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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, November 15, 1973






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 2 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000040. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    AGENDA SENATE MEETING #18 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1973 5:00 p.m. Call to Order Roll Call Minutes Committee Reports Old Business Senate Approval for Presidential Appointments Appropriations - Ron Nold & Carl Collins Union Board - Bill Callahan Activities Board - Steve Hammel & Suzzie Hollingsworth Screening Committee - Gary Lapin, Terry Marren, Jim Bekaert & Doug Jeffery New Business Request by University Senator for CSUN Senate Sanction for open meetings. Other Business Information Adj ournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA LAS VEGAS MINUTES OF SENATE MEETING #18 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1973 I. The meeting was called to order at 5:10 p.m. II. Roll Call was taken. III. Minutes A) Corrections to the minutes of senate meeting #17 1. Pg. 1 - By=law #5 (concerning the salaries of the senators) failed The vote should have been 8 yes 9 no instead of 9 yes 8 no. 2. Pg. 3 - Delete University Senate nomination of Marc Hechter. B) Motion by Marc Hechter to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Hank Eilers Motion passed unanimously - minutes accepted IV. All senators are to submit class schedules so that a definite meeting time can be scheduled. V. Committee Reports A) There will be a constitutional committee meeting on Saturday after-noon at 1 p.m. at the Rebel House #lt8. B) Report by Dick Torres on the cost of the concert, (see attached #1). Subtracting the deficit from the $22,500 budget, leaves $18,056 left in the budget for concerts. Mr. Torres also stated that 1000 student tickets had been expected to be sold and that it was the general public that did not turn out as expected; and had students tickets been sold at $5.00 (as the promoters do) we would have only spent approximately $1000.. Steve Hammel stated that Ken Moultry of KLUC has admitted that he would take a part of the blame due to the policies of the convention center. Rick Aniello pointed out that we could talk about this all night but what is done is done. The important thing is that it does not happen agai n . Mr. Torres presented figures that concert* last year lost $8000 and that the money in the budget for concerts should be spent on concerts. IchJL^ 3LcOD VI. Old Business A) Approval of presidential appointments Various questions were directed to the nominees. Call for the question by Dick Torres Seconded by Danny Barnett Question passed Results of voting: Appropriations: Ron Nold (l^ yes, U no, 2 abstain) Carl Collins (12,7,1) Union Board: Bill Callahan (l8,l,l) Activities: Steve Hammel (15,0,5) Suzzie Hollingsworth (15,3,2) Screening: Terry Marren (13,2,5) Jim Bekaert (12,2,6) Doug Jeffery (15,1,^) Gary Lapin (10,U,6) All candidates accepted Page 2+ VII. New Business A) Request by University Senator Tom Cook for CSUN sanction for open meetings (see attached #2) Motion by Val Buhecker to give sanction. Seconded by Marc Hechter Motion passed unanimously Dick Torres recommended that if Mr. Cook presents this to the University Senate and they do not approve it, CSUN be notified immediately. The next University Senate meeting is Tuesday, November 20th at 12 noon. B) Val Buhecker presented a by-law on the Day Care Center Board to be submitted to the By-Laws Committee (see attached #3). C) Hank Eilers requested the resignation of Ken Baxter and as of his resignation he no longer can incur debts for CSUN. He stated that the opinion page of the YELL has been little more than a front for incorrect facts. Examples: 1) "Less than 1000 CSUN students went to the concert" (Nov. 13th- 'The Guess Who A Post Mortem') - Mr. Eilers stated that this can be proved invalid by ticket sales. 2) "...over 6,500 people are taking classes at UNLV is not so hot"- Only approximately 3900 are CSUN members. 3) "Why then is everyone in student government walking around with self-satisfied grins on their faces?"-Mr. Eilers stated "I contend that this is a baldfaced lie." 1*) "...they freely admitted that they did not know what they were doing" - Mr. Eilers stated that he knew of no one in student government who would admit to saying this. 5) Oct. 12th 'Ho Hum CSUN Election Time' - "Seven Senators will take office merely by having their names on the ballot. Three more will have to be appointed after the elections since no one filed for the position." - If anyone took the time to read the election rules or the constitution they would know this is not true - any write in can win. 6) Mr. Eilers stated that it is not only CSUN that has been effected but also the Sugarbabes and the Yell Leaders. Specifically on Oct. 2nd. Terry Marren stated that there are problems with the paper but it is amazing how university students can be appalled by censorship in some areas but want to censor by this effort. 