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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 20, 1975






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 3 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000074. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    EMERGENCY SENATE MEETING 023 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 19T5 1. Meeting was sailed to order by Joe Karaffa at 5:05 p.m. II. Roll call was taken III. Pre3idi.Bg Officer's Comment The Chair informed the Senate Kay Dickson was not enrolled in school this semester end. Gale Gear and Kerry Thomas have Eissed three consecutive meetings this semester, therefore, all three are no longer Senators. The Chair stated: The purpose of this meeting is, at the time Curtis Haggard questioned quorum during the Senate meeting of February 18 5 1975 5 I ruled quoruss present. This decision was appealed and the appeal vac overruled. This assertatxon was one which jE beleivad, and still believe, was correct. Information J. received after this question showed a total of 27 voting memberss excluding Kay Dickson and including the Presiding Officer, snaking quorum a total of 16.2. Sixteen members were present, however, with aerious questions facing the Senate such as contract approval, Matching Funds, Senate Ad Hoc Committeess Appropriations Committee Report involving the YELL, etc., ac<3 rather than risk student benefits over a problem of the time lag in a Judicial Court Hearing over what constitutes quorum, this emergency meeting was called. The Chair informed the Senate the meeting would have an open agenda meaning members of the Senate may introduce any legislation they desire. IV. Business A. Approval of Contract Motion by Val Suheeker to approve the Carlin/R&nkin contract. Seconded by Rosalynn Rasaey Discussion Call for the question by Rafael Lara Seconded by Al KAagliam Motion carries Main motion before the floor carries Motion by Rafael Lara to send a sympathy card to the Richard H» Simons' family. Seconded by Al Kingh&m Motion carries B. Senate Ad Hoe Committees Motion by Al Kinghoa to saake the Day Care Board, Legal Council Search Committee, Lobbying Committee, Mass Communications Board and Organisations Council Senate Ad Hoe Committees. Seconded by Sean McYey Discussion The Chair recognized Buheeker at vhieii time he stated the Senate did not have the authority 01* power to rob the President of Executive Ad Hoc Committees which have already been established. The Chair stated that in the Judicial Court Ruling of Stoldal •a. CSUK „ the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch forai a joint investigative committee making sanctions on behalf of both the Executive end Legislative Branches for that Committee. The Chair assumed by this motion that the Senate would be sanctioning the Executive Ad Hoc Committees, thereby, also making the® report to the Senate, The Chair, therefore, considered the motion in order. Main motion before the floor carries, 2 abstain Motion by Rafael Lara to accept the KFM Stereo 102 contract. Seconded by Rosalynn R&mey Discussion Motion before the floor defeated Motion by Val Bchecker to adjourn Seconded Barbara Alford Motion defeated Rosalynn Ramey submitted the J. PAT HORTON and the COLOGNE CHAMBER ORCHESTRA contracts. Marie Shea submitted a dominating Authority Amendment. Motion by Se<an McVey to approve the C.O.R.E. Organisation. Seconded toy Richard Gutierrez The Chair stated the C.O.R.S* Organisation had been screened and approved by the C'SUW Secretary, Main motion before the floor carries By-Law Committee Report Rafael Lara, submitted two By-Laws which were amended and approved by the By-Law Committee: 1) Contract By-Law and 2) Election By-Law. Motion by Rafael Lara to accept the Contract By-Law as amended and approved by the By-Law Committee. Seconded by Marie Shea Discussion The Chair recognised Val Buhecker at which time he requested clarification upon what grounds the Chair fired Gale Geer end Kerry Thomas„ The Chair replyed absences. Point of order fry Curtis Haggard, this discussion is in conflict with the main motion. The Chair stated the discussion was iii conflict with the motion to approve the Contract By-Law. Mr. Buhecker stated a 8/3 affirmative vote of the total voting membership is required to approve the Contract By-Law. Gale Geer and Kerry Thomas should he included in that voting member-ship, because in aecardance with the CSUH Constitution they did not miss three consecutive meetings during o»a semester. The Chair stated the semester in which the mini-terra took place would be considered part of the second semester. In addition* the tiro former Senators have Kissed four consecutive meetings including this meeting, beginning January 21, 1975* Challenge to the Chair by Barbara Alford regarding the Chair decision on when the Second semester begins. Seconded by Sean McVey Discussion Call for the question by Rafael Lara Seconded by AI Kiagham Motion carries Challenge to ths Chair defeated. Discussion on the wain motion before the floor. Motion by Barbara Alford to send the Contract By-Law back to