Archival objects in this container: Unknown author. A Californian Gambling-House, Chamber's Journal, 1859 May Bagley, Rear Admiral David H. Income from slot machines.of great importance, Club Executive, 1971 April Haft, Marilyn. Hustling for rights, Civil Liberties Review 1(2), 1974 Palmer, William R. Utah indians past and present, Utah Historical Quarterly 1(2), 1928 Baldwin, Roger R. The optimum stratey in Blackjack, Journal of the American Statistical Association 51(275), 1956 Ball, Donald W. The scaling of gaming: skill, strategy, and chance, Pacific Sociological Review 15(3), 1972 Zender, Karl F. A hand of poker: game and ritual in Faulkner's "Was", Studies in Short Fiction 11(1), 1974 Cannon, Ramena Wilcox. Aunt Hannah Sharp and the Muddy Mission, Relief Society Magazine 13(10), 1926 October Cantwell, Robert. Run, rabbit, run, Sports Illustrated 39(9), 1973 August 27 Vlek, Charles, A. J. The fair betting game as an admissible procedure for assessment of subjective probabilities, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 26(1), 1973 Ziemer, Bob. County turns down punchboards, pulltabs, The Columbian, 1973 November 20 Thomas, W. I. The gaming instinct, American Journal of Sociology, 1901 Barker, J. C. and Miller, M. E. Aversion therapy for compulsive gambling, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1968 Kellogg, Rick. Vancouver has been bitten by gambling bug, The Columbian, 1973 April 15 Hamblin, Jacob. Early days in "Utah's Dixie", Utah Historical Quarterly 5(4), 1932 Zolotow, Maurice. Scourge of the sharpers: J. Scarne's one-man expose, Saturday Evening Post 216(38), 1944 March 18 Alter, Harry F. Never Give the Desert a First Chance, Westerner, 1971 December Thomsen, Dietrick E. Beating the game, Science News, 1975 March 22 Delbeke, Luc. An empirical test for Fishburn's additivity axiom, Acta Psychologica, 1974 Thorner, Isidor. Ascetic protestantism, gambling, and the one-price system, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 1955 Bauer, Richard H. Betting Behavior in Sexually Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Groups, Psychological Reports, 1974 Casson, F. R. C. The Gamblers, Mental Health, 1969 Unknown author. Bettor, can you spare a dime?, Editorial Research Reports, 1970 January 14 Waldman, Diana. Holes without history, Art News 70(3), 1971 Thorp, Edward. Favorable strategy for twenty-one, National Academy of Science, 1961 Load More