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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, December 6, 1977






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 6 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000160. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    SENATE MEETING it22 December 6, 1977 I. Call to Order The 22nd meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by Chairman Ken Holt at 4:15 p.m. in Lounge 203 of the Student Union Building. II. Roll Call Member in attendance: Absent excused: Absent unexcused: Dawn DuCharme Lise Wyman Bob Biale DeAnn Turpen John Dunkin Ingrid Hegedus Scott Hoover Lorraine Alderman Leon Leavitt Gretchen Smith Don Soderberg Chuck White Cindy Riser Richard Simms Bill Botos Peggy Burnham Greg McKinley Bob Nielsen Susana Reyes Gene Russo John Ensign Andre' Bell Joe Matvay - 0 - - 0 - Ken Holt made a motion to extend the regular agenda for the purpose of a discussion with Dr. Baepler who was present to answer questions. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. The following were some of the questions asked of Dr. Baepler: 1. Why were the Student Services running out of money? Answer: The concept that needs discussion at this level and the faculty level is should we put state appropriations to provide tutorial assistance for the students. UNLV is not funded for this assistance at the state level so that every dollar that is put into that program are dollars that come from the instructional budget. Already $6,000 has been put into this program from state money, they do assess fees that adds to their budget and they do get grants from the department of athletics. A new budget is being set up this year so they won't run out of money like they did last year, and if they see they are running out of money, they will cut down rather than eliminate the services entirely. 2. Why don't they call out the names of students at Commencement? Answer: In the past, students used to walk across the stage as their names were called out. It was found that this was too time-consuming and because of this, they couldn't get a speaker so they did away with marching them across the stage two or three years ago. He would like to have individual commencements for each college at UNLV so that names could be called out and include a speaker. At this time the options are open.for suggestions as no speaker has been selected for the spring commencement. Senate Meeting //22 December 6, 1977 Page 2 3. What can the Senate do to encourage a sports arena on the campus? Answer: The situation with that is that at the present time, for every slot machine in the State of Nevada, there is a $250.00 tax which goes to the federal government. The federal government rebates 80% of that to the State of Nevada of which the university system gets 5 million dollars a year toward capital projects. Legislation has been intro-duced to the federal government to rebate an additional 15% of that tax specifically earmarked for the facilities in Las Vegas and Reno. This has been approved by the state legislation and by the Board of Regents ...and the bill, which has been introduced in the Senate through Senator Laxalt principally, will come as a rider on the Omnibus Tax Bill which originally was scheduled to go through Congress — but since President Carter is jockeying the tax bill around, it might not be until February or March. Should that bill pass the government, then the funding will be there and the project can go ahead as scheduled. 4. Why does the library close so early now? Answer: The library has experimented with keeping the library open longp»* but it has not been successful. They have the resources to do it, so if you can show that enough students will use the library for longer hours, he is sure they will keep the library open. 5. What is the status of the fraternity building? Answer: The status is, first of all, that Fraternity Row is assured. That is no longer a question. The next question is where will it go? It now appears that the master planners in San Francisco are recommending the street that runs right past the LDS Center and behind the little Nevada State Bank. This strip goes all the way to Tropicana and runs back to the University. The planners are proposing that this whole strip be set aside for fraternity and sorority development. The planners will make their final presentation to the Board of Regents at the February Regent's meeting which is about the 12th or 13th, and, at that particular time, we will be ready to sign the leases with the sororities and fraternities. The Regents have already approved the contract. 