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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    read and a short interesting discussion followed.Mrs. Miles was requested by the leader to write a little sketch of Portia for the next meeting.The club then adjourned.Feb. 4th - 1907The Shakespeare Section met at the residence of Mrs. Lockhart, on Monday Feb. 4th fourteen members being present.Mrs. Little resigned as Sec. and Tres. of the Section owing to her leaving Goldfield. Her resignation was accepted with regrets. Mrs. Peer was then elected to take her place.The motion was made by Mrs. McCormack seconded by Mrs. Blanchard, to rescind the motion relating to monthly dues. Carried. The 2nd and 3rd Acts of the Merchant of Venice were read and discussed. A very able paper on Portia was read by Mrs. Miles which she was requested to read at the regular meeting of the club. The Section then adjourned.Feb. 11 - 1907 -The Shakespeare section of the Woman's Club, met at the home of Mrs. Lockhart, Monday Feb. 11th with ten members present. Owing to the absence of the Secretary Mrs. Peer, Mrs. Blanchard acted as secretary pro tem.The Secretary was instructed to order sufficient copies of Julius Caesar for the next book to be read.The Fourth Act of the Merchant of Venice was read and the whole book discussed.Mrs. Lockhart announced that the special meeting of the Shakespeare Club would be held on February 22nd instead of February 18th as she wished the meeting to be a Colonial one. Nothing further coming before the meeting adjournment was in order.Eleanor Blanchard.Sec. pro tem.