete ttiom enso, cburettaiknign gh iNs efwacmea. nH's e galalssos est hraenwd Newman against a van twice. Newman was taken to Sunrise Hospital where his wound re-quired 10 stitches. In another incident involving Greg Spencer, it was reported that Spencer struck another ATO member and also broke a car windshield. Police were called in after the incident, and a complaint is said Continued UII IH Rebels In Fight Continued from page 15 to have been filed. When contacted by the Yell,. Newman confirmed the events of Friday night. "He popped me several times,"said Newman. "I was standing by the van when we U Dl^aj 1CT^rn i tir— Randy Rizo Groa Spencer bumped shoulders." "I said I was sorry but he was upset over something that hap-pened in the house,"Newman continued. "I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 February 9, 1970 Re: Battery Charges against Randy Rizo and Greg Spencer We are writing you this letter in order to obtain your help in solving a problem concerning the conduct of several members of the UNLV Varsity Fottball team at Fraternity open parties. During the most recent incident, which occurred Friday, 2/4/78, several fights were initiated by footbal1 players in which two members of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity were rendered uncon-scious. One of these persons had to be taken to a hospital emergency room where he received eight stitches for the injuries he had sustained. In addition to causing fights, other football players have been observed to be drunken and disorderly, verbally abusive in front of women, taking drugs, damaging property, and lacking in the manners normally associated with human beings in public places. As demonstrated by their conduct, these men are not fit to repre-sent the UNLV football team or this university in general. Because of these and other disturbances at functions we have held, we wish to file a formal complaint with your office in the hopes that we can persuade the football department to declare the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity house "off limits" to their players from this point in time onwards. We are by no means claiming that all of the members of the UNLV football team that have attended our events have been guilty of the conduct described above. Several players, notably Dustin Saterfield, have always been perfect gentlemen. It is the actions of approx- Battery