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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    MT. ODDIE UNITED MINES COMPANY.The MT. ODDIE UNITED MINES adjoin the Halifax on the east, also the Buckeye Belmont and Mizpah Extension on the east, north and south, and consists of 215 acres, having a width of 3600 feet across the vein system, and a length of 4500 feet along its trend. From location, as can be seen by the accompanying photograph, the Verna shaft must furnish one of Tonopah's big sensations. It lies in the heart of what is rapidly proving the richest and most colossal mineral zone in Nevada.The MT. ODDIE UNITED MINES COMPANY is incorporated in Nevada, with a capitalization of 1,000,000 shares, $1.00 each, fully paid up, and non-assessable."Article VIII of the Articles of Incorporation of the MT. ODDIE UNITED MINES COMPANY reads as follows:"* * and the same shall be forever non-assessable; and in all cases, whether said stock shall be sold for money or exchanged for property or services, and whatever rates or prices, shall be issued as fully paid, non-assessable stock.""Section 4, Article VIII, of the General Corporation Law of Nevada, reads as follows:"* * unless provision is made in such original certificate or articles of incorporation for assessment upon paid-up stock, no paid-up stock and no stock issued as fully paid up shall ever be assessable or assessed, and the articles of incorporation shall not be amended in this particular."James H. Kendall is president and manager; John A. Kendall, first vice-president and superintendent; Lincoln Brodt, second vice-presi-dent; W. J. Masterson, secretary and treasurer; James Vaughn, James Stark, W. L. Clemings, directors.(Tonopah Daily Bonanza, December 20th, 1913.)"WITHIN A STONE'S THROW OF THE FAMOUS HALIFAX."The Mt. Oddie United Mines Company is credited with having the best prospects of any property along the eastern horizon and, under the direction of practical miners, it is certain that the stockholders will not have any cause for complaint. Unless all signs fail, this company should come into the pay zone at a much earlier stage and with far less expense than was incurred by other companies in the same vicinity. The estate adjoins the Halifax, Mizpah Extension and Buckeye Belmont."John A. Kendall, vice-president and superintendent, arrived from Oakland this week with the intention of installing a gasoline engine, a head frame and engine house on the sight of No. 2 (Verna) shaft, which will be sunk with all possible speed to a depth that will test the region of values. The new location was selected with a view to catching the ore shoots known to exist in the Halifax and Belmont."James H. Kendall, president of the Mt. Oddie United Mines Company, is a practical mining man with 30 years' experience in California and Nevada, and John A. Kendall, vice-president and superintendent, has spent 20 years in the business in South Africa and this country. From the experience of two such men it is a foregone conclusion that their work will be done in a miner-like fashion and that nothing will be left undone to effect economy in developing the property.(Tonopah Miner, March 7th, 1914.)MT. ODDIE UNITED."The work of installing the surface equipment of the Mt. Oddie United Mines Company has now been completed and sinking of the shaft will be resumed next week."This shaft is situated on the Verna claim, adjoining the eastern end of the Halifax Tonopah."THE MT. ODDIE UNITED MINES WITH A WIDTH OF 3600 FEET ACROSS THIS VEIN SYSTEM AND 4500 FEET ALONG ITS TREND, CONSISTING OF 215 ACRES, IS FRAUGHT WITH SO MANY TREMENDOUS POSSIBILITIES, THAT NO ONE DARE CONJECTURE HOW BIG A MINE IT WILL DEVELOP, AND IT IS NO EASY MATTER CALCULATING THE FUTURE VALUE OF THE SHARES.In the Fall of 1909 Tonopah Belmont was selling at 60 cents per share. In November it was 90 cents. The discovery of the Belmont Vein was made in the latter part of December, 1909, and by February, 1910, the stock had advanced to $1.75. In May of the same year it sold at $3.75, and in September at $4.25. By January, 1911, it had advanced to $5.50, and in April to $6.00. Two months later it was selling at $6.75, and in October at $7.37 1/2. November, 1911, found sales being made at $8.25, and in February, 1912, it crossed $10.00, selling at $ 11.25 in March, 1912. The advance from 60 cents to $11.25, or from an investment of $600.00 to $11,250.00, occupying little more than two years, AND HAS PAID IN DIVIDENDS $3,750.00 ON THE INVESTMENT OF $600.00 SINCE OCTOBER 15TH, 1910.THE MT. ODDIE UNITED IS ON THE TREND OR STRIKE OF ALL THIS FLOW OF WEALTH, and the Directors of this Company are thoroughly satisfied that with the systematic, miner-like development which they propose to carry on, the MT. ODDIE UNITED will undoubtedly take its place, at a very early date, amongst the great mines of this wonderful district."The successful man is he who looks into opportunities and invests in those promising profits."For the purpose of sinking the Verna shaft to the ore bodies, this Company will authorize the sale of shares from time to time, as required, at a price fixed by the Board of Directors, subject to withdrawal at any time as development at the mine may justify.YOUR OPPORTUNITY."Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained." Respectfully, MT. ODDIE UNITED MINES COMPANY. James H. Kendall, President. W. J. Masterson, Secretary. Office:Tonopah, Nevada.(Tonopah Daily Bonanza, May 12th, 1914)TONOPAH A PHENOMENAL CAMP AND A WONDER OF THE WORLD.J. M. Fulton, general agent of the Southern Pacific for Nevada, left this morning for Reno, where he goes to continue his tour of observation to gain a better idea of industrial conditions in his district than if he remained at his headquarters. Mr. Fulton is one of the best posted authorities in the state on everything that tends to construction, and he is proud of the fact that the Nevada district is one of the most flourishing in the entire mileage of the company he represents."Nevada is the most prosperous state on the Southern Pacific, as it is enjoying an era of expansion that is truly remarkable. Every branch of business is prospering and numerous new investments are beginning to bear fruit. Of Tonopah I don't know what to say, as it is a camp of phenomenal rank and one of the most wonderful in the world. Your people down here don't seem to understand the greatness of the production and the constant development that is bringing in each day new producers. * * * Again I repeat the people here do not appreciate the magnificent storehouse of treasure that is constantly being tapped under their feet. A comprehensive glance at any other mining district of the United States and Canada of course Mexico is temporarily off the map for mining will disclose the fact that there is not another camp on the continent that can line up with Tonopah. Then I am told that the Rescue has come into ore and the Halifax has ten years' ore supply in sight to justify the construction of one of the largest mills in the camp. Now, why don't the people of Tonopah let the world know these things? The only explanation I can see is that you have grown used to sensational developments and cannot appreciate the steady progress making in all lines of business."(Editorial, Tonopah Miner, May 16, 1914.)A GREATER TONOPAH.If the unfailing indications of a growing mining camp are a greater bullion output, increasing dividends and more mines developed, then a greater Tonopah is assured for many years to come. * * * * *TONOPAH'S ANNUAL PRODUCTION.1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913.(Leasing period)$ 304,949.00 3,772,531.00 162,650.00 678,561.58 2,907,102.15 3,797,906.77 5,068,935.65 5,741,900.16 5,907,610.07 7,583,240.65 8,623,957.97 9,035,812.6610,016,968.19Total Production of Tonopah's Mines........$63,602,135.85The total payroll for Tonopah in 1913 was $3,120,000.The State of Nevada has produced $1,250,000,000 in gold and silver.The State of Nevada is now producing in gold and silver $80,000 a day.Net profits of $100,000,000 have been made in Nevada mines during the past ten years.