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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, July 16, 1974






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 3 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000057. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    AGENDA SENATE MEETING f! 6 TUESDAY, JULY 16 , lO^k Call to Order Roll Call Approval of Minutes Committee Reports Appropriations Committee By-Law Committee Screening Committee Student Bill of Rights Committee Old Business CSUN Lawyer Budget - ^2,000 Election of Presidential Nomination Justice - Marc Ilechter Library Committee Approval of Contract - Harrison & Tyler Vote on By-Law New Business President's salary - 5100 Editor's salary - $100 Presidential nominations Student Service Contract Board of Regents' Resolution - Law School Information Board of Regents' Meeting - July 26, 197^ Next Senate Meeting - July 30, 197^ at 5 P SENATE MEETING #6 TUESDAY, JULY 16, 197U I. Meeting was called to order at 5:10 p.m. II. Roll call was taken. III. Minutes Motion by Rafael Lara to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Seconded by Carl Collins Motion passed unanimously IV. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Committee Eugene Belin submitted the Business Office Report as of June 28, 1971*. Mr. Belin stated the $2,000 budget allotted for retaining a Lawyer had been approved. B. By-Law Committee Rafael Lara stated the first By-Law Committee meeting would be held at the end of Senate Meeting #6 and Mr. Tofano's By-Law would be submitted to the Senate at its next meeting. C. Screening Committee Carl Collins reported Marc Hechter was eligible to run for Justice. D. Student Bill of Rights Committee John Tofano reported a meeting would be set up in the near future for the Student Bill of Rights Committee. V. Old Business A. CSUN Lawyer Budget - $2,000 Motion by Carl Collins to approve the CSUN Lawyer Budget of $2,000. Seconded by Curtis Haggard Discussion Call for the question by Curtis Haggard Seconded by Carl Collins Passed unanimously Main motion to approve the CSUN Lawyer Budget of $2,000. Motion passed, 18 yes, 1 abstain 1 B. Election of Presidential Nominations 1. Judicial Board Hotion l>y John Tofano to approve !larc Hechter as Justice. Seconded by John Rice Motion passed, l6 yes, 1 no, 2 abstain 2. Library Committee Motion by Carl Collins to approve Shirley Lindsey, Gale Geer and Carol Stapleton as the Library Committee. Seconded by John Tofano Motion passed, 18 yes, 1 abstain C. Approval of Contract - Harrison & Tyler Motion by John Tofano to accept the contract for Harrison and Tyler, to be presented August 1, 197^. Seconded by Rafael Lara. Discussion (Craig Ball and Snirley Lindsey took their seats.) Call for the question by John Tofano Seconded by Carl Collins Passed unanimously Main motion to accept the contract for Harrison and Tyler, to be presented August 1, 197^. Motion passed, 18 yes, 1 no, 2 abstain VI. New Business A. President's Salary The floor was waived to Val Buhecker at wuich time he made his petition for a $25 increase in his monthly salary. Motion by Carol Stapleton to increase the President's salary by $25 per month. Seconded by John Goris Discussion Call for the question by John Tofano Seconded by Carl Collins Passed unanimously Main motion to increase the President's salary by $25 per month. Motion passed, 20 yes, 1 abstain 2 B. Editor's Salary- Motion by Carl Collins to set the Editor's salary at OlOO per month for the ly7^/75 school year. Seconded by John Goris Motion passed, 13 yes, 5 abstain C. Presidential Nominations 1. I.C.A.C. - Joe Ingersol, Tom Jones and Tom Pugh 2. Screening Committee - Chairman Carl Collins, Raymond Carrillo and Rafael Lara 3. Appropriations Committee - Gale Geer D. Student Service Contract The floor was waived to Val Buhecker at which time he presented the sample Housing Booklets containing various informational items for the students, prepared by Barron Publications, Inc. Tne Chair submitted the contract between CSUN and Barron Publications, Inc. to the Senate for their approval. E. Board of Regents' Resolution - Law School Guest speaker, Dr. Ralph Roske of UNLV presented his petition for a resolution promoting a Law School in the State of Nevada. Discussion Motion by John Tofano to send a resolution to the Board of Regents promoting a Law Scaool in tne State of Nevada. Seconded by Carl Collins Discussion Amendment to the motion to adopt the resolution: WHEREAS WE THE SENATE BEING DULY ELECTED AS REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA-LAS VEGAS DO OFFICIALLY ENDORSE IN THE FORM OF THIS RESOLUTION THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A LAW SCHOOL ON THIS CAMPUS AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE TIME, to be sent to the Board of Regents. Seconded by Rafael Lara Subsidiary amendment by Eugene Belin to require a vote by acclamation. Seconded by Rafael Lara Call for the question by Carl Collins Seconded by Curtis Haggard Passed unanimously Amendment to the main motion passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at G:h5 p.m. 3 SENATE MEETING #6 TUESDAY, JULY l6, 1971* PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS I.C.A.C, SCREENING COMMITTEE Joe Ingersol Tom Jones Tom Pugh Ch. Carl Collins Raymond Carrillo Rafael Lara APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE Gale Geer (Senator) OTHER COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS NEEDED EXECUTIVE AD HOC UNIVERSITY COMMUTES Student Services 3 Positions Academic Standard - 3 Positions Academic Council 3 it Code 1 " Day Care Board 2 it Traffic Committee - 3 Mass Communications- 1 Curriculum 2 Library 1 SENATE AD HOC Grievance 3 Constitutional 5 Positions Financial Aid 3 EXECUTIVE AD HOC COMMITTEES (VOTE OF CONFIDENCE) Lobbying Committee Yes No Ab. Mass Comm. Board Yes No Ab . Ch. Ron Nold Carol Stapleton Barbara Alford David Elkins Richard Barozzi — Jill Novak (Ex Off. non-voting) Shirley Lindsey Centennial Comm. Yes No Ab . Publicity Comm. Ch. Debra Cohen Mike Navarro Serge McCabe Yes No Ab. Ch.Curtis Haggard Kevyn Dui-Iay John Rice Pat 0'Dea Emergency Loan Yes No Ab . Mike Petrie Day Care Board Yes No Ab. Ch. Howard Needham_ Ron Arnoldsen Rod Daye — Jill Novak (Ex-Off. non-voting) Lynn Squires — Recommendations to Dr. Baeple r for Fine Arts Council Yes No Ab. Mike•Navarro Joe Karaffa —