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Union Pacific Shop Bulletin 6


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    THE B U L L E T I Nsires to have handled with said officer at least three days prior to date meeting is held.""(e) Shop problems of Local Management.(f) Other new business.(g) Unfinished business.(h) Discussion of questions or matters in which the employes and the Management are mutually interested.""Under the latter caption it is suggested that an address be given or a paper read by one of the officers, or one of the committeemen on any subject which is of mutual interest. Not to exceed fifteen minutes to be consumed for this purpose and then to be following by not to exceed ten minutes' discussion of the subject matter thereof. It is further suggested that at each meeting the Chairman designate the one who is to prepare the address or paper for the next meeting.""The following subjects are suggested in carrying out the provisions of caption (h):"(a) Safety measures,""(b) Constructive measures that may lend a tendency to make our daily work more pleasant.""(c) Constructive measures that may lend a tendency to encourage a greater degree of confidence among employes and their supervising officers."(d) Output.(e) Efficiency.(f) Loyalty. "(g) Conservation of time and material.""(h) Relations as between the management and the association.""It is further suggested that from time to time association officers and railroad officers higher in rank than those regularly attending the Shop Council, be invited to attend and address the Council; also that prominent local citizens be occasionally invited to address the Shop Council.""10. Copies of minutes of the Shop Council will be distributed in accordance with instructions of Superintendent of Motive Power and . Machinery, except that Secretary of Council will forward copies direct to Secretary of System Board of Adjustment and to the Secretary of Lodge having jurisdiction over employes at the particular shop or point involved.""11. The minutes of the Shop Council should be read under thehead of Order of Business No. 14, "Debate Good of the Association," at first subsequent meeting of the lodge after receipt. Lodge members should discuss these minutes with a view of bringing to the attention of the Local Committeemen such matters as they believe should be the subject of further consideration at the next Shop Council.""12. Not to exceed two hours and thirty minutes are to be consumed in each Shop Council meeting. In order to assist the Council Secretary in securing necessary information in order to comply with provisions of Section 8 (h), those in attendance will fill out a slip with necessary information thereon, and hand same to Council Secretary at close of meeting.""Based on minutes of meeting, the proper supervising officer may apply corrective measures or issue such instructions from time to time as he may deem necessary and within his province.""It is to be understood that questions usually discussed at official Foremen's meetings will be handled under Section 9 (d) and that such meeting will be considered as the Foremen's meeting for that week.""By proceeding in the systematic manner hereinbefore outlined, which has developed from what one year ago was begun as an experiment on our System Lines, and which in principle has since been adopted on many other railroads, it is believed that the splendid results accruing to both the management and the employes through the whole-souled cooperation engendered thereby will be greatly enhanced; also that there will come to all of us a full significance of the fact that on the Union Pacific System Lines no man works FOR another, but that all of us from the President down through all of the official family to the employe who entered the service yesterday, work WITH each other, and further, that all of us are employed by the most humane institution on earth the Union Pacific System."From the foregoing it is plain to be seen that the Union Pacific Railroad is enlarging on a work that without question has at least been a contributing element in bringing about a better relationship and understanding between the management and all of its employes.This enlargement means added and special opportunities, to the commit-teemen and others who may and should attend, to develop in a way that has never been possible before; and for that purpose I wish to draw the attention of our readers to several of the preceding paragraphs.Paragraph 5 of the instructions states that all committeemen available on that shift shall attend and that there will be no deduction in their time for such attendance. This means an added expense to the management but is done to help cement that feeling of confidence between Management and men, that has existed for one and one-half years, and to strengthen the feeling of joint responsibility in keeping the wheels of this great institution the Union Pacific System rolling efficiently in the interest of the public.You will note that committeemen on other shifts are invited to sit in on their own time. This opportunity should be taken advantage of as far as it is physically possible to do so in as much as the individual will be benefited as well as the Association.Paragraph 7 calls for the alternation of the chairmanship of the Shop Council. Before a child can run it must first walk; and the arrangement referred to is going to be the opportunity for a man to begin walking in another line of work, that of presiding over a meeting.Paragraph 9 (d) Gives special opportunity to have an open discussion of questions in dispute that have been appealed to the highest authority at the place so as to get the best and clearest understanding possible of the vital points involved and therefore, the real merits of the case. And to the end that no time be wasted in useless discussion I will ask all of our men to STUDY and KNOW our Agreement.Paragraph 9 (h) gives exceptional opportunity to men to develop their powers of reasoning and speech, and by applying themselves to the study of some subject that is to be presented they will be benefited to an extent that is little dreamed of at present time.To my mind the chance to develop mentally and morally far exceeds in importance that of monetary advantage; though it is true that the advance in dollars and cents that accrues to the working man by collective action instead of personal ability is very appealing.Paragraph 11, is a suggestion that