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General Washington Mining Company record book, page 8


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    MINUTES OF MEETING OF TEMPORARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE GENERAL WASHINGTON MINING COMPANY.Whereas, on the 3rd day of April, 1907, a charter was issued by the Secretary of State of theState of South Dakota to the General Washington Mining Company, upon articles of incorporation, dulyexecuted and filed pursuant to law, in which articles the following named persons were named as thefirst temporary directors, to serve until the election and qualification of their successors, to-wit: Webb H. Parkison, A. B. Sims, J. M. Jackson, B. W. Morse, and P. L. Dotson, which charter and certified copy of said articles of incorporation are hereto attached, and madea part hereof.Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section No. 421 of the Revised Civil Code of 1903 of said State, at theoffice of said corporation in the Town of Goldfield, State of Nevada, at the hour of 2 P.M., onthe 14th day of April, A.D. 1907, came the said Webb H. Parkison, A. B. Sims, and J. M. Jackson, being amajority of the total number of Directors of said Company, and waiving notice and publication ofnotice, proceeded to the transaction of the following business, to-wit:-Mr. Parkison was chosen temporary chairman, and Mr. Jackson was appointed Secretary of the meeting.The Chairman announced that subscriptions for stock signed by the following persons had beenreceived, to-wit:B. W. Morse and P. L. Dotson, of Pierre, South Dakota, for one share of stock each, andWebb H. Parkison, A. B. Sims and J. M. Jackson of Goldfield, Nevada, each subscribed for certainshares of stock of this company.And by vote it was ordered that said subscriptions for stock be accepted and that said persons andeach of them be declared to be the stockholders of said Company and as such entitled to vote at thefirst and other meetings of the stockholders.