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Union Pacific Shop Bulletin p8


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    8THE BULLETINCOMPENSATIONLet us try to find the underlying and correct meaning of the word compensation, or, in other words, let us try and find what we are all working for.At once the thought rises that we are working for the money that we receive every two weeks, when in reality we are all working for something more than the dollars that we find in the pay envelope. Are we not working for financial independence in our old age, for a home and freedom from care? Are we not working to better our condition and to reach the point where there will be no more layoffs, no more misunderstandings with our employers?We are, and these benefits are as much our pay as the actual cash that we receive.In past years the employee and employer were separated by a seemingly impassable gulf, but to the great surprise of all, this gulf has after all proven to be an illusion that can be overcome by the simple task of looking at the problem from the other fellows point of view.The employer of today takes a vital interest in the welfare of his employee and he is the first to realize that the home conditions of his employee are the determining factor in a great many cases as to whether the man in question will prove to be a valuable employee.When we take into consideration these facts, we find that we are all working for one of the most up-to-date organizations in the world today The Union Pacific Railroad Company.Where in any other line of work can we find the same assurances of steady employment and the same pension rights as we enjoy.When we consider that it has been one of the governing factors in the growth of the west and when we find the same interest in the employee manifested in those early days, we need no assurance that we, as a whole, are now getting and will always get a square deal. When we realize that the men who are at the head of this railroad company once upon a time received an hourly salary, the same as you and I are now receiving, we need have no fear that they will break faith with us and it is our task to once in a while, put ourselves in a position where we may be able to look at a problem from their point of view and we will all be surprised at the smallness of some of the seemingly big problems because after all is said and done, they as well as ourselves are following the slogan of "A DAY'S WORK FOR A DAY'S PAY."Isn't it strange now days when you hear of presumably intelligent men grumble about the conditions of the working man and make the assertion that our conditions have improved, but very little in 15 or 20 years? It is funny, it is nearly always a man who has been through the conditions of 20 years ago that says it. I wonder ifthey remember the dollar and dollar and twenty-five cent day, when men had to raise large families on that wage, when the father of the family was the only one who had meat through the week and as a luxury, the whole family sat down to a dinner of meat on Sunday. Also when the father had to work 10 hours for that money and work like a slave to hold his job. How about today? Large numbers own their homes, with phonographs, pianos, good furniture, and nearly every man a car. No stunting the children that "Dad" might have sufficient food so he might have strength to do his work. No made over clothes for the children, no running around bare foot when the cold weather came, like I have seen lots of children have to do, and just think there are still men so ignorant they will try to make people believe conditions have not improved.Let us all be grateful for the comforts it is our privilege to enjoy.GEO. BONDCO-OPERATIONSince the earliest dawn of history both written and traditional, the record of mortal man has been one of intolerance, persecution and barbarism, in a greater or less degree, and in a much humiliating degree do we behold this viper or iniquity at work among mankind today with no good cause or provocation whatever.From the White House, the Halls of Congress, the Judicial benches, the Lecturial platforms, the business debates, and the Lodges of Organized Labor, we read in the daily Press arguments pro and con about the antagonistic differences that exist between Capital and Labor.Many people unacquainted with facts in the case, are misled by sectarian bitterness which too often prompts these arguments, therefore, they think wrong, act wrong and eventually end wrong. Believing a thing without knowing anything about it, is today and always has been, the huge besetting sin of mankind. The great Teacher said, "You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free." It is the lack of knowing the Truth about the relation that must and does exist between Capital and Labor, that today prevents the necessary co-operation between the two that must be learned and complied with, in order to destroy the viper of intolerance that is working so much ill to mankind by the continual propaganda put out before the public by narrow minded radicals, who are misled by their own sectarian blindness and persecuting thoughts.Labor created Capital, therefore, Labor was before Capital, but the repeated efforts of Labor accomplished little without the aid of men with business talent who prompted the fruit of Labor by investing Capital in business enterprises which in turn created more work for Labor.We thus see that Capital and Labor are so cemented from the standpoint of necessity that co-operation is not only essential hut absolutely compulsory in order to build up and maintain a Nation of People who are civilized, busy, prosperous, progressive and harmonious.The American people, if you please, are competent to comprehend this pinnacle of right thought which will plant them firmly on the rock of right endeavor.Let us fill all American offices, National, State and Municipal with true blue Americans who will work to the interests of the American people as a Unit in the true spirit of co-operation and bury face down so deep they will stay buried, the vipers of antiquity, intolerance, persecution and barbarism.Let every member of the Shop Chafts Association begin now and continue to study the vital point of co-operation in the true spirit of progress and we will all be surprised how soon all Labor organizations will be co-operating with us which will eventually culminate in the most harmonious and happy people ever blessed by the smiles of Diety.Most Labor organizations are at present watching us under the impression that we are on probation. Ten years will so convince them of our efficiency that we will at that time have no serious opposition from any organization of laboring men if every one of us does our duty in right thought, speech and action.MY PLACEI think that this is the dearest old world, Just the place for a rollicking boy; With the birds and the flowers and the bright blue sky, And a heart running over with joy. As I go through life, be it short or long, I'll try to follow this plan; I'll make the world better because I am here And do all the good that I can.SAME BUSINESSCustomer: "Do you make any reduction for those in the same line of business?"Waiter: "Yes, are you a restaurant keeper?"Customer: "No I'm a burglar."TOO POLITETommy's father had been giving him lessons in politeness, but hardly dared hope that the seeds of his teaching had taken root.One day, hearing a noise coming from the nursery, he investigated, and found Tommy pounding his little brother."I'm surprised, Tommy," said his father sternly, "that you should hurt your little brother. Don't you know that it is very cowardly to strike one who is smaller than yourself?""Yes," replied the culprit meekly, "but when you spanked me yesterday I was too polite to mention it."