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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 30, 1979






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 8 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000024. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    AGENDA SENATE MEETING #Zk October 30, 1979 Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #23 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Judicial Council Member, Jeff Wild (vote) (Appointment to be Effective November 1, 1979) B. Publications Board Member, Lisa Riley C. Student Representative on the Academic Vice President Search Committee VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board B. Entertainment & Programming Board C. Organizations Board D. Elections Board E. Bylaws Committee F. P.E.F. Committee G. Energy Committee VII. Old Business A. Amendment to Bylaw #6, Senator Martinez, Business & Economics (See Attached.) B. Outstanding Senator Award 1. Pam Roberts 2. Jeff Wild 3. David Martinez Marty Burzinski VIII. New Business IX. Open Discussion A. Presentation, International Cultural Society, Rosa Guardia-Diaz X. Adjournment Because time is of the essence, in the event a vacancy-exists for a senatorial office which has no designated successor and a general election has been held for that office, then , that canfidate which has receivdf^the ^ajority^' of the popular vote, if not an incumbant, in the aforementioned general election shall be immediately appointed , by the Senate-resident , to fill the aforementioned vacancy. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #24 October 30, 1979 Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order The twenty-fourth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by the Senate President at 4:00 p.m. in Lounge 203 of the Moyer Student Union Building. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Bill Haldeman Ron Deems (excused late) Marie Ropell Kelly Campbell Carol Tarpley Nina Ross Cindy Simia Seth Willick Dorothy Halpin "Skip" Kelley Jeff Wild Nick San toro Sandy Williams Absent None Ray Corbett Marty Burzinski Chuck Weinberger Dave Craddock (excused late) Pam Roberts David Martinez III. Approval of Minutes #23 Chuck Weinberger corrected the Minutes to Senate Meeting #23 on Page No. 5, Paragraph two to delete everything after $1,280. There were no further corrections to the Minutes of Senate Meeting #23, therefore, they stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements Radio Station President Campbell informed the Senate that the on-campus radio station is ready to go on the air, but Bill Saxton doesn't want to go on the air until he feels that the quality of the announcing is adequate. He is also waiting for some technical things to get done. President Campbell further informed the Senate that last week he attended the Clark County School Board Meeting asking them to withdraw their appeal for the call letters and he informed the Senate that the Board thanked him for coming down and dismissed his presentation. President Campbell informed the Senate that he received a letter from Dr. Goodall concerning a student representative to a committee concerned with the study of Continuing Education, and he informed the Senate that the Executive Board has appointed Greg McKinley to that position. (Dave Craddock arrived at 4:06 p.m. - excused.) Basketball Tickets President Campbell informed the Senate of the way basketball tickets were distributed for the last two years, and he is proposing on combining the two methods this year. He is proposing on raffling off 300 tickets and the rest will be sold as they were last year. He informed the Senate that they will sell the tickets the day before the game both in the Student Union and the Athletic Department, and the day of the game they will be selling them only at the Athletic Department. If all of the student seats are not Minutes - Senate Meeting #24 October 30, 1979 Page 2 sold by 7:30 p.m. the evening of the game the Athletic Department will have the privilege of selling those seats to the general public. He further informed the Senate that most of the student seats will be located in sections four through thirteen of the Convention Center Rotunda. He further informed the Senate that we have 218 seats on the floor and 782 in the balcony. (Ron Deems arrived at 4:07 p.m. - excused.) Much discussion took place on this and Dave Craddock moved for a Vote of Confidence for President Campbell to go ahead a negotiate with the Ahtletic Department for no more than 300 of the student seats to be raffled off and the rest be sold on a game-by-game basis, was seconded, and passed with one abstention. Vice President Wyman informed the Senate that she needs all of the Law School petitions back by Thursday because she will be leaving that evening for the Board of Regents Meeting which will be held in Reno. The Senate President informed the Senate to withdraw Item A under Open Discussion from the Agenda. The Senate President thanked all of those Senators who would not be returning to the Senate next week and she commended them for the good job they have done. V. Executive Board Nominations A. Judicial Council Member, Jeff Wild (vote) (Appointment to be Effective November 1, 1979) "Skip" Kelley moved to approve Jeff Wild as a member of the Judicial Council, and was seconded. Discussion took place and a vote was taken on the main motion for approval which passed with one opposed. Vice President Wyman informed the Senate that