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Union Pacific Shop Bulletin p6


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    THEBULLETINing our midnight Thanksgiving Dinner with the crew from the third shift at the round house, all of whom had been released in order that they might come to the Club House and enjoy the festivities to the extent of a splendid turkey dinner.The entertainment had begun at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon and was just at its height when we arrived. Dancing had been in progress all the afternoon and continued until we had to bid them all a fond good-bye at 2:00 o'clock A. M. when we left on train No. 21. Hoping to be with you again on next Thanksgiving, The Editor.LA GRANDESay, Man! Were you at the last meeting of the Shop Employes Association at La Grande? No? Well, say, you missed a bunch of pep and some good time. What did they do Aw! Keep still and give a fellow a chance to get his wind, and be there next time.Well of course there was the usual round of business such as bills presented and ordered paid, reports of committees, new business, unfinished business and all that goes to make up a live and otherwise active organization such as ours is.Then some one asked about when the next social was to be, and some one else said, "when we get a place to have it in." Then General Foreman Perry stated that he had in some way lined up the Rex Hall and that we could have it next Friday evening and you may guess that the boys began to show signs of life.The Entertainment Committee pinched themselves and began asking questions, also doing some planning for that good time to be had.There was a round of thanks extended to Mr. Perry for getting the hall to which he responded by saying in part that he felt that all the foremen were trying to treat the men as they felt that their fellowman should be treated; like they wanted to be treated.In La Grande there is a trend of cooperation between foremen and men and it is returned in a far greater degree than was the case under the old organization of the past.The question was asked where this organization came from? Who start-ed it and why? All the writer could say was that doubtless that would be explained in an early issue of our paper.The question was asked, is the Lodge going to make all employed become members? Maybe the editor can give you a tip along that line, brother.After the meeting adjourned, Don Smith and John Bunting staged a bout of wrestling in which Bunting showed up strong for not having done much along that line. Smith has had more or less experience in that kind of sport and showed that he knew what he was about. Next came Carl Cook vs. Orval O'Neil, which ended in a draw.Speaking of socials, good times and things of that kind, I feel safe in saying that he who is not there will be missing something that takes the frowns off your forehead and puts a smile on the lips. And boys, when we miss our regular meetings for anything but work or illness it looks like we want to "let George do it" and that we don't care who George is, either. If we are going to live up to our motto we will be at all meetings as nearly on time as possible and hit the ball while there. We have a big job before us and that is to be square with all men on the job and off the job and criticize none.JUNCTION CITYTalk about pep, what we lack in knowledge we make up in enthusaism. This Lodge is quite a promising sort of chick and some day you'll find it a full grown and full blooded cockerel. We went "over the top" with flying colors and had every employee signed up on December 7th, 1922, and all new men up to date are either full paid members or have made application for same.On December 8th Mr. Connor, from Mr. Fuller's office, Mr. Abercrombie, special representative of the General Manager, and Mr. Ohm, Chairman of the General Craft Committee, were here in the interests of the Association, meeting with all the local committeemen and officers.About the first thing that caught their attention was a large circular metal sign, which hung from a girder overhead, with the emblem of the Association painted in red, white, blue and black colors. Just below the sign hung a metal plate which read 100%.They congratulated the Committees and Officers for their good work.On December 14th Junction City Lodge No. 13 gave a banquet to its members, to celebrate their 100% membership and invited as guests some of the Officials of the road, the Mayor and City Commissioners, and several of the local business men, having especially a representative from the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Clubs. It sure was a boost for the Association locally and was an eye opener to many of the men present, as to how well the shops were doing and with what cooperation the railroad and men were working together. After being served with a two course dinner, Mr. Abercrombie spoke on "The New Organization and It's Purpose," which was both interesting and instructive. He was followed by Mr. J. L. Chandley and Mr. W. T. Beery, who spoke of their appreciation and approved of what the boys had accomplished. Mr. David Mitchell, General Craft Chairman of Union Pacific Unit then gave a most interesting talk, telling from experience the difference between this organization and many others, to which he had belonged, and as he has been in the employ of the Union Pacific Railroad for fifty four years, he had a mental store of notes from which he related this experience, that were not only worthy of thought but created a lasting impression upon those that heard him. The Mayor of the city, the President of the Rotary Club and several others made a comment upon the principles of our Association-and how surprised and pleased they were to know that such a plan existed. They especially mentioned our "Slogan" as a significant point in one of the greatest problems of the age.Sandwitched in between talks was some real fun and music by Junction City's most famous quartette, Cope-land, Durand, Kerr and Morris. Mr. Lawrence Morris, Local Attorney for the Union Pacific was toastmaster and helped to keep the fun ball rolling.OGDENOn Thursday, January 18th., 1923, Ogden Lodge No. 5 gave an entertainment for the members and their friends which was a decided success.Ogden Lodge is composed of employes of the Ogden Union Railway and Depot Company only, and deserves much credit for the fine program