Committee until the actual definition of a contract is stipu-lated and explained in the By-Law. Motion fails for lack of & second. Call for the question by Rafael Lara Seconded by Dave El&ins Motion carries Main motion before the floor approved, IT yes, 1 no, 2 abstain Motion by Rafael Lara to accept the Election By-Law amended and approved hy the By-Lav Committee. Seconded by Save Slkins Discussion Mr. Lara submitted the Election By-Lav which had been amended by the By-Law Committee to read the Executive campaign spending limitations to $?5 and $2$ donation for a total of $100. The locations of the polling booths will be at the Chemistryt Education and Library Buildings in addition to the Student Union. All materials in Executive and Senatorial campaigns will be accounted for by giving a list of price and source to the CSUK Secretary, Further Discussion Call for the question by Dave Elkins Seconded by Rosalynn Harney Motion carries Main motion before the floor approved, IT yes, 1 no. 2 abstain Barbara Alford asked the Chair if all Senators were contacted 2k hours prior to the Special Senate Meeting. The CSUB Secretary stated all but five Senator® xrere contacted, and the President stated he would notify those Senators vhicfe could not ba reached during the day that evening. Mi-. Buhecker stated he was unable to contact all of the remaining five Senators. Kiss Alford stated in accordance with the CSUK Constitution, all Senators must be-notified 2k hours prior to the Special Senate meet-ins in vritter for® or verbally. Bue to the fact that all Senators vere not contacted Miss Alford stated this meeting should be considered null and void. Motion by Barbara Alford to udjowrn* Motion fails for lack of a sveond Motion by Curtis Haggard: T: at the Senators present are in agreement that reasonable no!ice of 2k hours was attempted and offered by the C3U^ Secretary, Seconded by AX Kingham Mr, Buhecker stated the Senate cannot legislate contrary to the CSUa Constitution. The Striate cannot determine what is and is not quorum. The Constitution states that ther« must be 2k hours vi'it ten or oral notic. &\vea prior to a Special Senate aseetiag. The President declared tAo meeting illegal p-tva stated he trould not be bound by any actions taken pi ace during this sseeting, Point of information by Eugero Belin. written notice vas given to each Senator 2h hour? prior i,o the Special Senate meeting by a notification writ-tea and placed in each Senator's mailbox by Val Buhecker. Call for the question by A1 tfinghasi Seconded by Sue Deesia Motion carries Main motion before the floor carries. Ray Carrillo submitted the Organisations md Candidates Screening By-Law to the By-Law Committee, Motion by Marie Shea to remove from table ;ne Appropriations Committee report of December !?» 1971*. Seconded by A1 Kinghem Motion earrics, 2 abstain Motion "by Marie Shea to accept the Appropriations Commit tee Report of December 17, 197^. Seconded by A1 Kingham Discussion Motion by Barbara Alford to adjourn until clarification of the legality of this meeting is determined. Seconded by Sean HcVey Motion defeated, 2 yes, 13 no, k abstain Disctisaion Amendment to the action by Eugene Belin to delete, "Transfer $300 from Matching Organizations Fund to the Magasine Account to he paid back fro® the Ad Revenues.v Seconded by Kevin Coe Amendment motion carries unanimously Amendment to the motion by Graeme Carey to change Ttesi 1 to "Transfer $1,000 from the Contingency Account to the YELL Account" from "Transfer $2,000 from the Contingency Account to the YELL Account." Seconded by Ray Carrillo Discussion The Chair 3tated it voulfl require a simple majority to approve •che- amendment in accordance with the Parliamentarian. Discussion Motion by Bai'bara Alford to send the report back to the Appropriations Committee no the Committee can determine a more accurate figure that the YELL needs. Seconded by John Carrillo Discussion Call for the question by Rafael Lara Seconded by A1 Kiaghara Motion carries Motion before the floor defeated, 3 yea, 13 mo. 3 abstain Amendment motion before the floor defeated. 6 yes, 11 no, 3 abstain Main motion before the floor carries Motion by Eugene Belin to enact the Appropriations Committee Report as amended by the Senate. Seconded by Richard Gntierres Motion carries, 16 yes, 3 no Motion by RosaJLynn Rasiey once quorum has been established at the beginning of a meeting, at any time during that meeting if the Presiding Officer excuses a saember, the meeting vill continue to be in effect until adjourned. Seconded by Marie Shea Amendment by Curtis Haggard once poraia has "bean established the majority vote required at that tii-ie t?ouId coatinue through-out the meeting until adjournffient. Seconded by Richard Gutierres Discussion on amendment Aaendaent tfitfeArcrsrn "by Cart is Haggard Second withdrawn toy Richard Gutierrez Call for fch© question by Rafael Lara Seconded by A1 Kinghaa Motion carries Main motion "before the floor carries unanimous \.y Motion by Sugeae Bella where a specific ration of Senate aeaberahip present is required to enact legislations the nuaber of