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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    April 1st - 1907 -The Shakespeare section was most delightfully entertained on Monday afternoon April 1st at the home of Mrs. McCormack, about thirty being present. An interesting program was given and a paper read by Miss Baldwin. Shakespeare in relation to the professions was enjoyed by all. The program was followed by refreshments.S.S. Peer Sec. --April 8th 1907 - The Shakespeare section met Monday April 8th at the home of Mrs. McCormack twenty being present. After the roll call the minutes were read and accepted. Mrs. Miles read a paper on the "Origin and Growth of the Drama." The first act and the second act to the third scene of Antony and Cleopatra were read and discussed.The Club then adjourned.S.S. Peer - Sec. April 15 - 1907 -The Shakespeare Section met April 15th at the residence of Mrs. McCormack. The chairman Mrs. Lockhart being absent, Mrs. Sprague conducted the meeting. Mrs. Hopkins as secretary in the absence of Mrs. Peer, who was ill. 12 members responded to the roll call. A motion was made and carried that the Secretary be empowered to purchase a record book, the same to be paid for, from the Literature Department fund.There was some discussion as to whether quotations, in response to roll call, should be selected from the play being read, or any play. There being no action taken it was left to the ladies to choose any quotation from Shakespeare. The reading of the afternoon was from the 3rd scene of 2nd act to 4th act of Antony and Cleopatra. A character sketch of Mark Antony was read by (Mrs.) Hopkins. Mrs. Annie Hopkins. Sec. pro tem.