Archival objects in this container: Spalding Hotel, North Western Hotel Men's Association 11th Annual Convention Banquet, menu, 1913 August 20 The New St. Louis Hotel, H.M.M.B.A. Complimentary Luncheon, mneu, 1912 July 09 Spalding Hotel, H.M.M.B.A. Complimentary Dinner, menu, 1912 July 08 Hotel Radisson, H.M.M.B.A. Luncheon, menu, 1912 July 08 West Hotel, 3rd Anniversary of the Opening of the West HOtel, menu, 1887 July 21 Northwestern Hotel Assoication 22nd Annual Convention Banquet, menu, 1924 October 10 The Aberdeen, menu, 1898 November 24 A-C, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990 D-F, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990 H, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990 I-L, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990 M, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990 P-R, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990 S, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990 T-Z, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990