'Opinion' is a form for the editor or his representative to institute thought and reac-tion into students. Asking for Mr. Baxter's resignation is goinO too far. J Steve Hammel pointed out that what they want are the facts. In 'CSUN Brings Guess Who to Convention Center' the statement "the average age of the concert-goers in the 2/3 full hall was probably 13 to 16"; according to Lt. Tom Biggs of Metropolitan police the average age was between l6 and 18. Danny Barnett pointed out that Mr. Waddilove (who wrote 'Guess Who A Post Mortem') was not even in attendance. Cheryl Frazier would like to open the floor to Ken Baxter. Page 3+ Mr. Baxter stated that he would like to go through point for point. Regarding 'Ho Hum CSUN Election Time' Pat Denley pointed out that he was just trying to show his concern for the apathy on campus. Ron Nold - point of order - Editor takes final responsibility for everything in his paper so he should answer any questions. M r . Baxter pointed out that everyone reads into the paper what they want to read and that professional people have read this and did not read what CSUN read. These are the problems of journalism. Steve Hammel asked Mr. Baxter if he was pro-CSUN and Mr. Baxter stated that he would not be the editor of the paper if he was not. Mr. Baxter pointed out that at least 60% of the Yell's budget is ad revenue. Regarding Mr. Waddilove's non attendance at the concert - Mr. Baxter stated that there were seven reporters there and they all discussed the concert and Mr. Waddilove (who is the Yell's best editorial writer) wrote the story. Regarding "they freely admitted they did not know what they were doing" Hank Eilers asked who is "they". Ken Baxter replied that the week before the concert, Troy Newberry had said several times that he did not know what was going on. Mr. Baxter also stated that Dan Wade when questioned regarding a payment to the convention center did not have a reply. The air seemed to be one of confusion. Hank Eilers - point of order - The question has been avoided. The Chair notified John Tofano if there was another outburst of profanity he would be asked to leave. Ron Nold - point of order - These questions cannot be fully cleared since Troy Newberry is not here to explain. The Chair suggested refraining from the use of Troy Newberry's name until he is present. Steve Hammel questioned if Mr. Baxter made the decision not to print on his own. Mr. Baxter replied that he did not, that he consulted others on the staff and that it was done for the sake of trust with the printers. Cheryl Frazier stated that although the paper does receive financial support from CSUN, does that make them our puppets. Motion by Bill Callahan for a three minute recess. Seconded by Marc Hechter Motion passed. Three minute recess. Meeting was called back to order. Motion by Steve Hammel to sanction the request for the resignation of Ken Baxter. Page 1+ Seconded by Joe Ward Request for secret ballot by Marc Hechter. Motion by Eugene Belin to table. Seconded by John Tofano. Cheryl Fr.azier stated that the editor should not be responsible for the opinion of a writer. Call for the question by Dick Torres Seconded by Steve Hammel Question passed unanimously Vote on motion to table - U yes 11 no 5 abstain - motion fails. Call for the question by Dick Torres Seconded by Marc Hechter Question passed - 19 yes 1 no Vote on motion to sanction (secret ballot) - Motion passed. (Counting of ballots was witnessed by Chief Justice Peggy Mullen) VIII. Other Business A) Suggestion by Terry Marren to put on the minutes when the next meeting will be. The Chair pointed out that arrangements will be made for each senator to have a mailbox in the CSUN office. B) Motion by Cheryl Frazier to have a committee investigate the expenditures of the activities board. Seconded by Joe Ward. Discussion on the Justification of this motion. Hank Eilers - point of order - The constitution states that it is the responsibility of the appropriations committee to make investi-gation. Motion withdrawn with stipulation that appropriations look into this immediately. C) Motion by Joe Ward to adjourn Seconded by Marc Hechter Motion passed unanimously D) Announcements 1) Senator Muskie will be at UNLV tomorrow Nov. l6th at 8 p.m. 2) Presidential Search Committee is having a meeting tomorrow with Dr. Nordby (a candidate for the presidency) and all are invited. E) Meeting adjourned at 6:^5 p.m. October 1, 1973 TO: John Moylan, CSUN Vice-President FROM: Tom^^ok, ^University Senator RE: Open Meetings I request that the following be submitted to the Student Senate for approval in order that it may be submitted to the University Senate with CSUN sanction, "All meetings, except while in personnel session, shall be open to the general student body of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The day, time, place and agenda of said meetings shall be published at least hours prior 'to the meeting and shall be done in a manner which will communicate this information to the general student body. The term 'meeting' shall be construed to encompass any and all assem-blages conducted by colleges, schools, departments and committees, either standing or ad hoc, as established by the University Senate, President, or any other body or person so empowered. The substance of all Dersonnel sessions shall be reported to the University Pres-ident or his designated representative within three (3) days of their occurrence." I also request that the Student Senate direct that this matter be presented to the Board of Regents for adjudication if the Univer-sity Senate refuses to take affirmative action.. FOR CSUN BY-LAW COMMITTEE November 14, 1973 DAY CARE CENTER BOARD 1. The Day Care Center Board shall consist of the following members (appointed by the "President and approved by the CSUN senate): a. Two voting CSUN senators. b. Two voting CSUN student-parents whose children use the Day Care Center. c. Two voting CSUN students that hold no elected offices one of which shall serve as chairperson of the board. One UNLV Faculty Representative to serve as an advisor. One UNLV Administrative Representative to serve as an advisor. 