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The Diamond Valley property lies just to the east of the surface outcrop of the Columbia Mountainfault,which extends under the property on its dip.Section "B" is a section similar to "A" through the Valley View shaft and the Henry Clay shaft on the Cracker Jack ground. Upon this section the Columbia Mountain fault ore zone has been projectedon an inclination of 28,the general dip of same in territory further south, which appears to agree with facts indicated at the Cracker Jack shaft.The positions of the fault and the geological formations at the surface are accurate but there areno date to determine the exact depths of the andesite and latite under the property and same areshown at depths estimated from conditions exisitng to the south.The Valley View shaft should cut the Columbia Mt.fault ore zone in the neighborhood of 700ft.and atless depth intersect the Valley View vein which should merge with the zone at some point neat the shaft.This shaft should be sunk and development made along this vein at various depths and along the mainchannel or ore zone when intersected. The last material taken from the shaft shows much talc,alunite,and quartz and is probably very close to the vein,in which case it should be penetrated within a veryshort distance in sinking.The Black Diamond vein has an easterly and westerly strike and the strength shown at the surface makes it probable that it,too,will extend to and connect with the main ore zone,such connection forming a means of access of values therefrom. Such connection,however,would be at considerably greater depthat the Diamond shaft than further west. While it is extremely likely that drifts along this veinwould disclose ore shoots extending to within the usual distance from the surface,the Valley Viewvein is much the more likely one to develop on account of its nearness to the Columbia Mt.faultore zone,and with depth attained here workings can be run into the Black Diamond claim.Until developments in the vicinity of the Consolidated demonstrated the system of fissuring in thisregion the conditions were not well understood and for this reason there has not been extensivedevelopment along this line north of the Consolidated. Now,howeve,valuable work is being done in yourdirection. The Booth and Oro companies are doind extensive work on their properties with veryencouraging indications.It must be understood that while this fracture is continuous and almost everywhere contains quartzand other minerals,that commercial ore occurs in this and the fractures above in shoots,and thatconsiderable exploration is necessary to find the ore shoots even after the ledges are encountered.However,since the system is now known,intelligent development is much easier than formerly,and thereis every reason to expect these ore shoots at intervals along the channel and connections,since it is shown that the rising solutions and deposition have extended at least as far north as the Conqueror, and as ore has been found there and a various places southerly therefrom very close to itand along the outcrop of the fault and apparently connected with it.January 14,1915. E.A. Byler