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men000280_Bacchanal,menu, pages 3-4


    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    I, CAESAR… <br> will serve proper wine <br> with various courses. <br> VINUM PROPRIUS <br> SERVOSUM CUM <br> ILAS CURSUS <br> <br> <br> JULIUS CAESAR <br> “poulum romanum duabus preacipue rebus annona et spectaculis” <br> “romans are absorbed by two things, feast and show” <br> AUGUSTUS <br> “cena apud me, cena cum convivis, quemquam nescis — gaude <br> epulis et tranquillitate celebri.” <br> “dine with me and my guests, you know not one — enjoy the <br> meal and the crowded solitude.” <br> TIBERIUS <br> “arma optima et cibi rarissimi et vini praeclari — omnes pro <br> legionibus meis…” <br> “The finest armor, rarest of food and choicest of wines, for my <br> legions.” <br> CALIGULA <br> “apud mensam plenam homini rostrum deliges.” <br> “tie the man by the beak to a well-filled table.” <br> CLAUDIUS <br> “coquum verberabo qui cenam meam vitiat.” <br> “i will flog the cook who spoils my dinner.” <br> NERO <br> “quis potest sine offula vivere?” <br> “who is able to live without a snack?” <br> GALBA <br> “vincas, non vincas, amamus.” <br> “win or lose, we love you.” <br> OTHO <br> “vulgoque veritas iam attributa vino est.” <br> “one of the qualities commonly assigned to win is truth.” <br> VITELLIUS <br> “vinum stupefacit acumen — cras dictorum obliviscere.” <br> “the wine obsures my wit — tomorrow remember not what i say.” <br> VESPASIAN <br> “vides quam honesti, quam severi dies” <br> “what honorable days, but what exhausting ones” <br> TITUS <br> “duas tantum res anxius optat, panem et circencese” <br> “they long for two things, bread and circuses” <br> DOMITIAN <br> “decus puellarum, suspirium puellarum” <br> “the butcher of the arena is the breaker of hearts” <br> <br> <br> Page 4 <br> <br> <br> EGO CAESAR, INVITO VOS CENABIS BENE — APUD ME. <br> thus a mighty CAUSAR invites HIS guests to sit at the LOCUS CONSULARIES <br> to share the epicurean treasures gathered for HIM <br> from all the ROMAN EMPIRE <br> <br> <br> TRIMALCHIONIS CONVIVIUM <br> XXXVII.L per caput <br> SEAFOOD On Ice $15.00 per person Additional <br> <br> <br> ANTEPRANDIA MINISTRETUR CUM TUO APERITIVO <br> good goddess tid bits will be served with your aperitif <br> OFFULAEDIVERSAE EX FERCULIS <br> a variety of hors d’oeuvres served from the silver tray <br> DELECTUS DE IURIBUS NOSTRIS <br> tureens of delectable soups <br> UNA PISCATORIA ADMIRATIO, UT NEMO <br> AGNOSCAT QUID MANDUCES <br> a Roman piscatorian delight comes to your table in all its historic glory <br> EMBOLIA CANORA, GRATA AURIBUS <br> a refreshing interlude for your pleasure <br> POMPA PRIMARUM PATINARUM PRO MEO ACUTO <br> PATRONO ET COMMISATIONES DIGNAE <br> DUODECIMIS CAUSARIBUS <br> a parade of gastronomical surprises fit for all of the <br> twelve CAESARS will carry you to heights of ecstasy <br> DE NOSTRIS PROVINCIALIBUS HORTIS VENIUNT <br> HOLERA FAMAE GALLICAE <br> from our provincial gardens come vegetables truly in the Gallic tradition <br> ILLA ACETERIA: EMPEROR AUGUSTUS, ILLE <br> NOBILISSIMUS CAESAR OMNIUM <br> emperor Augustus, the noblest CAESAR of them all <br> <br> <br> EPILOGUS <br> SECUNDAE MENSAE PRO VESTRIS DELECTATIONIBUS <br> ET CASEUS DE EUROPA <br> triumphant frivolities, and fresh fruits to crown your <br> Roman night in the manner of the Gladiators <br> COFFEE NEGRO <br> <br> <br> $37.50 per person <br> CAVIAR Beluga Malassol <br>