2. The chairperson shall call all board meetings and shall vote only in the case of a tie. 3. Quorum shall consist of four of the seven voting members (CSUN Vice President included). 4. It shall be the responsibility of the board to form operating policies and procedures for the Day Care Center. 5. The board must submit to the Senate for approval an operating policy. 6. It shall be the responsibility of the board to seek materials and monies needed to maintain and build up the Day Care Center. 7. The Board shall be required to submit their yearly budget to the President who in turn shall submit it to the Senate for approval. 8. The board shall submit monthly reports on expenditures and revenues to the CSUN Senate. 9. The Day Care Center Board shall be responsible for the hiring and the director of the Day Care Center. Resvectfullu Submitted. Val S. Buhecker Senator, College of Education < CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA LAS VEC-Ao EMERGENCY SENATE MEETING NOVEMBER ,.<}, 1973 5 :OQ p a. I. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. II. Roll Call was taken. III. Minutes Motion by Marc Hechter to dispense with the reading of the minutes Seconded by Carl Collins Correction by Dick Torres on page 1 section VB paragraph U should read "...figures that one concert last year lost approximately $8000.? Minutes approved as corrected IV. Motion by Marc Hechter to accept proposal to establish an impartial CSUN publications commission. Seconded by Joe Ward. With this motion Mr. Hechter submitted proposed guidelines for this commission, (see attached) Discussion on the guidelines 1) Dick Torres pointed out that according to our present constitution the students-at-large could not hold a two year term if appointed by the president. 2) Hank Eilers questioned if by 'autonomous body' this would mean the senate would relinquish all power to dismiss someone on the staff of the newspaper. Mr. Hechter replied this is what he would like to see. Mr. Eilers also questioned where would the commission get the funding. Mr. Hechter stated that funding would still be supplied by CSUN and that if the commission were to lead to its own funding, this would be a matter for the Board of Regents. 3) Dan Wade pointed out that under our present constitution, this commission is the only way to solve our problems. In the new constitution, which is being written, open ends are being left for CSUN publications to make suggestions on possibility of CSUN publications or UNLV publications as an entity of their own. Possibly they could go to the regents and ask that of the $1^ fee collected, $1.50 could be set aside for publications. Mr. Wade also formally acknowledged that as President he has let this situation get out of hand, but hopes with this commission this can be handled fairly. Call for the question by Dick Torres Seconded by Marc Hechter Question passed unanimously Marc Hechter requested roll call vote on main motion. Page 2 Results: 10 yes 1 no > sustain Becker yes Aniello abstain Barnett abstain Torres abstain Callahan yes Crazier yes Hechter yes Jeffery yes Marren yes Tofano no Buhecker yes Ward yes Collinc Cuellar Eilers Engeihardt Motion by Marc Hechter to adjourn Seconded by Bill Callahan Motion passed unanimously Meeting vr..» adjourned at 5:^5 p.m. yes yes abstain abstain fHE "ZXT StfiATE MEETIN3 WILL RE T H U R S D A Y , DECEMBER 1973 at 5 p.m. STUDENT UNION LOUNGE 20 3 TO: CONSOLIDATED STUDENT SENATE FROM: MARC HECHTER, SENATOR: COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS SUBJ : PROPOSED SXXtXH I. THIS IS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CSUN PUBLICATIONS COMMISSION. II. THE COMMISSION, UPON INAUGUARATION, SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FUNCTIONING OF ALL CSUN PUBLICA-TIONS; FOR THE SETTING OF POLICY; AND FOR THE HIRING AND TERMINATION OF THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF. III. THIS COMMISSION SHALL ALSO BE EMPOWERED TO ENACT ANY OTHER POLICY OR SUBCOMMISSION DEEMED NECESSARY AND PROPER FOR THE OPERATION OF CSUN PUBLICATIONS. IV. THIS COMMISSION SHALL CONSIST OF: i-) - - THE- FRESIB-ENT- -OF- 2) THE PRESIDENT OF CSUN 3) ONE CSUN SENATOR U) ONE JOURNALISM PROFESSIONAL 5) ONE PUBLICATIONS' STAFF MEMBER 6) TW-0 STUDENTS-AT-LARGE THREE THREE THE CSUN SENATOR AND THE W © STUDENTS-AT-LARGE WILL BE APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF CSUN, WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE SENATE. THE STUDENTS AT LARGE WILL BE APPOINTED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PUBLICATIONS. THE SENATOR WILL SERVE FOR THE DURATION OF HIS ELECTED TERM. THE STUDENTS-AT-LARGE WILL SERVE FOR A TWO YEAR TERM; DURING WHICH TIME THEY SHALL HAVE NO OTHER OFFICE WITHIN CSUN GOVERNMENT. THE PROFESSIONAL MEMEBER WILL BE APPOINTED BY THE •J-OUWWHH-fiM- -I-N- -T-HE- •CfiWtfi-WffiH'- -OF- -&f>-B^>C-H— PRESIDENT OF CSUN IN CONJUNCTION WITH PUBLICATIONS. THE PUBLICATIONS' STAFF MEMBER SHALL BE APPOINTED BY THE OTHER STAFF MEMBERS WITH THE ADVISE AND CON-SENT OF THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF. V. THIS COMMISSION SHALL BE AN AUTONOMOUS BODY, TO IN-SURE THE PROTECTION OF THE PRESS, THE GOVERNMENT, AND TO PERMIT A FREE DISSEMINATION OF IDEAS.