6. Dr. Baepler was asked to comment on some of the future projects going on at UNLV. Answer: We are projecting at a steady growth of 500 or 600 additional students per year. It appears as though the pupulation base of Las Vegas will demand that this university go to around 22,000 students and it appears that our august state mix is increasing to the point where that should accommodate about 3,000 more students... so we are targeting for 25,000 students assuming a building module of five stories on the campus. Five stories per building. If we see we have to go bigger than that, we will go six stories. In terms of these buildings, the next building that will be put up on the campus will consist of about an 8 million dollar addition to the library which is funded. That addition will be Senate Meeting //22 December 6, 1977 Page 3 significantly larger than the present library. That's the only major project that will be under construction this next year. At the next session of the legislature, we will get the College of Business and the College of Hotels building complex. It could be two buildings, it could be a building that shares certain facilities, but I think it will be two buildings... one for the Hotel and one for Business. The 2nd area will be to provide all the necessary backup facilities for the Performing Arts people...the art studio, the music practice rooms, the rehearsal rooms, offices for theatre, etc. The 3rd priority has not as yet been determined but Dr. Baepler is recommending a College of Allied Health building. When they put up these buildings it gives a bit of stretch to every other academic discipline. Accommodating Hotel and Business in a new structure empties the entire 4th floor of this half of the 7th floor. That gives Arts and Letters an opportunity to expand. Getting a new Allied Health building takes a whole big section out of the College of Education Building. Beyond that, there are no specific plans. 7. Would you please comment on the Mandatory Athletic Fee? Answer: Mandatory Athletic Fee poses a real dilemma to us. The seating for students at basketball games will not be significantly improved until we get our 18,000 seat arena. The seating at football games should prove to be no problem for the future. The stadium will be expanded to accommodate 33,000 people for next fall. The concept of the Mandatory Athletic Fee relates to the level of competition you want to engage in. All this gives the student is the right to purchase tickets to the athletic events usually at half price. The money, when you analize it, given our increased stadium for football and our increase capacity in basketball...when we get that those two sports will sustain themselves and we will not have this fee. Here we operate on a concept where the state has never put a real significant amount of money into our program. We try to increase that state contribution and have to package scholarship donations, box office and that state money in order to run a program. Box office is frozen for the next couple of years except in football. Until we get that 18,000 seating sports arena, we are stuck. It cost us over $800,000 last year not to be able to sell up to 18,000 seats per game and will probably cost the same this year. 8. What are the chances of getting a law school? Answer: If either of two of the men running for governor get in, we have a good chance. But if one of the others wins, you can forget it. December 6, 1977 Senate Meeting #22 Page 4 Would you comment on the revenue from businesses toward an athletic scholarship and the tickets to the games? The cost goes up every year but UNLV's income remains static. The only way programs can be kept going is to increase the scholarships. The only way to increase the scholarships is to give tickets to the donors. Dr. Baepler was asked to comment on the Basketball ticket scalpers. He explained there was nothing much that could be done in this respect, for if a student,who is going to turn in his ticVets when he is not going to attend a game, has someone approach him and offer him $50.00 or so for his ticket, it is very unlikely the studenc is going to turr, that person down. A student can't be stopped from selling a ticket that is his for more money than it cost him. Other questions asked pertained to the parking facilities as the university grows in population, obtaining a liquor license again, the addition of more dormitories, and,last but not least...THE RUNNING REBEL STATUE. President Baepler expressed how he also felt it was time that UNLV had tradition and the Running Rebel had been adopted by the institution so it should be kept as the mascot and not keep changing mascots every year or two. Ken Holt thanked Dr. Baepler for taking the time to answer so many questions and then proceeded to continue on with the regular agenda. III. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the 21st Senate meeting were passed unanimously after a motion had been made and seconded for acceptance. IV. Executive Board Announcements Ken Holt announced that the Epilogue for CSUN was now on sale for $10.00. He also announced that he would pass out copies of the Parliamentary outlines at the next meeting. John Hunt gave a report on the USUNS Conference that was held last week. Some of the things accomplished at the Conference were: A letter drafted to Congressman Jim Santini, Senators Cannon and Laxalt, to support the tax credit bill that is now being kicked around in Congress. This bill is to give a tax credit on the amount of the tuition paid by students. They also discussed the qualifications of the Chancellor, the reorganization of USUNS to facilitate better comminucation and more effective system. He reported that the Vice President, Glenn Powell, was under impeachment that two senators had filed against him. John then announced there were two openings on the Appropriations Committee. One for the senate slot and one for a student-at-large. Anyone interested, should contact him. 9. Answer: 10. Answer: Senate Meeting //22 December 6, 1977 Page 5 Scott announced that he had decided to hold off the Executive Board selections until each applicant