there are still seats open on the Judicial Council so if anyone is interested, please apply. B. Publications Board Member, Lisa Riley Pam Roberts moved to approve Lisa Riley as a member of the Publications Board, was seconded, and passed with one opposed. C. Student Representative on the Academic Vice President Search Committee President Campbell nominated Dorothy Halpin as the student representative on the Academic Vice President Search Committee, was seconded, and passed unanimously. VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board There was no report of the Appropriations Board, however, the Senate was informed that the next meeting of the Appropriations Board will be held on November 15, Thursday, at 1:30 p.m. B. Entertainment S Programming Board Dave Gist read the Minutes of the last Entertainment & Programming Board Meeting. Cindy Simia moved to approve those minutes as read, was seconded, and stood approved. Dave Gist informed the Senate that there was a dance Minutes - Senate Meeting #24 October 30, 1979 Page 3 tonight. He further informed the Senate that there would no movie tomorrow, but there would be one Thursday entitled "Quintet." He further informed the Senate that Saturday night Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity will be sponsoring a Thanksgiving Dance and the idea behind the dance is to get food to donate to the needy people in the community. Mr. Gist informed the Senate that there are two Senate openings on the Entertainment & Programming Board. C. Organizations Board Dave Gist read the Minutes of the last Organizations Board Meeting. Pam Roberts moved to approve those Minutes as read, was seconded, and they stood approved. D. Elections Board Carol Tarpley read the Minutes of the last Elections Board meeting held on Tuesday, October 23. Carol Tarpley moved to approve those Minutes as read, was seconded, and they stood approved. E. Bylaws Committee Bill Haldeman read the Minutes of the last Bylaws Committee Meeting. Marie Ropell moved to approve those Minutes as read, and was seconded. "Skip" Kelley corrected the Minutes noting that he did not move to adjourn the meeting, but that Seth Willick made that motion. The Minutes stood approved. F. S.E.F. Committee Marty Burzinski read the Minutes of the last S.E.F. Committee Meeting held on October 30, 1979. Marty Burzinski moved to approve those Minutes as read, was seconded, and they stood approved. G. Energy Committee Vice President Wyman read the Minutes of the last Energy Committee Meeting. Pam Roberts moved to approve those minutes as read, was seconded, and stood approved. H. Vice President Wyman informed the Senate of a tentative Agenda she has set up for the Governmental Workshop which is set up for a tentative date of December 1, 1979. She further Informed the Senate that if anyone would like to assist her with this or even conduct a lecture, please let her know. David Martinez request that next week both the Day Care and Hotline reports be placed on the Agenda. VII. Old Business A. Amendment to Bylaw #6, Senator Martinez, Business & Economics David Martinez moved to replace the amendment to Bylaw #6 attached to the Agendas with the one given to the Senators by the Bylaws Committee, and to approve this amendment, was was seconded. Discussion took place and David Martinez moved to amend the amendment to Bylaw #6 by replacing the word majority with plurality, was seconded, and passed unanimously. Cindy Simia called for the question, was seconded, and passed unanimously. A vote was then taken on the main to motion to approve the amendment to Bylaw #6 as amended which passed with one opposed. The Senate President asked Dave Levins to take a place at the Senate table. Minutes ~ Senate Meeting ft24 October 30, 1979 Page 4 B. Outstanding Senator Award 1. Pam Roberts 2. Jeff Wild 3. David Martinez 4. Marty Burzinski A Run Off vote was taken to eliminate two of the candidates by way of secret ballot. Pam Roberts received seven votes, Jeff Wild received ten votes, David Martinez and Marty Burzinski received no votes, and there were three abstentions. A vote was then taken by secret ballot to decide who the recipient of the Outstanding Senator Av/ard would be and Jeff Wild won the Award by receiving eleven votes, Pam Roberts received seven votes and there was one abstention. President Campbell moved to approve Jeff Wild as Outstanding Senator of the Year by unanimous consent, was seconded, and passed uanimously. Dave Craddock moved to give the other three candidates, Pam Roberts, David Martinez, and Marty Burzinski a "Done Good" Award, was seconded, and passed unanimously. VIII. New Business There was no New Business. IX. Open Discussion Vice President Wyman informed the Senate about the International Cultural Society. She informed the Senate that the next Meeting of the International Cultural Society will be held within a couple of weeks and she further informed the Senate that they will be holding meetings both in the daytime and the evenings to accomodate more people. If anyone has any input or would like to find out more about this society please contact Rosa Diaz. The International Cultural Society will be receiving a box as soon as they get recognized. Bill Haldeman moved to adjourn, was seconded, and failed. Jeff Wild informed the Senate that the elections are certified, not the candidates. Dave Craddock inquired about the festivities of the International Cultural Society, and was informed that an article will be coming out in the Yell giving this