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A.S. Halsted letter to N.A. Williams, Oct. 26, 1922, page 2


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University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

as a matter of policy if Renear made another demand we would have to comply with it and purchase this car. The next day Renear again brought up the question and showed considerable feeling because his former request had not been promptly complied with. We told him that we had arranged for a second-hand packard and he stated that while this would do for the present that he wmust have a brand new seven passenger Lincoln or Cadillac;that while the state had no funds on hand to pay for it, the Governor would see that the company was reimbursed. He thereupon insisted that we get the Packard immediately and telegraph Mr. Comstock to purchase the Lincoln and have it sent overland to Las Vegas with a driver as quickly as possible. The Governor confirmed the understanding in person to Mr. McNamee. I then told Mr. McNamee to purchase the Packard, and this was done. It was turned over to the Governor and Mr. Renear for their use. It was understood that the Packard should remain the company's property, we felt that after the emergency had passed and the State Police had left, the machine could be disopsed of without any great loss. I am perfectlywilling to accept full responsibility for this transaction. At the time that the Packard was purchased I wired Mr. Comstock with respect tothe purchase of the Lincoln, telling him thatwe had bought a second-hand Packard but that the Governor wanted a new machine and that the statewould take it over and ultimately pay for it. Mr. Comstock arranged for the purchase of this car which was shipped to Las Vegas as demanded by Renear. It was always understood, as stated above, the the Lincoln car (2)