Archival objects in this container: Daghestani, A. N. Impotence Associated with Compulsive Gambling, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 48(3), 1987 Haberman, Paul W. . Drinking and Other Self-Indulgences: Complements or Counter-Attractions, International Journal of the Addictions 4(2), 1969 June Painton, Priscilla. Boardwalk of Broken Dreams, Time, 1989 September 25 Hall, H. $2 Billion a Year Charity Bingo Game Market, The Chronicle of Philanthropy 1(13), 1989 April 18 Carlton, P. L. Attention Deficit Disorder and Pathological Gambling, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 1987 Davidson, Michael J. Aces Over Eights' - Pathological Gambling as a Criminal Defense, The Army Lawyer, 1989 November Saperstein, Saundra. Compulsive gamblers find new treatment, Las Vegas Review-Journal, 1979 December 02 Keinan, Giora. Measurement of Risk Takers' Personality,, 1984 August Mallowe, Mike. The Mob Moves in on Atlantic City, Philadelphia Magazine 68(6), 1977 May Deboer, Larry. Administrative Costs of State Lotteries, National Tax Journal 38(4), 1990 December Halpern, Andrea R. and Scott D. Devereaux. Lucky Numbers: Choice Strategies in the Pennslyvania Daily Number Game, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27(2), 1898 March Wagner, Grace. Raising the Stakes in Casino Gaming, Lodging Hospitality 47(4), 1991 April Zubrow, Reuben A. Taxation of legalized gambling in Nevada, National Tax Journal 15(1), 1962 March Barron, James. Gambling in America: Has the Growth of Legal Gambling Made Society the Loser in the Long Run?, New York Times Magazine, 1989 May 31 Wagner, L. Racing and Lotteries, State Government News, 1989 July Glen, Alida. For eight million U.S. gambling junkies, People Weekly 4(9), 1975 September 01 Keren, G. Chance and Skill in Gambling: a Search for Distinctive Features, Social Behaviour 3(3), 1988 Gold, S. Lotteries: Still Small Change, State Legislatures, 1989 July Tigner, Steven S. Charles Dickens in and About Magic: A preliminary sketch, Journal of Magic History, 1979 Church, George J. Why Pick on Pete?, Time 134(2), 1989 July 10 Clotfelter, Charles T. and Philip J. Cook. Redefining 'Success' in the State Lottery Business, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 9(1), 1990 Powell, Barbara. New Era of Riverboat Gambling, Federal Bar News & Journal, 1989 October Ashbaugh, Don. Game for gaming: Smitty still practicing system, Las Vegas Review-Journal, 1960 December 25 Knapp, Elaine S. More States Look to Lottery Profits, State Government News, 1985 August Gormly, John. Correspondence Between Personality Trait Raings and Behavioral Events, Journal of Personality 52(3), 1984 September Load More