information. Ray Corbett thank all of the Senators who will not be returning to the Senate. Marty Burzinski informed the Senate that the S.E.F. Committee is going to need alot of people to help administer the evaluation. He hopes that the Senators will help him with his. He thinks he will need an excess of 60 people to perform this task which will also include collecting the evaluation forms. Pam Roberts informed the Senate that there will be a Financial Aid Committee Meeting held on November 1 in the Humanities Building. Pam Roberts moved to a "Done Good" award for Nina Ross for doing an outstanding job on the Entertainment Showcases, was seconded, and passed unanimously. Minutes - Senate Meeting #24 October 30, 1979 Page 5 Carol Tarpley informed the Senate that the Grievance Committee will he holding a Meeting soon. Dave Craddock informed the Senate that he is trying to get input on the proposed changes in the grading policy from his constituents. Chuck Weinberger informed the Senate that he hopes that the Withdrawal Policy is disapproved because he feels that it will be taking away the students' rights by telling them when they can or cannot drop a class. X. Adjournment There was no further business, therefore, the twenty-fourth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate adjourned at 5:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Respectfully prepared by: Lorraine Alderman Senate President Rene Bernier Senate Secretary Amendment' to By-Law #6 (The Martinez Amendment) II. In the events that a vacancy exists in a Senate Seat and an election has been held fox that office, then the candidate who has received the majority of the popular vote, if not an incumbant, shall be appointed immediately, by the Senate President, to fill the aforementioned vacancy. (Old paragraph II becomes Paragraph III.) LAS VEGAS Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 MEMORANDUM October 12, 1979 TO: Dr, Leonard E, Goodall, President FROM; Mary Jane Van Vactor, Faculty Senate Chairman RE: Senate Recommendation for Withdrawal Policy Attached is a copy of the withdrawal policy the Senate approved April 24, 1979. X regret that the recommendation was not forwarded to your office at that time, for the Senate had desired approval and implementation as soon as possible. MJW/ms cc: S,C,Bhatnagar, Chairman Academic Standards Committee Lorraine Alderman, President CSUN Senate UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, 4505 Maryland Parkway Faculty Senate (702) 739-3689 WITHDRAWAL POLICY DROPPING A COURSE A student may drop a course that meets for a full semester during the first six weeks of a regular semester with the advice of the instructor without a grade' being recorded. This is referred to as the free drop period because no grades are recorded for the dropped courses. Refer to the appropriate class schedule for special directions concerning drop dates for modular courses, short courses, Mini-Term, Continuing Education and Summer School courses. Before the end of the free drop period, the instructor must provide the student with preliminary evaluation of the student's progress. After the end of the free drop period, withdrawals from courses are permitted, with the advice and consent of the instructor, and then only for serious and compelling reasons, such as serious accident or illness. In the case of such a withdrawal, a grade of WP or WF will be recorded by the instructor depending on the student*s standing in the course at the time of withdrawal. No withdrawals will be permitted after the last day of instruction as published in the current class schedule, (See Grades and Examinations.) Approved by Faculty Senate April 24, 1979 MINUTES STUDENT EVALUATION OF FACULTY October 16, 1979 Moyer Student Union 3:00 p.m. I. Call to Order The S.E.F. Meeting was called to order by Marty Burzinski at 3:10 p.m. II. Roll Call Members Present Others in Attendance: Marty Burzinski Sandra Williams Chuck Weinberger (late excused) Corrine Blacket Dave En tier John Pfeiffer "Skip" Kelly (late excused) III. Old Business Marty Burzinski summarized the October 10, 1979 trip to Reno. He informed the Committee that he met with Kevin Hampton, the S.E.F. Chairman in Reno, and they discussed dates for administering the evaluation, number of forms and computer information. Administrative Sub-Coirmittee Chuck Weinberger moved to approve Dave Entler and John Pfeiffer to work on the | ' ^ sub-committee to create a working schedule for the evaluation, was seconded and passed unanimously. Corrine Blacket said that she would be available to help this sub-committee. Computer Report There was no computer report. Publicity Report There was no publicity report. IV. New Business Marty Burzinski informed the Committee that he had received a verbal resignation from Shawn Carder. He also informed the Committee that mailboxes had been secured in the CSUN offices for Committee members. "Skip" Kelly moved to approve Sandra Williams as a member of the Committee, was seconded and passed unanimously. V. Open Discussion Discussion took place regarding the dates to administer the Evaluation. The Committee decided that November 15 s 16, 1979 would be the most feasible dates. Chuck Weinberger said that he is still trying to contact someone in the Computer Department to help him with the mock-up form. ( ( T. Adjournment Due to lack of further business the S.E.F. Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m. M Respectfully Prepared and Submitted, Marty Burzinski, Chairman