Archival objects in this container: Adams Hotel, Second Annual Convention Rocky Mountain's Hotel Men's Association, banquet menu, 1901 November 05 Hotel Main, New Year, menu, 1901 A-U, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990 The Albany Hotel, Complimentary Dinner, menu, 1908 May 02 The Broadmoor, The Broadmoor Special Dinner, menu, 1920 September 09 H.C. Brown Palace Hotel, Hotel Men's Mutual Benefit Association, menu, 1894 May 08 Hotel Metropole, Thanksgiving 1911, menu, 1911 Monte Christo Hotel, Thanksgiving, menu, approximately 1900 to 1930 B-E, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990 F-H, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990 H, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990 N-O, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990 N, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990 P-Q, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990 R, menus, approximately 1961 to 1990 S, menus, approximately 1931 to 1990 T, menus, approximately 1961 to 2010 U-Z, menus, approximately 1961 to 2010