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from the mill, running in places well into the thousands. No deep mining has ever been done in the Red Top, and it is impossible to estimate the worth of the mine when a depth of five or six hundred feet is attained. Although the ground has never been taxed for production and practically nothing but developing work is being prosecuted, the mine is shipping rich ore constantly. The greatest depth in the workings is only 165 feet. In all, about 3,000 feet of work has been done and the working force consists of thirty men.The Jumbo, one of the pioneer mines of Goldfield, is undergoing considerable prospecting and development work. The mine is in excellent condition and as soon as the ore bodies have been blocked out and explored will be one of the greatest producers of the district. It is estimated that on the dumps and ready for the mill there is at present from 8,000 to 10,000 tons of ore which ranges in value from $10 to $70.The Jumbo was operated extensively by leasers who were very successful, taking many hundreds of thousands of dollars from the ground in a very short period of time. After the evacuation of the leasers the entire property was carefully sampled, preparatory to the commencement of the extensive operations of the company. Although this sampling was the work of experts and it was believed that the entire situation was fully known, only recently, in the open cut from which the Vermilyea leasers took over $100,000 worth of high-grade ore, the continuation of the lead was discovered and the breast now shows eighteen inches of ore which averages better than $1,000.While the Reilly holds the record for rapid production on the Florence property, the Florence lease No. 1 in the year from January 15, 1904, to January 15, 1905, shipped to the smelters $750,000 worth of rich ore. The croppings upon which the leasers began work assayed $1.65, and yet before fifty feet of depth had been attained the shaft was in shipping ore. In all, the leasers did about 2,500 feet of work in the drifts, stopes and cross-cuts and sank a shaft to the 250-foot mark. The Florence now is in better shape than at any time in its history. For the past twenty months development work has been progressing rapidly and consistently. The ore has been developed throughout the workings and the ground is actually in condition to work 200 men. As soon as the directors can agree as to the style of mill best fitted to the characteristics of the ore it is intended to install a great plant. At this time it is estimated that there is over a million dollars worth of mill rock on the dumps.Among the mines must be mentioned the St. Ives. This property is one of the coming big mines of the camp. The management is most conservative and the prevailing conditions are seldom made public. For a long time past the workings have been in high-grade shipping ore, but the company had not, for reasons of its own, shipped until within the last month. A lease operated on the St. Ives is at present shipping regularly, and has been for at least two months. The ore from here averages about $100 per ton. This mine has much the same able management which characterizes the Florence.Probably no property in the camp is being developed along such broad guage lines as the Gold Bar. This ground lies east of the Mohawk about half a mile, and is on a vein system of its own. The ground is highly mineralized and not once throughout the sinking was the rock found barren. In many places the values are sensationally high. A. great two-compartment shaft, the largest in the camp, is now 200 feet deep, entirely timbered with 8x8 square sets and equipped with a 40-horse-power electric hoist. A compressor is also in use with several Hardscog Wonder drills. These are the only machine drills of this type in the camp and they are giving great satisfaction.Among the prospects at this time one of the best is the Atlanta. While on all sides of this ground rich producing mines have been developed the depth necessary to bring shipping ore has not as yet been attained anywhere on Atlanta territory. Now, however, the company is developing largely and a number of energetic leasing combines are attacking the dirt in good style so that there is every likelihood that a mine will result at no distant date. The Atlanta Leasing Company has within the last month commenced operations on the Atlanta. Thos. H. Condon is president; C. A. Leager, vice-president; Lew Hahn, secretary and treasurer of this company; Anthony H. Heber and Jos. C. Jolliff are the other members of the directorate.CLAUDE M. SMITHCLAUDE M. SMITH, the recorder for the Goldfield District, was born at Lockeford, California, May 26, 1876. He came to Tonopah in 1902. He was one of the score of sturdy pioneers who in September, 1903, crossed the desert and located the choice claims on what is now Goldfield's "golden horseshoe." Through the instrumentality of Mr. Smith and his friends the first organization of the new Goldfield District was brought about. This was on October 20, 1903. Mr. Smith likewise took the initiative steps toward securing a postoffice for Goldfield. As a result, this office was established on December 25 of that year, with the progressive young mining man as its head. He was also Goldfield's first notary public. In 1904, as secretary of the County Republican Central Committee, he took charge of the presidential campaign of that year. Mr. Smith is heavily interested in several of the leading Goldfield mines, among them the Velvet, Potlatch and Gold Horn, and is most enthusiastic over Goldfield's future.