has been interviewed. A painting of the Running Rebel Statue was shown the senate and Scott explained whey they were planning regarding a location spot for the statue. He told of a meeting held in his office with Montyne, Mrs. Willstead, and several art staff members and he thinks the petition will die down within the next few weeks. Scott also told of the Operation Trash Clenup project which is to take place on February 11, 1978. John Dunkin is chairman and anyone wishing to participate, should contact him. Scott also announced that Tim McRoberts has been hired for the radio station to tie up all the loose ends. Hammett and Edison have sent the final engineering data which will be approximately 30,000 watts for the radio station. Everything is now ready to be sent to the FCC for license approval. Ken Holt announced the upcoming marriage of two senators, Ingrid Hegedus and John Dunkin this coming May. V. Open Discussion Chuck White made an announcement that the Judicial Board had rendered an official decision regarding the Presidential nominations and that from now on, no more Presidential nominations will go into effect until they have been ratified by the senate. The nominees will have no voice in any of the senate meetings until that time but may sit in on the meetings. Pictures for the Year Book... only 9 senators have had their pictures taken to date and the others are urged to get theirs taken. John Hunt said he would like to use the Bulletin Board that the senators are not using and moving it to another location and call it "Calendar of Events". A discussion was also held regarding having one board on which all of the various agendas could be placed. Gene Russo commented on the Suggestion Box and suggested having a big red arrow pointing down to the box in order to grab the student's attention. Also, for anyone who makes a suggestion to include their name and phone as to where they can be reached if their suggestion requires an answer. VI. Committee Reports A. Activities a. Rain. A motion was made and seconded for approval to show Rain. Motion passed unanimously. B. Graduate Fees Committee John Hunt said he would like to have a set fee for the graduates Senate Meeting //22 December 6, 1977 Page 6 so that they can also participate in student activites at a discount. This will have to be brought up before the Board of Regents. Scott asked to have the Graduate Fee put on the Regent's next agenda. C. Organization Committee - Matching Funds It was decided to discuss the ATO Bash, UNLV Finance Association and Student Council for Exceptional Children at the next meeting. A motion was made and seconded for a 10 minute recess. Motion passed. Recess started at 5:25 p.m. and meeting reconvened at 5:35 p.m. VII. Old Business Grievance Committee - Joe Matvay Motion made and seconded for Joe Matvay. Motion passed with no nays or abstentions. By-Laws Committee Bruce Bayne, Lise Wyman, Peggy Burnham and Lorraine Alderman. A motion was made to vote on all four at the same time, seconded and passed with one abstention. Unanimously elected. Activities Committee - Lora Miller Motion made and seconded for acceptance of Lora Miller. Motion passed unanimously. Academic Standards - Russell Joy Motion made and seconded to accept Russell Joy. Motion passed with two (2) abstentions. Senate Info Sheet - Gretchen Smith Motion made and seconded to accept Gretchen Smith. Motion passed unanimously. VIII. New Business Presidential Nominations By-Laws Committee A request was made to include the By-Laws Committee on the next Agenda for discussion regarding reconsideration of the Matching Funds. Athletic Fee Committee Scott Hoover asked to have his name withdrawn. There were two new names added: Chuck White Greg McKinley Senate Meeting //22 December 6, 1977 Page 7 IX. Adjournment A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 5:50 p. SENATORS Please note: I would like to make one correction that should have been included in the minutes of the 21st Senate is as follows: I failed to mention that Ken Holt, Chairman, relinquished the chair to Gene Russo when the Kappa Sigma Matching Funds discussion came up on the agenda I would like this one omission to go on record as part of the minutes for the 21st Senate Meeting held on Tuesday, November 29, 1977. Florida Edwards CSUN Secretary Florida Edwards CSUN Secretary AGENDA Senate Meeting //22 December 6, 1977 4:00 Lounge 203 - Student Union I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #21. IV. Ex-board Announcements. A. Basketball tickets - Scalpers. V. Open Discussion VI. Committee Reports A. Activities a. Rain "Beatles" votes. B. Graduate Fees Committee. C. Organization Committee - Matching Funds. a. ATO Bash - $400.00 b. UNLV Finance Association - $500.00 c. Student Council for Exceptional Children - $95.00 VII. Old Business A. Presidential Nominations (vote). a. Grievance Committee. 1. Joe Matvay b. By-law Committee (vote). 1. Bruce Bain 2. Lise Wyman 3. Peggy Burnham 4. Lorraine Alderman c. Activities Board (vote). 1. Lora Miller d. Academic Standards (vote) 1. Russell Joy Page Two Senate Agenda December 6, 1977 e. Senate Info Sheet. 1. Gretchen Smith VIII. New Business A. Presidential Nominations (submitted) a. By-law Committee 1. Susan Reyes b. Athletic Fee Committee 1. Bill Ireland 2. Richard Sims 3. Jerry Gatch 4. Dave Bergen 5. Don Soderberg 6. Cindy Riser 7. Scott Hoover IX. Adjournment