Archival objects in this container: Correspondence: medical and personal, approximately 1950 to 1974 Danish families: general medical information, 1966 Correspondence: personal, approximately 1950 to 1974 Correspondence: personal, "F, H, L, and W", approximately 1950 to 1969 Correspondence: medical book, approximately 1950 to 1970 Correspondence and articles: raising Nutria, approximately 1950 to 1970 Correspondence: Young, J. Will, approximately 1950 to 1969 Medical articles, approximately 1940 to 1970 Dr. Julius Jensen: personal documents, 1966 Medical articles and correspondence with Kai Petersen, approximately 1950 to 1969 Church Foundation: personal articles, approximately 1950 to 1970 Hall, Helge, Hans og Grete and Null Erten, illustrated books, approximately 1950 to 1969 Danish aerogram: Fader, approximately 1940 to 1970 Encyclopedia Britannica, volume "E", 1954 European trips: information, 1956 Julius Jensen: personal purchases, approximately 1950 to 1970 First National Bank: personal files, approximately 1961 to 1969 Goodbody & Company: personal files, approximately 1965 to 1970 Julius Jensen: general business documents, approximately 1960 to 1970 G. D. Searle & Company: investment information, approximately 1950 to 1970 Tower Grove: insurance information, 1954