Senators required shall not be reduced when members are erensed. Seconded by A1 Xinghaa Discussion Call for the question by Rafael Lara Seconded by Dave Elfcins Motion carries Main action before the floor carries unanimously The Chair subsisted the 197U/75 Revised Judy Bayley Theatre Budget to the Appropriations CoRaittee. Motion by Marie Shea for inforaal discission Seconded by &i Kinghan Motion carries (A1 Kinghais m ©accused) The Senate held a lengthy discussion on the Carli«/Rankin Contract. Motion by Curtis Haggard to close informal discussion. SessondeS by Save Slkins Motion carries Motion by 3a?o Elkias to send for the Carlin/Rankin Contract Seconded by Marie Shea Motion carries unanimously Motion by Rafael Lara to adjourn Seconded by Sue Deeas Motion to adjourn withdrawn by Rafael Lara Seconded withdrawn by Sue Uaems Motion by Rafael Lara to appropriate $500 froa Matching Organisation Funds for the Chsaber Singers tour on 3/2k~29/75. Seconded by Richard Gutierrea Motion calories H i Motion by Sugene Belin to rescind the disapproval of recognisinp C.AoH.P. and Cass put; for Christ at the last Senate Meeting of 2/18/75. Seconded "by Rosalyan Hastey Motion carries Motion by Eagen© Bclin to approve G.A.E.P. and Campus Crusade for Christ as recognised C3UH Organisations. Seconded by Sean MeVey The Chair recognised the Parliamentarian who stated that in accordance vith State >uai-r, religions cervices cannot be bald on c&rapas. Sean McVey requested religions organisations which "beet: recognised by C8TH? be notified o.C this State Lara* Diseusoion Call for the ties by Rafael Lara- Seconded by Dave Bl&ino Motion eas?ries 'Mais aotion before the floor carries, 10 yes9 5 no* 1 abstain Sean MeVey ncaisated Hal Boatc. fey University College. '.the Chair stated the nest Senate sueetiug is scheduled fc.-r Tuesday, March h, 1975. Motion by Kevin Coe to adjourn Seconded by Dave iSlkins Motion carries Meeting vas a&Jo^ynod at 7:35 P-&. I ELECTION RULES I, Qualifications of Candidates A„ All candidates must be members of CSUH. B. All candidates must have cumulative grade point average of 2.0, II. Filing A. Piling dates for all candidate® vill be March 3-13» 1975. B. All candidates aust complete an application for®. C. All candidate* must sank® a $10 deposit which vi.ll he returned after the electionv provided they comply with the election rules and reaove all posters and materials by April 14, 19T5. P. So vrite-in candidates will he permitted, III. Tiae of Elections A. Priaary Elections vill he held March 18 & 19, 1JT5. B» General Elections will he held April 8 * 9 , 19?5. C. The election polls ttill be open from 9 to fc p.m. IV. Campaigni»g A. Candidates aay begin hanging posters and distributing campaign materials after they have officially filed for office. B. During official campaigning, signa and posters vill be allowed on campus EXCEPT; 1. So posters vill he permitted on any painted surface, 2. Ho posters vill be permitted on any glass surface. 3. He posters vill be permitted on surfaces of aatal composition 4. So poster* vill be permitted inside, or on the exterior surface of the library. 5. Ho stakes in the ground vill be allowed in landscaped areas. 6. All poster* must be approved by the Director of Student Activities before being posted. C. ALL candidates will be held responsible for any statements they print against another candidate. The elections board will investigate all complaints made by candidates and students concerning any campaign propaganda being distributed on campus. D. On the two days of voting, distribution of fret aerchandise by candidatefe vill not be allowed, E. Ho caap&igning or campaign materials vill he permitted within 50 feet of the polls on election days. It will he enforced* Vc Voting Procedure A. In order to vote, C3US members ssust present their picture ID card, Bo The voters nane aiust be on the IBM list. Co If a voter has lost his XD card be aust get authorisation from Dt. Dean Black, Director of Student Union. VIo Additional Information Any infraction of these rales by a candidate and/or member of his supporters aay result in the removal of that candidates came froa the ballot. Bis removal will be decided upon by the Elections Board in an open hearing., The YELL shall not endorse soy candidate for any political office, Proposed Constitutional Ammendmenfc bill sponsor, Curtis Haggard to change: Article V, 1, E The President shall 2HOH%XS3£HBgZ329HiiB3ES appoint the members to Joint Student Faculty committees. The President shall nominate the members of all C8UN Senate standing and ad hoc committees and appoint the chair-man of the Moyer Student Union Board, Activities and Eledtion Boards. All nominations and appointments outlined in this paragraph must hare Senate Approval. To read: The President shall appoint the members to Joint Student Faculty committeee. The president and Senate 3 of all CSUN Senate standing appoint the chairman of the Moyer Student Union Board, Activities and Election Boards. All nominations and appointments outlined in this paragraph must have Senate Approval. Submitted before the Senate: 2-26-75.