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Union Pacific Shop Bulletin p 2


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    2THE BULLETIN"WHO OWNS THE UNION PACIFIC?""Aw G'wan, what's the difference, those rich fellows back east will never miss it."How many of us working for large corporations realize the millions of dollars worth of time and material lost beyond returning on account of a like attitude as above. Not particularly a malicious feeling but more a lack of information and understanding that we should think that "rich" owners would never miss an hour's time or a few cents worth of material.For one the Union Pacific is giving both us and the public information as to where the profits, if any, go, and showing a small army of people to be the owners of the system, and according to pro-rata of stockholdings, many are far from rich. But at that, say as small as 25 cents worth of time and 25 cents worth of material is wasted each day by 10,000 men, the loss in the shops on the system, would mean $5,000.00 per day or $1,500,000, per working year, no little sum tacked on extra, to operating expenses. However, take another phase, another view point of this age old problem of attitude of employees toward the company they work for. We'll suppose for arguments sake, that our employers are liars, and gougers, and their reports are a fake, and if we saved them a million or two per year that we would never see any of it, that the owners are all rich and can stand numerous leaks of cash, labor and material.Even with all this, if we think for a moment we are doing ourselves an injustice, giving, each other the worst of it, if we lose time and material, though such can be afforded by the owners.The reason is that it is not the President or the big stockholder or the little one, who gets the effect, it is the man by the side of us, on the same floor, or in the same department or in other departments corelated because all organizations that live up to that name operate on, as a rule, a pre-arranged schedule, though not so elaborate and refined always as Ford's plants, still along a line of continuous action, each operation merging into the next and each man has his job and each foreman has his job in turn, in responsibility for results, submit to his superintendent and so on up to the responsible head of the concern.Admitted, this is all simple fact which we know. The point is that when a man carelessly or through wrong attitude sluffs time or wrecks or loses material it not only makes a bad showing for him to his immediate superior but slows down results for his partner in the operation for the men in the department ahead, forcing them to a poor showing with no reaction on their foreman to make good to his superior.Since many men are made foremen, it is possible for them while workmen to so conduct themselves that their new job can be handled with less griefand better understanding for all concerned.Like many believe, that our heaven and hell is here on earth as we live it, somewhat so are our rewards and penalties in our work, and not several thousand miles away or distant future, or for or against somewhat imaginary personages.But with all said, we are gratified and thankful that a better understanding is growing fast between employee and employer throughout the country, and employers are coming to appreciate the man or woman who does the rough routine work for a fixed price, in mere cash, thereby giving him time to do the thinking and explaining.Editor's Note. The above article was contributed by a helper in the back shop at Pocatello. Let's hear from some more of you fellows as to what you have in your minds.SPIRIT OF OUR ASSOCIATIONLas Vegas, Nev., August 14th, 1923. Mr. R. J. Putnam,Editor, The Bulletin, Dear Sir:Your letter received a few days ago inquiring as to who won the prize I was awarding to the one that was the most punctual in attending the lodge meetings. Wm. Moffat, was never late or missed a meeting, being 100 per cent. Mr. W. F. Stone and Chas. Hemphill never missed a meeting and was late once. Mr. Moffatt received a $5.00 gold piece in a solid gold band. Mr. Stone and Mr. Hemphill, received $2.50 each for their effort.Will state that the Blacksmith Shop Committee, has never had occasion to go beyond my office on any complaint. We have been able to settle all difficulties that have arisen in the shop and that has been very few. We are working in the blacksmith shop as one big family. I find that by cooperating with the men they will cooperate with me and instead of them working for me they are working with me and all for one purpose to live and let live, and "A Days Work for A Days Pay." The Union Pacific Railroad wants the employees to get fair treatment and the benefit of every thing the agreement calls for and I, as a supervisor, am expected to live according to same, and I find by doing so we have no trouble in obtaining results, and after being a member of the old organization for 17 years and this one for 11 months, this association without a doubt is now, and is going to be, the best plan ever adopted for both the employer and employee, for it is, "you help me and I will help you."I have a fine bunch of men under my supervision; and there is not one that I would not fight for to see that they get what is due them.With my best wishes to the members of the Association and its System Officers, I remain,Yours truly,J. W. ILER, Blacksmith Foreman.ARE YOU PREPARED?By Edgar A. Guest.There's going to be a vacancy aboveyou later on. Some day you'll find a foreman orsuperintendent gone. And are you growing big enough,When this shall be the case, To quit the post you're holding nowand step into his place?You do the work you have to dowith ease from day to day, But are you getting ready todeserve the larger pay? If there should come a vacancywith bigger tasks to do, Could you step in and fill the placeif it were offered you?Tomorrow's not so far away, nor isthe goal you seek, Today you should be training for thework you'll do next week. The bigger job is just ahead, eachday new changes bring Suppose that post were vacant now,could you take charge of things?It's not enough to know enoughto hold your place today, It's not enough to do enoughto earn your weekly pay: Some day there'll be a vacancywith greater tasks to do Will you be ready for the placewhen it shall fall to you? From Railway Educational Eeview.A HINT TO COMMITTEEMENWhen in doubt as to the application of the agreement or the proper method of handling a case which has been presented to you by a member of the Association, it is your duty to correspond with your General Craft Chairman or your Unit General Secretary-Treasurer, who will give you the necessary instructions to set you right and instruct you as to the proper method to pursue in the handling of the case.The address of all General Craft Chairmen and other unit officers can be obtained from your local lodge Secretary.DISTRIBUTION OF AGREEMENTSThe management of the Union Pacific System Lines have had printed in booklet form and forwarded to each shop or point where members of the Association are employed a sufficient supply of the revised agreement effective September 1st, 1923, to furnish a copy of the booklet to every member of the association.These booklets will be given out to the members by the local supervising officer of the railroad company. If you are not already supplied, ask your foreman for one as you are entitled to it in order that you may know all of the conditions of the your employment.Please remember these booklets are the property of the railroad company and are to be returned upon request in case you should leave the service.