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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mrs. Fitzgerald asked for donations of infants wear to send to the little mother of quadruplets in Cal.She also read a letter from Sister Ann thanking Miss Painter for her thoughtful effort in behalf of the three surviving children.The Treasurer was authorized to send the per capita tax after which Mrs. Mills took the meeting and read a very fine paper on Reconstruction. Her paper being very instructive as well as exceedingly interesting. After singing one verse of America the meeting adjourned.Nellie V. WinklerSec.Mar. 23, 1920.A regular meeting of the "Goldfield Womans Club" was held Thursday Mar. 25 Mrs. Earnest Pres. presiding. There being nine members and two visitors present. After the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, the following order of business was transacted.Treasurer reported that there was $13.80 in the bank. Mrs. Mills reported for the committee on the revision of the by laws and the following motions were made and carried. First, that two directors and Pres. may constitute a quorum.Second, that five members of any called or stated meeting