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Union Pacific Shop Bulletin p1


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    A DAY'S WORK for A DAY'S PAYCO-OPERATION PERFECT UNION THE SHOP EMPLOYES ASSOCIATION UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM BULLETINVol. ISALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, JUNE 30, 1923No. 6WORKER'S "BILL OF RIGHTS"The nation has been watching for a bill of rights, for a worker's bill of rights a common sense platform that could be generally accepted by industry.J. D. Rockefeller, Jr., he of the name that has heretofore characterized capitalism in the mind of the worker, has submitted a program to Babson Institute, in hope that it will be adopted by industrial executives everywhere. As you read it, you can understand why this junior Rockefeller has been recognized in the financial world as an unusual power, and has been noted among those who know him personally for his unusual vision and fairness.By John D. Rockefeller, Jr.1. "I believe that labor and capital are partners, not enemies, that their interests are common, not opposed, and that neither can attain the fullest measure of prosperity at the expense of the other, but only in association with the other."I am for an eight hour day and a six day week. Any schedule requiring longer hours and which does not provide for one day in seven in which the worker can rest and recuperate, is unsound, uneconomic and unjustifiable. In such industries as must of necessity operate continuously, night and day, 365 days in the year, schedules must be arranged so that the worker has an eight hour day and a six day week or its equivalent."I am for this because I feel that a good many of the industrial disputes of the past have arisen from the fact that employers under stress of circumstances and competition have broken away from this basic fact that man is human being first, and an industrial worker afterward. The adoption of the eight hour day inthe general industrial field will tend to increase efficiency and will bring the less scrupulous and less enlightened elements of competition into line.2. "I believe that the community is an essential party to industry and that it should have adequate representation with the other parties.3. "I believe that the purpose of industry is quite as much to advance social well being as material prosperity; that, in the pursuit of that purpose, the interests of the community should be carefully considered, the well being of employes fully guarded, management adequately recognized and that failure of any of these particulars means loss to all four parties.4. "I believe that every man is entitled to an opportunity to earn a living, to fair wages, to reasonable hours of work and proper working conditions, to a decent home, to the opportunity to play, to learn, to worship and to love as well as to toil and the responsibility rests as heavily upon industry as upon government or society, to see that these conditions and opportunities prevail."Every worker has a right to comfortable living conditions. As a fellow human being, the worker is entitled to health, comfort and contentment. Wage scales should be measured in these items and not in dollars."This is no plea for paternalism. Personally, I dislike even the word. These elements of health and [happiness] must be provided not through chance generosity nor paid welfare schemes, but they must be adopted in the spirit of fair play; in the spirit of common sense. I am sure that any added burden that may tem-porarily appear upon the adoption of such a policy will be taken care of in increased production and the elimination of waste through carelessness and lack of interest.5. "I believe that diligence, initiative and efficiency, wherever found should be encouraged and adequately rewarded, and that indolence, indifference and restriction of production should be discountenanced.6. "I believe that the provision of adequate means of uncovering complaints and promptly adjusting them, is of fundamental importance to the successful conduct of industry."I am for employe representation. Every shop, every factory, every large organization in the country should have a committee of workers who can appear before the directing head of that business and voice any complaint which their constituents may have, without the possibility of suffering personally because of the criticism or complaint. In fact, if I had my way the workers would be represented officially upon the board of directors. I do not believe that there should be any discrimination upon the part of either management or workers because of any man's affiliation with a society, fraternity, or union. Any organization or arrangement which tends to improve working conditions is justifiable and should be encouraged as long as it does not hinder the rights of another group.7. "I believe that the most potent measure in bringing about industrial harmony and prosperity is adequate representation of the parties in interest; that existing forms of representation should be carefully studied and availed of in so far as they may be found to have merit and are adaptable to