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C. A. Earle Rinker letter to his family, October 31, 1906, page 1


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University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

MACMASTER & MACMASTER MINING STOCK BROKERS P.O. BOX 1063 GOLDFIELD, NEV. 9 00 P.M. Oct. 31, 1906 Dear Folkses:- I have just finished work and thought I would write a line or two before I started for the room. The partner I traveled with on the train went on to San Francisco. I got acquainted with a man on the train by the name of Dr. Brubaker of Iowa, who was going to Golafield. He stopped over in Salt lake for a couple of days and I came on to Goldfield. As soon as he arrived he hunted me up and we have been rooming together. He is a pretty good sort of a fellow. Has plenty of dough and has made several good investments in the Goldfield District. He is about the size of Hick. Maybe not as tall. He will be with me for a couple of weeks, when he is going on to California and then back home. I have been feeling first rate. Get a little cold once in a while but am trying to take care of myself. I am sending you a paper. It gives a little account of a shooting scrape that took place this afternoon. I saw the whole picnic. The man that was shot was supposed to be hit with nothing but buck-shot but I have just heard that he was hit with bullets and is in a bad shape at this time. He did walk away,as the paper states, but guess he won't walk any more. I did not have much of an appetite for Dinner. They have breakfast at about 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning at this Camp and you get dinner from 4;00 to 6:30 in the afternoon. It was a little strange to get used to at first but I like to eat this way now. Then you get lunch about 10.00 at night. I go to work at 9:00 in the forenoon and work until about 5:00min in the afternoon when I go to dinner. Well they are going to close the office now and I will finish this at my room. Guess it was a false alarm about closing the office so I will finish here. I like the work and they are treating me fine. I work a couple of hours after dinner, say from 7:00 to 9;00. I average about 8 l/2 hours per day. I always go out and take a little look around about 1:00 noon. They do not advertise here about the number of people that have the Neumonia. That is the main desease here but the general death rate here is very low in proportion to the population. This place will average about three or four deaths from Neumonia per day and three or four per week from cold lead. Now don't you fellows get scared over this news especially about taking Neumonia,as I am taking extra good care of myself. Nearly all the cases are where the fellows took no care of themselves at all. I have been writing several of the people there about the Rochester-Goldfield Mining Co. They just made another strike this afternoon and the people here in the office are almost crazy over it. They are backing the Company. I hope some of the people there will get in on this proposition as I believe it is a stock that will go up fast.