Archival objects in this container: Zachs, Richard. Lady lucky: Wendeen Eolis plays poker as well as the big boys., Manhattan, Inc., 1990 May Taylor, Frank. Along the road - Las Vegas to Reno, Los Angeles Times, 1972 January 23 Parish, Townsend. Las Vegas, a glitter guide to California's fabulous Eastside, PSA's California Magazine 12(6), 1977 June Ventura, Michael. Las Vegas: The Odds on Anything, LA WEEKLY 12(9), 1990 February Pastier, John. The architecture of escapism: Disney World and Las Vegas, AIA Journal, 1978 December Adde, Nick. Brenda, an Air Force NCO, is a compulsive gambler. She is not alone., Army Times, 1989 December 18 Adler, Dick. Hard Times (in Vegas Too), Los Angeles Times, 1971 March 07 Maisel, Albert Q. Should Gambling be Legalized in your Town?, Ladies Home Companion, 1950 October Vincent, Bill. Of history and our hospitals: Southern Nevada Memorial Hospital grew out of the county poor farm, Nevadan, 1971 October 31 Barclay, Scott and Beach, Lee Roy. Combinatorial Properties of Personal Probabilities, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 8(1), 1972 August Thompson, Malcolm. To Tame a Giant: A Collection of Historic Hoover Dam Photographs, Nevada Highways and Parks 29(4), 1969 Carter, Sharon. I was a compulsive gambler, Cosmopolitan 186(5), 1979 May Unknown author. Beating the System in Las Vegas, Consumer Electorate Show Daily, approximately 1900 to 1999 Amaral, Anthony. Pelican Island, Nevada Highways and Parks 29(4), 1969 Gilbert, Ane. Collecting the Jackpot, TWA Ambassador, 1990 July American Express Company. Great Casinos of North America, The American Express, 1979 January Kennedy, Ray. The Odds Couple, Sports Illustrated, 1979 Thorp, Edward. A Computer Assisted Study of Fo on M x N Boards, Information Sciences 4(1), 1972 January Beach, Lee Roy. A note on the Intrasubject Similarity of Subjective Probabilities Obtained by Estimate and by Bets, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 11(2), 1974 April Beach, Lee Roy. Accuracy and Consistency in the Revision of Subjective Probabilities, IEEE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics 7(1), 1966 March Beach, Lee Roy. Instructions About Randomness and Run Dependency in Two-Choice Learning, Journal of Experimental Psychology 75(2), 1967 Thorp, Edward. Solution of a Poker Variant, Information Sciences 2(3), 1970 July Beach, Lee Roy. Probability Learning: Response Proportions and Verbal Estimate, Journal of Experimental Psychology 86(2), 1970 Estrin, Eric. Mister Lucky Goes to Vegas, Republic, 1984 October Beach, Lee Roy. Probability Magnitudes and Conservative Revision of Subjective Probabilities, Journal of Experimental Psychology 77(1), 1968 Load More