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Aug 16 M105


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Form 2191-B TELEGRAM SYMBOL X CLASS OF SERVICE REQUIRED Indicate by X in proper line the class of service required. Do not specify preferred service if other service will answer the purpose.Time filed .M. Px Dx Nx Preferred Immediate delivery Day Delivery during day Night Delivery by next morning38-39 zjxo 9x 9x Los Angeles 152 pmAug 16-22A SXXXXXXX Halsted M-105. FEZWIL {supplies} BIBVEF {badly} DOKGIG {needed} and DOUBT if we couldget FOTHAK {trucks} at litkog. {St Thomas} DAJLIG {Governor} will no doubt get baghyt {Ren} bagzin {ear} buggex {over} there to bazgek {accompany} fothak {trucks} dejban {in}as soon as XX BEFQEB {additional} FENJOP {State} DUSZIK {Police} BETJAF {arrive}Ledvuf {Las Vegas}. BYKFIF {expected} FIXNEX {today}. Orig AM Copy A S H . C-731 W H Comastock 217pm